Pelagic larvae of New England intertidal gastropods. II.

Pelagic larvae of New England intertidal gastropods. II.

68 Oceanographic Abstracts SAGEZ, G., 1962. Das Verhaltnis tier maximalen Gezeitstr6me bei mittlerer Nippund Springzeit in der Nordsee, dem Kanal un...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

SAGEZ, G., 1962. Das Verhaltnis tier maximalen Gezeitstr6me bei mittlerer Nippund Springzeit in der Nordsee, dem Kanal und der Irischen See auf Grund englischer Gezeitenstrombeobachtungen. Beitr. z. Meeresk., (6): 28-37. Fiir das Gebiet der Nordsee, den Kanal und die Irische See werden aus englischen Gezeitenstromangaben eine Karte mit Linien gleicben Verh~ltnisses der maximalen Gezeitenstr6me bei mittlerer Nipp- und Springzeit entwickelt und erl~iutert sowie ein Hinweis auf die durch den Linienverlauf bedingten Abweichungen bei der Bestimmung der Tidestromst/irke auf See aus den G-ezeitenstromkarten gegeben. SAGER, G., 1962. Die Richtung der maximalen Gezeitenstr6me in der Nordsee, dem Kanal und der Irischen See. Beitr. z. Meeresk., (6) : 38-44. F/Jr das Gebiet der Nordsee, des /~rmelkanals und der lrischen See wird eine Karte mit Linien gleicher Richtung des maximalen Gezeitenstroms zur mittleren Springzeit gegeben und erl~iutert. Die Richtungsangaben erfolgen im allgemeinen in Abstiinden von jeweils I0 ° rechtweisend fiir das Zeitintervall von 001a00m bis 6h12m nach dem Meridiandurchgang des Mondes in Greenwich. Zur sehnelleren I~bersicht und fiir die Zwecke einer ersten nautischen Orientierung ist eine Karte mit Richtungssektoren des maximalen Gezeitenstroms von jeweils 45 ° hinz,ugefiigt, aus der die Haupttendenzen der TidestrOme deutlich sichtbar werden. SAISHO, T., 1962. Notes on the early development of a scyllarid lobster, Parribact~ antarcticus (Lund). Mem., Fac. Fish., Kagoshima Univ., 11 (2): 174-178. Three early stages of Parribacus antarcticus, a scyllarid lobster, are described. The newly hatched larvae were reared in the laboratory. The larvae first passed through several distinctly defined phyllosoma stages. Some notes on the first stage phyllosoma of other forms of the Seyllaridae and their developments are described. SAr,aJSTR6M, A. E., M. A. POMERANTZand B. -O. GR6NKWST, 1963. Sea level cosmic ray intensity and threshold rigidity. Tellus, 15 (2): 184--193. The intensity of the nucleon component has been measured with a shipboard neutron monitor during a number of voyages between October 1956 and March 1959. After reduction and normalization the intensity has been plotted as a function of the rigidity value computed by Quenby and Wenk. Four limited regions excepted, the point distribution is confined to a comparatively narrow band corresponding to the errors of measurement. Corrected threshold values are given for the regions in which the points fall outside the general distribution. These regions are all inside the geomagnetic latitudes between which Quenby and Wenk had to interpolate for the penumbral effect. SCnAFER, R. D., 1963. Effects of pollution on the amino acid content of Mytilus edulis. Pacif. Sci., 17 (2): 246-250. In an attempt to determine the effects of water pollutants upon the wharf mussel, Mytilus edulis, the following analyses were made : Specimens were collected from polluted waters. From these the free amino acid content of muscle tissue was analysed by means of two-dimensional paper chromatography. These were found to contain fourteen identifiable free amino acids plus some (two in one instance, three in another) unidentifiable ninhydrin-sensitive spots. Specimens from polluted waters were analysed, after hydrolysis, for amino acid content of muscle tissue. Sixteen amino acids were identified. Unidentifiable spots also occurred in specimens from two of the three locations. Specimens from non-polluted water were treated in the same way. Thirteen free amino acids were identified. Cystine, present in free form from polluted water was lacking. Three unidentifiable spots were also present. Fourteen amino acids were identified from the protein hydrolysate. Cysteine and tyrosine, found in hydrolysates of polluted water specimens, were lacking here. Specimens were transferred from clean water to polluted environments, left for 10 days, and then analysed in the usual manner. Chromatograms showed them to have eleven free amino acids in common with the others. Proline and methionine contained in the others were absent here. Cystine, present in those native to the polluted areas, was lacking. Taurine/asparagine, not found in any of the others, appeared here. SCI-mLTEMA, R. S. and A. H. SCHEL'rEtaA, 1963. Pelagic larvae of New England intertidal gastropods. II. Anachis avara. Hydrobiologia, 22 (1-2): 85-91. The egg case, pelagic larvae, and young juvenile of Anachis avara Say, a species of prosobranch gastropod belonging to the family Columbellidae, are described and figured from specimens reared in the laboratory.

SCHEMAINDA,R., 1963. Ergebnisse einiger Durchsichtigkeitmessungen im Raum der ozeanischen Polarfront westlich yon Spitzbergen. Beitr. z. Meeresk., (6): 45-54. Auf einer Fahrt des Fischereiforschungsschiffes ' Karl-Liebknecht' in das Seegebiet B/ireninselSpitzbergen bestand Ende Mai 1960 Gelegenheit, im Raum der ozeanischen Polarfront westlich von