ME Mollov, R J Baber MenopauseClinic, Royal NorthshoreHospital,St Leonards,NSW 2065,Australia. Patientshavedifferent levelsof understanding of the indicationsand benefitsof HRT. This is known to influencecompliance. We anticipatedthat patients involved in researchprojects would be betterinformedandthusmorelikely to be compliant. Patients attendingthe menopauseclinic were mailed self-report questionnaires on their understanding andattitudesto HRT. To date 110patientshavereplied.Of these,45 patientswerenot involved in researchand 62% were still taking HRT. Of the remaining63 (2 wereunsure)who wereinvolved in research,73%weretaking HRT. This was not significantly different. Of the subgroupinvolved in research,50.7%thought that HRT shouldbe continuedfor greater than 10yearsascomparedwith only 31%in the nonresearchgroup. While we expectedthere to be a differencein compliancebetween thetwo groups,to datethis hasnot beensupported.