Physiology of the renal baroreceptor mechanism of renin release and its role in congestive heart failure

Physiology of the renal baroreceptor mechanism of renin release and its role in congestive heart failure

Physiology of the Renal Baroreceptor Mechanism of Renin Release and its Role in Congestive Heart Failure Hartmut Kirchheim, MD, Heimo Ehmke, MD, and P...

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Physiology of the Renal Baroreceptor Mechanism of Renin Release and its Role in Congestive Heart Failure Hartmut Kirchheim, MD, Heimo Ehmke, MD, and Pontus Persson, MD

The function of the renal baroreceptor can be quantitatively described by a stimulus-response curve showing a fiat section in the high pressure range, a steep slope in the low pressure range, and a welldefined threshold pressure slightly below resting systemic pressure. This stimulus-response curve shows a close functional relation to autoregulation of renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate and sodium excretion. Threshold pressure and slope are subject to different physiologic control mechanisms: The slope is increased by a low sodium diet, whereas threshold pressure is elevated by an increased renal sympathetic nerve discharge or by circulating catecholamines. Sympathetic influences also reset renal autoregulation. Recent studies have provided evidence for an important role of the renal baroreceptor in the long-term control of arterial blood pressure. The sympathetic modulation of threshold pressure can induce sodium retention in early heart failure, and the sympathetic effects on autoregulation may help to explain clinical reports on a deterioration of renal function during converting-enzyme therapy. (Am J Cardiol 1988;62:68E-71E)

ore than 20 years ago it was shown that the pressure-dependent or renal baroreceptor mechanism plays an important role in regulating renin release from the kidney) Although it has recently been suggested that the renal baroreceptor may be located at the distal juxtaglomerular portion of the afferent arteriole, which shows the highest density of renincontaining epitheloid cells, 2,3 its nature is unknown. However, the pressure-dependent mechanism can be quantitatively described in conscious dogs or rats by plotting arterial plasma renin activity 4-7 or renin release 2,s-l° as a function of renal perfusion pressure (stimulus-response curve). This was achieved by a controlled stepwise reduction of renal artery pressure independent of systemic blood pressure. The stimulus-response curve reveals a characteristic pattern: a flat section or plateau in the high pressure range, a very steep section in the low pressure range, and a well-defined threshold pressure above the lower limit of renal blood flow autoregulation 2 and slightly below the dogs' normal resting blood pressure 2,4,6,8,1],12 (Fig. 1 and 2). The average difference between threshold pressure and long-term blood pressure in 14 dogs fed a normal sodium diet was reported to be 12 mm Hg (see later).12 The steep slope of the curve implies that a decrease in blood pressure by as little as 1.5 to 2.5 mm Hg below threshold pressure increases resting renin release by 100% of control. 2,9,1°



From the I. Physiologisches Institut der Universit~it Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 326,6900 Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany. This study was supported by the German Research Foundation within the SFB 320, Heidelberg, and the Forschergruppe Niere, Heidelberg. Address for reprints: Hartmut Kirchheim, MD, I. Physiologisches Institut der Universitfit Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 326,6900 Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany.



A physiologic role of pressure-dependent renin release in long-term blood pressure control was suggested in 1964 by Skinner et all; in their classic paper on renin release they wrote: "... under normal resting circumstances the average height of arterial pressure is set in part by the threshold of the baroreceptor, pressure tending to stabilize at a level at which renin secretion is minimal. ''I Recently, the relation between the pressure-dependent renin release and long-term Blood pressure was quantitatively described in 14 conscious dogs by Ehmke et alJ 1,12The investigators made the following observations: (1) The intermittent activation of pressure-dependent renin release due to physiologic variations in arterial blood pressure changed plasma renin activity by 300%. (2) The difference between threshold pressure and long-term blood pressure in the individual animal was highly dependent on the slope (i.e., dogs with steep slopes showed a larger difference). (3) A systemic blockade of the reninangiotensin system by converting-enzyme inhibition resuited in a slope-dependent decrease of long-term blood

pressure, which ranged between 8 and 21 mm Hg. (4) A spontaneous shift of threshold pressure in 3 of their dogs was accompanied by parallel changes in arterial blood pressure. These findings thus provide evidence for a major role of pressure-dependent renin release in the longterm control of blood pressure.

