Parasitology for veterinarians 5th edition

Parasitology for veterinarians 5th edition

1 86 BRITISH VETERINARY JOURNAL, 147, 2 methods adopted by the different bodies for saving endangered species . Details are given as to whether fina...

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methods adopted by the different bodies for saving endangered species . Details are given as to whether financial support is from government, private or commercial sources . A fully developed government supported programme is only available in two of the 21 countries concerned and partial government support forthcoming in a further three . Many of the countries listed have no organized programme at present . Britain is in the forefront and the schemes now being applied in this country are described in detail . The keeping of records is essential and where there is no herd or flock book the setting up of a means of record keeping is the first priority . Evidence is presented which indicates that, as a protected species, sheep have fared better than cattle mainly because in today's affluent society, small industries have developed around the keeping of a few of the exotic rare breeds of sheep for the production of special types of wool for designer knitted garments . The role computers can play in assembling a combined flock book is described . The role played by certain new technologies, e .g . semen banks and embryo freezing, largely restricted to cattle and pigs and more recently horses, is outlined . Reference is made to the fact that sheep are anatomically difficult to inseminate so frozen semen from this species has not had the same impact on the preservation of rare breeds . When it became possible to inseminate ewes intrauterinely with frozen semen the results have been much improved . The fact that recent embryo technology offers even more opportunity to draw on gene pools is discussed . Conservation of animal genetic resources in the developing countries is dealt with, including the pitfalls . Current problems of conservation are discussed including the relevance of genetic improvement . Finally the potential impact of advanced biotechnology on genetic conservation programmes is discussed . Unfortunately there is a great deal of repetition, especially in the first section of the book. Reiteration of the major benefits of preservation by each presenter makes for boring reading . However, as this is the first conference of its kind to be held, such criticism will, I am sure, be overcome in future editions . This extremely important aspect of animal conservation needs to be brought to public attention and this publication makes a brave attempt to do just that . J . RENT ON

Parasitology for Veterinarians 5th Edition Jay R. Georgi & Marion E . Georgi London : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/ Philadelphia : W .B . Saunders Company . 1990. 412 pp . £35 .50/US$49 .95 This, the fifth edition of a well-known textbook of veterinary parasitology has undergone a metamorphosis . Much of the material has been reorganized and is now presented in a manner which helps achieve the authors' stated objectives `to introduce veterinary students to those aspects of parasitology that they will find useful in their careers and to provide them, as veterinarians, with a practical reference' . For example, information on morphology, life-history and significance of individual or groups of related parasites is now given followed by a discussion of their importance in the aetiology and transmission of disease and how they are controlled . The illustrations, as in previous editions, are excellent and new material, especially representing some of the more complex parasitic life-cycles, is of the same high quality . Also the chapter on diagnostic parasitology is clearly laid out and includes a range of traditional laboratory techniques, useful hostparasite lists to aid in the identification of parasites found in domestic and laboratory animals and an interesting section on histopathological diagnosis, which again is very well illustrated . Information on antiparasitic compounds is presented in a separate chapter and as well as traditional drugs with a direct chemical action, other compounds including attractant pheromones, repellents, growth regulators and synergists, are described . The text is generally in an easily readable narrative style and is interspersed with a few amusing parasite stories ranging from the use of `surgical maggots' to treat suppurative lesions by a Vietnam prisoner of war to the critical siting of wire floored cat kennels 33 cm above the ground, this being the world record high jump for the cat flea . Obviously this book is aimed mainly at the veterinary profession in North America with differences in emphasis compared with the UK in terms of the importance of different parasite species and the epidemiology of parasitic disease in relation to different management systems . Also certain drugs or drug combinations used in the USA are not available in Britain and vice versa . Although

BOOK REVIEWS designed primarily for the American market the comprehensive section on diagnostic parasitology would be very useful for veterinarians anywhere in the world . This is a `value for money' textbook of veterinary parasitology and the authors are to be congratulated . J . L . DL NCAN Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Sheep

C . Hindson & Agnes C . Winter Guildford : Wright/Butterworth Scientific . 1990 . 242 pp . £19 .95 (paper)


This conveniently sized paperback running to some 240 pages is the product of two well respected veterinary members of the Sheep Veterinary Society. They have combined their respective talents and knowledge to produce a book aimed at practising veterinary surgeons and students . They open the book with the statement that `animal health care rests on the triple pillars of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment and without a high degree of accuracy in the first, prognosis becomes a lottery and treatment may well degenerate into dependence on shot gun or spray therapy' . In this age of increased awareness on animal welfare and the need to use medicines effectively the need to achieve an accurate diagnosis has never been more important . The book has been written from the viewpoint of presenting signs-the reason why the veterinary surgeon is called-although with sheep the signs may not always be well presented and death may be the first indicator that something was amiss . In twentyone chapters they cover suboptimal reproductive performance, abortion, dystocia and vaginocervical prolapse, male infertility, periparturient ewe losses, mastitis, perinatal lamb losses, inadequate growth rate, diarrhoea, tenesmus, behaviour, eye disorders, anaemia, jaundice, abdominal distension/pain, wool loss, respiratory disease and sudden death . Their general approach is one of giving the background, followed by possible causes and by the use of flow charts how to home in on the most likely cause(s) for the particular class of stock . Guidelines are given, including use of laboratory tests, as to how specific diagnosis can then be made . If I were to find fault with the authors (or their advisors) it is in the realm of laboratory tests that weaknesses were found . PAGE is


not mentioned as a rotavirus diagnostic technique and, in the reviewer's opinion, FAT cannot be used to diagnose pulpy kidney disease and serology can be valuable in the diagnosis of post dipping lameness or agalactiae caused by L. hardjo. Notwithstanding these points which are part covered by the statement that tests change, consult lab etc ., veterinary students, recent graduates and more mature graduates doing limited sheep work will find this an invaluable guide and more proficient sheep vets will find it useful in clarifying their thought processes on particular problems . A . GREG

Canine Orthopaedics . 2nd Edition

Edited by William Whittick Philadelphia and Beckenham, Kent : Lea & Febiger . 1990 . £87 .35 The Editor, in his preface, makes no apology for producing a book with the emphasis on providing information for the practitioner rather than the academic . In doing so, he has enlisted for help over 30 specialists with a diverse background and massive experience . Although the majority are from North America there are contributions from Europe, Canada and Australia . This provides a nice balance of opinion and should encourage an equally wide audience to read the book . As with any multi-author text there are areas of overlap but in the main the repetition is not serious . Inconsistency in nomenclature between chapters and, more obviously, within a chapter is slightly irritating, but overall the style between authors is admirably uniform . The book is well produced and each chapter has a comprehensive list of references . The illustrations are first class and the quality of the radiographs is superb . The first two sections introduce the reader to the structure and function of normal tissues and how to examine the orthopaedic patient . This is followed by much useful information on preparation, principles and procedures for surgery. The remaining 80% of the book is devoted to the management of traumatic and degenerative orthopaedic conditions, and diseases of bone, muscle and joints . It concludes, appropriately, with salvage procedures . It would be invidious to select any one contribution, but the chapter on injuries