Photoluminescence in GexAsyS1-x-y glasses by varying the average coordination number

Photoluminescence in GexAsyS1-x-y glasses by varying the average coordination number

J O U R N A L OF Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 137&138 (1991) 959-962 North-Holland I N-CRNgIII SOLIDS PHOTOLUMINESCENCE IN GexAsySl-x-y GLASSE...

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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 137&138 (1991) 959-962 North-Holland



Vladimir MITSA, Yurij BABINETS, Yurij GVARDIONOV, Irina YERMOLOVlCH Uzhgorod State University, 294017, Uzhgorod, USSR

The results for photoluminescence (PL) (intensity, halfwidth and spectral position of bands) as well as Raman spectroscopy and estimates of sizes 2 Cr for structural correlation zone in GexASySl-x-y glasses by varying the average coordination number (z=2.66 + 2.82) have been discussed. 1.




Over the past years much attention has been paid to

In the PL spectra of a-GeS2 prepared by melt-quenching

ternary glassy alloys of GexAsySl-x-y type 1-3, The study of an

from 900, 1000 and 1100°C the bands with maxima at 1.16,

energy spectrum of localized states in the pseudogap of such

1.23 and 1.12 eV and halfwidths of 0.35, 0.43 and 0.47 eV,

glasses by a photoluminescent method in interrelation with a

r e s p e c t i v e l y (Fig.l) are o b s e r v e d . The increase in the

local coordination of atoms and sizes of structural correlation

halfwidth with increasing Trn is associated with high-and low-

zone may promote the elucidation of PL centres' origin and

energy shoulders to appear at 1.5 and 0,8 eV, respectively. The

the influence of the middle-range order on the radiative

former was observed in the PL spectra of glasses in Ge-As-S system 4 .

recombination processes both in the region of structural phase transition at z = 2.671 and when varying the average coordination number.

The Raman spectrum of a-GeS2 (Tin1 = 900°C) is of a typical shape (Fig.2). When quenched from Tm2 = 1000°C the glass has the Raman spectrum in which beside 5 bands a new less



intensive band near 270 cm -1 appears characteristic for a-Ge 5.

The photoluminescence excitation at 77K was effected by

At Tin3 = 1100°C the intensity of the latter becomes larger and

H)K-100 lamp radiation to be transmitted through a liquid filter

the maximum is shifted to 254 cm -1. I-3 mol.% of As having been added into a GeS2 causes the same transformation of

from CuSO4 solution. He-Ne and Kr-lasers operating at the wavelengths of 0.63 and 0.75/~m,

respectively served as the excitation source

f o r the Raman spectra. The ~ C - 2 4

double monochromator

the Raman spectrum and the appearance of shoulders in the PL spectra as the increase in Trn from 900 to 1100°C for GeS2 d o e s ( F i g s . l , 2). The PL i n t e n s i t y a l r e a d y in the glass

was used as a dispersive instrument. The sound velocity in

at z > 2,66 decreases by an order of magnitude in comparison

glasses was measured by an echo-technique.

with that one in a-GeS2, With increasing z the PL maximum is


direction with the change in the absorption edge. At z > 2.69

shifted from 1.17 eV (z = 2.662) to 1.0 eV (z = 2.73) in one MATERIALS The glasses of Asy(GeS2)l-y and Asy(Ge2S3)l-y sections

in the PL spectra the s h o u l d e r near 1.5 eV practically

were synthesized at a temperature of 1050°C. The melt was

disappears and the band halfwidth decreases up to 0.32 eV.

homogenized within 24 hours at temperatures of 950 and

In the Raman spectrum of such glasses a band at 210 cm -1

1000°C for the compositions rich and depleted in germanium,

appears. T h e latter is also observed in the Raman spectrum

respectively. The melts were quenched in air.

of glasses of Asy(Ge2S3)l-y section (Fig.2).

The GeS2 melt was quenched into a cold water beginning from melting temperatures (Tin) of 900, 1000, 1100°C.

At z = 2.8 Em= 1.12 eV and the band halfwidth is close to that one in a-GeS2 quenched from Tin1. At 2,8 < z< 2.808 the

Fresh cleaved glasses were used as the samples to study

PL intensity of glasses decreases by a factor of 1.5-2.5 in

the PL. The samples for Raman spectroscopy and ultrasound

comparison with that one at z = 2.8, The sharpness of an

velocity measurement were prepared by using a conventional technique.

exponential part in the absorption curve increases and the

0022-3093/91/$03.50 © 1991 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

All rights reserved.


V. Mitsa et al. / Photoluminescence in GexASySl.x_y glasses

edge itself is somehow shifted to a high-energy region in comparison with the sharpness and edge position at z = 2.8.


