Photon density-density correlation spectrum of a three-level atom at high photon densities
Physica 105A (1981) 203-218 ~) North-Holland Publishing Co. PHOTON DENSITY-DENSITY CORRELATION
SPECTRUM OF A T H R E E - L E V E L ATOM AT HIGH PHOTON DENSITIES* Constantine MAVROYANNIS Division o[ Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1A OR6 Received 2 July 1980
The excitation spectrum arising from photon density--density correlations has been calculated for two types of a single three-level atom for which electronic transitions occur: from two different upper levels to a common lower one and from a common upper level to two different lower levels, respectively. Photon density-density correlations in such a system are described by the interference spectrum, which results from the beating between the two electronic transition frequencies. The spectral function has been calculated in the limit of high photon densities and consists of three pairs of bands, which are similar to those of the interference spectrum when the main peak at the frequency to = A is missing, where A is equal to the frequency splitting between the excited states of the atom. The probability amplitude for the occurrence of each pair of bands depends on the parameter 7/= A2/02, where/] is the Rabi frequency. Numerical values indicate that the probability amplitudes become negative, zero, or positive for different values of the parameter 7. Using the spectral function, an expression has has been derived for the photon density-density correlation function, which describes photon density-density correlations at two different times and at finite temperatures. In the limit of equal times, the mean square photon density distribution function has been calculated and discussed. At zero temperatures, numerical values for the mean square photon density distribution function indicate that it is positive for "11<0.5, it vanishes for values of rt approximately 0.7> "0 >0.5, and it becomes negative for "0 - 0.75. The possibility of observing photon density-density correlations is discussed.
1. Introduction T h e r e has b e e n c o n s i d e r a b l e i n t e r e s t in the f l u c t u a t i o n s p e c t r a of laser beams~-5). M o s t of the i n v e s t i g a t i o n s h a v e b e e n d e v o t e d to s t u d y i n g the effects of c o o p e r a t i v e a n d a t o m i c i n t e r a c t i o n s o n the p t h o t o n statistics of a single m o d e laser. E x p r e s s i o n s for the p r o b a b i l i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n f u n c t i o n of the p h o t o n o c c u p a t i o n n u m b e r as well as e x p e c t a t i o n v a l u e s of the light i n t e n s i t y a n d i n t e n s i t y c o r r e l a t i o n s h a v e b e e n d e r i v e d b y m a k i n g use of different m a t h e m a t i c a l t r e a t m e n t s ; we r e f e r to a r e c e n t p a p e r b y Zubairy5), w h e r e details a n d r e f e r e n c e s c a n b e f o u n d . T h e p h o t o n c o r r e l a t i o n or p h o t o n b u n c h i n g p h e n o m e n o n has b e e n first d e m o n s t r a t e d b y H a n b u r y B r o w n a n d T w i s s 6) a n d d e s c r i b e s the d i s t i n c t t e n d e n c y o f p h o t o n s in a light b e a m e m i t t e d b y a t h e r m a l e q u i l i b r i u m s o u r c e * Issued as NRCC No. 18708. 203
to arrive at a detector in bunches or correlated pairs. The bunching effect has been studied implicitly in time-resolved correlation experiments, where photon field correlations have been measured with the help of photoelectric detectors. Glauber 7) has shown that the joint probability density of photodetection is proportional to the normally ordered correlation function, which is of the fourth order in the field operators, or of the second order in the light intensity; we refer to the review paper by Mandel and Wolf a) where a detailed discussion and literature are given. The photon antibunching effect or the anticorrelation effect in the resonance fluorescence from a single two-level atom has been discussed by Stolerg), Carmichaei and Wallsl°), Kemble and Mandelll'12), Kozierowski and Tanfisl3), Cohen-Tannoudji and Reynaud ~4) and was observed first by Kimble et al. ~5) and later by Degenais and Mandel~6). In most of the theoretical studies ~0-~2.~4.17),the factorization of the two-time intensity correlation function has been considered to be a good approximation. It has been shown 12) that even when the pump field has a finite bandwidth, the two-time intensity correlation function for a two-level atom is factorizable into a product of the mean light intensities at the two times in question. On the other hand, in the presence of a chaotic pump field, the intensity correlation function cannot be factorized~S). Fluctuation effects on the intensity correlation function arising from the presence of many atoms ~9) as well as from the presence of the pump field have been considered in detail. We have recently considered 21) the excitation spectrum arising from photon density-density correlations in a system of two interacting identical atoms in the limit of high photon densities. In this model, the two-level atoms are pumped near resonance by a strong laser field while the atoms interact through their dipole-dipole interaction and radiate to each other as well. In such a system, photon density-density correlations arise from the interference spectrum due to the beating of the frequency of the pump field and the atomic transition frequency as well as from the spectrum induced by the dipole-dipole and radiative interactions between the atoms. The spectral function and the two-time photon density-density correlation function of the system have been calculated and discussed2~). We would like to point out that the spectral function of a system corresponding to the photon density-density correlations describes the low frequency spectrum of the system under investigation and it has peaks at the frequency modes, which are induced by the interactions or by the correlations occurring within the system. This implies that the photon density-density correlation spectrum describes the dynamics of the low frequency spectrum of the system, and it should be distinguished from the spectrum of the stationary solutions derived from the steady-state photon density fluctuations,
w v
Fig. 1. Energy levels for an atom with two upper (excited) states and one lower (ground) state. Fig. 2. Energy levels for an atom with two lower (one excited and one ground) states and one upper (excited) state.
