Origin and emplacement of a pyroclastic flow and surge unit at Laacher See, Germany

Origin and emplacement of a pyroclastic flow and surge unit at Laacher See, Germany

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 17 (1983) 375--392 375 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands OR...

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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 17 (1983) 375--392


Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands


RICHARD V. FISHER 1 , HANS-ULRICH SCHMINCKE 2 and PAUL VAN BOGAARD 2 IDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93016 (U.S.A.); 2Ruhr Universit[t Bochum Institut fur Mineralo~ie,

(W. Germany)

(Received June 26, 1982; revised and accepted December 20, 1982) ABSTRACT Fisher, R.V., Schmincke, H.-U., and Van Bogaard, P., 1983. Origin and emplacement of a pyroclastic flow and surge unit at Laacher See, Gern~ny. In: M.F. Sheridan and F. Barberi (Editors), Explosive Volcanism. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 17: 375-392. Within the pyroclastic ejecta sequence of Laacher See volcano, West Germany, are many repeated phreatomagmatic depositional cycles. A complete cycle begins with a thin, low aspect ratio, fines-depleted breccia layer, followed by a sequence with several coarse- to fine-grained, cross-bedded units, in turn overlain by a massive pyroclastic flow layer. Each sequence is interpreted in terms of water/magma interaction and effects upon the eruption column. The breccia represents the triggering eruption with a high eruption column where fines were winnowed out and fallback from high altitudes produced a low aspect ratio layer. The cross-bedded sequence containing more fine-grained ash resulting from an increase in amount of water, represents a fluctuating eruption column of sufficient height to produce large antidunes within 700 meters of the rim. The massive pyroclastic flow layer which contains more fine-grained ash than the underlying layers, represents the culmination of the eruption where an increase in amount of water interacting with the magma resulted in a dense and very low eruption column producing a dense, laminar moving pyroclastic flow. STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY Introduction Laacher See, located in the Eifel District of West Germany (Fig. i) is a large maar volcano, about 2.5 ]on in diameter, which has had a complex history (Schmincke, 1977). The volcanic basin is encircled by basanitic and tephritic


© 1983 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


scoria cones (270,00 y.b.p., Schmincke and Mertes, 1979). Laacher See ejecta (~ll,O00 y.b.p.) have filled valleys between the cones and have largely covered most of them. Laacher See tephra is found as far as coastal Sweden and Northern Italy (Bogaard, in prep.). The ejecta consist of (i) juvenile and cognate, pumiceous to poorly vesiculated phonolitic ash, blocks, and bombs, (2) accidental older volcanics, and (3) slate and graywacke of Devonian age which form the regional basement. The Laacher See tephra sequence has been divided into three major units (Schmincke, 1974) called lower (LLST) middle (MLST) and upper (ULST) Laacher See tephra. The sequence is chemically and mineralogically zoned from highly evolved, nearly crystal-free phonolite at the base to strongly phyric crystalrich phonolite on top (W5rner and Schmincke, 1983). The lower two units are dominated by Plinian fallout and flow deposits (Freundt, 1982; Bogaard, in prep.) while ULST is interpreted to have been produced by phreatomagmatic mechanisms (Schmincke, 1970; Schmincke et al., 1973; Bogaard, 1978). Several different aspects of these deposits will be published elsewhere. Here, we discuss eruptive and transport mechanisms of some layers of ULST. ULST consists largely of unconsolidated deposits of pyroclastic flows, surges and some fallout deposits with fallout predominating at distances exceeding ] km. The ULST deposits locally exceed 30 m in thickness near the rim but decrease to less than 1 m 15 km from the rim. The flow and surge unit discussed here is but one out of many within this upper sequence and occurs on the Mendig Fan (Fig. 1), one of 5 or 6 pyroclastic fans radiating outward mostly from low parts of the rim of the volcano.

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Fig. 1 Locality map. Laacher See, Eifel District, West Germany. pyroclastic fans• Units described herein are from the Mendig fan.

