times in Ireland. The great heroism of the medical man in the hygiene of railways. It is much to be wished that Dr. carrying out his duty in the teeth of such difficulties and inVariot’s suggestions may be acted upon. the face of such selfish, ignorant, and superstitious opposition The Spittoons at the Gare du Nord. is worthy of the highest commendation. The Victoria Cross As is well known the Gare du Nord is provided with : has been given for many a less heroic act. The saddest part M. Périer has just made an investigation into of this tragedy is that he leaves a widow and eight children. spittoons. of these appliances and here are the results. the utility It is noteworthy that his predecessor met his death under The spittoons stand at a height of one metre above the , exactly similar circumstances. It is to be hoped that the On Oct. 18th 625 persons passed the spittoons on authorities will inquire into the alleged utter selfishness and ground. of whom three spat on the ground and two inhuman conduct of the police and the fishermen and that platform No. 6, in the spittoons. Between 5 P.M. and 5.30 P.M. 315 persons they will make some suitable provision for Mr. Smyth’s passed the spittoons on platform No. 12, of whom eight spat widow and children. On Oct. 19th on the ground and only one in the spittoon. Nov. 26th. out of 450 persons who passed the spittoons on platform No. 6 12 spat on the ground and only one in the spittoons. From half-past eight to nine o’clock 410 persons passed the PARIS. on platform No. 15, of whom seven spat on the spittoons (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) and one in the spittoons. On Oct. 20th 630 persons ground passed the spittoons on platform No. 6, nine of whom spat on the ground and not one in the spittoons. From 11.15 to Competition for the Nomination of Dental Surgeons to the 11.45 580 persons passed the spittoons on platform No. 12. Hospitals. of whom four spat on the ground and only one in the THE Assistanee Publique, in furtherance of an ideal which spittoons. it has set up for some time past, has just given notice that Hospital dental surgeons to the hospitals will be appointed after comM. Mourier, the chairman of the General Board of the petition. Candidates will have to submit proofs that they Assistance Publique, has just appointed a committee of ways have possessed the degree of Doctor of Medicine for three and means to study the question of how best to exclude from years and that they have attended during two years at the the hospitals those who are really neither poor nor necespractice of a dental hospital. For former internes of the sitous. In this connexion the Seine Medical Practitioners Paris hospitals these two periods of three and of two years Association has requested its members to address as soon as are reduced to one year each, while the two-year period of possible any relevant communication which they may wish attendance is, for this competition only. reduced to one to make to Dr. Rotillon who is a member of the committee year in the case of candidates other than former internes. in question. The competition will include two kinds of tests-namely, Method of Writing for the Blind. "épreuves d’admissibilité"and "épreuves definitives.In the M. Dussaud laid before the Academy of Medicine at first class there has to be submitted a written paper on some meeting held on Nov. 19th a method for enabling pathological subject, for which two hours will be allotted. their There is also a practical test in the examination of a patient blind people to write in the same manner as they read, a who is suffering from some ordinary medical or surgical result which has been vainly sought for during 70 years. The affection and another in the examination of a patient Braille alphabet, as everybody knows, is made out of 82 signs who is suffering from a dental affection. For each of obtained by the varying combinations of six dots. These these examinations the candidate will be allowed 20 are stamped in relief on the paper and the blind person minutes to go over the case and to form his diagnosis, reads them by passing his fingers over the surface. while he will be allowed 15 minutes to lay his opinion To reproduce these signs so that they ’can be read in before the jury. In the second class-the épreuves defini- their turn the blind person drives a stylus into the tives-are included the following :-1. A vivâ-voce examina- paper and so makes a depression-that is to say, he writes tion in dental pathology or therapeutics. The candidate his. signs on the back of the sheet so that they come out in will be allowed 10 minutes to think over his answer and the relief on the front. Therefore, he has to write these signs same time in which to deliver it. 2. A vim-voce examina- the reverse way, as engravers do. In this way it will be tion on the theory of artificial dentures. Candidates will be seen that writing for the blind under present conditions supplied with a model of a mouth on which to demonstrate offers many difficulties, for he has to learn his alphabet their ideas as to the construction and application of the twice over-once to read it and in a reverse manner to write denture. Candidates will have 10 minutes in which to think it. He only has the combination of six dots to work with, and therefore he has to write an "e,"for example, so as over what they are going to say and 10 minutes in which to to read an "i," and so on. This is a maddening process. say it. 3. A written report upon a patient suffering from some dental affection. 15 minutes are allowed for this and M. Dussaud employs a metal regulator divided into comthe report must be read out as soon as it is finished. The partments carefully aligned. At the bottom of each comis placed on partment there are six holes and this jury will consist of five members-namely, one surgeon and the the is placed Underneath another paper. paper regulator one physician to the hospitals and three hospital dentists. But as a temporary arrangement which will hold good for corresponding to the top one, but having six points which the first two competitions only the jury will consist of two stick up into the six holes of the one on the top. The blind drives his stylus into the necessary holes to form a surgeons and one physician to the hospitals and two hospital person but in letter, place of making a hole he forces together the dentists. Hospital dentists are compulsorily retired at the two regulators, and so the letter is produced in relief by the of 65 years. age points of the regulator underneath driving the paper up Cases ot Whooping-cough in Trains. through the holes of the one on the top. He therefore can Dr. Variot is carrying on an active campaign to make it write directly characters which can be read. The same generally understood that children suffering from whooping- method is applicable to writing figures or music, and it has cough should be isolated when travelling by train. Change brought about a real revolution in the lot of the mfortunate of air is the chief method of treatment of this disease and beings who are deprived of the sense of sight. Dr. Variot wishes to make it obligatory upon the railway Nov. 26th. companies to provide special compartments for children with whooping-cough who have been certified as such by a medical BERLIN. man. Any ordinary carriage would do, provided that it were labeled Reserved." All blinds or curtains should be reOUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) (FROM moved and the upholstery work should be covered with some material which is smooth and impermeable, so that it could The Berlin Medical Society. be easily sterilised. After the children have left the the cushions should taken out and all be THE first disinfected, carriage meeting of the Berlin Medical Society after the while the windows should be washed down with a solution of summer recess took place on Oct. 30th. The honorary preperchloride of mercury. Following out some suggestions of sident, Professor Virchow, who was present for the first time M. Albert Robin (president of the association of medical since the celebration of his eightieth birthday, was again the men practising at various health resorts), in conjunction object of general and hearty congratulations. The prewith the Minister of Public Works, the railway companies sidential chair was decorated with flowers and when Proare shortly going to introduce important improvements in fessor Virchow arrived he was received with applause and ’