GeS2(z=2,66) :2 (z=2,66) q=900°C 12=IO00°C 13=llO0°C

y=3% (2,661) 5








:3% (2,661) 5 7 10 15 20 30 40

(2,671) (2,674) (2,678) (2,687) (2,6919) (2,708) (2,727)

20 (2,6919) GezS3 (2,80) 3






)e2S3 (2,80) =3% 5 7 10

(2,802) (2,802) (2,803) (2,8043)

15 (2,8069) 20 (2,8096) 30 (2,8158) 40 (2,8235) 0,6

0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 ENERGY, eV

FIGURE 1 PL spectra of a-GeS 2 prepared at different T m and glasses of ASy(GeS2)l.y, ASy(Ge2S3) l_y sections. The respective compositions and average coordination numbers have been indicated in the figure.

10 (2,8043) 15 (2,8069) 20 (2,8096) n








RAMAN S H I F T , cm -1 FIGURE 2 Unpolarized Raman spectra of glasses of ASv(GeS2)l_y and Asv(Ge2S3)l_y sections. The respective compositions and average coordination numbers have been indicated in the figure.

The defects which are formed because of breaking of

z > 2.66 or with GeS2 melt to be quenched from Tm3 = 1100°C.

bonds !n structural units (s.u.) are considered to be the source

This transformation is attributed to vibrational bands which

of photoluminescence in chalcogenide glasses 3,6. Following 3.6

appear at 250 cm -1 and are characteristic for the vibration of

the band near 1.2 eV in binary glasses can be attributed to

atoms in Ge2S6/2 s.u, 7,8.The fact that the shoulder disappears

breaking of bonds inclasters built of GeS4/2 s.u., w h o s e

at 1.5 eV and the band appears at 210 cm -1 in the Raman

m a x i m u m o f v i b r a t i o n s 1)1 (A) = 342 cm 1 is o b s e r v e d in

spectrum may testify to the change in the character of G22S6/2

the Raman s p e c t r a ( F i g s . l , 2). The Raman spectra are

s.u. interconnectivity at z>2.69.

O b s e r v e d to be s i m u l t a n e o u s l y t r a n s f o r m e d with the

The disappearance of bands at vl c = 3 7 5 3 n d 110cm 1

shoulders to appear at 0.6 and 1,5 eV in the PL spectra at

according to 9,1o may testify to breaking of O-dimensional


V. Mitsa et al. / Photoluminescence in GexASySl_x_y glasses

rings which consist of GeS4/2 tetrahedrons and layered

the PL spectra at z >2.66 the band halfwidth increases which

fragments in Asy(GeS2)l-y glasses. In the light of conception 1

can be attributed to high- and low-energy shoulders to appear

the decrease in the PL intensity when adding As into a-GeS2

at 0.8 and 1.5 eV. The latter disappears at z = 2.69 when in

at z = 2.67 may be explained by the decrease in the number


of defects due to the increase in the network connectivity. The


results of work 11

also testify in favour of this fact. The

Raman spectrum

of glasses the band near 210 cm q

Small As additives cause the same transformation of the

decrease in the sizes of structural correlation zone in Martin-

Raman spectrum and appearance of shoulders

Brening model (Fig.3) accompanies this increase in the

spectrum as quenching of GeS2 melt from 1100°C into a cold

connectivity. The latter, probably, causes internal strains in

water does.

glasses at 2.66< z< 2.73 as Vl(A) maximum is shifted from

The decrease in the sizes 2~ of the structural correlation


to 352 cm -1 (Fig.2),A similar shift was observed in

zone from 10.5/~ (z = 2.66) up to 7.5 ~ (z = 2.8), disappea-

GexSloo-x glasses when applying external pressure 12. An

rance of v~ and v3(F) = 4 3 5 cm q and the band near 110 cm 1

opposite shift of ~'I(A) is observed when As is added into

reveal an increase in the network connectivity because of


breaking of O-dimensional rings and layered fragments.

and it is accompanied by a slight increase in

in the PL

20" (Fig.3). The PL intensity and ratio of IB/1340at 2.8 < z < 2.803 decrease in comparison with those at z = 2.8. In the PL spectra of glasses at z> 2.69 and 2.808 a weak effect of PL "fatigue" is observed.

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26,A .(x,~B,cm-1



11 4o


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AVERAGE COORDINATION NUMBER (Z) FIGURE 3 PL maximum (1), sizes 2o of structural corelation zone (2), and position of Boson maximum LOB (3) of ASy(GeS2)l_y and ASy(Ge2S3)l.y sections as a function of average coordination number. 5.

CONCLUSIONS In the region of structural phase transition (z = 2.67) in

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