World Patent Informatron, Vol Pergamon Orblt InfoLme Inc Prmted In Great Brltam
10, No
1, pp
Literature Review Abstracts and reviews collected by the InternatIonal Bureau of WIPO during a scanning of Journals concerned wyth mformatlon retrieval and patent mformatlon
I Patent mformatton from the vendor’s pomt of view J Sergeant Messe Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Mam, Germany, pp 66-67, 1987 Discusses many aspects of the factors which are affecting database producers m general, the patents database producer m particular, and their relatlonshlp with pohcles and with the envn-onment wlthm which these must work Several aspects of the production of patents mformatlon are dlscussed at some length mcludmg the need to cover the widest possible areas of technology and the widest possible numbers of countries producmg patents Emphasis ISplaced on the mternatlonal responslblhtles of the database producer m this field Side effects of this which are important mclude the effect of language on both productlon and marketmg, and the need for an Enghsh language pubhsher to be able to support customers who speak a wide variety of languages, although most of them can of course read Enghsh 2 Automatic svstem of coordinatine natent translattons. A P Tsyplyakova N%chnoTekh Inf Ser 1 (U S S R ). 1987. No 5. pp 14-16 The po&blhty angthe uskfulnesi of automating a translation service for pubhshed patent apphcatlons and patents ISexammed An algorithm for the operation of the service m a ‘questlon and answer’ mode IS exammed and an Issue of the pubhcatlon ‘catalogue of translations of patent apphcdtlons and descrlptlon of Inventions’ and the annual indexes (hstmgs and classlficatlons) ISdiscussed Automatlon would enable the pubhcatlon and quality of the service to be ensured, avoid duphcatlon of translations, reduce the time to complete translations, and the time to provide mformatron m response to users’ requests It would also ald the search for ttanslatlons of patent slmllarltles, enable an effective orgamzatlon for handlmg requests for preparation of copies of tran5latlons to be developed, and reduce the time and Improve the quahty of the pubhcatlon 3 The orgamsatton of natent data banks at the Ilmenau Instttute-of Technology R Schramm. H Drews and K D Blela Int Forum Znj Dot (USSR), April 1987, Vol 12, No 2, pp 3-11 A computerlsed Datent search system, being established at the Ilmenau In&tute ofTe;hnologyJomtly with the GDR Inventions and Patent Office, IS Intended for mformatlon support of research aimed at revealing the state-ofthe-art m technology The orgamsatlon of system files IS based on utlhsatlon of relations between apphcatlons and publlcatlons deahng with the same mventlons,
the most important mventlons m sclentlflc and technological respects are selected, takmg mto account their resuectlve numbers of apphcatlons In addltlon to compulsory classlflcatlon bv IPC. formal non-compulsory classlfiEatlon is foreseen, 1 e the additional assignment of IPC numbers ascribed to analogue apphcatlons Automatlc mdexmg by keyword on the basis of their occurrence frequencies 1s also planned m an experlmental mode The system will provide for mformatlon services m the SD1 and retrospective retrieval modes, support forecasts drawn on the basis of retrospective retrieval results, accept magnetic tapes with document speclflcatlons from the ISPI and the GDR abstractmg service The system of full-text retrieval will be operated m the trammg and experlmental mode 4 Automated system of retrospective patent document searching with the use of CAPRI magnettc tape files. G N Kratsashvlh, P A Chobanyan and 0 B Shatberashvllh Nauchno-tekh Inf Ser 2 (U S S R ), 1986, Vol 20, No 12, pp 13-15 Taken from Autom Dot Math Lmgud (U S A ), 1986, Vol 20, No 6, pp 74-79 The article describes the INPADOC system for handling patent mformatlon The authors make use of CAPRI tapes which have been reclasslfled according to IPC The sclentlflc and technical mformatlon Institute has developed a patent automated retrospective mformatlon system (PARIS) for effective utlhsatlon of CAPRI tapes The database orgamsatlon, Its updatmg and correctlon and document