Pharmacology in Medicine. 2nd ed. Edited by Victgor A. Drill. McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., New york, 1958. xi + 1243 pp. 21.5 × 28 cm. Price $19.50

Pharmacology in Medicine. 2nd ed. Edited by Victgor A. Drill. McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., New york, 1958. xi + 1243 pp. 21.5 × 28 cm. Price $19.50

JOURNAL OF 838 THE AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION Vol. XLVII, No. 11 Pharmacology in Medicine. 2nd ed. Edited by Victor A. Drill. McGraw-Hill...

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Pharmacology in Medicine. 2nd ed. Edited by Victor A. Drill. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958. xi 1243 pp. 21.5 X 28cm. Price $19.50. This second edition of a very good collaborative textbook designed for students and practitioners of medicine is presented in the same manner and style as the first edition, which was reviewed in THIS JOURNAL, 44,255(1955). The text material has been revised to include later information, and a new chapter on Drugs Affecting Behavior has been added. Chapter 40 was included as an Addendum in order to incorporate the recently marketed oral diuretic chlorothiazide (Diuril). The second edition merits the high opinion exprcssed for the original publication.


Topics in Microbial Chemistry. By F. M. Strong. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958. xi 166 pp. 12.5 X 18.5cm. Price $5. This small book is based on a series of lectures by Dr. Strong and discusses antimycin (a tool of biochemical enzymologists), kinetin, and coenzyme A. Their basic chemistry, preparation, and properties are covered. Investigators will be interested in the treatment of kinetin and the kinins, a newly discovered group of plant hormones obtainable from microorganisms and physiologically active a t very great dilutions. References and an index are included.


Mechanisms cf Inorganic Reactions. By Fred Basolo and Ralph G. Pearson. John Wile! and 426 pp. 15 X Sons, Inc., New York, 1958. xi 22.5 cm. Price $11.55. This book is subtitled “A Study of Metal Coinplexes in Solution,” and includes the modern theories in the mechanisms of substitution reactions of metal complexes, oxidation-reduction reactions, and metal ion catalysis. The crystal field theory of metalligand bonding is covered, and kinetic and mechanistic features of inorganic reactions are emphasized. Prior studies in coordination chemistry, stereochemistry, and reaction kinetics are useful in following this text. Chapter references are given, and indexes of authors and subjects are appended.


The Pasteur Fermentation Centennial 1857-1957. A Scientific Symposium edited by Editorial Projects, Inc. Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., New York, 1958. xiii 207 pp. 15 X 23 cm. This book is the record of the conference held to memorialize the publication by Pasteur, in 1837, of his paper showing that fermentation of lactic acid was caused by microorganisms. Included are symposia on : Cellular and biochemical interplay between host and parasite, New developments and prospects in fermentation chemicals, and Trends in antibiotic research. Bibliographies of all papers are appended, but a general index is omitted. The reports are interesting and instructive.


Standard of Japanese Pharmaceuticals. Abstracted from J. P. and J. N. F. Edited by Japan Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Dental Supply Exporters’ Association. Published by Japan External Trade Recovery Organization, Tokyo, Japan, 1958. 543 pp. 15 X 2 1 cm. This book presents in condensed form the inonographs of drugs standardized in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia and the Japanese National Formulary. I t explains briefly how drug standards are maintained and states. “These standards of Japaii were established after a thorough study of U. S. P., B. P., and other official standards of foreign countrics.”

Federal F:7od, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Judicial and Administrative Record, 1953-1957. Vincent A. Kleinfeld and Charles Wesley Dunn. Commerce Clearing House, Inc., Chicago, 1958. xiv 1127 pp. 16.5 X 24.5 cm. Price $25. This volume is the fourth book by Kleinfeld and Dunn on the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, compiling its aniendmcnt. administration, and judicial record from 1953 to 1958; and also the official annual reports on that Act. The three earlier volumes covered the periods 1938-1949,19151950, and 1951-1952, and were reviewed in THIS JOURNAL, 40, 303(1951); 41, 51(19.52); and 42, Soviet Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. I. Phar,507( 1953). maceutical Chemistry. Vol. 11. Pharmacognosy. Their style and arrangement for clear and Vol. 111. Medicinal Chemistry. Collected and thorough coverage of the material established a translated into English. Consultants Bureau, pattern which has been very satisfactory, particInc., 2 2 i W. 17th St., New York 11, N. Y., 1958. ularly for rapid reference, and it is followed in the 22 X 27 cm. 1’01. I, 4 4 i pp., price $95; Vol. 11. present volume. 401 pp.. price $90; Vol. 111, 556 pp., price $100; Unit of 3 vols., price$200. The book is divided into four major portions: ( a ) opinions and decisions, full texts of the Federal Food, The articles that have been selected from the RusDrug, and Cosmetic Act with amendments and sian literature and translated into English for these principal regulations; (b) “Statements of General volumes are important for the information they conPolicy or Interpretation” issued by the FDA during tain as well as because they are unavailable in com1953-19.56; (c) all new regulations promulgated by plete English form elsewhere. Volume I includes 73 the Secretary of H E W during 1953-1956 dealing with papers under the general headings: Solubility; Stadefinitions and standards of identity for foods; ( d ) bility; Ion-Exchange; Emulsion, Suspensions, Gels; cumulative tables of references to the pertinent and Miscellaneous. Volume I1 includes 82 articles material for the period 1938-1956 in connection with under the general headings: Alkaloids (61 articles); any problem under any section of the Act. The Oils; Glycosides; and Miscellaneous. Volume I11 new volume contains a cumulative index to the ma- includes 87 articles under the general headings: terial in the four books in this series. Those who Structure-Activity Relationships (10 articles), and have had the opportunity t o use the earlier volumes General (77 articles). These compilations should be will welcome this new addition to their reference available to graduate students and research workers libraries. in the fields represented.