Map shows


Most layers within the upper Laacher See tephra consist of three kinds of depositional units: breccia (B-layers), cross-bedded layers (D-layers) and massive flow deposits (M-layers) (Schmincke et al., 1973; Bogaard, 1978}. These different kinds of depositional units occur repeatedly throughout the sequence. They differ in sedimentary textures, structures, volumes and areal distribution but there are several transitions between beds, especially between B and D, and D and M. Sequences of B-, D- and M-layers in that order seem to recur throughout the sequence although this type of cycle is not unique to the entire sequence (Fig. 2}. Complete B-D-M cycles occur in several places in the

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Fig. 2 Generalized colu~, upper Laacher See tephra sequence, from the Mendig fan (see Fig. 1), Laacher See. Solid dots = breccia beds (B-layers); cross and w a ~ lines = ~ n e d layers (~layers); v e ~ i c a l lines = ~ s s i v e l ~ e r s (H-l~ers). Inferred relative e~ption c o l u ~ h e i s t s at left; h i ~ e s t for B-l~ers, lowest for M-layers. Simplified from Schmincke et al., (1973) and B o ~ a r d (1978).

378 sequence, but there are also B-D, B-M or D-M sequences.

We interpret these

cyclic sequences in terms of eruption colunm dynamics, a topic which is discussed following the description of a single B-D-M sequence (B5, E~, MI4, see Schmincke et al., 1973} which we infer to be a single eruption unit. However, rather than use the letters B, D, and M for the studied depositional sequence, we refer to them as eruption subunits I, II, and III, respectively, corresponding to stages of eruption as discussed later. First in sequence is subunit I (Fig. 3) which generally is a single bed of gray breccia with a sandy matrix (lithic-rich, coarse-grained ash). Its base has fewer large fragments than its central and upper parts and therefore is considered to be inversely graded. Second in sequence is subunit II which contains numerous coarse- to fine-grained cross-bedded layers. At several proximal localities, subunit II is composed of a finer-grained lower part and a coarser-grained upper part, both of which are duned and cross-bedded. Breccia beds occur within subunit II but these differ from the breccia bed of subunit I by being yellowish in color owing to the greater abundance of yellowish silt. Where subunit II thins out to a few centimeters thick, it consists of a yellowish, sandy breccia with crude plane parallel bedding. Third in the sequence is subunit III which is a generally massive, yellowish bed with blocks and lapilli supported in a matrix of coarse- to fine-grained ash. crude bedding occurs where there are trains of large fragments.



Massive, matrix supported blocks Abundant fine ash.

0 •

° .



• O~

o o"

. '

0 "0'



Cross bedded to plane bedded sequences. Abundant fine ash, lapilli, blocks.

"11" •


In places,

' .1~ ° " •

?..o •




Grey sandy breccia inverse grading at base.

Fig. 3 Generalized eruption unit. Filled areas = lithics; open circles = pumiceous fragments; dots = sand-size ash; cross and wavy lines = dunes and cross-beds. Roman numerals refer to eruption subunits discussed in text.

379 Distribution t thickness and volume The reference line for distance measurements, hence area and volume estimates, is the present-day crestal divide between the Laacher See crater and its outer slopes. The total estimated volume of the studied eruption unit is 0.015 km S inside the I0 em isopach (Fig. 4) (uncorrected for equivalent solid-rock density), although to determine this estimate, isopach lines are extrapolated to the crest from the most proximal exposures. This estimated



ISOPACH MAP "-.' 0 . O I 5 km 5 v o l u m e

KRUFTERn==~, ~ v~°#~



o I





METERS C I I N CENTIMETERS Fig. 4 Generalized total thickness isopach map of studied eruption unit constructed from isopachs of individual subunits. Short dashes, dots, and long dashes are thickness axes for designated subunits I, II and III (in Figs. 5, 6, and 7). Dash-dot lines are shoulders of "valley" sides as shown in Fig. 9. Numbered dots are locations of measured sections. Lines A-G are location of sections shown in Fig. 8: distances from rim (in meters) are shown in parentheses.


volume represents only the amount of material which escaped by flow from the crater onto the Mendig Fan. It does not include material which may have (I) fallen back Into the crater and remained there, (2) escaped during the same eruptive phase in other directions onto other pyroclastic fans or (3) the amount of downwind fallout. Of the total volume, subunit I = I1%, subunit II = 38%, and subunit I I I = 51%. Subunit I, ranging from 25 cm to 5 cm thick, is spread out in a sheet-like form at the base of the eruption unit, but deposition was in part controlled by topograph~ as shown by Fig. 5. It has axial patterns consistent with the overall axis of the entire unit (Fig. 4), but contributes little to the total thickness pattern of the unit except in distal areas.



