

MANAGEMENT PAPERS ORGINIITIOW OF THE PITHOLOGY LABORATORY. Eva Raik, Director, Ranematsu Deparbent of Clinical Pathology, Sydney Hospital, lacquarie ...

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LABORATORY. Eva Raik, Director, Ranematsu Deparbent of Clinical Pathology, Sydney Hospital, lacquarie Street, WSI 2000. Prior to planning an organisational approach for the laboratory it is useful to define what is meant by a pathology service and what the objectives of that service should be. It is ilportsnt that the provider and the consumer 1i.e. the clinician requesting the investigation) both see the service and its objectives the sue way - if the foner provides X service, yet the latter expects Y then no amount of organisational skill rill achieve the desired result, that of optimal overall patient care. L patholosy service could be variously defined, h m v e r , slmplistically It should provide diagnostic assistance in establishing the cause of disease by the examination of tissues, cells and body fluids utilising diverse scientific means usually in a laboratory setting. laboratories can be classified in rany a y s - there are laboratories in the private sector, in the public hospital system and in academia. These may be small or large, single or multidisciplinary, teaching or non-teaching, solely research or highly specialised etc. Vith such diverse categories it is self-evident that objectives must also differ, however all laboratories must include mongst their objectives the production of timely and accurate reports and provision for consultation and assistance rith interpretation. Additional objectives rill be dictated by the scope of the laboratorg, by the population it services and may be influenced by the interests and expertise of the director and senior staff. Once objectives are defined, further organisation and docmentation should relate to: I an organisational chart indicating lines of authority and areas of responsibility policies and procedures - these rill include quality control and safety guidelines as well as determining appropriate methodology. I lines of corunicstion with other professionals and organisations as .ell as with patients. In a re11 organised laboratory the staff should be highly Mtivated, enthusiastic and contented in order to achieve the objectives and thereby provide an effective and efficient clinical service.







Management, Zealand.

Reg Carters. General nanager. W 2 Inetititute of Canterbury Divieion Inc., Chriatchurch, New

The statement “people are our moet valuable aeeet” is heard from those in prominent positions in most organisations, large favourit- one liner in the chairman‘s and enall. It i m eleo annual report of most public companies. Yet all of the evidence euggemte that the perfOrmnCe Of thoee Who make such etatemente fallm well ehort of the pontification.

noet people in management pomitione bslieve they ere good at leading people, yet the remearch from a11 around the world overwhelmingly euqqeatm that our greateat energy crisis in the underutilisation of people potential in orqaniaations.

Thin meeeion will look at the reasons for thie eituatlon and offer practical etrateqiee for effeCtiV~lY managing the personnel function. The strategies will be based on bahavioural remearch data and the practices of leaders at all levels from a variety or successful organisations which have high pmople productivity. Specific include :


eubjecte covered by the e p a k e r in thie eession

- Getting It Right The Firat Tine. The Proceee To Increaee The Succres.

Hoet people vho e S ; e p s to avoid thie.

w m daeired.

- Cloeing



h a v e do eo in the


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Creating the environment where the people and the organimation both win.



- He or She who aims at nothing

normally achieves

A method to give and receive feedback target corrections to ensure euccess.




An introduction to the Four Quadrant Leadership ACtiOn8 successful mnnagere take to get results.