Meeting Abstracts
N.Qm&nska,B.Christensen,J.Kielerand M.Sa&ur&a Fibiger Institute,Qqenhagen,Dstxnark;and Biochemistry, Medical Institute of Cracow,Pnlarid urothelial cell lines of Among 12 nonnalandtumxr (TCC)origin,representi.ng different transformationgrades (lGr) & vitro (I-III), a nuclear PK variant inhibitedby L-cysteine has beenfourdin the tunnxigenic!IGrIII cell lines only. Chranatin extracts of all cell lines containedthreePKisoenzymes whichshot+ed the greatestelectropixxetic mcbilityin !IGr 'IGr I cells. It diminished in imnortalized II and III cells,and in n;r III cells the slow migrating isoenzyme acquired sensitivityto I.-cysteine inhibition.Fran the T-24 Tee derived l'Gr III cell line a subline (T-24a) with reducedtumourigenic prqerties was isolated. 'Ihis sublins reduction of the shrxed a sirrplltaneous sensitivity of PK to L-cysteineinhibition. It is concluded that changes inPK isoenzymes might express multistage in vitro alterations durins --typic carcinogenesis. DIFEPiFNCEIN5'---AND SZvERALTwxlRcEU mPATI%RNE@IWEFN LINES WITH LCW- AND BIQI-M?&ICSnt?r mPExTlEs E.W.Hae.ffn~, K.-H.Doenges, J.wlcfiholz and B.Winkler Institut fiir 7&lDSUtSCheS
und lXmkxbiologie, Krebsforschungszentrum,
Heidelberg, F.R.G. Data on tbepl.asmam~&~anestxucture of severalexperimentaltumor cell lines with different tunxxrigenicandmetastatic propertieshasbeen obtained. These cell lines include the law-malignantmouse ascites HD33, themuselylra?hcmaEbandthe rat adenocarcinana BSp73 AS cells,and their high-malignant variants, mcuse ascitesI-ID34 and mouse 1yrrrphaM Bsb, and the rat adenocxcinana Bsp73 ASlL. The purified plaam ms&ZanS were investigateawith respect to their protein and lipid axnposition, and theirenzymeactivity. The mostpraninentdifferenceswere found for the specific, concanavalinA-inhibitable, 5'-nucleotidase activity, ark3 for the protein pattern exhibiting two to seven
t.imeShigkrenzym? acrivitiesandagreater annmt of slightlyacidic (basic)proteins preferentiallyinthelcwarmolecularweight rame (25 to 60 kD) of the low-malisnant celis. 'Ihesialica&d antent was f& to significantly higheZ in the be lcw-me&&asizing variants, andalsotbeir me&rane lipid fluidity was highercanpared tothehigh-metastasizingcell lines. Tlle data has beenevaluatedinrelationtothe malignantme.9 of thesetumxr cells.
and M.K.ixscb-Voiders
Antropogenetics, EYee Laboratory for University Brussels, Brussels,Belgiumand (1)rJniti de Biochim. TaKicol.et Cancerol., Univ.Cath.Louvain,Brussels,Belgium been over-expressed during hepatocarc~is in rats. Bowever,an interpretation of the sequentialanalysisof thesechangesinrelationtoothergenetical. and enzymaticalalterations, represents a newapproach. Weanalysedthesechangesin experimental model of Z&xcarcinogenesiswheremale Wistarr% were sutnitted to a tripbasic inducticm Glloyiation, selection,pmx+on). messenger-RNA fran rat liver, Ncathern blotting and hybridisationwith radioactively labelled CXC-prcbes,were carriedout. Adistinctionwasmadebetween nodular/non-Ixx%lar tissw m-RNA and tumxrigenic/Migenic tissuem-RNA. A first series of resultsis in aax&ance withpublisheddata:there is an elevated level of ras onrxqnetranscriptsfoundin regenerativXiver30 hcnrs after partial. hepatectany,inthencdulestisurrxlnding parenchymaandinboththetumourigenicand non-tunrxrigenictissue. The quantitative analysis, by densitunetry of the autoradiographics, is uriderinvestigation. LtEX'IN-BINDING ANDAEFE'INlTYcIWCf4A~ SEPARATI~m'IuKxlRcELLs B.Baqar, G.Burnsand L.J.Erkell MedicalFaculty, KuwaitUniversity,Kuwait, and Institutfiir Imnunolcgieund Genetik, Dsutsches Krebsforschungsinstitut, Heidelberg, F.R.G. Tumaur cell surface characteristics have been implicatedin severalaspectsof cancer metastasis. We have made quantitativeestimationsof sugar groups