P.2.084 A comparison of olanzapine and risperidone for the schizophrenic patients intolerance of neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal syndromes (EPS)

P.2.084 A comparison of olanzapine and risperidone for the schizophrenic patients intolerance of neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal syndromes (EPS)

S316 P2. Psychotic disorders Disease. By iuhibitiug the breakdowu of acetylcholiue, treatment with rivastigmiue results in au euhauced stimulation ...

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P2. Psychotic


Disease. By iuhibitiug the breakdowu of acetylcholiue, treatment with rivastigmiue results in au euhauced stimulation of cerebral muscariue aud uicotiue receptors. Both receptor iuteractious cau result in beneficial effects in schizophrenic patients treated with autipsychotic drugs. The first effect may ameliorate dyskiuesias aud iucrease alertuess. The second effect may have a beneficial iuflueuce ou the severity of negative aud cognitive symptoms. Moreover, choliuesterase iuhibitors may decrease the tobacco smoking of schizophrenic patients. Aim: This pilot study was uudertakeu in order to select the most suitable iustrumeuts to measure the effects of a choliuesterase iuhibitor aud to assess the magnitude aud variability of the treatmeiit effects. Method: Male aud female patieuts, aged 18-70 years, suffering from schizophrenia according to DSM-IV criteria, who were stabilised ou autipsychotic drugs for at least 1 mouth, were asked to participate in this open trial of rivastigmiue of 6 weeks’ duration Patients were preferably suffering from dyskiuesias of at least moderate severity. Excluded were patieuts, who were uuable to complete the study procedures or in who rivastigmiue was (relatively) contra-indicated. The clinical couditiou of the patient was assessed five times with two weekly intervals (CGI, PANSS, SADIMoD, Cognitive Tests). From the first until the fourth assessmeut, patients used iucreasiug dosages of rivastigmiue with a maximum of 6 mg b.i.d. Results: Eight patients (7M/lF, aged 34.6114.2 years) were included. Five patients were stabilised ou clozapiue; the others used risperidoue, zuclopeuthixol, or uo autipsychotic. The Negative Symptoms Scale of the PANSS decreased from about 22 to 17 during treatment with a S.D. of 8 points (NS). The SADIMoD severity score of dyskiuesias in rest decreased about 2.5 points (S.D.=4) (NS). Of the ueuropsychological tests tried, the CPT, the Trail Making Test aud the WAIS Digit Spau were considered to perform best. Carry-over effects may be important. Noue of iustrumeuts to measure the amount of tobacco smoking was found to be adequate. Treatment with rivastigmiue did uot iuflueuce the plasma levels of clozapiiie. Conclusions: The maiu iustrumeuts to assess the effects of a choliuesterase iuhibitor in schizophrenia are the PANSS, the SADIMoD (1, 2), aud the CPT. Auother strategy should be used to measure tobacco smoking. The pilot study as yet revealed some improvement, but uo siguificaut chauges, of rivastigmiue ou these parameters. In order to substantiate whether or uot rivastigmiue induces clinically relevant treatment effects, our sample size will be iucreased to at least 40 patients. References [l] [2]

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et al. Int J Neuropsy-



lp.2.0841 A comparison for the schizophrenic neuroleptic-induced P’S)

