of Reviews and Abstracts Selected Abstracts
OraJ Method of Desensitisation Toward Certain Foods. Vienna Correspondent,
J. A. M. A. 95: 214, 1930.
Alimentary idiosyncracy as the cause of dermatoscs is discussed. IXsgnosis by means of the nut,rition test is describrd. Protein containing foods a,rc withheld from the patient, and later vegetables and fruits are withheld. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the skin symptoms diminish. By a process of elimination of the individual proteins, the offending substance is discovered. Ti:xclusion of this food from the diet may be employed as therapy, but this means is not often practical. Hence, desensitization is employed, or the patient may bc protected by specific peptones. This latter method is urged. Minimal doses of the anaphylactic substance concerned (specific pcptoncs are put up in packages so that the allergen may bc discorcred in a short time. The peptones are highly specific, egg peptone protecting only against egg, milk peptonc against milk, etc.) are ingcstcd orally an hour before the meal that induces the anaphylaxis. Such trcatmcnt, if continued, may provide permanent protection and has the added value over the subcutaneous or intracutaneous method, in that it, requires no special technical knowledge and can do no harm.
Oriel, G. H., and Barber, H. W.: A Proteosein the Urine. Lancet 219: 231, 1930. Urine from cases of allergic and febrile diseases was collected, acidified with sulphuric acid and shaken with one-fifth of its volume of ether. The ethereal layer was then treat,cd with an equal volume of alcohol and the precipitate allowed to settle. The chemical properties of this precipitate were found to be complex and apparently t,o belong to the group of the proteoses. Experiments were performed to obtain quantitative figures of the amount, of this protcose present in the normal individual and in patients suffering from various conditions of ill health. It was found to be present in small a,mounts in the urine of normal persons but in relatively large amounts in the urine of acute and chronic microbial infections and in allergic st,ates. Tables are given. The urinary findings arc given in detail in a case of serum sickness brought on by an injection of antidiphtheria serum following previous injections The proteose isolated from the urine of this of antitetanus serum. case was put up in various dilutions for skin testing. One-tenth cc. 130