PD-033 Predictive testing of NSCLC chemosensitivity: A feasibility study

PD-033 Predictive testing of NSCLC chemosensitivity: A feasibility study

Poster Discussions / Basic science~Ceil and moiecu/ar biology $76 Conclusions: EGF R pathway status is rather heterogeneous in NSCLC. at Untverstty...

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Poster Discussions / Basic science~Ceil and moiecu/ar biology


Conclusions: EGF R pathway status is rather heterogeneous in NSCLC.

at Untverstty ~ Caldomta, San Franctsco, Ca/domta, USA, 2Department Innovation Therapeut]que et Oncologte Motec~atre, t N S ~ M U563, lnst]t~t, C/,audtus Regaud, 31052 Toulouse Cedex, France, 3Canoar Center at Untverstty ot Cahtom/a, San Fran¢~seo, CA 94115, USA

vlnorelblno also showed activity, but few agents achieved 100% iNTibit]on at clinically achievable concentrat]ons, with the possible e0¢capt]on of doxorubicin. which was tested at concantrat]ons similar to those obtained using liposomal preparat]ons such as Ceolyx/Doxil There was considerable heterogeneity between tumours in the inhibit]on aol'taved by docataxel, cisplatin and gamcitabine, with less vanation shown ~ r doxorubicin and etoposide Of the combinat]ons teated, cisplat]n + gamcitabine showed good ac0vity against most tumours, but docataxel + gemcitabine was not as effeot]ve However. docataxel in combination with etoposide or liposomal doxorubic~n was very active. Conclusion: These results are consistent with clinical experlenoe, and show relat]ve resistance of most NSCLC to single agents. However. several combinat]ons show greater activity, part]cularly clsplat]n + gamcitablne and suggest that combinat]on of docetaxel with liposomal dosorubicm or etopos~de may be worthwhile.

Purpose: Malignant mesothelioma oftbo pleura (MPM) is a highly aggressive

and alternative regulat]on mechanisms may act in determining pest-recaptor transductioeal events However. at transcdpt]onal level significant correlation between up-regulation of EGF~q ligands and EGF~q and c-ERBB2 was observed, thus suggesting a relevant role of autoorine interplay in NSCLC ~2~Wnt2 as a new therapeutic target In malignant pleural rnesothelloma Z. Xu ~. J. Mazieres ~. B. He 3. L. you3. D. Jablons 3. ~cencer Center

neoplasm with a poor prugnosls and limited b'eatment options. A better understanding of its patbogenesJs is essent]al Ibr developing altemat]ve therapeutic sb'ateg~as. Experlrnental design: We previously demonstrated that the Wnt signaling pathway is act]vateq in MPM through the overexpress~on of dishevelled proteins To extend our knowledge of Writ signaling act]vat]on in MPM. we performed Wnt specific mioroarrays in normal pleura and MPM We ~und that the most common event in MPM was the upregulat]on of Wnt2 We ini'tblted Writ2 by siRNA and a monodonal anti-Writ2 ant]body and analyzed their effects on apoptosis and downstream signaling effectors We then assessed the ant]proliferative effects of the Wnt2 antibody and Alimta ®. one of the current standard tTeatments for MPM Results: We confirmed Writ2 overexpression at the mRNA and protein level in MPM call lines and t]ssuas We then demonst~'ateq that inhibit]on of Writ2 by siRNA or a monoclonal antibody induces programmed-call death in MPM calls We next analyzed the effects of the anti-Writ2 antibody and of Alimta on MPM call proliferation We found that although Wnt2 ant]body by itself had less ant]-preliferat]ve potency than Alimta ®. the two in combinat]on had substant]ally more activity than Alimta ® alone. Conclusion: We propose that intlblt]on of Wnt2 is of therapeutic interest in the development of more effective treatments ~r MPM.

Y Yoshida~ T Shibata I . A Kokubo ~. K Tsuta I . Y Matsuno 2. Y Kanai ~. H Asemura ~. R Tsuchiya ~. S Hirehashi I ~Palho/ogyDit~sion, National

Cancer Center Research tns~tute, Tokyo,Japan, 2Diagnosttc Pathology Division, Nationa/ Cancer Center Hosptta/, Japan, ~Thoracic Surgery Division, NabonaJ Cancer Center Hospita/, Japan Background: A hypothesis of mult]step carcinogenesis of lung adeno