I SOPACH MAP ( I1% of totol volume inside 5 cm isopoch )

,~\0 9`








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\ %

0 I


Fig. 5 Isopach map of subunit I (breccia layer). dashed lines, which are also shown in Fig. 4.

Thickness axes are thin

381 Subunit II is a wedge-shaped body ranging from 250 cm to less than 5 cm thick. Its thickness pattern (Fig. 6) has weaker axial patterns than either subunit I or III suggesting less topographic control upon deposition. Subunit II appears to form a significant part of the volcano's rim on the Mendig Fan. Subunit III, ranging in thickness from more than 300 em to 5 cm, shows a strong axial trend (Fig. 7) indicating that deposition was strongly controlled by topography. In detail, subunit III fills minor irregularities between dune crests at the top of subunit II.



( 5 8 % of torsi volume inside 5 cm isopech)










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Fig. 6 Isopach map of subunit II (duned layer). Stipples show area of large antidunes. Thin dashed lines are axes of thickness maxima. Outer two isopach lines are l0 cm and 5 cm.

382 Several stratigraphic cross sections (Fig. 8) constructed from the isopach maps strongly suggest that the eruption unit filled a gentle swale or valley on the side of the volcano. Such a valley is probably exaggerated, however, because it is assumed that the tops of subunits II and III are flat and horizontal, whereas they could be bowed upward, especially subunit II. The thickness of subunit II is skewed to the northwest suggesting that it followed and partly filled the west part of the original valley near the source. Subunit III later filled the more restricted remaining part of the valley. Using the thicknesses from the stratigraphic cross section which were averaged across the fan at regular intervals (Fig. 8), it was possible to construct graphs showing rate of average thickness decrease down the fan (Fig. 9), and cumulative percent of thickness versus distance (Fig. I0). Both





ISOPACH MAP (51% of total


volume inside


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5 cm isopach ) ./A



-2~o~,\\\\\ \

\ "\\-

\\\2o I \\:, \ \,



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Fig. 7 Isopach map of subunit III (massive layer). thickness maxima.

"\ Dashed line shows axis of


















1000 meters vertical


exaggeration X200




I - -



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~T ~



I Fig. 8


cross sections

crater rim. See text for explanation. "valley" (also shown in Fig. 4).

constructed Dash-dot

from isopach m p s line connects

projected to

shoulder of







I/) k.





50% DECREASE ~ , , / AT 4 7 0 m

\ "'''-. ~ ,r-


"",, ~

ioo -





50 50%



~ _

"-. ~











D i s t a n c e f r o m rim ( m e t e r s ) Fig. 9

Average thickness decrease of subunits I, II and III down the Mendig

Fan. Average thickness is calculated across the fan at each stratigraphic cross section (A-G) shown in Figs. h and 8. Values for 50% decrease in thickness are taken from cumulative percent graph (Fig. 10). figures show that the rate of overall thickness decrease for subunit II is faster than for subunits I and III. Subunit II begins with the greatest average thickness, but at nearly 1500 m from the rim, it becomes thinner than subunit I (Fig. 9). Fig. I0 also shows that 50 percent of the cumulative thickness of all the subunits occurs at less than about 800 m from the rim. These differences are believed to result from different flow mechanisms as discussed later. Bedforms related to distribution and thickness The inversely graded breccia bed (subunit I) generally consists of a single layer, but in some proximal locations it contains one or two poorly defined 1-2 cm thick sandy layers within its central part, and at one locality (Loc. 2, Fig. 4), the breccia is underlain by up to 30 cm of steel-gray, essentially silt-free sand-size ash which shows crude wave-like and subtly cross-bedded internal layering grading up into the breccia at the top. In subunit II there are large dune structures in the region where greater than 50% of its volume is deposited and where its thickness exceeds 50 cm (Fig. 6). These are interpreted as chute and pool structures (Schmincke et al.,