of olanzapine and risperidone patients intolerance of extrapyramidal syndromes

H.Y. Chau’ , C.H. Chew’ , J.J. Chew’ , H.J. Suu’ , H.-J. Chiu’ , C.J. Chaug2. ’ Tao-Yuan Psychiatric Centel; Adult Psychiatry, Tao-yuan City, Taiwan; ‘Cathay General Hospital, Department of psychiatry, Taipei City, Taiwan Purpose: Mauy schizophrenic patients in Taiwan used couveutioual autipsychotics as treatment medications. Some patients could uot tolerate EPS eveu combined with auti-EPS medications. Atypical autipsychotics may be the treatment choice, but there were uo studies comparing differeut atypical autipsychotics in such populations. Here we compare the effects of olauzapiue aud risperidoue in these patients. Methods: Patients selected from a public meutal hospital during the period of Jul 1999 to Dee 2002 with below criteria: 1) age: 18-65 y/o, 2) schizophrenia defined by DSM-IV, 3) EPS defined by DSM-IV ueuroleptic-induced acute dystouia, akathisia, or parkiusouism research criteria, 4) uo major systemic disease, 5) uo substance abuse or depeudeuce withiu 6 mouths before study, 6) patients agree to joiu study aud sign iuformed consent. It’ s au S-week, prospective, randomized, rater-blind, flexible dose study with dose rauge of olauzapiue 2.5520 mgid or risperidoue 0.55 6 mgld. Patients were blindly assessed at baseline, lst, 2ud, 3rd, 4th, 8th week aud used CGI-S, CGI-I, BPRS, ESRS as assessment tools. We also recorded patieut’ s adverse effects, body weight, vital signs, coucomitaut medications aud dose of study medications. The prohibited medications included other autipsychotics, mood stablizers, autidepressauts aud dopamiue agonist. All ITT subjects were included for analysis with LOCF method for early termiuators. Chi-square test was used for categorical data. Studeut t-test aud paired t-test was used for coutiuuous variables or primary cud point measures. All statistical tests were two-tailed with piO.05 as significant. The primary cud point measures were total scores of parkiusouism, dystouia, akathisia of ESRS (ESRS item 1350) aud BPRS. The response criteria was study completers with psychiatric symptoms at least mild improvement (CGI-1~3) aud parkiusouism, dystouia, akathisia global impression all below mild degree (ESRS item 59,60,61=3) at the visit of 8th week. Results: A total of 60 ITT patients were recruited with 30 patients in each group. Each group had four pateuts early termination The demographic data aud baseline severity in both groups had uo significant differences. The meau modal dose at cud point of olauzapiue aud risperidoue were 11.7315.47 mgld aud 3.4811.59 mgld respectively. Both groups showed significantly improvement at eudpoiut thau baseline in both 2 primary measures, but there were uo differences betweeu groups. Risperidoue group had significant higher iucideuces of combiuiug auticholiuergics (53.33% Vs 13.33%, piO.001) or BZD (43.33% Vs lo%, piO.005). Olauzapiue group had the treud of higher rate of responder (56.67% Vs 33.33%, p=O.O69). All adverse effects had uo siguificaut difference betweeu groups, but olauzapiue group had the treud of more weight gaiu thau risperidoue group (2.9613.45 kg Vs 1.2213.15 kg, p=O.O63). Conclusion: The doses of olauzapiue aud risperidoue at eudpoint visit are lower thau general recommended dose aud both groups had significant improvement in primary measures. We suggest trying lower dose in such populations. Olauzapiue group was less auticholiuergics or BZD use aud had the treud of higher

P2. Psychotic





rate of responder. So our results seem favor olauzapiue as a better choice. But olauzapiue group had the treud of more body weight gaiu aud probably lead to metabolic adverse effects in the future.

Fos expression in the NRl hypomorphic mice suggest that the mice could provide a valuable model to study novel therapeutic strategies to counteract chronically reduced NMDA-R fuuctiou. (Supported in part by MH-33127, MH-00537, aud NARSAD).



Amphetamine and stress-induced and c-Fos expression in a genetic NMDA receptor hypofunction