carcinoma from atypical adenornatous hyperplasia (AAJ~ to invaslve adeno carcinoma through bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) has been proposed However. the ganet]c alterations that play a role during these processes are not yet dear Recently. somatic mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene were found in lung adenocarcinoma We e~amined the status of EGFR mutat]ons in AAH and BAC to elucidate the role they play dunng mult]stage of lung adenocarcinoma Methods: We e~amined the status of EGFR mutat]ons in exons 18. 19 and 21 and K~'as mutations at codon 12 and 13 using direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products. Tumor calls were microdissected from Ibrmalir-. fixed archives. Pathological cJagnosls was made in acoordanca with the WHO classJficat]on as revised In 1999. All cases of BAC In tils study were nonmuanous subtype. Results: We Ibund somatic EGFR mutat]ons in 3% (1/35) of AAH. 10.9% (4/37) of BAC and 41.9% (13/31) of invaslve adenocarcinoma. Sixteen of 18 EGFR mutations ware ~und in ~ o n 19 and 2 were in e~on 21 Among the 16 EGFR mutat]ons in e~on 19. 13 were delet]ons of 15bp and one was an insert]on/duplicat]on of 18bp Mutat]ons of the K-ras gene were detected in 26 7% (8/30) of AAH. 16 7% (5/30) of BAC and 10% (3/30) of invasive adenocarcinoma None of the tumors with EGFR mutat]ons had Kras mutation simultaneously Pat]ents who had invasive adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutat]ons ware younger than those without mutat]ons (60 6 vs 67 4 years, p=0.03). We analyzed 24 pat]ents with multiple lung lesions and 13 pat]ents had at least one lesion that had edther an EGFR or K~as mutation. Among them. 4 pat]ents had invasive adenocarclnoma with EGFR mutat]on and AAH with K ras mutation. Five pat]ents had invasive adenocarclnoma with EGFR mutat]on, while n e ~ e r EGFR nor Kras mutations were found in AAH. In all cases each les~on had a clfferent mutation status. Conclusions: We found that EGFR mutations in AAH and BAC were less frequent compared to those detected in invasive adenocarcinoma These results suggest that tumors with EGFR mutat]ons may progress more rapidly and develop into invasive cancar faster than those without mutations Alternat]vely it is also possible that some invasive adenocarcinomas with EGFR mutat]ons may not ~ll¢~v the AAH-adenocarcinoma sequence Onoogenic activation of EGFR may also cantdbute to the early step of lung adenocarcinoma development as K-ras does so The genetic alterations responsible for the development of lung adenocarcinoma oocur randomly even under exposure to the same carcinogen.




L. You. B. He. Z. Xu. K. Uematsu. J. Mazlerea. I. Mikami. N. Reguart. E McComick. D. Jablons. UCSf,, San Francisco, USA

Prs(:lctlve tesUng of NSCLC chemossnsltlvlty: A faaslblllty


study D Y~annalds~ ~ Mndi 3. J Rahamim 3. S I~Jllard~. S Glaysher~. A. Femande ~. L. Knight ~. T. Gulliford ~. I. Cree ~. ~Portsmou~ Hospitals

NHS Trust, Portsmouth, UK, ~Oncotogy Centre, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UK, 3Thorac/c Surgery, Derntord Hospttal, Plymouth, UK Background: Treatment of norPsmall call lung cancer (NSCLC) currently uses a relatively small repertoire of drugs, of which docatasel, clsplat]n and gemcitabine are the most commoHy used The aim of this study was to e0¢amine the chemosensitJvity profile of NSCLC with respect to drugs commonly used in this disease Methods: A total of 23 specimens were obtained from surgical resect]ons of NSCLC tumoure, and tested in the ATP~)ased tumour chemosensit]vity assay (ATP-TCA) as previously published [1. 2] There were sufficient cells for testing in 21 specimens Up to 12 drugs or combinat]ons ware tested per pat]ent at six concanb'ations within the dinically achievable range calculated from pharmacokinet]c data. The ir~ibit]on at each cancanb-ation was calculated to obtan an act]v~ty<-,oncantTationcurve and the results compared using a sensitivity index [2]. A'TP -TCA ~ r L u ~ B Tumour= [n • ,11}



MutaUons of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene In atypical adsnomatous hyperplasla and bronchloloalveolar carcinoma of the lung









Figure I Results of ATP-TCA testing in NSCLC A sensitivity ind~ of 0 is complete inhibit]on. <,300 indicates probable olinical activity, and >3,50 indicates resistance The range (vert]cal bars) gives an indicat]on of the degree of heterogeneity of chemosensit]vity present between individual tumours

Results: The results (Figure 1) show limited single agent c~splat]n, docataxel and gemc~tabine activity. Doxorubic~n. etoposide, innoteoan, gem~abine, and

Inhibition of Wnt-2-medlatsd signaling Induces programmed cell death In non-small-call lung cancer calls

In this report, we have demonstTated that Wnt-2 protein is over-e=pressed in freshly resected human non-small call lung cancer (NSCLC) t]ssues We have also developed a monoelonal ant]body against the N-terminus of human Wnt2 protein T~s monooloeal anfibody induces apoptosis in human NSCLC cell lines that over-e=press Wnt-2 protein Incubafion of this antibody with normal human airway calls leoldng Wnt-2 e0¢pression does not induce apoptosis Writ-2 signaling blockade by the anb Wnt 2 ant]body is confirmed by down~'egulat]on of cytosolic 13cater=n and reduction in TCF dependent tTanscnpt]onal activity (TOPFLASH assay). In addition. Writ 2 speclfic small interfering RNA (s~RNA) treatment in the NSCLC cell line A549 also down~'egulated cytosolic 13catenin and inducad apoptosls. Moreever. down regulat]on of an inhibitor of apoptosis