Volume 147, number 7
23 July 1990
Periodicity and quasi-periodicity for super-integrable Hamiltonian systems M. Kibler’ and P. Winternitz Centrede Recherches Mathematiques, Université de Montréal, CF. 6128-A, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3J7 Received 16 March 1990; accepted for publication 16 May 1990 Communicated by J.P. Vigier
Classical trajectories are calculated for two Hamiltonian systems with ring shaped potentials. Both systems are super-integrable, but not maximally super-integrabie, having four globally defined single-valued integrals of motion each. All finite trajectories are quasi-periodical; they become truly periodical ifa commensurability condition is imposed on an angular momentum component.
1. IntroductIon The purpose of this Letter is to discuss classical solutions for two super-integrable Hamiltonian systems with ring shaped potentials. The relevant Hamiltonian (i.e., the Hamilton function in classical mechanics or the usual Hamiltonian in non-relativistic quantum mechanics) can in both cases be written as 2+ V( r), i1 H= 3p the two potentials are where Vo=~Q2(x2+y2+z2)+~Q2
X +Y
Q>O, Q~O
(The reduced mass of the particle moving in V 0 or V~ is taken to be equal to I.) The potentials V0 and V~are cylindrically symmetrical, with 0(2) as geometncal symmetry group In the limiting case Q=O
V0 goes over into the potential of an isotropic harmonic oscillator, whereas V~reduces to an attractive Coulomb potential. The two considered systems thus extend the only two three-dimensional systems with the following properties. (i) All finite classical trajectories are closed [1]. (ii) The systems are “maximally super-integrable” systems [2]. Thishas means of the associated classical 2n that 1 = 5each functionally independent single-valued integrals ofmotion, globally defined on the phase space in 2n = 6 dimensions (n is the number of degrees of freedom). Moreover, from these integrals of motion, we can construct in each case at least two different sets ofn=3 integrals of motion in involution, having only the Hamilton function in common. Indeed, two such sets are, for instance, —
{H;L2~L,.} for the harmonic oscillator system and
2 L~+ rL~,O < r< 1 }, {H; L ~ L~L~p~ —L~p~ +Zz/~J~2+y2+z2 }
Permanent address: Institut de Physique Nuclèaire de Lyon,
for the Coulomb system. (We use m and L
1N2P3 — CNRS et Université Claude Bernard, F-69622 Viileurbanne Cedex, France.
1 to denote linear and angular momenta, respectively. All constants of motion are given in classical form; the cor-
0375-9601/90/S 03.50
© 1990
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
Volume 147, number 7
responding quantum mechanical form follows from ordinary symmetrization.) (iii) The energy levels for each of the associated quantum mechanical systems are degenerate. The level degeneracy is described for both systems by irreducible representation classes of a dynamical symmetry group with algebra ofSU(3) rank two: for the hydrogen atomLie[3—5] and for0(4) the harmonic oscillator [6,71. A systematic search for super-integrable Hamiltonian systems in two [8] and three [9] dimensions was initiated some time ago. The corresponding integrals of motion were restricted to being second-order polynomials in the momenta and this related the problem to that of separating variables [8—10] in Hamilton—Jacobi or SchrOdinger equations. In the three-dimensional case, it was shown that systems that have two different pairs of commuting integrals of motion quadratic in the momenta allow the separation of variables in two systems of coordinates. The requirement that the four integrals involved be functionally independent was not imposed. Hence, while all systems obtained in ref. [91were super-integrable (having more than n=3 integrals of motion), they were not necessarily maximally super-integrable (having generally less than 2n 1 = ~ integrals of motion). The potentials V0 and V~(see (2) and (3)) correspond to such super-integrable systems, each haying four (rather than five, the maximal number) functionally independent integrals of motion that happen to be second-order polynomials in the momenta. Both corresponding dynamical systems are of physical interest and have been studied before, mainly in their quantum mechanical incarnation, Thus, the potential V~is the so-called Hartmann potential, introduced in quantum chemistry for describing ring shaped molecules like cyclic polyenes [111. The degeneracy of its quantum energy levels has been described in group terms of an underlying SU(2) dynamical symmetry [12,131. The potential V 0 might be useful in a nuclear physics context. Its levels also manifest an SU(2) degeneracy [141. It is to be noted that two systems that resemble the V~ and the V0 systems, viz., the ABC [15] and the ABO [16] systems, been recently investigated in connection withhave the Aharonov—Bohm effect. —
