Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

~~ Long, J G, Phillips, A G S and Lucey, J F (1980). 'Excessive handling as a cause of hypoxia', Paediatrics, 65, 2 0 3 - 207. Palmer, P G, Dubowitz,...

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Long, J G, Phillips, A G S and Lucey, J F (1980). 'Excessive handling as a cause of hypoxia', Paediatrics, 65, 2 0 3 - 207. Palmer, P G, Dubowitz, L M S, Verghote, M and Dubowitz, V (1982). 'Neurological and neurobehavioural differences between pre-term infants and full-term newborn infants', Neuropaediatrics, 13, 183-289. Prechtl, H F R (1974). 'The behavioural states of the newborn infant (a review)', Brain Research, 7 6 , 185-212. Prechtl, H F R, Fargel, J W and Weinman, H M (19791. 'Postures, m o t i l i t y and respiration of l o w - r i s k pre-term infants', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 21,3 - 27. Sorce, J F and Emde, R N (1982). 'The meaning of infant emotional

expressions: Regularities in caregiving responses in normal and Down's syndrome infants'. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 23, 2, 145-158. Speidel, B D 11978). 'Adverse effects of routine procedures on preterm infants', Lancet, 1, 864- 865. Stewart, A L, Costello, A M, Hamilton, P A, Baudin, J e r a / (1989). 'Relationship between neurological status of very pre-term infants at one and four years', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 31,7 5 6 - 7 6 5 . Yu, V Y H, Loke, H L, Bajuk, B e t a / (1986). 'Prognosis for infants born at 2 3 - 2 8 weeks' gestation', British Medical Journal, 293, 1200 - 03.

book review Handbook of Osteopathic Technique, by Laurie S Hartman DO MRO. Unwin Hyman, London, 1990, 2nd edn (ISBN 0 0 4 445815 0 ) . 2 0 6 pages. €19.95. This book is written primarily for students and graduates of osteopathy, but it is the author's hope that other manipulative practitioners will find it of value in expanding their knowledge of manipulation techniques. The author is former head of the department of osteopathic techniques at the British School of Osteopathy. The first part of the book covers some of the principles of osteopathic technique: somatic dysfunction (osteopathic lesion), treatment principles, classification of osteopathic techniques, modifying factors in technique, contra-indications, principles of locking, applied techniques and application of cranial techniques. The second and main part of the book uses photographs t o d o c u m e n t t h e techniques. Each chapter takes an area of the body and the various techniques are demonstrated. The photographs show the position of the patient, hand position and position at the end of the techniques. A videotape is available to demonstrate the illustrated techniques. The book does not discuss osteopathic diagnosis or choice of technique and there is no reference at any time to clinical trials or research on the subject. Manipulative physiotherapists will be familiar with many of the soft tissue and thrust techniques, but it is a useful visual guide for revision and teaching. This book will be of value t o physiotherapists wanting to explore and expand their knowledge of manipulative 'osteopathic' techniques. SARAH MOTTRAM MCSP The Baby Challenge: A handbook o n pregnancy for women w i t h a physical disability, by Mukti Jain Campion (foreword by Wendy Savage). TavistockiRoutledge, London, 1990 (ISBN 0 415 0 4 8 5 9 1). Illus. 219 pages. €10.99. Written primarily for women with a physical disability, this book is in t w o sections. The first deals generally with the practical issues involved in having a baby. The second section discusses, in relation t o childbearing and early rearing, 13 of the

Physiotherapy,June 1991, vol 77, no 6

more common conditions that cause physical disability and uses actual case histories. Each condition is dealt w i t h in a separate chapter; they are arthritis, limb amputation, asthma, cerebral palsy, diabetes, epilepsy, hearing impairment, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, and visual impairment. This book is full of useful and realistic information which enables women with disabilities w h o are contemplating childbirth to be aware of their most likely problems and where to go for help. It presents very positive and practical suggestions as t o h o w mothers-to-be can prepare themselves for the challenge, and h o w best t o work w i t h the relevant health care professionals. There are lots of useful addresses of organisations and support groups; it is well referenced and there are further reading lists. In addition, members of the obstetric team and all other health care professionals whose clientele includes women of childbearing age will also find this informative and thoughtprovoking book well worth reading. All physiotherapy department and obstetric unit staff libraries should have a copy, and there should be others available t o lend t o those with special needs when childbearing is being considered. JILL MANTLE BSc MCSP Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, by Margaret Polden GradDipPhys MCSP and Jill Mantle BA GradDipPhys M C S P D i pT P. Butter w o r t h /H e ine m an n, Guildford, 1990 (ISBN 0 7 5 0 6 0016 0).Illus. 441 pages. €29.95 (paperback). There have been many books written on obstetrics and gynaecology, but this is the first comprehensive text for physiotherapists and practitioners working in the field. The authors are both experienced and

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dedicated enthusiasts in the specialty. They are known and acclaimed internationally for their work as both physiotherapists and educators. This is a resource book for physiotherapists working in obstetrics and gynaecology as students, newly qualified, or those working for post-registration training. It is easily readable and clearly structured w i t h excellent illustrations. The up-to-date references, cross-references and bibliography reflect h o w thoroughly the subject has been researched. The opening chapters give detailed anatomy of the reproductive and urinary systems, followed by the physiology of reproduction and pregnancy. There is a clear description and understanding of the changes that occur and means of relieving pregnancy discomforts. Preparation for labour and care of the post-natal mother follow. The role of the physiotherapist in the gynaecological section is clearly stated and incontinence is covered in depth. There is an informative chapter on examination of the newborn. The temptation t o be dogmatic has been resisted. In fact, the emphasis is on the further need for controlled scientific research. To some t h i s m a y b e a disappointment if they were seeking definitive answers t o all their questions. Throughout, the authors have conveyed the importance of the skills of the physiotherapist - not only the use of good and reasoned assessments and techniques but most of all the art of listening and understanding. I would strongly recommend this book t o all physiotherapists and others working in women's health as both a valuable guide t o the subject in general and the most complete reference book currently available. I would expect it t o become required reading. CAMILLA J MILES MCSP

Note: Chapter 12 of this book contains a number of critical publisher's errors. Erratum slips are t o be inserted in copies t o be sold in future. Earlier purchasers should request such a slip from the publishers at PO Box 63, Westbury House, Bury Street, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5BH.