Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides by mass spectrometry following partial reduction and alkylation

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides by mass spectrometry following partial reduction and alkylation

Analytical Biochemistry 377 (2008) 95–104 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Analytical Biochemistry j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . ...

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Analytical Biochemistry 377 (2008) 95–104

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Analytical Biochemistry j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y a b i o

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides by mass spectrometry following partial reduction and alkylation Susan F. Foley 1, Yaping Sun 1, Timothy S. Zheng, Dingyi Wen * Bio­gen Idec, 14 Cam­bridge Cen­ter, Cam­bridge, MA 02142, USA

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 15 January 2008 Available online 4 March 2008 Key­words: Disul­fide map­ping Disul­fide struc­ture deter­mi­na­tion Partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation TIM-1 IgV Fn14 TNF recep­tor fam­ily TIM fam­ily

a b s t r a c t We have deduced the disul­fide bond link­age pat­terns, at very low pro­tein lev­els (<0.5 nmol), in two cys­ teine-rich poly­pep­tide domains using a new strat­egy involv­ing partial reduc­tion/alkyl­ation of the pro­ tein, fol­lowed by pep­tide map­ping and tan­den mass spec­trom­e­try (MS/MS) sequenc­ing on a nano­flow liquid chro­ma­tog­ra­phy-MS/MS sys­tem. The sub­strates for our work were the cys­teine-rich ecto­do­main of human Fn14, a mem­ber of the tumor necro­sis fac­tor recep­tor fam­ily, and the IgV domain of murine TIM-1 (T-cell, Ig domain, and mucin domain-1). We have suc­cess­fully deter­mined the disul­fide link­ages for Fn14 and inde­pen­dently con­firmed those of the IgV domain of TIM-1, whose crys­tal struc­ture was pub­lished recently. The pro­ce­dures that we describe here can be used to deter­mine the disul­fide struc­tures for pro­ teins with com­plex char­ac­ter­is­tics. They will also pro­vide a means to obtain impor­tant infor­ma­tion for struc­ture–func­tion stud­ies and to ensure cor­rect pro­tein fold­ing and batch-to-batch con­sis­tency in com­ mer­cially pro­duced recombinant pro­teins. © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved.

Pro­tein struc­ture–func­tion rela­tion­ships are stud­ied for a vari­ ety of rea­sons, rang­ing from the elu­ci­da­tion of basic bio­chem­i­cal path­ways to the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of ther­a­peu­tic tar­get­ing strat­e­gies. The pre­ferred approach to these stud­ies uti­lizes ana­lyt­i­cal tools such as X-ray crys­tal­log­ra­phy and NMR for deter­min­ing the struc­ ture of a pro­tein or a pro­tein com­plex. Although suc­cesses using this approach have increased in recent years, there remains a sig­ nif­i­cant unmet need for struc­tural infor­ma­tion, due mainly to the intrin­sic require­ments of both of the afore­men­tioned tech­niques for rel­a­tively large amounts or high con­cen­tra­tions of homo­ge­ neous pro­tein [1]. In cases where nei­ther NMR nor crys­tal­log­ra­ phy is fea­si­ble or where the data from these tech­niques are incom­ plete, disul­fide map­ping, often in com­bi­na­tion with struc­tural mod­els, proves invalu­able. Disul­fide map­ping is also required to ensure that recombinant pro­teins have folded cor­rectly from batch-to-batch. The tra­di­tional approach to disul­fide map­ping is to enzy­mat­i­ cally cleave the pro­tein between each Cys res­i­due and then define the disul­fide-linked pep­tides by mass spec­trom­e­try or N-ter­mi­nal sequenc­ing. The lim­i­ta­tions of this approach are obvi­ous: even the most non­spe­cific pro­te­ases can­not eas­ily cleave “cys­teine knots” or between adja­cent cys­teine res­i­dues. In early stud­ies, diges­tion with papain and pep­sin was car­ried out after partial reduc­tion of * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Fax: +1 (617)-679-3635. E-mail address: ding­yi.wen@bio­gen­i­dec.com (D. Wen). 1 These authors con­trib­uted equally to this work. 0003-2697/$ – see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2008.02.025

