Vignes, H.:
d. gyn6c.
et tl’obst.
In the opinion of Yiynrs, ornriau rheumat,ism is a distinct entity which occur~s chiefly iLt the menopause but may also appear in women who are menstruating regularly, but who have n\-ariart disturhnnces. The rheumatism manifests itself principally in the knees and lingers and the lesions are frequently @metrical. The onset of this form of rheumatism iy insidious and in the advanced stage> deformities set in. III mauy C:LSCS~ the Tvumen are obese, and in some there is :i rongenital articular laxity which l~redisposes to sullluxations. i%ny women have varicos? veins. A large proportion of them have vasomofor tlisturhances and also hypertension without renal disen:e. Frequently thyroid deficiency with a low basal metabolic rate is prr>sent. On x-raexamination there is found evidence of locnl decalcification, o.steol.vsi~ and rearrangement of cnl(rium mol~ilizatiun. The treatment of ovarian rheumatism consists chiefly of the administration ot’ ovarian preparations. This mwt begin early in the disease and continue for a long time. ‘In addition 10 this therapy the patient, should be given calcium! vitamin I), and phosphatcx preparations. Tn many cases orthopedic treatment must 1~ carried out and in othchrs, \veichc n~ust Iw wduceci.
Shute, the
Evan: Blood,
Vaginitis .T. A. Jf.
and Vulvitis Associated A. 110: F?W, 193%
an Excess
of Estrogen
Four eases are described showing a high rontent of estrogenic substance in t,he blood many years after the onset of the menopause. They were treated with large doses of bulk, cold-pressed, wheat germ oil, starting with 12 drachms on the first day, followed hp 1 drachm or more each day. The response was good. Estrogen preparations appeared to aggravate the condition. GROVER
Nelson, Warren 0.: Atypical Uterine Growths Produced by Prolonged tration of Estrogenic Hornones, Endocrinologp 24: 50, 1939.
The administration of estrogeuic hormone preparations to 88 normal or spayed female guinea pigs has resulted in the regular occurrence of cystic glandular hyperplasia of the uterine cornua. In animal’s treated for several months, this Such animals also show a marked adenomacondition is extended to the fundus. At the bases and tips of the hypertous hyperplasia of the fundic endometrium. plastic glands, the epithelial cells become metaplastic. This condition of metaplasia is most marked in the cervical region where downgrowths from the epithelium penetrate the suhmueos:~ and show pronounced keratinization and pearl formation. The uteri of 13 animals have shown multiple subperitoneal fibromyomatous growths. All animals hearing these tumors have shown periods of spontaneous vaginal bleeding. These period?; have been induced in 5 animals by the withdrawal of treat.ment. d. THORNWW WITHERSPOON.
Lipschutr, A., and Vargas, L.: Experimental Tablets of Estradiol, Laneet 1: 1313, 1939.
The authors report a series of experiments with guinea pigs in which uterine and extrauterine tumors were produced by administration of estrogenic substances. Fihromas, myomas, and fibromyomas can be produced in nearly 100 per The ut.erine tumors are usua.lly subserous but may be cent of the test a.nimals. The extrauterine tumors are found most intramural and are rarely submucous. frequently in the mesometrium and mesosalpinx but may be on the abdominal wall, liver, spleen, or other abdaminal organs. In earlier attempts these tumors were produced in castrated guinea pigs following the injection of estradiol, For example, 80 mg. of estradiol benzoate estrone, various esters, and stilbestrol.