Physico-chemical analysis of Rhine water 1980

Physico-chemical analysis of Rhine water 1980

Water Res. Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 599-602, 1983 Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain BOOK REVIEWS Physico-Chemical Analysis of Rhine Water 1980...

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Water Res. Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 599-602, 1983 Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain


Physico-Chemical Analysis of Rhine Water 1980, Inter-

Principles of Environmental Science and Technology, edited

national Commission for the Protection of the Rhine from Pollution.

by S. E . JORGENSEN and I. JOHNSEN. Studies in Environmental Science, 14. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1981. 516 pp. US

This interesting report tabulates the results of flow $53.25: Dfl. 125 measurements and analysis of the River Rhine water, starting at Rekingen (Switzerland) and ending at Kampen, The main objective of this book is to explain the general Vresswijk and Gorinchem (Netherlands). About 1000 km principles underlying the environmental problems and the of main river are covered. One rather inadequate map methodologies based on these principles which can be shows the sampling stations and, with the aid of a good applied to prevent or to cure the present pollution. In their hand lens, the reader can discern most of the main tribu- introduction the authors stress the interdisciplinary charactaries, ter of the environmental sciences and the necessity of inteThe samples examined are either instantaneous, continu- gration and a systematic approach. The principles are disous or averaged over 7, 14 or 56 days. The number of cussed in one part of the book; the second part illustrates results used in giving average figures of analysis is clearly their application in environmental technologies for control indicated. ,of water and air pollution and handling of solid wastes. A valuable feature of the data is that in addition to 'The book also provides a brief review of the main environquoting the concentration of constituents in mg/l or #g/1 mental problems. the load in kg/s is also given for several parameters. Since Such a broad field cannot be covered in some detail and the average figures for the last 11 years are also given for as the risk of superficial or too general a treatment is evident. many of these parameters as possible, a clear picture of the The authors therefore stress the unifying basic principles positive results of water pollution control efforts is now and the approach rather than provide an overview of the beginning to emerge. The load of conservative substances available methodologies. As a consequence this book is not such as sulphate and chlorine has not undergone any dra- primarily of interest for the practising engineer or the matic change over the 1000 km stretch of river and the scientist involved in research because such individuals can limited data for calcium and sodium seems to bear out this be considered to be familiar with the principles. However, conclusion. The BOD of the river shows signs of falling, in for a quick (re-)orientation the book may be useful even for mg/1 and load, at several points along its course and this is specialists thanks to the generally good organisation, the accompanied by a consistent improvement in the percent- index, the extensive list of references (although somewhat age of dissolved oxygen at all points over the years. Never- one-sidedly oriented towards the personal activities of the theless, there is a residual of organic matter measured by first author) and last but not least a tendency to be quantichemical or physical methods which is being removed at a tative and not only qualitative. slower rate than the biodegradable organic substances. The authors do not explain explicitly the readership they The fate of the nitrogenous matter is of interest. The have in mind but probably the book is most useful for concentration of ammonium compounds and the amreaders with a reasonable background in natural sciences monium load has been falling over the eleven year period, and involved in the solution of environmental problems. whether by better treatment of sewage or greater oxidation As such it can also be used as a textbook in courses with a in the river it is not possible to deduce from the inforrather broad and general scope. The level of the discussion mation given. However, there is a clear indication that the is not always uniform; for instance the discussion of the nitrate in the river has been increasing at the expense of the equations describing growth in the chapter on ecological ammonia, principles and concepts is rather detailed and simple The pronounced fall in detergent concentration shows whereas the Gaussian plume model, presented in the the effect of the introduction of biodegradable synthetic chapter on mass conservation requires a much higher level detergents. However, the phosphorus in the river, a very of understanding. As a matter of course the selection of considerable part of which is derived from detergents, has illustrations of principles and practical examples of poiluactually increased, tion effects and remedies reflects a personal accent but Previous reports recorded the concentration of hexagenerally the choice is well balanced to cover the areas of chlorobenzene. In the present report, for the first time, concern. Certain paragraphs suffer from mistakes, rather figures are given for e- and ~,-hexachlorocyclohexane. careless formulations or vagueness but in many places the Phenolic compounds, which are also recorded, show a authors manage to be concise and to the point. Repetitions spectacular reduction in concentration over the eleven are not infrequent but it is easy to find one's way through years, the book due to cross-referencing and the index. The printIt would be of interest to add information on the paring is clear and many graphs and tables illustrate the text. ameters that are not determined routinely such as, for Following an introductory chapter the Principles of Enexample, boron and selenium, vironmental Science are described in chapters dealing with The contents of heavy metals, phenols, nutrients and ormass conservation, the principles of energy behaviour ganic matter show that purification still has a very long applied to environmental issues, ecological principles and way to go before the Rhine can be regarded as a clean concepts, and an overview of the major environmental river. Nevertheless, the analytical results in this report problems of today. show that it is steadily improving throughout most of its The Principles of Environmental Technology are the sublength. It should be emphasized that these are the ject of chapters on water and wastewater problems, solid reviewer's deductions--the report consists of 63 tables of waste problems, air pollution and the examination of polresults which are left to speak for themselves, lution. S. H. JENKINS 599