23 July 1990
2. Classical trajectories 2.1. The potential V0 The potential (2) is a special case of the potential y\ 1 2+y2+z2)+fl— + h ~—)2+2 (6) v3 =a(x introduced by Makarov et a!. [9]. In the most general case where h in an arbitrary function, this potential allows the separation of variables for the Hamilton—Jacobi and the Schrodinger equations in four systems ofcoordinates, namely spherical, cylindrical, prolate spheroidal and oblate spheroidal coordinates; for h = 0, we also have separability in Cartesian coordinates. The system corresponding to the Hamiltonian (1) with potential (2) admits the following four functionally independent integrals of motion,
H, A, =L~+L2V+L~+ Q 1 +
x +y
2z2),A 2=~(p~+Q 3=L~. (7) Separation of variables in the four systems mentioned above corresponds to the use of the four following sets of integrals of motion in involution,
{H; A1 A3) 2(H_A , {H; A2 A3 {H;A,:F2a 2),aeR;As},
respectively. In order to obtain the classical trajectories, we make use of the triplet {H; A2 A3) corresponding to circular cylindrical coordinates (x=p cos ~‘, y=p sin ~, z). We write the integrals as H—A2 =
(p2+ m+ ~ +Q2p2)~Ei, 2+Q2z2) ~E 2ç~_=m. (9) A2 =~(~ 2, A3 =p are always finite, We see that the trajectories
satisfying Pi ~P ~P2’
~ z~z0,
2M2), ~
(E, ~
~0 =
E~~QlMI,IMI=~”m2+Q, E 2~0.
(10) 339
Volume 147, number 7
23 July 1990
Solving the first order ordinary differential equations (9), we obtain the general expression for the trajectories:
there are at least two cases for which the trajectories are planar. (i) For m=0: then from (11) we get ~ and we see that in addition to being planar the motion is periodic of period T0.
(11) For E2=0: then from (10) and (1!), the motion is in the xy-plane and is periodic if and only if eq. (12) is satisfied. The planarity of the trajectories for the potential V0 (and for V~too) will be studied in a systematic
z t)
sin [Q ( t ta)] —
1 m 2 I MI
x sin-’
(p ~+p ~)sin [2Q( t0)] _p ~~ (p~—p?)sin[2Q(t—to)]+p~+p~
way by calculating the torsion of the relevant curves [18].
(11) where t0, t’0 and ~ are further integration constants (in addition to the angular momentum component = 0, all trajectories and closed m For and Q the oscillation energiesare E, planar and E2). (ellipses) as expected for the harmonic oscillator system; the motion has the period T 0=2it/Q. Interestingly enough, for strictly positive values of Q this is no longer the case. The coordinates ~oand z are “libration” coordinates [171, for which periodicity impliesp(t+T~)p(t)and z(t+T~)=z(l). In the case under consideration we have T~= 2T~=T0, in function of the harmonic oscillator period T0. The coordinate ~ is an angular one, so periodicity means c~(t+T~)=~,(t)±27t.Itisclearthatforarbitraryvalues of m, the durations T~,T~and Tv are not necessarily commensurable. All trajectories are thus quasi-periodic: periodic in each coordinate, but not periodic in a global way. The condition for genuine periodicity iS IM~ k, m —
k~ k~—k~~’
Therefore, for fixed Q> 0, in order for the trajectories periodic, rather than quasi-periodic, we obtaintoa be “classical quantization” condition (see eq. (12)) for the angular momentum component L~. In general the periodic and quasi-periodic trajectories do not lie in a plane (except for Q=0). If Q>0,
The potential (3) is a special case of the potential 2sin2O cosO 1 V4=,x— +IJr2sin2O +h(~)r
foundby Makarov et al. [9], allowingthe separation of variables in spherical and parabolic coordinates. The Hamiltonian (1) with potential V~permits four functionally independent globally defined single-valued integrals of motion, namely H, B, B2=LZ,
L~+ L~+ L~+ Q
(15) Separation of variables in spherical or parabolic coordinates corresponds to the simultaneous diagonalization of {H;B,;B2} or
where k, and k2 are mutually prime integers (with 1k, /k2 I ~ 1). The overall period T then is T=2k,
2.2. The potential V~
In a previous article [131 we made use of the integrals B2 and B3 to obtain classical trajectories in parabolic coordinates. Here, we switch to spherical coordinates (x=rsin Ocosq, y=rsin 6sin~, z= rcos 0) and use the triplet {H; B,; B2) to put 2 + ~B, Z E, ~ j r r M2 B, = r4~2+ sin2O K, -~
Volume 147, number 7
B2=r2 sin20ç~m,
23 July 1990
odic and the periodicity evoked in ref. [13] is actually a quasi-periodicity.
