Perloperative Management in Cardiothoracic Surgery. Benson B Roe. Little, Brown & Co, 34 Beacon St, Boston, Mass 02106,1981 273 pp, $25. This is a comprehensive, well organized, and scholarly book. Although written primarily for cardiothoracic surgical residents, it also contains valuable information for resident physicians and nurses in medical and surgical ICUs, cardiovascular nurse clinicians, operating room nurses, anesthesiology residents, and nurse anesthetists. The book accurately describes the perioperative management of the patient and the environment. The sections on pleural drainage, low output syndrome, cardiac arrest, renal failure, and electrolytes and nutrition are especially impressive. Information is presentedin a straightforward manner using simple terms. The content is presented succinctly and can be readily understood. Simplicity with sophistication best describes the style of writing. The illustrations complement the text. Particularly effective are the anatomical illustrations in chapters on tracheostomy and pleural drainage, and the graphs and tables used to discuss low output syndrome and electrolytes and nutrition. There are many practical observations and suggestions throughout the text that if followed could help to save lives and prevent untoward happenings in the OR. The chapter on depression and psychosis has less impact than other sections. Preoperative problems are minimized, and the perioperative role of the OR nurse is omitted. The positive influence of the patient really wanting the operation and the benefits derived from
preoperative psychologic consultations are not developed in this chapter. The listing of promising new drugs for controlling arrhythmias and the accompanying references are helpful, as are the current references for all the chapters. In summary, Perioperative Management in Cardiothoracic Surgery is a fine book. I plan to use it as a text for continuingeducationclasses for OR nursing. Janet L Fltzwater, RN Nurse consultant Chevy Chase, MD
A Guide to Respiratory CarePhysiology and Clinical Applications. Rosalind W Harper. J B Lippincott Co, E Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa 19105,1981,370 pp, $18.75. OR nurses will find this book a refreshing supplement to other volumes about pulmonary problems. Rather than the usual emphasis on inhalation therapy, Harper takes a patientcentered approach, although with a strong physiologic foundation. The first of the two sections traces the respiratory circuit, including ventilation, perfusion, and neurological factors that stimulate breathing. This comprehensive presentation of respiratory principles includes basic information as well as complex concepts. From anatomy of the upper airway to chemical buffering systems, the author presents both thorough and practical information. Harper closes seven of the eight chapters with implications for contemporary nursing practice. Part Two, on clinical applications, uses the concepts from the book's first half as a foundation for teaching clinical problem-solvingskills.
AORN Journal, August 1982, Vol36, No 2