behaviors model


S. Miyamoto’, J.N. Suouwaert2, B.H. Kolle?, J.A. Liebermau3, G.E. Duucau3. ‘St.Marianna University School of Medicine, Neuropsychiatry, Kawasaki, Japan; ‘University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Medicine, Chapel Hill, US.A.; 3 University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Psychiatry, Chapel Hill, US.A. A developed mouse straiu that expresses low levels of the NMDARl (NRl) subunit represents au experimental model of chrouically reduced NMDA-R activity that may be relevant to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (Mohu et al., 1999; Duucau et al., 2002). Most schizophrenic patients show exaggerated behavioral aud ueuroual responses to amphetamine or euviromneutal stressors compared with healthy subjects, suggesting a dysregulated ueuroual responsiveness to the exogenous stimulation in the illness. The goal of this study was to determine if chrouitally reduced NMDA-R fuuctiou would affect the amphetamine or stress-induced fuuctioual responses in mice, as assessed by behavioral responses aud iuductiou of c-Fos. The NRl deficient mice behaved with iucreased locomotor activity aud stereotypic movements relative to the wild-type mice after saliue iujectiou, but uo statistically significant differences were found betweeu the two groups. There was uo difference betweeu the NRl +/+ aud NRl -/- mice in the maximal or the time course of locomotor activation after administration of amphetamine (2 mgkg). For the 4 mgkg dose of amphetamine, the maximal activation was slightly greater for the wild-type mice, but the time course of the response to amphetamine was similar betweeu the wild-type aud NRl -/- mice. The wild-type mice treated with amphetamine (2 aud 4 mgkg) exhibited a slight (but statistically iusignificaut) iucrease in stereotypic movements, but the overall behavior was qualitatively iudistiuguishable from that of mice with reduced NRl expression In wild-type mice, amphetamine (2 aud 4 mgkg) induced robust iucreases in Fos expression in limbic cortical regions, accumbeus, caudate, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, aud select amygdaloid nuclei. In the NRl hypomorphic mice, the iuductiou of Fos in the subcortical regions was similar to that of wild-type mice. However, the NRl deficient mice exhibited attenuated Fos iuductiou in response to amphetamine in the medial prefroutal aud ciugulate cortices. A 5 miu swim stress induced robust Fos exuressiou in the medial urefroutal cortex. lateral se&al nucleus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, paraveutricular hypothalamic nucleus, medial amygdaloid nucleus, aud basolateral nucleus of amygdala in the wild-type mice. In the NRl hypomorphic mice, swim stress induced less Fos expression in the medial prefroutal cortex, ciugulate cortex, aud amygdala. However, stress-induced Fos expression in the lateral septal nucleus, bed uucleus of stria terminalis, aud paraveutricular hypothalamic nucleus was similar in NRl hypomorphic aud wild-type mice. These data indicate alteratious in cortical-subcortical circuitry aud fuuctiou in response to amphetamine aud stress in the NRl hypomorphic animals aud are cousisteut with fuuctioual imaging studies in chrouic schizophreuia which typically show reduced froutal cortical activity during ueuropsychological tasks. The alteratious in behaviors aud

[l] [2]

Duncan, G.E. et al. (2002) Brain Res 951, 16&176. Mohn, A.R. et al. (1999) Cell 98, 427436.


Atypical antipsychotics hospitalization




M. Garcia Mahia’, M. Vidal Millares’, R. Garcia Ramos2, C. Pedrejou Moliuo’, C. Borras’. ‘Hospital Gil Casares, Psychiatry, Santiago de Compostela (La Corufia), Spain; ‘Hospital Gil Casares, Pharmacy, Santiago de Compostela Corufia), Spain


Statement and purpose of the study: To detenniue the iuflueuce of atypical autipsychotics (AA) ou hospital service use by patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders, paranoid disorders aud other fuuctioual psychosis as well habitual doses of each autipsychotic ageut aud frequency of coprescription Methods: Retrospective descriptive study of psychiatric patieuts with psychosis @RG 430) from 2001 at 2002 at discharging. Psychiatric episodes geuerated by these patients from 1993 to 2002 were couuted. Setting: Au acute hospital care unit of Psychiatry Service composed of 21 beds in a university hospital in Galicia (Spain). Maiu Outcome Measures: Patients were classified according to maiu diagnosis (ICD-9 CM) iuto four groups: schizophrenia, affective psychosis, paranoid disorder aud other fuuctioual psychosis. Variables aualysed were age, sex, number of episodes, type of drug treatment, doses, length of stays, length betweeu relapses. Prescriptiou drug records at discharging were revised since 1993. The statistical package SPSS v.10 for windows was utilized for the study. Summary of results: Of 269 patients were seleced 254 who geuerated 656 episodes (2.54/ease), 53.2% were male. Age average 41.3 (S.D:16.7) years. Schizophrenic group was the biggest (13 1 cases aud 369 episodes) were patients were younger, produced meau stay higher aud more readmissious thau other groups. There were siguificaut differences for stays 26.9 days in AA versus 33.2 in couveutioual autipsychotics (CA) aud relapses were higher in CA treatments (3.6) thau in AA treatments (2.3). Days to relapse were lower in CA treatments. Of coprescriptious auticholiuergic drugs were the most habitually associated (CA twice as much as AA) followed by beuzodiazepiues, autidepressauts, lithium aud fiually auticouvnlsivauts. Type of autipsychotic treatment were also aualysed. Conclusions: There is a significant difference in the stay length in favour of AA treatment in schizophrenia group, but uot in the other groups included in DRG 430 (Psychosis). However tue results for readmission rates aud duration to relapses were more favourable for AA.


Risperidone mania

M. Kramer, Pharmaceutical Purpose:


in acute

K. Karcher, F. Grossman R&D, Titusville, NJ, To evaluate


Janssen US.A.

as mouotherapy



in acute
