J Aerosol Sci. Vol. 31. Suppl. I, pp. S87 I-$872, 2000
Pergamon www.elsevier.com/locate/jaerosci
Poster Session II. Emissions and particle separation PARTICULATE EMISSION FROM INCINERATION
A. KRASENBRINK1, R. HUMMEL 2, and G. DE SANTI2 IlSOTEC, Wiesenweg 4, A-3430 Tulln-Staasdorf, Austria 2European Commission, JRC, Environment Institute, 1-21020 Ispra (VA), Italy
Keywords: Waste incineration, Particulate emissions, Cleaning efficiency
INTRODUCTION The increasing threat to the quality of life in Europe by the volume of waste generated and the increasing scarcity of prime materials has lead to a common European framework defined in the Commissions Waste management strategy from 1996, which was followed by a number of amendments. In support of the Commission, the JRC (as independent and neutral research organisation) has set up the European reference laboratory on waste incineration (WIND). The WIND Laboratory makes part of the ERLIVE (European Reference Laboratories on Incineration and Vehicle Emissions)-Projeet. The WINDlaboratory is based on the JRC's competencies, laboratories and facilities in the area of engineering, systems, physics, environmental monitoring and chemistry and it also includes a pilot incineration plant for advanced treatment of waste. This paper describes a study performed in order to characterise the performance of specific components of the incineration pilot plant based on the chemical and physical characterisation of particulate emissions. PLANT AND TEST DESCRIPTION The incinerator consists of the primary combustion chamber (300 - 900 °C), a post-combustion chamber operating at 800-1200 °C, a heat exchanger followed by a venturi scrubber, a drop separator, a caustic scrubber and a wet electrostatic precipitator for final dust removal and a flue gas re-heater close to the stack. The plant is fully equipped with on-line stack emission control devices for regulated pollutants. In addition several extraction points in the plant allow for the control of gaseous components and particulate matter along the process line. Within a test execution time of 8 to 10 hours typically 300 to 400 kg of test fuel has been burnt with a rate of 120 kg/h. As test fuel a mixture of wood (as blocks or chips), paper, card board and polyethylene (as blocks or flakes) was used. In future these fuel mixtures will be spiked with chemical additives (i.e. heavy metals) for the analysis of material deposition in the plant, chemical composition of the particulate emissions, wash water and combustion chamber bottom ash, as well as for the comparison of sampling and analytical methods for European harmonisation. In order to identify parameters for testing alternative filtration and gas cleaning systems and for qualifying the existing "wet" flue gas cleaning system, particulate emission measurements have been performed at three different extraction points: • between the primary combustion and the post combustion chamber • between the heat exchanger and the scrubber • at the stack. Samples from the combustion chamber's exit have been taken with filters and Anderson MARK llI impactors, heated Berner Low Pressure Impactors (LPI: 11 stages, 0.008-16 Ixrn; 8 stages, 0.06-16 ~rn) and filters were used for the measurements between heat exchanger and venturi scrubber. An automated stack sampler for isokinetic extraction integrated the particulate emissions in the chimney over the whole test sequence on a filter.
Abstracts of the 2000 EuropeanAerosol Conference TEST RESULTS
Particulate emission concentrations in the stack have been found in the range of 0.2-2.3 mg/Nm 3. Under similar conditions the mass concentration in the connecting pipe between heat exchanger and venturi scrubber was found to be in the range of 1-12 mg/Nm 3. Increasing the primary air flow at the bottom of the combustion chamber leads to an increased particle transport and to concentrations at that point of up to 40 mg/Nm ~. On both sites the filter surfaces looked slightly grey. The highest mass concentrations at these two extraction points were measured directly after loading and after poking. This finding is also valid for the gaseous pollutants NOx and TOC as shown in Figure 1. At the combustion chamber exit the mass concentrations reached values between 0.2 and 6 g/Nm 3. Here the filters containing 0.6 to 10 mg of mass were completely black, indicating that a high amount of unbumt material is still present and transported to the post combustion chamber. ........ N O x
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time (h) Figure 1: NO~, TOC and particulate matter during test 24111999. Mass size distribution measurements reveal that the coarse fraction contains the main mass transported out of the combustion chamber. The main peak was found for particles much bigger than 10 lain, found in the impactor pre-separator. A second peak is sometimes found in the fine mass fraction for particles smaller than 1 Ixm. The coarse fraction is strongly reduced in the post combustion chamber by further burning and in the heat exchanger by deposition. The main peak of particulate matter leaving the heat exchanger is still in the coarse mass fraction, in the range of 2-16 lain. More detailed analysis of recent tests will be shown in our contribution. A chemical analysis of the samples as well as single particle analysis is also foreseen in the next future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to thank the incinerator plant operators R. Warnsing and A. Brunella for test preparation and execution, and R. Colombo, M. Sculati and H. Sch6nherr for taking and analysing the samples.