disul­fide bonds with cys­teine to fully elu­ci­date the disul­fide link­ ages in anti­bod­ies [2]. More recently, a method devel­oped to avoid issues such as ste­ric hin­drance of enzymes and to resolve even dif­fi­cult disul­fide arrange­ments is partial reduc­tion and cy­any­la­ tion using 1-cyano-4-dim­eth­yl­am­in­o­py­rid­i­ni­um tet­ra­fluo­ro­bo­rate [3,4] fol­lowed by treat­ment with a strong base for cleav­age at the N ter­mi­nus of cy­any­lat­ed cys­teine. While this approach offers high cleav­age site spec­i­fic­ity, there are many draw­backs. For exam­ple, pro­tein back­bone mod­i­fi­ca­tion [3–5] and com­plex side reac­tions caused by expo­sure to a strong base (e.g., b-elim­i­na­tion, neu­tral­iza­ tion of car­boxyl groups) can result in sig­nif­i­cantly lower yields of cleav­age prod­ucts [4,5] and can com­pli­cate or con­found inter­pre­ta­ tion of the mass spec­tra. The time required for opti­mi­za­tion and con­sump­tion of some­times lim­ited amounts of sam­ple are also potential issues because the reac­tiv­ity of cy­any­la­tion prod­ucts is sequence depen­dent [3,5,6]. An alter­na­tive method for han­dling even dif­fi­cult disul­fide motifs is partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation, which works at acidic pH, essen­tially elim­i­nat­ing the potential for disul­fide scram­bling and gen­er­at­ing few side reac­tions. Recently, enhanced mass detec­tion instru­men­ta­tion and nano­flow liquid chro­ma­tog­ra­phy have pro­vided a new oppor­tu­nity to ana­lyze a wide range of sub­strates at fem­to­mole to low-pico­mole lev­els, but appli­ca­tion of these meth­ods to disul­fide map­ping has yet to take advan­tage of these improve­ments. In fact, con­ven­tional disul­ fide map­ping using partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation rou­tinely con­ sumes more than 20 nmol of a pro­tein per exper­i­men­tal cycle [6,7], which is due mainly to the mate­rial required for opti­mi­za­tion of


Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104

enzy­matic diges­tion, partial reduc­tion, chro­mato­graphic sep­a­ra­ tions, and mass anal­y­ses of the sin­gly reduced and alkyl­ated prod­ ucts. As a result, this method is par­tic­u­larly time con­sum­ing and its appli­ca­tion is lim­ited mostly to pep­tides or very small pro­teins. Here we describe an approach that com­bines spe­cific enzy­ matic cleav­age, a gen­er­ally appli­ca­ble rec­ipe for partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation, and MS/MS sequenc­ing cou­pled with a nano­flow LC for sep­a­ra­tion. A major advan­tage of this approach is its high sen­si­tiv­ity because it gen­er­ally requires only pico­mole quan­ti­ties of the pro­tein in micro­li­ter vol­umes. A com­pli­cated disul­fide struc­ ture often can be solved with as little as 0.5 nmol of a pro­tein. The sub­strates that we used to dem­on­strate this approach are human fibro­blast growth fac­tor induc­ible 14 (Fn14) [8,9] and the N-ter­mi­ nal IgV domain of murine T cell, Ig domain, and mucin domain1 (TIM-1) [10,11]. Fn14 is the cog­nate recep­tor of tumor necro­sis fac­tor (TNF) -like weak inducer of apop­to­sis (TWEAK) [8,9]. Until the pres­ent stud­ies, the disul­fide struc­ture of Fn14 was uncer­tain, hav­ing been described as pos­sess­ing either of two dis­tinct TNFR (TNF recep­tor) disul­fide archi­tec­tures [12,13]. The IgV domain of mu­TIM-1 has a unique disul­fide struc­ture among all of the IgV super­fam­ily (IgSF) [11]. Both exam­ples high­light the advan­tage of bring­ing spec­i­fic­ity and sen­si­tiv­ity to tech­niques for disul­fide map­ping. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods Expres­sion and puri­fi­ca­tion of Fn14-Myc-His and murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc Fn14-Myc-His was expressed in Pi­chi­a pas­to­ris yeast cells and puri­fied by metal che­late chro­ma­tog­ra­phy. The IgV domain of murine TIM-1 fused with the Fc portion of human IgG1 (referred to as murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc) was expressed in Chi­nese ham­ster ovary (CHO) cells and puri­fied as described by Siz­ing et al. [14]. Alkyl­ation of Fn14-Myc-His and murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc Alkyl­ation was car­ried out under dena­tur­ing but non­re­duc­ing con­di­tions. Approx­i­mately 0.5 nmol of the pro­tein in 25 lL Phos­ phate-buf­fered saline was treated with 2.5 lL of 1 M 4-vinyl­pyr­ i­dine (4-vp) fol­lowed by 25 mg solid gua­ni­dine hydro­chlo­ride (Gu­HCl) to ensure dena­tur­ation. The vol­ume was then increased to 100 lL by the addi­tion of 6 M Gu­HCl, 0.5 M Tris–HCl, pH 7.6. The solu­tion was held at room tem­per­a­ture in the dark for 1 h. The 4-vp-treated pro­tein was sub­se­quently recov­ered by pre­cip­i­ ta­tion with 40 vol­umes of chilled eth­a­nol [15]. Spe­cif­i­cally, after dilu­tion of the sam­ple in eth­a­nol, the solu­tion was held at ¡20 °C for 1 h and then cen­tri­fuged at »6700g for 12 min at 4 °C. The super­na­tant was dis­carded and the pellet was washed once with chilled eth­a­nol. N-degly­co­sy­la­tion of murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc N-linked gly­cans were removed from the 4-vp-treated pro­tein with PNG­ase F (Roche). Briefly, the pellet from the pre­ced­ing pro­ce­ dure (con­tain­ing approx­i­mately 18 lg of 4vp-treated pro­tein) was dis­solved in 2 M urea, 0.06 M methyl­amine HCl, 0.2 M Tris–HCl, pH 6.5, to give a pro­tein con­cen­tra­tion of about 0.35 mg/mL. Approx­ i­mately 12.5 mil­li­un­its of PNG­ase F was then added and the solu­ tion was held at room tem­per­a­ture for 24 h.

2 Abbre­vi­a­tions used: TNF, tumor necro­sis fac­tor; TWEAK, TNF-like weak inducer of apop­to­sis; TNFR, TNF recep­tor; IgSF, IgV super­fam­ily; 4-vp, 4-vinyl­pyr­i­dine; TFA, tri­flu­o­ro­ace­tic acid; DTT, dithi­o­thre­i­tol; MALDI-TOF MS, matrix-ass­it­ed laser desorp­ tion ion­i­za­tion time-of-flight mass spec­trom­e­try; CRD, cys­teine-rich domain; CHO, Chi­nese Ham­ster Ovary; TNFRSF, TNFR super­fam­ily.

