Orbits of space rockets in the direction of the moon

Orbits of space rockets in the direction of the moon

ABSTRACTS *Yu. G. SHAFER and A. V. YARYGIN: cosmic rays on geophysical rockets Mexurement of I. S. SHKLOVSKII: The artificial comet as a method ...

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cosmic rays on geophysical rockets



I. S.

SHKLOVSKII: The artificial comet as a method of optical observation of space rockets (pp. 195-204).

(pp. 184-194).

In 1958 measurements of the global intensity of cosmic rays were clrried out by means of identical Geiger counters and an ionisation chamber Installed on a geophysical ro:ker. for the purpose of studying cosmic-ray (nteajitres up to 203 km. Halogen counters were employed, with dimenstons IS x 150 mm and steel-wall thickness 0.1 mm. The instrument was aligned along the ;LYISof the ro:ket. Tabulated data show the relationship of global cosmrc-ray intensity to altttude. ranging from 6 km to 207 km, corresponding to a particle intensity of 0.21 partrclec cm’ zec to 1.40 particles/cm” sec. Secondary particles account for some 20 per cent of the total. A determinatton was made of the mean specific ionisation of prmiary particles in 1 cm3 argon at normal pressure, exceeding the mean tonisatlon of charged relativistic parttcles In the ratio of 1.8. The measured specific lonisation through a l-cm path m argon at normal pressure was 189.1-8.2 cm-l. The results also confirm the high level of reliability of the tonisation chamber and ele:tronlc units together with their insensitivity to supplyvoltage variations within 20 per cent.


Astronomical observations of space rockets, even at lunar distances, is possible, If at all, only on a very few special telescopes. Methods for improving visibility mclude the balloon, which is extended pneumattcally to 30 to 50m diameter. This, however does not provide anythmg like the necessary increase in visibility. A bright source of light momentarily switched on 1s also ruled out because of the high energies necessary. The natural phenomenon displayed by the comet is drawn on to provide a solution based on the resonant scattering of solar light by various molecules (C,,. OH, CN. etc.) and atoms (Na). Illumination of the-gaseous tatls of comets is also explained by scattering of the solar radiation by CO+ and N: molecules. Calculation of the total quantity of molecules corresponding to illum;natlon of the head and tail of a comet can be readily accomplished. A study of the efficacity of dust emanations yields the conclusion that the former method is less effective than sodium or lithium. The monochromatic radiation is also an advantage, permitting the use of light filters for enhancing clarity. The only advantage of the dust comet is Its longer duration.

No. 5 (19W *L. 1. SEDOV

: Orbits of space rockets in the direction of the

(pp. 3-15). The text of a survey presented to the annual meeting of the American Rocket Society in November 1959 provides information relating to the three Soviet space rockets. The most suitable angle of inclination of the plane of the first section of the orbit to the equatorial plane was determined at 65 . The most favourable conditions of observation from the U.S.S.R. require a flight time from the earth to the moon in the order of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 days. Trajectory characteristics are set out for establishing the influence of initial parameters on the trajectory. The most suitable trajectory takes a path approaching the moon to a distance of 5,000-20,000 km, when the lunar attraction results in a trajectory which returns the object towards the earth to follow a satellite path with an Initial perigee around 40,000 km and an apogee of 500,033 km, the return towards earth occurrmg in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere. Factual data of the three Soviet space rockets are set out. In the case of the third space rocket, favourable photographic conditions were achieved from the standpoint of illumination of the invisible face of the moon, two-thirds of which was photographed. Direct lighting of the surface was a disadvantage due to the absence of shadow from surface irregularities. Three specimen photographs are shown. Two of these are from originals, treated for radio-interference, whilst the third represents the first attempt at a composite photograph. The exercise is viewed from the standpomt of a new method in modern experimental astronomy. moon




ments on the second space rocket

Magnetic measure(pp. 16-23).

The measurements were aimed at examining the evtstence of a dipolar magnetic field on the moon, and collecting data concerning the upper corpuscular zone (radiation belt) of the earth, following on the earlier information obtained from the first space rocket. The problems are important in elucidating the earth’s magnetism and the magnetism of cosmic bodies, in addition to clarifying magnetic disturbances and thetr relationship with solar activity, polar lights and cosmic rays. The dimensrons of the upper zone, the radiation intensity and the distance of the zone of maximum radtation from the earth vary in relationship to magnetic storms and polar hghts, indicating that the upper corpuscular zone is formed by solar corpuscles, detained by the magnetic field. Tabulated data illustrate the relationshtps. It seems also that the upper corpuscular zone forms a separate intermedtate reservoir of solar COrPusCles, which is replenished durmg magnetic disturbances and is gradually exhausted between disturbances. This may explain why polar lights are observed daily and not only Magnetomete when magnetic dtsturbances occur. readings near the moon point to the absence of a lunar magnetic field. Calculations show a maximum possible magnetic field strength at the moon’s surface of one four-hundredth that at the earth’s surface.