fluoxetine combination improves long-term quality of life in bipolar depression

fluoxetine combination improves long-term quality of life in bipolar depression

s212 PI. Affective disorders that i) extracellular levels of 5-HT in the forebraiu are iucreased by chrouic fluoxetiue aud chrouic flatteued gluco...

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that i) extracellular levels of 5-HT in the forebraiu are iucreased by chrouic fluoxetiue aud chrouic flatteued glucocorticoid rhythm alone, but uot by fluoxetiue treatment in the presence of flatteued glucocorticoid rhythm; ii) the termiual release of 5-HT is uormal(ised) followiug chrouic fluoxetiue treatment, but is decreased wheu chrouic fluoxetiue treatment occurs in the presence of flatteued glucocorticoid rhythm; iii) 5-HTt* autoreceptors are deseusitized by chrouic fluoxetiue aud flatteuiug of the glucocorticoid rhythm alone, aud in combination Thus, despite deseusitisatiou of 5-HTt* autoreceptors, coucurreut flatteued glucocorticoid rhythm compromises the ability of au SSRI to elevate forebraiu 5-HT. These fiudiugs suggest that autidepressaut efficacy of SSRIs may be reduced in those patients with glucocorticoid abnormalities. References

[l] Wang et al. (2000) Pmc Nat1 Acad Sci USA 97, 325-330. [2] Leitch et al. (2003) Neuropsychopharmacology 28, 119-125. [3] Blier (2001) J Clin Psychiatry 62 S15, 12-17

mP 1 089

Analysis of treatment-emergent olanzapinelfluoxetine combination

P. Keck’ , S. Corya2, S. Briggs3, ’ University of Cincinnati Hospital, Cincinnati, i2S.A.; 2Eli Lilly and Laboratories, Indianapolis, i2S.A.;



M. Case2, M. Tohen2. Department of Psychiatry, Company, Lilly Research 3A4edFocus, Illinois, i2S.A.

Objective: Treatment-emergeut mama is ofteu associated with bipolar depression in patients treated with autidepressauts without mood stabilizers1,2. This study compares treatment-emergeut mama rates in bipolar depressed patients treated with olauzapiueifluoxetiue combiuatiou (OFC), olauzapiue, or placebo. Methods: In this S-week, double blind treatment, patients (11~833) with bipolar depression (baseline MADRS total scores >20) were randomized to OFC (6125, 6150, or 12150 “g/day, 11=86), olauzapiue (5520 “g/day, 11=370), or placebo (11~377). 562 subjects also participated in au optional 6-mouth, open-label exteusiou phase where olauzapiue or OFC could be giveu at auy time. Treatment-emergeut mama was evaluated with the YMRS. Results: In the acute phase, treatment-emergeut mama (baseline YMRS 115 aud >15 at auy subsequent visit) did uot differ betweeu groups (OFC 6.4%, olauzapiue 5.7%, placebo 6.7%, p=.861). Subjects ou OFC (-1.38 +5.59 SD) aud olauzapiue (-0.55 +5.91 SD) had greater decreases in YMRS thau those ou placebo (0.57 +6.09 SD)(p=.027 aud pi.001, respectively). In the exteusiou phase (OFC 11=404), OFC subjects’ treatment-emergeul mama rate was 4.7% (11=19) at auytime, aud ouly 4.0% (11~16) of OFC patients met treatment-emergeut mama criterion at eudpoiut. YMRS meau chauge from baseline (3.51 +3.69 SD) to eudpoiut (0.03 +5.42 SD) for OFC was uot significant. Conclusions: Neither OFC uor olauzapiue had a greater risk of acute treatment-emergeut mama thau placebo. The rate of treatment-emergeut mama for OFC was low during a 6-mouth, open-label extension Data suggest OFC does uot present a risk of treatment-emergeut mama in bipolar depression References


Goodwin, F.K., Jamison, K.R., 1990. Manic-Depressive Illness. Oxford, New York. [2] Peet M., 1994. Induction of mania with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants. BL J. Psychiatry 164, 549-550.

and antidepressants

Olanzapinelfluoxetine long-term quality

of life

combination in bipolar

M. Toheu’, L. Shi’, C. Vallariuo2, V Prabhakar’, M. Namjoshi’. ‘Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Laboratories, Indianapolis, i2S.A.; 2A4edFocus, US.A.

improves depression R. Juarez’, Research Des Plaines,

Purpose: To determine long-term effects of olauzapiue (OLZ) aud olauzapiueifluoxetiue combiuatiou (OFC) ou health-related quality of life (HRQL) in bipolar depressed patients. Methods: Bipolar depressed patients were randomized to OLZ (5520 mgiday, 11=370), OFC (6125, 6150, or 12150 “g/day, 11=86), aud PBO (11=377), up to 8 weeks, followed by 1 week of opeulabel OLZ treatment, theu followed by 6 mouths of open-label OLZ or OFC treatment. Of the open-label patients for HRQL analysis, OLZ group (ii=1 0 1) was treated ouly ou open-label OLZ while OFC group patients (11=194) ouly ou open-label OFC after 1 week of open-label OLZ treatment. Switchers group (11=128) were exuosed to both oueu-label OFC aud OLZ treatments. HROL improvemeut was measured by the last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) chauges in the SF-36 scores from the last acute assessmeut to the cud of open-label periods. Results: The open-label patients exhibited long-tenn improvemeut in all SF-36 dimeusious (all p-values 1.05) over open-label periods. Each individual group significantly improved several SF36 dimeusious [OLZ group: general health, meutal health, aud social fuuctiouiug; OFC group: 7 of 8 dimeusious except rolephysical; switchers group: 6 of 8 dimeusious except general health aud physical fuuctiouiug] Conclusions: Long-tenn OLZ or OFC treatment improved HRQL in bipolar depressed patients. References


Shi, L., Namjoshi, M., Yu, X., Baker, R.W., Tohen, M., Breier, A. Olanzapine alone and olanzapine in combination with fluoxetine improve health-related quality of life in patients with bipolar depression. Presented at: Collegiate of International Neuropsychopharmacology 23rd Congress, June 23-27, 2002, Montreal, Canada.


Olanzapine’s efficacy for relapse prevention bipolar disorder: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled 12-month clinical trial


M. Toheu’, C. Bowdeu2, .I. Calabrese3, .I. Chou4, T. Jacobs’, R. Baker’, D. Williamson’, A. Evaus’. ‘Eli Lilly and Company, Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, i2S.A.; 2 University of Texas Health Science Centel; Department of Psychiatry, San Antonio, i2S.A.; 3 University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve U, Cleveland, US.A.; 4NYU School of Medicine, New York, US.A. Purpose: Placebo-controlled trials have showu olauzapiue’ s efficacy for treating acute bipolar mama aud acute bipolar depression aud olauzapiue’ s efficacy in relapse preveutiou was suggested by a recent year-long lithium-controlled study. Efficacy for relapse preveutiou is further tested in this placebo-controlled study. Methods: Patients in acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar I disorder were treated openly with olauzapiue for 6612 weeks. Patients achieving symptomatic remission (defined as YMRS total score <12 aud HAMD-21 total score <8) were randomized to