searching and mformatlon output are described 5 Reformattmg patent cttatrons for use wtth the Derwent PATSTAT Stattstical Analvsis Program. D S Saarl Database (U S A ), August 1987, Vol 10, No 4 pp 62-70 A basic program IS provided to enable patent cltatlons retrieved from the IF1 patent database to be analysed usmg PATSTAT Derwent’s PATSTAT statlstlcal analysis program performs statlstical analyses on sets of patent cltatlons downloaded from Derwent’s World Patent Index (WPI) databases The WPI files contam cltatlons of the patents and pubhshed apphcatlons Issued by the Important mternatlonal patentmg authorltles Other patent databases contain data that might be used to perform Interesting analyses The IF1 oatent database (IFIPAT on STN Interhatlonal), also kndwn as the Claim database on Dialog or Orblt, contams cltatlons of Datents Issued bv the U S Patent and Trademark Off& Although the database generally 1s hmlted to U S patents, the Increased time period covered makes the IFIPAT file an attractive source of patent and statIstIca analysis 6 The settmg up of a regtonal patent data bank at Ilmenau Techmcal Universtty. R Schramm WUS Z Techn Hochsch Ilmenau (Germany), 1987, Vol 33, No 3, pp 14964 Irrespective of size of country, the need exists to keep sclentlsts, engmeers and economists Informed on world-wide technology and related patent law, and this task requires the use of modern mformatlon systems Data storage requirements for patent data banks, and the need for regional data banks In the German 84
Democratic Repubhc for patent mformatlon storage Including German Language Invention speclflcatlons, are examined Storage capacltles of 0 4 to 5 GBYTE for 5 year retrospectlon, and 6 GBYTE for 20 year retrospectlon, are considered necessary Particular characterlstlcs and features of the reglonal data bank using the Dialog operating system at Ilmenau Technical Umverslty are revrewed 7 Patent law development under the Influence of mformation technology m research and develonment. W Lmden WUS 2 Tech Hochsch, Zlmenau (Germany), 1987, Vol 33, No 3, pp 139-47 Questions of patent law are exammed against the background of the changed msplratlonal and creative role of the inventor m an environment of computer aided solutions to problems Exlstmglaw 1sbased on reward, stlmulatlon, and protection for economic exploltatlon, of Inventive achievements, but computer and programmmg technologies have transferred creative aspects to the machme If patent law retains its present form, software aided mventlons would be excluded from patent protectlon rnqofdr as they arc machme derived The mtroductlon of d concept of patentable mventlon based on economic aspects m which an InventIon must be new m a material sense and be mdustrlally apphcable, 1s a way out of the dlfflculty Consequences and related aspects are dlscussed 8 An international classtficatton for patents The LB1 for the recovery of information on mnovations and tmprovements. A S Rwerd A Actual Inf Clent Tee (Cuba). August 1986, Vol 17:No 4,pp 31152 Tl&au;hor defines an InventIon, a sclentlflc dlscovery, an mnovatlon and an Improvement Since every mnovatlon and Improvement has to be documented, the author suggests that their storage could be of economic advdntage since the recovery of an dppllcable mnovatlon might be of use m the future To build an mternatlonal classlflcatlon 01 patents the author suggests the varlou\ classes required and mentions some of the sub-classes The hlerarchlc method of denotmg a \ubJect IS dlscu\sed In detail InformatIon on lnnovatlons and Improvements cdn be obtamed from patent\ Means of recovermg such lnformatlon VI‘I an mternatlonal classlficatlon of patents are discussed From the evidence of speclahsts It IS clear that the method for the mternatmndl classlflcdtlon of patents can
be used for mnovatlons and Improvements At present there IS no language specially deslgned for the search for Information on mnovatlon\ and Improvements If the documentation process could be centrahsed It would become economic 9 Dtrect access of data banks-expertences at the Research Institute for processmg rubber and nlasttcs. Gottwaldov (Czechoslovakia).*J Modrai