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Distance in meters Fig. i0

Cumulative percent of average thickness down the Mendig fan for

designated subunits. 1973). There appear to be at least two major duned sequences within subtmit If, the lower of which is finer-grained, but each consists of coarse- to fine-grained beds. Subunit IIl is mostly massive with matrix supported lapilli and blocks in areas of thickest expression, but contains fragment trains in places which gives it a crude bedding. In proximal areas where it is thick, it is composed of two flow units and it has a thin, cross-bedded top which is in sharp contact with the underlying flow. This is interpreted to be an ash-cloud surge deposit similar to ash-cloud surges described elsewhere (Fisher, 1979). Where subunit IIl is thin, as at locality 2 (Fig. 4), the entire unit is cross-bedded and is interpreted to be an ash-cloud surge deposit which sheared off the massive layer and flowed laterally over higher ground as the massive flow moved downslope. At distal localities, a 2-3 cm thick accretionary lapilll ash bed overlies the massive tuff (Loc. 23, Fig. 4), but farther down the depositional fan out of the area of Fig. 4, the massive layer is represented only by this thin accretionary lapilli layer.


DISCUSSION Granulometr~ Median grain size (Md4) , Inman (1952) sorting coefficients (c4) and percentage of silt were determined at several localities for the three subunits (Table 1). Median diameter and sorting coefficient plots show that the median grain size decreases in the range from -0.55 to 2.54 from the basal breccia layer (subunit I) to the upper massive layer (subunit III). The cross-bedded layer (subunit II), consisting of base surge units (Schmincke et al., 1973) overlaps both the other subunits. Except for three samples from the base of the massive layer, all samples range in c 4 between 1.2 and 1.9. Greater discrimination between subunits, however, is given by the 44) versus Md~ plot (Fig. ll). Placing emphasis upon the fine-grained component of the












I 25











1.0 Md~

Fig. ii Md4-

TABLE i Size Parameters, Laacher See Eruption Unit Subunit

Locality* 6 9 15 16 19 23


Md¢ -0.20 0.80 0.70 -0.30 0.90 o.9o 1.35 1 .i0 1.75




1.52 1.80 1.9o 1.40 i.i0 1.76 2.35

4 4 II

6 6 6


15 4 4 6 6 9 9 15 15 16 19 19 23 23

4 6

Miscellaneous Surges

7 9 4

6 6 9 15 19

1.56 2.05 1.20 1.45 1.18 1.70 1.O0 l.lO 1.20

1.40 2.15 1.15 0.90 1.30 1.35 1.65 1.70 1.18 0.60 0.40 0.90

% Silt

1.35 1.85 1.35 1.35 1.25 1.40 1.69 1.35 1.58 1.53 1.73 1.69 1.48 1.60 1.56 1.24 1.20 1.TO 1.35 1.70 1.78 1.75 2.05 2.33 1.65 2.35 1.85 1.60

2.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 2.1 2.4 3.4 3.1 3.4 4.9 7.3 4.7 2.8 5.4 7.1 3.4 5.1 5.8 10.4 10.8 8.0 17.9 12.4 8.4 6.5 1T.4 23.8



i .73 1.45 1.60

4.2 4.1 i0.0 5.0 4.6 3.4 5.3 6.8 6.5

1.48 1.5o 1.33 1.65 1.45 1.45


C omment s Sandy base .




It tt


Silty layer Sandy layer Base, massive layer Top, " " Silty layer, base " " , top Silty breccia Sandy, laminated Silty, sandy la~er



Base Top Base Top Base Top Base Base

)Massive ) ) " ) ) " ) ) " ) "



Base Top Base Surge

) " " ) ) " " beneath Subunit IIl

layers " " " "













Surge above Subunit III, base t, . " " , top " " " " , base " " " " , top " " " " , base " " " " , top

