greatest effectiveness in the practice of psychology in the schools. Those attending the Convention in St. Louis will vote on whether or not to form a national association and, if indicated, will be asked to decide upon aspects of organizational structure. Should a national association be formed, those at the Convention would become Charter members and not be required to complete membership applications. Recognized speakers and meetings of special interest groups will also highlight the Convention. For further information, send name and address to Dr. William H. Farling, College of Education, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE FOR SC,HOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS
The Division of School Psychology of the American Psychological Association will hold the Fourteenth Professional Training Institute, August 27-30, 1969, just prior to the APA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The theme of the Institute is The Behavioral Scientist in the Classroom. There will be five simultaneous training sessions with the following leaders and topics: Maurice F. Freehill, University of Washington, Personality Factors in Gifted Learning; C. Edward Meyers, University of Southern California, Contemporary Theoretical Positions in Psychology and their Relevance to the Practice of School Psychology; Nicolas Long, Hillcrest Children's Center, Washington, D.C., Management of Conflict in the Classroom; Haim Ginnott, New York City, Between Parent and Child; and Wesley C. Becket, University of Illinois, Behavioral Modification in the Classroom. The fee for the Institute will be $40.00.
For further information and application, contact Dr. Merle L. Meacharn, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98105. PAMPHLET ON READING DISORDERS
A free pamphlet, "The child with a reading disorder: A fact sheet for parents" may be obtained by writing to the Secretary's National Advisory Committee on Dyslexia and Related Reading Disorders, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C. 20201. Two WORKSHOPSIN THE RORSCHACH METHOD
Dr. Marguerite Hertz, Case Western Reserve University, will offer two workshops in the Rorschach method during June, 1969: Workshop I: Basic Principles. June 16-20. The workshop will be concerned with techniques of administration, fundamentals of scoring, psychological significance of test variables, introduction to interpretation, and demonstrations in the hospitals. Fee will be $60.00. Workshop H: Advanced Clinical Interpretation. June 23-27. The workshop will review the newer developments in test interpretation. There will be an analysis of cases presenting a wide variety of disorders, with demonstrations in the hospitals. Fee will be $60.00. Both workshops will be limited to qualified psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors. Graduate students having at least one full year of academic study will be considered by Dr. Hertz on an individual basis. For further information write to Lelia Zamir, Coordinator, Programs in Mental Health, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland College, Baker Building, Room 110, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.