where again M2 = m2 + Q. From the equation for t~in (17) we see that the motion is infinite for E>~0. Moreover, the finite trajectories correspond to
3. Conclusions
r, ~r~r 2, 0~~ =
(ZR: ~/Z2
In this paper we have concentrated on the prop-
I MI ~/k’
sin 0~=
+ 2EK)
2K ~~M
2 ~/(r_r,)(r —r) 2
sin—’ (__2r r2 r,
r) sin Pb
preparation [181. Periodic trajectories exist in Hamiltonian systems that are not super-integrable, but they are rare. Here, we have infinitely many periodic trajectories. Moreover, since an irrational number can be approximated with any chosen accuracy by a rational one, infinitely many periodic trajectories lie in the neigh-
lm + 2 “~
r2 + r, r2 r,
{[2r,r2—(r, +r2)r] cosflo
+ 2\/~~\/~17,)(r2
same closure condition (12) be obtained for V0 and Va.) For both potentials, periodicity depends on only one of the three constants of the motion, namely the constant m, the value of the angular momentum component L~.Whether the trajectory lies in a plane or not may depend on the values of other integrals of motion, a fact to be explored in a publication in
~‘[cos1 0~
‘[i _____00
1 sin +cos 0
1 + 1— sincos 20~
used two(3)), ring to shaped V0 (eq. the (2))examples and V~of (eq. show potentials, that the classical trajectories are always quasi-periodic and that they periodic if a commensurability (eq. are (12)) is satisfied. (It is remarkablecondition that the
Eqs. (17) can be integrated to give t—t
erties of super-integrable, but not maximally superintegrable, systems in classical mechanics. We have
borhood of any non-periodic one.
where ~0, ~ and Pb are integration constants (in addition to the constants of motion E, K and m). For Q = 0, we recover the well-known result for the Coulomb system: all finite trajectories are planar and closed (ellipses) and the motion has the Kepler penod T~=2itZ( 2E) 3~’2,For Q> 0, the coordinates r and z have the period Tr= T~ T~which is generally not commensurable with Tv. Thus for the overall motion to be periodic, rather than only quasiperiodic, we again arrive at the commensurability condition (12) (an important qualification not mentioned in our previous article [131). The overall period T in this case is
responding Turning to to the potentials quantum mechanical V systems coras usual, super-integrability manifests 0 and V~,witself e noteinthat, the degeneracy of energy levels. The fact that these systems are not maximally super-integrable has the consequence that the degeneracy is not maximal either. Indeed, the wave functions depend on three quantum numbers, say the eigenvalues of the quantum versions of H, A2 and A3 or H, B, and B2 for V0 or V~,respectively. The quantization conditions then imply that states with different eigenvalues ofA2, respectively B,, have the same energy, which does however depend (via M) on the quantum number m. The Lie algebra (su (2)) explaining the degeneracy is of rank one in both cases [13,14]. For a sub-
T=k, T~.
set of states satisfying the condition (12), a higher degeneracy, as peniodicity yet not investigated, will
Therefore, the finite trajectories for V~are not closed in general; however, all trajectories are quasi-pen-
occur. Let us mention that new super-integrable Hamil341
Volume 147, number 7
tonian systems have recently been found by Evans [19] and that it would be of interest to study the corresponding classical and quantum solutions. We plan to further investigate properties of superintegrable Hamiltonian systems, partly in view ofthe possible application of such systems with infinitely many periodic trajectories in particle accelerators and storage rings. The classical trajectories in the ring shaped potentials V0 and V~will be given in graphical form in ref. [18].
Acknowledgement The work reported here was finished during M.K.’s visit to the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, made possible by a Coopération Québec—France research grant (Projet 20 02 20 89). The research of P.W. is partially supported by research grants from NSERC of Canada and FCAR du Québec. The authors thank their co-author or ref. [18], Dr. G.H. Lamot from the Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, and Dr. M.A. Rodniguez from the University of Madrid, for helpful discussions. They are indebted to Dr. N.W. Evans from the Queen Mary College (London) for sending them a prepnint of ref. [19].
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