*Localities shown on Figure deposits has interpretive significance with regard to comminution processes, eruption colunm height and density, and on transport processes as discussed below. At each locality, the percentage of silt is least in subunit I and greatest in subunit III. Averages for silt of the subunits are I = 2.3%, II -4.7%, and III = 10.4%. The height, volume, sediment-size distribution, and particle concentration (hence density of the colwmu) are determined by magmatic volatiles, the presence or absence of interaction of magma with phreatic water, changing radius of


vents, and other factors (Wilson; 1976; Sparks and Wilson, 1976; Sparks et al., 1978). There is evidence that many of the eruptions at Laacher see were phreatomagmatic (Schmlncke et al., 1973) as reflected in the deposits by bedding sags and accretionary lapilli layers along with development of cross-beds and dunes which are characteristic of base-surge deposits (Fisher and Waters, 1969, 1970; Waters and Fisher, 1971; Crowe and Fisher, 1973; Sheridan and Updike, 1975; Wohletz and Sheridan, 1979). The greater the volume of water in the erupted mixture, the denser and shorter the eruption column (Sparks et al., 1978), and the greater the amount of fine-grained ash from more efficient comminution of the magma (Self and Sparks, 1978). From experiments with water and thermite explosions, Wohletz (1980; this volume) has shown that the conversion from thermal energy to mechanical energy is a function of the water/melt ratio. Fragmentation of the melt reaches a maximum when the water/melt ratio is about 0.5 for basaltic eruptions and could be higher in silicic magmas with higher initial partial pressures. Thus, initial ("vent-coring") eruptions with small water/melt ratios could result in the formation of coarse-grained tuff and breccia. Increasing ratios result in more abundant fines and wetter and more dense eruption colu~ms giving rise to base surges with consequent development of finer-grained, laminated and cross-bedded deposits. Still wetter eruptions and greater amounts of' fines produce heavier eruption columns, collapse, and consequent mass flows (Fig. 12). The breccia subunit I is interpreted as representing the initial or "triggering" stage I of eruption (Fig. 13). Paucity of silt can result from either one of three causes or a combination of each: (I) Little fine-grained material was produced during the eruption because comminution of the magma was "inefficient" owing to a low water/melt ratio or else explosive energy was supplied only by expansion of magnmtic volatiles. (2) The eruption had sufficient energy to produce a high eruption column from which fines were elutriated out. (37 Fines were elutriated out during flow. Emplacement of the breccia by flow is suggested by presence of inverse grading at its base and the absence of bedding sags beneath large blocks which in places rest upon fine-grained ash. The 30 cm thick wavy laminated coarse-grained ash bed beneath and gradational with the unit in proximal locations (Loc. 2, Fig. 47 is interpreted as a ground surge which is not laterally continuous across or down the fan. The low thickness to area ratio (low aspect ratio) of the breccia suggests that it was emplaced with high kinetic energy which further suggests that it was derived from the collapse of a high column. The breccia layer clearly is not a ground layer produced from the advancing head of a pyroclastic flow by ingestion of air from subunit II (e.g. Wilson, 1980; Walker et al., 1981). This is shown by the fact that the breccia layer is reduced in thickness much more slowly and becomes thicker than the overlying subunit II at distal locations (see Fig. 9). Subunit II is interpreted to represent the second stage of the eruption (Fig. 13). As the volume (related to duration) of the eruption increased, more fines were produced. At least two episodes of dune formation contain
















nr 15 E E





i1"1, \Jb,

,. 'o o,





",,0 L 0

I 0 L-I.0

Fig. 12








Adapted and modified from Wohletz (1980).


Wohletz showed explosive

energy versus water/melt ratio for hydroclastic eruptions. This figure qualitatively relates column height deduced from aspect ratios of layers, percent silt, and flow mechanics determined by particle concentration as explained in text. Percentages are volumes of total eruption unit. Digrammatic eruption column height is also shown in Fig. 2. alternating coarse- to fine-grained beds. Rapid depositica occurred near the crater rim where large-scale dunes were formed. The interpretation of this sequence is that water gained access to the vent closely following, or continuous with state I of the eruption giving rise to the low aspect ratio breccia. The higher water/magma ratio caused more efficient ccmminution of the magma, faster cooling, and therefore a more dense and lower eruption column.