Intact mass mea­sure­ment The molec­u­lar masses of the pro­teins were assessed under reduc­ing con­di­tions using an LC-MS sys­tem com­posed of an HPLC (2695 Alli­ance Sep­a­ra­tions Mod­ule), a 2487 dual-wave­length UV detec­tor, and a ZMD mass spec­trom­e­ter (Waters Corp.). Salts were removed from the sam­ple on a Vy­dac 2.1 x 10-mm C4 guard col­umn (214GD52). The pro­tein was eluted with a lin­ear gra­di­ent (from 0 to 70% ace­to­ni­trile in 0.03% TFA) at a flow rate of 100 lL/min. The col­umn tem­per­a­ture was 30 °C. The result­ing mass spec­tra were decon­vo­luted using the Max­Ent 1 pro­gram. Endo-AspN, Endo-LysC, and tryp­tic diges­tion, and sep­a­ra­tion of digested Fn14-Myc-His frag­ments Approx­i­mately 0.5 nmol of 4-vp-treated pro­tein was digested with 8% (w/w) en­do­pro­tease Asp-N (endo-AspN; Roche) in a solu­ tion con­tain­ing 2.5 M urea, 20 mM methyl­amine, 5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 M Tris–HCl, pH 6.5, for 8 h at room tem­per­a­ture, fol­lowed by addi­tion of another ali­quot of endo-AspN (8% w/w). After an addi­ tional 8 h, about 15% (w/w) en­do­pro­tease LysC (endo-LysC; WACO) was added, and the solu­tion was held at room tem­per­a­ture for 20 h. Finally, 5% (w/w) of tryp­sin (Promega) was added and the solu­tion was held at room tem­per­a­ture for 8 h more. Prior to anal­y­ sis of the digest on an LC-MS sys­tem, freshly prepared 8 M urea in 0.2 M methyl­amine HCl was added to improve pep­tide sol­u­bil­ity. The solu­tion was split into two parts: one part was ana­lyzed after reduc­tion with 50 mM DTT for 1 h, and the other part was directly ana­lyzed with­out reduc­tion. The reduced and non­re­duced digests were assessed using an LC-MS sys­tem com­posed of an HPLC (2695 Alli­ance Sep­a­ra­tions Mod­ule), a 2487 dual-wave­length UV detec­ tor, and an LCT mass spec­trom­e­ter (Waters Corp.). The HPLC was equipped with a Vy­dac 1 £ 250-mm C18 col­umn (218TP51). Pep­ tides were eluted with a 150-min lin­ear gra­di­ent (from 0 to 70% ace­to­ni­trile in 0.03% TFA) at a flow rate of 70 lL/min. The col­umn tem­per­a­ture was 30 °C. The disul­fide-linked pep­tide clus­ter con­ tain­ing Cys res­i­dues was iden­ti­fied by mass spec­trom­e­try and col­ lected for fur­ther partial reduc­tion exper­i­ments. Tryp­tic diges­tion and sep­a­ra­tion of digested murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc frag­ments Approx­i­mately 0.5 nmol of alkyl­ated, N-degly­co­sy­lated pro­ tein in buffer con­tain­ing 2 M urea, 0.06 M methyl­amine HCl, 0.2 M Tris–HCl, pH 6.5, was digested with »5% (w/w) endo-LysC for 4 h at room tem­per­a­ture; then a sec­ond ali­quot of endo-LysC was added (5%, w/w) and the solu­tion was incu­bated for an addi­tional 4 h. Tryp­sin (5%, w/w; Promega) was added and the diges­tion was allowed to pro­ceed for 16 h at room tem­per­a­ture. A sec­ond ali­quot of tryp­sin (5%, w/w) was then added and the diges­tion was allowed to pro­ceed for 6 h more. Addi­tions of endo-LysC and tryp­sin were repeated, as described, over another 30-h period. An enzyme blank was prepared as described above for the sam­ple, except that TIM1-IgV-Fc was not added to the vial. Both the digest and the enzyme blank were ana­lyzed on the LC-MS sys­tem as described above for Fn14-Myc-His. The disul­fide-linked IgV pep­tide clus­ter was col­ lected for fur­ther anal­y­sis. Partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation of the disul­fide-linked pep­tides Con­di­tions for the partial reduc­tion and alkyl­ation of disul­fidelinked tryp­tic pep­tides were opti­mized as fol­lows. The disul­fidelinked pep­tide clus­ter iso­lated by C18 chro­ma­tog­ra­phy was dried under vac­uum and dis­solved in buffer con­tain­ing 0.1 M sodium cit­ rate, pH 3.0, 6 M Gu­HCl at an esti­mated con­cen­tra­tion of 10 pmol/ lL. Approx­i­mately 2 lL (esti­mated at 20 pmol pro­tein/pep­tide)

