Photographs of : F l y i n g B i r d s . - - M . Marcy has succeeded by instantaneous photography and with the help of a photographic revolver similar to the one which was contrived by Jansen for observing the transit of Venus, in obtaining a complete analysis of different forms of locomotion, including the flight of birds. More than two years ago Muybridge obtained fine pictures of running horses, which were photographed in ~ of a second. He also photographed flying pigdons but could only get a single picture. Marcy has been able to obtain a dozen successive pictures in a second, each exposure requiring only ,~-~ of a second. By arranging the pictures in a phenakistiscope the appearance of the flying bird may be reproduced under conditions which permit the analysis of different phases of the wings.--Chron. t~dustr. C. New Process in Sulphur Mining.--Messrs. de la Tour du Breuil, having been engaged for ten years in the direction of sulphur minas in Sicily were struck by the great loss involved in the ordinary process of separating the sulphur from its gangHe. The idea occurred to them to increase the heat of the boiling water by the presence of a salt which it holds in solution. They fixed upon chloride of calcium on account of cheapness and the uniformity with which it maintains a temperature of 120 ° (248 ° F.). The bath contains 65 per cent. of chloride of calcimn and can serve indefinitely. The apparatus consists of two rectangular vats which are coupled and inclined at an inclination of ten per cent. As soon as the operation is terminated in one of the vats the boiling liquid is drawn into the other which has been previously filled with the ore. While the solution is going .on there, which requires about two hours, the first vat is emptied and recharged ; hehce there is no interruption in the work and the bath is never cooled. X single fire is sufficient for the two vats, the heat being turned alternately from one to the other. This process presents the following advantages: 1. A cheap extraction of the sulphur, the cost being only about $i per ton; 2. Great purity, analysis showing only ~ of 1 per cent. of earthy residue and no trace of sulphurous or sulphuric acid; 3. Possibility of operating during the whole year since there is no production of sulphurous acid, which is so injurious to the public health and to agriculture.--Comptes Rendus. C.