Integrated PABX/ACD system A digital communications system developed by Philips can transmit voice and data simultaneously, while its nonblocking capability enables every telephone and exchange line to be used at the same time . The TBX 3000 can be used in either large networks spread throughout the country or small satellite networks . Two or more systems can be interconnected using digital links or standard tie lines, and the operators can be either centralized atone location or scattered at several locations on the network, depending upon user requirements. The call management feature of the system will automatically select the least expensive or the quickest call route ; together with providing other management facilities, such as call detail recording . For organizations handling short calls in large volumes, the 3000 can offer an automatic call distribution (ACD) facility. Security of communications is provided by several features .
• Within the distributed micro-
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processor structure, each microprocessor unit and its memory are duplicated and each software function is separated . This means that a single processor failure will not affect the working of the system . The power distribution through the system is duplicated, which danger eliminates potential associated with a single power source . Battery backup is also provided . Online diagnostic programs identify and correct faults . The system diagnostics regularly check the two floppy disk drives ; online and spare. If the online drive fails, the spare takes over . Each system has a spare switching network block . This is automatically switched into service if an online block fails, with no loss of calls .
Facilities available with the 3000 include automatic call forwarding, group hunting, paging and dictation access and conferencing for 3, 6, 12 or 24 parties . An administrative
terminal with keyboard and printer can be used to enter change and maintenance commands and can receive reports of system status and faults . (Philips Business Systems, Communications and Control Division, Cromwell Road, Cambridge CB1 3HE, UK. Tel : 0223 245191, Tx: 81547) El
Voice or data can be switched over this PABX/ACD system
OSI communications software A set of communications management software modules has been developed by Xionics . The Isolink modules were developed jointly with ICI, where the first two stages of the development are currently used to provide workstation access to facilities resident on a local DEC 10 and a remote IBM 3033 . They are designed to be consistent with the ISO seven-layer reference model for open systems interconnection . Their main purpose is to enable nontechnical Xibus users to access computer systems, applications, databanks, networks and network services, without any knowledge of addresses, protocols, procedures or conventions . Isolink consists of a four-stage development : stage one is concerned with specifying session functions in plain language, while the Xibus system implements all necessary interconnection, storage and display automatically . Stage
two enables an 'automatic conversation implementation'to initiate and complete intercommunication procedures of a regular nature. Stage three enables a user to set up automatic sessions on a clock or calendar basis . Stage four provides for 'automatic session concatenation', where the system carries out a series of interdependent access, processing and storage routines without reference to the user. The system is designed to permit straightforward incorporation of additional modules, including standards now being defined for the ISO model . The Xionics Communications Adaptor, which provides physical interface connections for Isolink, is similarly designed to accommodate additional plug-in modules ; for example, to provide compatibility with the IEEE 802 connection standard for local area networks . (Xionics Ltd., Dumbarton House, 68 Oxford Street, London W1 N 9LA, UK. Tel: 01 663 0105) 0
computer communications