Alternating coarse- to fine-grained layers which occur together in the dune structures suggest that the build-up of explosive energy followed a continuous but pulsating pattern. We envision an eruption where the column was maintained by staccato-like energetic blasts with intervening very short pauses so that clasts were continuously being supplied to the eruption colunm. Abundant fines and increase in water vapor resulted in a heavy eruption colunm where collapse of its outer margin was relatively continuous while the interior of the column was being fed by repeated eruptions. At localities 2, 4, 6 and 7 (and at other proximal localities shown in Fig. 4) subunit II is composed of a lower sequence of alternating thin, fine-grained tuff layers and grit layers (coarse-sand size tuff to fine lapilli layers) and a coarser upper sequence. This suggests a crescendo-like build-up of activity. The upper and lower sequences of subunit II are both duned. In places they are duned together; in others they form separated (but migrating) dune sequences. Over fifty percent of the volume of subunit II was deposited within 1 km of the volcano crest in the area where dunes are largest and have the longest wavelengths. The formation of large dunes indicates that kinetic energy was high suggesting that the eruption colunm was also high, but its relative low aspect ratio suggests a lower eruption column than during Stage I. The formation of dunes is interpreted to be the result of a "hydraulic jump" (see Schmincke et al., 1973) caused by rapid deceleration and creation of great turbulence as the vertically collapsing colusm struck ground near the rim of the volcano. Formation of dunes and cross-beds is attributed to turbulence in the area of deposition. These structures progressively get smaller down the fan and die out

I ( J~°/o)


Fig. 13 Summary diagram relating eruption columns to the major kinds of deposits and facies as explained in text.


completely within about 1.5 km of the crest. Distal emplacement of the planar, relatively thin, silty-sandy breccia of subunit II is interpreted to have been accomplished by laminar flow. Subunit III, emplaced as a fluidized laminar-movlng grain flow, is interpreted to represent Stage III (Fig. 13) of the eruption during which extruded products were most voluminous and the greatest amount of fine-grained ash was produced. Abundance of silt suggests an increase in the water/magma ratio over Stage II. This in turn increased the density of the eruption column to such an extent that it merely 'boiled-over" low places in the rim rather than forming a high column. The mobility of the flow, its ability to fill low places leaving a flat top, and its massive character is an indication that it was fluidized or partially fluidized, and was able to flow more easily downslope, unlike subunit II which was rapidly deposited near the rim. Gaseous fluidization is also suggested by the presence of a thin cross-bedded unit which lies above it in proximal locations and on channel margins. Stage III ended the eruption, but build-up of pressure for the next "throat-clearing" triggering magmatic eruption (the silt-poor breccia which lies above Subunit III) proceeded rapidly. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The senior author (R.V.F) sincerely thanks the Institut ft~r Mineralogie, Ruhr-Universit~t Bochum, West Germany for providing research facilities and the Alexander yon Humboldt Foundation for their generous financial support from the U.S. Senior Scientist Award (1980-81). REFERENCES Bogaard, P.v.d., 1978. Stratigraphie und Verbreitung der Oberen Laacher Pyroklastika. Dipl.-Arbeit, Ruhr-Universit~t Bochum, 1-184 pp. Crowe, B.M., and Fisher, R.V., 1973. Sedimentary structures in base-surge deposits with special reference to cross-bedding, Ubehebe Craters, Death Valley, California. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 84: 663-682. Fisher, R.V., and Waters, A.C., 1969. Bed forms in base-surge deposits: lunar implications. Science, 165: 1349-1352. Fisher, R.V., and Waters, A.C., 1970. Base surge bed forms in m a r volcanoes. Amer. J. Sci., 268: 157-180. Fisher, R.V., Smith, A.L. and Roobol, M.J., 1980. Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique by ash cloud surges, May 8 and 20, 1902. Geology, 8: 472-276. Freundt, A., 1982. Stratigraphie des Brohltaltrass und seine Entstehung aus pyroklastischen StrSmen des Laacher See Vulkans. Dipl.-Arbeit, Ruhr-Universit~t Bochum, 1-319 pp. Inman, D. L., 1952. Measures of describing the size distribution of sediments. Jour. Sed. Petrol. 22: 125-145.


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