Organic phosphorus and carbon in marine sediments

Organic phosphorus and carbon in marine sediments

OLR (1987) 34 (12) C. Chemical Oceanography 1039 Dept. of Liberal Sci., Aichi Gakuin Univ., Iwasaki, Nisshin-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi 470-01, Japan. ...

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OLR (1987) 34 (12)

C. Chemical Oceanography


Dept. of Liberal Sci., Aichi Gakuin Univ., Iwasaki, Nisshin-cho, Aichi-gun, Aichi 470-01, Japan.

Zool., Univ. of Transkei, P. Bag X5092, Umtata, Transkei, South Africa.

87:6806 Prahl, F.G. and L.A. Pinto, 1987. A geochemical study of long-drain n-aldehydes in Washington coastal sedin~nts. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta, 51(6): 1573-1582.

87:6809 Mach, D.L., Armando Ramirez and H.D. Holland, 1987. Orgonic phosphorus and carbon In marine sedintents. Am. J. Sci., 287(5):429-441.

A series of n-aldehydes, C20 to C32, with strong even-to-odd carbon preference was identified in the mixture of solvent extractable lipids, and a limited survey of the lipid composition of surface waxes of foliage and cuticular waxes of pollen from plant species indigenous to the Pacific Northwest revealed similar series of n-aldehydes are intrinsic to regional vegetation. Plant debris discharged at the mouth of the Columbia River is a source of the n-aldehyde series accumulating in sediments. Evidence suggests n-aldehydes are largely introduced erosionally to this region and not formed in-situ in the coastal sediments, but further study is warranted to establish the postdepositional stability relative to other lipids of higher plantwax origin. Coll. of Oceanogr., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. 87:6807 Servais, Pierre, Gilles B/lien and M.-C. Hascoet, 1987. Determination of the biodegradable fraction of dissolved organic matter in waters. Wat. Res., 21(4) :445-450.

Two bioassay procedures are proposed for determining biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) in waters; both involve sterile filtration of the sample, reinoculation with a natural assemblage of bacteria from the same origin, and incubation _>10 days in the dark at 20°C. In the first, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is followed, until a plateau is reached and the difference between initial and final DOC is taken as a measure of BDOC. In the second, bacterial biomass and mortality rate are followed and the integrated flux of mortality during the incubation period is calculated and divided by the growth yield to give an estimate of BDOC. Both procedures provide similar results. Groupe de Microbiol. des Milieux Aquatiques, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, 50, ave. Franklin D. Roosevelt, B-1050 BruxeUes, Belgium.

C140. Nutrients 87:6808 Emmerson, W.D. and T. Erasmus, 1987. The nmrlent status of the Kromme River Estuary, South Mrica. Hydrobiologia, 148:87-96. Dept. of

The best fit of the presently available data for the P,,rg and Corg content of modern marine sediments shows a linear relationship, contrary to the arguments of others that the two concentrations are independent. The non-zero intercept of the correlation line is probably due to uncertainties in the different techniques by which Porg determinations have been made. The best estimate of the current output of P,,rs from the oceans is 6 × 10" g/yr. This is approximately one-third of the probable river input of phosphorus (DIP+DOP+POP) to the oceans. Dept. of Geosci., Pennsylvania State Univ., Univ. Park, PA 16802, USA.

C150. Particulate matter 87:6810 Pilskaln, C.H. and Susumu Honjo, 1987. The fecal pellet fraction of biogenehemieal particle fluxes to tile deep sea. Global biogeochem. Cycles, 1(1):3148.

Pellet subsamples were obtained from particulate samples collected at depths between 389 and 5068 m at three tropical-subtropical open ocean localities. The data show that contrary to previous assumptions, these biogenic aggregates are responsible for no more than 5% of the total mass flux of oceanic particulate material. Fecal pellets contributed an average of only 1-10%, 0.5-5% 1-3%, and 0.5-4% to the total measured mass fluxes of organic, carbonate, opaline silica, and lithogenic material, respectively. However, the pellets showed elevated C/N ratios as well as high organic content suggesting that they constitute an important source of organic carbon for the deep-sea benthos. Duke Univ. Mar. Lab., Beaufort, NC, USA.

C180. Geochemistry, biogeochemistry (see also D-SUBMARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS) 87:6811 Bender, M.L. and K.D. Grande, 1987. Production, r e s ~ a t i ~ , and the Isotope geochemistry of 02 in the upper water column. Global biogeochem. Cycles, 1(1):49-59.