STIMULUS-RESPONSE CURVE AND RENAL AUTOREGULATION Figure 1 shows the relation between the stimulusresponse curve and autoregulation of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate from 1 of our recent studies./° The experiments were made in chronically instrumented conscious foxhounds fed normal sodium diet. Renal artery pressure was reduced in steps using an inflatable renal artery cuff and a pressure control system. Renal blood flow was measured by an electromagnetic flowmeter, and glomerular filtration rate by inulin extraction. Plasma renin activity was determined by radioimmunoassay from renal venous and arterial plasma samples, which allowed plotting of the venous arterial plasma renin activity difference; note that this indicates renin release as long as renal blood flow remains unchanged. Since pressure levels above the resting value (107 mm Hg) were achieved by bilateral common carotid occlusion (implanted cuffs), intrarenal a blockade was used to I I 1 1 1



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avoid possible reflex vasomotor influences. Detailed descriptions of the methods are to be found in this report and in previous reports from our laboratory. 2,s-13,15,z2 Figure 1 shows that the average threshold pressure (95 mm Hg), the lower limit of glomerular filtration rate (80 mm Hg) and renal blood flow (65 mm Hg) autoregulation were located at different pressure levels. The stimulus-response curve at rest and the lower limits of autoregulation of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were not influenced by ct blockade.

SYMPATHETIC MODULATION OF THE STIMULUS-RESPONSE CURVE The stimulus response curve is physiologicallymodulated by the renal sympathetic nerves, circulating catecholamines and sodium intake. An intrarenal infusion of epinephrine4 or a low-dose intrarenal infusion of the a agonist, methoxamine, which does not affect total renal 5





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40 80 120 40 80 120 160 0 M e a n Arterial Blood Pressure ( m m H g )








I I I I 20 4-0 60



120 140 160

M e a n Renal Artery Pressure ( m m H g



FIGURE Relation between mean renal artery pressure, renal blood flow (R.B.F.), glomerular filtration rate (G.F.R.) and renal venous arterial plasma renin activity d'dference (P.R.A.Diff.) in conscious dogs. Values are mean 4- standard error of the mean. (Modified from Pflngers Arch. 1o)

FIGURE 2. Schematic diagram showing the interrelation between pressure-dopendent ronin release, long-term blood pressure and renal function under resting cond'dions (/eft) and in early congestive heart failure with a sympathetically mediated shift of threshoM pressure (dashed line) and reselling of renal autoregulation (r/ght). The third panel from top shows both ronin release (RR) (/eft sea/e) and the relative (Rel.) lrequency disb'ibution of mean arterial blood pressure from repeated measurements (right scale). The hatched area below threshold pressure depicts the pressure values that cause strong renin release. GFR = glomerular filtration; NaV = sodium excretion; RBF = renal blood flow.





blood flOW, 9'13 as well as a reflex activation of the renal sympathetic nerves by the arterial baroreceptor, s,9,13 increase threshold pressure (Fig. 3), A low sodium intake or a blockade of the short inhibitory feedback loop by converting-enzyme inhibition have been shown to increase the slope of the curve without affecting the threshold pressure. 5,6,14 Figure 3 shows the increase of threshold pressure by bilateral common carotid occlusion and by an intrarenal infusion of 0.68 #g/kg/min of methoxamine in trained conscious dogs. In this context, it should be mentioned that bilateral common carotid occlusion in conscious dogs with intact aortic baroreceptors increases renal sympathetic nerve discharge only moderately, i.e., by 62% of control, without affecting total renal blood flow.~5 Figure 3 shows that the shift of threshold pressure by bilateral common carotid occlusion is not affected by/~ blockades but is completely eliminated by an intrarenal infusion of 0.1 to 0.2 pg/kg/min of prazosin. 9,13 This suggests that the reflex activation of renal sympathetic nerves induces an increase of threshold pressure that is mediated by intrarenal a adrenoceptors.

