P.6.021 Anxiety, depression and disease specific quality of life in dermatologic patients

P.6.021 Anxiety, depression and disease specific quality of life in dermatologic patients

P6. Other Method: Among the Korean patieuts diagnosed as schizophreuia by DSM-IV, 257 patieuts without neurological illness, hormoral disorder, or c...

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Method: Among the Korean patieuts diagnosed as schizophreuia by DSM-IV, 257 patieuts without neurological illness, hormoral disorder, or comorbid meutal illness were selected. Blood was obtained from 184 age aud sex-matched control subjects with uo history of autoimmuue aud psychiatric disease. TAP2 polymorphic residues at positions 379, 565 aud 665 in the TAP2 geue were found using amplicatiou refractory mutation systempolymerase chaiu reaction (ARMS-PCR). The resulted products, TAP237g, TAP2565, TAP2665 were assessed. Results: There were significant differences in genotype frequeucies of TAP2565 aud TAP2665 betweeu the patients with schizophrenia aud the control group (x2=221 .O, PiO.001; x2=23 1.0, PiO.001, respectively). The allele frequencies of TAP2565 aud TAP2665 were significantly differeut betweeu the patients aud the controls (x2=269, PiO.001; x2=249, PiO.001). Conclusion: These fiudiugs suggest that the TAP2 geue may be associated with susceptibility of schizophrenia in Korean population Further studies are ueeded to determine the fuuctioual implications of these genes. References


Zhang SL, Chabod J, Penfornis A, Reviron D, Tiberghien P, Wendling D, Toussirot E. TAP1 and TAP2 gene polymorphism in rheumatoid arthritis in a population in eastern France. Eur J Immunogenet. 2002:29:241-9.


Anxiety, quality


depression and disease specific life in dermatologic patients

A. Yazici’ , K. Baz2, K. Yazici’ , A. K&ttirk2, Y. Okyay’ , A. Cordau Yazici2, D. Demirsereu2. ‘Mersin University School of Medicine, Psychiatry, Mersin, Turkey; ‘Mersin University School of Medicine, Dematology, Mersin, Turkey Objective: To determine levels of anxiety aud depression aud their effects ou disease specific quality of life in dermatologic patients. Method: A total of 265 dermatological patients aud 43 healthy volunteers were included in the study. All patients were asked to fill Dennatology Life Quality Index @LQI), General Health Questiomlaire (GHQ-12) aud Hospital Anxiety aud Depression Scale (HAD), aud healthy controls to fill ouly HAD. Results: The meau HAD depression subscale (HAD-D) scores (6.717.1) of the patients were significantly higher thau the coutrols (4.112.6) (t=-2.322, df=306, p=O,O21). Patients had higher GHQ-12 scores (3.313.3) compared to controls (2.312.2) aud the difference was uear siguificaut (t=-1.933, df=306, p=O.O54). The rates of subjects at risk for depression (35.5%) were siguificautly higher in the patient group compared to the control group (11.6%) (c2T9.643, df=l, p=O.O02). But such a difference was uot observed for anxiety. DLQI scores were positively correlated with GHQ-12, HAD-A aud HAD-D scores in the patient group. The patients at risk for anxiety aud depression had significantly higher scores ou DLQI compared to those who are uot at risk. Conclusion: 1) dennatological patients are at iucreased risk for depression compared to uonnal population 2) the greater the level of anxiety aud depression, the greater the impainneut of quality of life due to dennatologic diseases. 3) screeuiug of dennatologic patients with GHQ-12 may help to identify patients at risk for psychiatric problems.


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5-HTzA receptor but not 5-HT transporter gene polymorphism is associated with avoidance in adolescents with anorexia nervosa


F. Rybakowski’ , M. Dmitrzak-Weglarz2, A. Slopieu’ , .I. Hause?, A. Rajewski’. ‘University of Medical Sciences, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Poznan, Poland; ‘Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Poznan, Poland Serotouergic dysfuuctiou has beeu postulated in the etiopathogenesis of anorexia uervosa. Several reports indicated the role of -1438 A/G polymorphism of 5-HT2A, but meta-analysis aud multi-center study brought negative results. Hann avoidance persouality dimension, which is related to serotouergic activity is higher in anorexia uervosa patients thau in healthy controls, aud may be a risk factor for eating disorders. There are also some reports ou the iuflueuce of the of 48 bp VNTR polymorphism of 5-HT transporter geue ou this persouality dimension We assess whether genotypes of 5-HTT aud 5-HT2A show association with persouality dimeusious of Temperament aud Character Iuveutory (TCI). In a group of 40 adolescent patients with anorexia uervosa (meau age 17.5; sd. 2.78; BM1~15.2; sd. 1.7) we perfonned the geuotypiug aud psychometric assessment with TCI. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was perfonned with genotypes as iudepeudeut factors aud persouality dimeusious as depeudeut variables. There were uo significant differences in persouality dimeusious in anorexia uervosa patients with differeut genotypes of 5-HTT. However the persouality dimeusiou of Hann Avoidauce show siguificaut association with the genotype of 5-HT2A receptor gene. Patients with genotypes: GIG, GIA aud AIA obtain respectively 16.3 (sd. 5.7), 22.8 (sd. 6.3) aud 18.4 (sd. 5.5) score iupersouality trait of HA (df 1,39; ANOVA F= 3.78; p=O.O3). 5-HT2A receptor geue polymorphism may iuflueuce the persouality dimeusiou of Hann Avoidauce in adolescents with anorexia uervosa. The association betweeu 5-HT2A geue polymorphism aud HA may be responsible for the role of this polymorphism in the iucreased risk of anorexia uervosa.

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Association in anorexia

study nervosa





A. Slopieu’ , F. Rybakowski’ , M. Dmitrzak-Weglarz2, .I. Hause?, A. Rajewski’. ‘University of Medical Sciences, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Poznan, Poland; ‘Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Poznan, Poland The disturbance of dopamiuergic ueurotrausmissiou may be a trait marker for anorexia uervosa (AN). Recently Catechol-Omethyltrausferase (COMT) geue polymorphism was reported to be associated with AN in family-based study. Dopamiue transporter geue @AT) may play a role in the persouality trait of uoveltyseeking, which is significantly lower in patients with AN thau in healthy controls. The association DAT geue polymorphism aud novelty-seeking was also reported. 97 female patients with ICD-10 aud DSM-IV diagnosis of anorexia uervosa (38 bulimicipurgiug type aud 59 restrictive type ~ meau age 18.4) aud 135 healthy controls (mean age ~ 34.9) were included in the study. The venous blood was takeu aud DNA isolated. The frequency of genotypes aud alleles were compared with chi-square test, with significance level p=O.O5. There were uo statistically significant differences in the frequency of DAT genotypes betweeu AN patients aud