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104


Fig. 1. Schematic sum­mary of human Fn14 sequence. Brack­ets rep­re­sent disul­fide bonds deter­mined in this study.

was mixed with an ali­quot of a stock solu­tion con­tain­ing 2 mM Tris(2-car­boxy­ethyl)phos­phine hydro­chlo­ride (TCEP; Pierce) in 0.1 M cit­rate, 6 M Gu­HCl buffer, pH 3.0. The amounts of TCEP tested were 0.025, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.5 nmol. The final vol­ume of the reac­ tion was adjusted to 2.5 lL with the sam­ple buffer. Reduc­tion was car­ried out at 37 °C for 15 min and was stopped by alkyl­at­ing the reduced sul­fhydr­yls with 20 mM N-eth­yl­ma­lei­mide (NEM; Pierce) at 37 °C for 1 h in the dark. Once the opti­mal con­di­tions for partial reduc­tion were estab­lished, i.e., 0.1 nmol TCEP/pmol of Fn14 and 0.25 nmol TCEP/pmol of TIM-1 IgV, the remain­ing sam­ple was sub­ jected to the partial reduc­tion/alkyl­ation pro­to­col and the result­ ing pep­tide mix­ture was frac­tion­ated on a 1.0 £ 250-mm Vy­dac C18 col­umn. The sta­tuses of the reduc­tion and peak iden­ti­fi­ca­tion were deter­mined by mass spec­trom­e­try on a nano­flow LC-MS/MS sys­ tem or a MALDI-TOF MS spec­trom­e­ter, as described below.

Endo-AspN diges­tion of the 4751.4-Da disul­fide-linked pep­tide clus­ter of murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc The frac­tion con­tain­ing the disul­fide-linked pep­tide clus­ter with a molec­u­lar mass of 4751.4 Da was evap­o­rated to dry­ness under vac­uum, and the res­i­due was redis­solved in 10 lL of 2 M urea, 0.125 M Tris–HCl, pH 6.5, 5 mM MgCl2 and digested with »0.3 lg of endo-AspN (Roche) over­night at room tem­per­a­ture. Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of pep­tides and spe­cific alkyl­ation sites by mass spec­trom­e­try Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of pep­tides was done either on a nano­flow LCMS/MS sys­tem [spe­cif­i­cally, a Waters Nano-Ac­qui­ty UPLC (Ultra Per­for­mance LC) sys­tem in line with a Waters QTOF Pre­mier

Table 1 Disul­fide-linked pep­tides detected in a com­bined AspN and tryp­tic digest of non­re­duced human Fn14-Myc-His Disul­fide-linked pep­tidea

Res­i­due num­bersa

Observed molec­u­lar mass (Da)b

Cal­cu­lated molec­u­lar mass (Da)b

TD1/TD2 with one disul­fide bond TD3/TD4 with two disul­fide bonds

1–11 (TD1) 22–23 (TD2) 35–49 (TD3) 24–29 (TD4)

1365.57 2183.98

1365.55 2183.88


TD des­ig­na­tions denote pre­dicted AspN/tryp­tic pep­tides from huFn14-myc-His tag.


Mono­i­so­topic masses.

Fig. 2. C18 reversed-phase HPLC pro­file of par­tially reduced and alkyl­ated TD3/TD4 from human Fn14. The par­tially reduced and alkyl­ated pep­tide clus­ters, A and B (two pep­tides linked by a sin­gle disul­fide bond), were col­lected for MS/MS anal­y­sis. The dou­blet peak for reduced pep­tides TD3 and TD4 con­tain­ing two NES groups is due to ster­ eo­iso­mers gen­er­ated by NEM alkyl­ation.


Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104

Fig. 3. MS/MS spec­trum of reduced, AspN/tryp­tic pep­tide TD3 (reduced from pep­tide clus­ter TD3/TD4 in peak A, Fig. 2) from human Fn14, res­i­dues 24–29 con­tain­ing a NES group. The sequence of the pep­tide, the frag­men­ta­tion pattern, and detected frag­ment ions are shown at the top. “y” des­ig­nates ions that con­tain the C-ter­mi­nal region of the pep­tide with one or more amino acid res­i­dues gen­er­ated by col­li­sion-induced dis­so­ci­a­tion (CID). “b” des­ig­nates ions that con­tain the N-ter­mi­nal region of the pep­tide with one or more amino acid res­i­dues gen­er­ated by CID. Cal­cu­lated masses for some crit­i­cal ions are as fol­lows: b2 = 219.02, b3 = 290.05, inter­nal frag­ment ion CA = 175.05, and SC = 316.02.

Fig. 4. MS/MS spec­trum of reduced, AspN/tryp­tic pep­tide TD4 (reduced from pep­tide clus­ter TD3/TD4 in peak A, Fig. 2) from human Fn14, res­i­dues 35–49 con­tain­ing a NES group. The sequence of the pep­tide, the frag­men­ta­tion pattern, and detected frag­ment ions are shown at the top. Des­ig­na­tion of “y”and “b” ions is as described in Fig. 3. Cal­ cu­lated masses for some crit­i­cal ions are as fol­lows: b3 = 491.16, b4 = 604.25, b5 = 661.19, y10 = 1000.50, y11 = 1057.53, y12 = 1170.61, and inter­nal frag­ment ion CA = 175.05.

mass spec­trom­e­ter] or on an Applied Bio­sys­tems Voy­ager STR DE MALDI-TOF mass spec­trom­e­ter using 2,5-dihy­droxy­ben­zoic acid as the matrix. MS/MS spec­tra were acquired using the data-depen­ dent acqui­si­tion func­tion on the nano­flow LC-MS/MS sys­tem.

Pep­tides were sep­a­rated on a 0.1 £ 100-mm Atlan­tis dC18 col­umn (186002831; Waters Corp.), eluted with a 70-min gra­di­ent (from 0 to 70% ace­to­ni­trile in 0.1% for­mic acid) at a flow rate of 400 nL/ min. The col­umn tem­per­a­ture was main­tained at 35 °C. The sam­ple

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104


Fig. 5. Schematic sum­mary of key struc­tural ele­ments in the murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc sequence: murine Ig domain, black; human Fc domain, blue. Black lines rep­re­sent disul­fide bonds deter­mined in this study. Blue lines rep­re­sent the pre­dicted disul­fide bond pattern in the Fc domain that was also con­firmed in this study. Cys res­i­dues form­ing the inter­chain disul­fides are iden­ti­fied with blue arrows.

