P-7-7 EFFECTS OF AUTONOMIC DRUGS ON STREPTOZOTOCIN-INDUCED~DIABETIC RAT HEARTS. R. Sunagawa, K. Murakami, G. Mimura and M. Saka~ashi Th T e Second Department of Internal Medicine and ~ Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan To evaluate responses of the diabetic heart to autonomic drugs, effects of isoproterenol (ISO), norepinephrine (NE) and acetylcholine (ACh) on isolated and perfused hearts of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats were examined. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into control-group (C), diabetes-group (DM), and diabetes treated with insulin-group (DMI). C was injected with buffered vehicle. DM was injected with 60 mg/kg STZ i.v. at the first day, and DMI was subsequently treated with 4 U of Lente insulin every day. At 45 days after STZ, isometric myocardial developed tension (T) and heart rate were measured with Langendorff heart preparations. Under pacingnat 300 b{ats/min, the order of percent increase7in T i~duced by ISO (3x10 -~ - 3x10- g) was C=DMI>>DM, and that by NE (i0- -~i0 T M g) ~as C>DMI>DM. The order of percent decrease in T by ACh (i0 -/ -63xi0 -O g) was C>DMI>>DM, and the incidence of cardiac arrest by ACh (3xlO- g) was 6 out of 7 cases (85.7 %) in C, 1 out of 6 cases (16.7%) in DM and 6 out of 9 cases (66.7 %) in DMI, respectively. Thus, percent changes in responses to adrenergic and cholinergic agonists were significantly smaller in DM than C, and recovered in DMI. On the other hand, percent increase in T by CaCI 2 and aminophylline was not significantly different among three groups. Results show that receptor mediated-responses to autonomic drugs are reduced in the diabetic heart.
P-7-8 Report of 17 Cases with Ophthalmolegia in Diabetes T. Jinnouchi I, T. Hayashi I, G. Mimura 2, K. Kajiwara 3, S. Fukumitsu 4, Y. Kojima 5 iJinnouchi Hospital, 2Second Department of Internal Medicine, Ryukyu University School of Medicine, ~Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kurume University School of Medicine, 4Fukumitsu Clinic, and 5Department of Ophthalmology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine, Japan As ohe of the various complications in diabetes we report in this paper cases with ocular muscle paralysis. Seventeen cases with ocular muscle paralysis (9 males and 8 females) were observed, the ages ranged between 51 and 68 years with an average of 60.9 years and the duration of diabetes ranged between 0 and 30 years with an average of 10.2 years. FPG was 134 ± 23 mg/dl and HbAI was 8.7 ± 2.6% in average, respectively. As to the therapy, diet only in 5 cases, oral agent in 8 cases and insulin in 4 cases. The chief complaint of diplopia was noted in all cases and 9 cases with headache. Paralysis was observed in the right eye in 9 cases and in the left eye in 8 cases. As to the paralyzed lesion, the right lateral rectus muscle in 8 cases and the left lateral rectus muscle in 8 cases, the superior oblique muscle in one case, were observed to have been paralyzed, respectively. All cases showed complete recovery with the control of diabetes and with vitamin B complex supplements in a half month to 6 months with an average of 2.5 ± 1.6 months.