which occur at zero frequencies and indicate only static effects. Thus the study of the photon density--density correlation spectrum of a system is important since it gives an account of the low frequency spectrum of the system in question. Using the spectral function, one can also calculate the two-time photon density-density correlation function, which describes the behaviour of the system at two different times. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the excitation spectrum arising from photon density-density correlations at high photon densities of a single three-level atom, whose energy levels are depicted in figs. 1 and 2, respectively. In such a system, photon density-density correlations may be due to the interference spectrum arising from the beating between the two electronic transition frequencies of the atom. The model Hamiltonian is discussed in section 2 and it is used in section 3 to derive an expression for the photon density-density Green's function. In section 4, the Green's functions of the system have been calculated selfconsistently by making use of a decoupling approximation, which is applicable in the limit of high photon densities. The spectral function describing the excitation spectrum of the system has been calculated and discussed in section 5. Expressions for the photon density-density correlation function and for the mean square photon density distribution function have been derived in section 6, while the main results are summarized in section 7.
2. The Hamiltonian of the system
We consider a three-level atom, where the nondegenerate energy levels for the ground and two excited states are denoted by 1, 2 and 3 and the corresponding energies by to1, to2 and to3, respectively, to1 < to2 < to3 as shown in fig. 1. The atom is pumped by a strong electromagnetic field (pump field) whose energy mode toa is initially populated and it will be taken to be equal to oJ3~= tOa, where to3~= to3 - to~, to2~= to2 - to~ = toa- A and to32= A are the atomic transition frequencies of the levels in question. The electronic transitions 1~-~3 and 1.->2 are electric dipole allowed while the transition 2,~3 is
forbidden. The energy levels 2 and 3 are supposed to be closely spaced so that 0)32= A is much less than 0)a. The transitions 1<-->3and 1~2, as shown in fig. 1 describe physical processes corresponding to one-photon resonance and near resonance, respectively. The atom is simultaneously coupled to the remaining modes of the electromagnetic field (signal field), those being initially unpopulated. The Hamiltonian for the atomic system shown in fig. 1 may be taken as ~a :
1" -$ t (0)a -- A ) n 2 + COati3 + 0)aria + 2 10)p~/f2(O~lO/2fla -- O~tOdl~a)
+ ~i0)p ~
? O? f,3(k, A ) 0)31] - ~ ] z(o~,a3~,,xa~a,/3~a),
where a~ and a~ are the Fermi creation and annihilation operators representing the electron states i = 1, 2, 3 and electron number operator ni = a~a~ while fla* and fla are the photon creation and annihilation operators of the pump field with frequency 0), and photon number operator na= fl*afl,. The coupling functions f2 and f3 ar e defined as f2=f12(0)21/0)a)=f12(1-A/0)a) and f3 = fl3(0)3J0)a) = ft3, where ft2 and f13 are the oscillator strengths for the allowed electronic transitions 1.-~2 and 1~3, respectively and top is the plasma frequency; the units with n = 1 are used throughout. Since the electronic transition 2.-~3 is optically forbidden, the corresponding oscillator strength f23 vanishes, f23 = 0. The photon creation and annihilation operators /3*kaand/3~x describe the frequency modes of the signal field with wavevector k, frequency ck and transverse polarization A( -- 1, 2). In writing eq. (1) we have taken into account the relation n~ + nE + n3 = 1. The first three terms in eq. (1) represent the free two atomic fields and the pump field respectively while the fourth and the fifth ones describe the coupling between them. The last three terms in eq. (1) describe the free signal field and its interaction with the atomic levels, respectively. The pump field with frequency 0)~ is initially populated and it will be considered as the strong field in comparison with the signal field which is taken as the weak perturbing field.
3. The photon density--density Green's function We introduce the Fourier transform of the photon density-density retarded double-time Green's function Dna(0))= ((na(t); n~(t'))); the properties of the Green's functions can be found elsewhere22"23). Using the Hamiltonian (1) we
derive the equation of motion for the Green's function D,a(tO) as Dna(tO) _-- itOp 2to (
where the operator X123a(t) is defined as X123a(t) = "V/f2(O:~OL2~at + t~2%Otl/3a) + %v'/T3(Ot~O£3/3a~"d- d ~ l / 3 a ).
We next derive the equation of motion for the Green's function <> by operating 22'23) on its rhs with respect to the argument t' in the form (
1 ( X^ m ) - i__~//v 2~rto 2 \\z~'123a; X123a>>,
where X123 = V/F2(°fI°/2/3a ~"- Ot~O/I/3a)-{-%V/f3(O/IOf3/3a %- O/3%O~I/3a),
and the time arguments of the operators have been suppressed for convenience. Substituting eq. (4) into eq. (2), we have •
D.a(tO) = -
The expression contribution to term describes density-density
41~2(2123>+ 4to2\\ -~//Xl23~, X123a>>. "
(6) for D.a(a,) is exact; the first term represents the static D.~(to) and it is in general different from zero while the last dynamic effects arising from frequency dependent photon correlations• Neglecting the first term in eq. (6), we may write