SYMPATHETIC MODULATION OF RENAL AUTOREGULATION AND SODIUM EXCRETION In anesthetized dogs, electrical stimulation of the renal sympathetic nerves or the intrarenal infusion of methoxamine have been shown to increase the lower limit of renal blood flow autoregulation. ]6,27Very recent observations made in our laboratory confirmed these findings in conscious dogs: A reflex increase of renal sympathetic nerve discharge by bilateral common carotid occlusion and an intrarenal infusion of 0.68 #g/kg/minof methoxamine increased the lower limit of renal blood flow and of glomerular filtration rate autoregulation; the mechanism was a adrenergic in origin since it was abolished by the intrarenal application of 0.1 to 0.2 pg/kg/minof prazosin (Persson Pet al, unpublished data; Fig. 2). In preliminary

experiments measuring urine output with a chronically implanted pelvic catheter, we also found that close to the dogs' resting blood pressure there was little change in sodium excretion (plateau level), while below it the threshold pressure for the pressure-dependent renin release sodium excretion decreased strongly, although autoregulation left glomerular filtration rate unchanged to 80 mm Hg (Fig. 2). We believe that the decrease in sodium excretion below threshold pressure is caused by the tubular antinatriuretic effect of angiotensin II.

ROLE OF PRESSURE-DEPENDENT RENIN RELEASE IN THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE More than 40 years ago, Merrill et al ]8 reported an increased renal venous renin activity in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). It is known by now that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays an essential role in the restoration of cardiac output and arterial blood pressure in CHF.19,2° However, the mechanisms controlling renin release in CHF have not been well defined. In the past, it seemed particularly difficult to explain sodium retention in early CHF when blood volume and renal blood flow are apparently unchanged. Witty et al, 2J using the inferior vena cava constriction model of heart failure in dogs, proposed that the renal baroreceptor mechanism was responsible for the increase in plasma renin activity. Comparing this model with the pulmonary artery constriction model to induce heart failure in dogs, Watkins et a119 found a less pronounced increase in plasma renin activity for a comparable increase in arterial pressure after pulmonary artery constriction, and concluded that some other stimulus in addition to renal artery hypotension was responsible for the greater release of renin after inferior vena cava constriction. Figure 2, which summarizes our own findings, suggests that a threshold shift of the renal baroreceptor by the renal sympathetic nerves is probably the major physiologic mechanism explaining

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o BCO + 701[

BCO Prop.

BCO + Praz.



FIGURE 3. Average changes of threshold pressure of the pressure-dependent renin release in conscious dogs. BCO = bilateral common carotid occlusion; BCO + Praz. = bilateral c o m m o n carotid occlusion during an intrprenal a blockade by prazosin; BCO + Prop. : bilateral common carotid occlusion during a systemic/~ blockade with propranolol; Methox = inb'arenal ~-adrenocepter stimulation by methoxamine. * p <0.05; * * p <0.01. * * * p <0.001. (ReI~nted with permission hem Pflugers Arch 8 and Clin Exp Hypertens. e)

rcnin activation and sodium retention in the carly phase arterial blood pressure associated with the application of of CHF. a converting-enzyme inhibitor can cause marked deThe normal physiologic situation is shown in Figure 2: creases of glomerular filtration rate and thus may induce Short-term blood pressure, which oscillates around long- a deterioration of renal function. 2° term blood pressure (frequency distribution curve in third Acknowledgment: We thank Dr. Eberhard Hackpanel from the top), intermittently falls below threshold enthal, Pharmakologisches Institut der Universit/it Heipressure, thus powerfully inducing renin release (hatched delberg, for determination of plasma renin activity, and area). Renin, in turn, increases the formation of angiotenInge Keller, Luci¢ Mahl and Renatc Stahl for their skillsin I and finally of angiotensin II. 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