cone volt­age was 35 V. A ramped col­li­sion energy of 25–40 eV was used for MS/MS exper­i­ments, and MS/MS spec­tra were col­lected in the m/z range 50–1500, with sam­pling every 0.5 s and a 0.05-s sep­a­ra­tion between con­sec­u­tive scans. The MS and MS/MS spec­ tra were decon­vo­luted using the Max­Ent 3 pro­gram that com­bines multiple m/z peaks into a sin­gle MH+ peak. Results Anal­y­sis of the recombinant Fn14-Myc-His A sol­u­ble form of the human Fn14 pro­tein con­sist­ing of its entire ecto­do­main (res­i­dues 1–53 not account­ing for the sig­nal pep­tide) plus Myc and His tags (Fig. 1) was suc­cess­fully expressed in P. pas­to­ris yeast cells. The observed molec­u­lar mass of 7617 Da agreed well with the pre­dicted mass of 7616.6 Da. The molec­u­ lar mass did not shift after treat­ment of the pro­tein with 4-vp under non­re­duc­ing but dena­tur­ing con­di­tions, indi­cat­ing that all of the cys­teine res­i­dues in the pro­tein are involved in disul­fide bonds. Bio­chem­i­cal anal­y­ses of this mate­rial also dem­on­strated that the P. pas­to­ris-derived Fn14-Myc-His pro­tein is mono­meric and, most impor­tantly, that it adopts its nat­u­ral con­for­ma­tion, based on its abil­ity to bind TWEAK with an affin­ity sim­i­lar to that of Fn14 pro­teins pro­duced by other expres­sion sys­tems (data not shown). Anal­y­sis of disul­fide link­ages in the CRD domain of human Fn14 The extra­cel­lu­lar cys­teine-rich domain of human Fn14 con­tains six Cys res­i­dues and all are involved in disul­fide bonds, as dem­on­ strated above. To assess the disul­fide con­nec­tiv­ity in this domain, we car­ried out an AspN/tryp­tic diges­tion on a non­re­duced sam­ple and were able to sep­a­rate two pairs of disul­fide-linked pep­tides by C18 reverse-phase chro­ma­tog­ra­phy (data not shown). As sum­ma­ rized in Table 1, disul­fide-linked pep­tides cor­re­spond to TD1 (res­i­ dues 1–11) linked to TD2 (res­i­dues 22–23) and TD3 (res­i­dues 24– 29) linked to TD4 (res­i­dues 35–49). Because pep­tides TD1 and TD2 each con­tain only a sin­gle cys­teine res­i­due, the link­age is clearly Cys9 (C1) to Cys22 (C2). On the other hand, pep­tides TD3 and TD4

are linked by two in­ter­pep­tide disul­fide bonds, so addi­tional work was required to deter­mine exact disul­fide link­ages. The tech­nique of partial reduc­tion was used to gen­er­ate forms of TD3/TD4 that con­tain only a sin­gle disul­fide bond; how­ever, sep­a­ra­tion of these forms by HPLC proved to be a chal­leng­ing task, as indi­cated by the chro­mato­graphic pro­file (Fig. 2). Even under opti­mized con­di­tions, the rel­e­vant peaks, cor­re­spond­ing to prod­ucts con­tain­ing a sin­gle disul­fide bond and 2 N-eth­yl­ succ­in­im­i­do (NES) groups, were only »75% resolved (peak A at »146 min and peak B at »148 min). By col­lect­ing a portion of each peak, i.e., the lead­ing edge of the peak at 146 min and the trail­ing edge of the peak at 148 min, we obtained rep­re­sen­ta­tive sam­ples of both forms. Sequenc­ing results for the reduced con­stit­u­ents of the TD3/TD4 pep­tide clus­ter from peak A (Fig. 2) are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. In the MS/MS spec­trum of pep­tide TD3 (observed m/z = 779.32) (Fig. 3), the observed frag­ment ions, b2, m/z = 219.02, and b3, m/z = 290.05, are con­sis­tent with a NES group at Cys28 (C4) because if it were at Cys25 (C3), the m/z would be 344.09 for b2 and 415.13 for b3. Nei­ther of these ions was detected in the MS/MS spec­trum of the reduced TD3 from peak A. For pep­tide TD4 (observed m/z = 1660.82) (Fig. 4), the observed frag­ment ions, b3, m/z = 491.16, b4, m/z = 604.25, y10, m/z = 1000.50, y11, m/ z = 1057.59, and y12, m/z = 1170.71, all indi­cate that the NES group is on Cys37 (C5), not Cys40 (C6). If the NES group were at Cys40 (C6), the m/z val­ues would be 366.11, 479.20, 536.22, 1182.57, and 1296.66 Da for b3, b4, y10, y11, and y12, respec­tively. None of these ions was detected in the MS/MS spec­trum of the reduced TD4 from peak A. That Cys28 (C4) in TD3 and Cys37 (C5) in TD4 are alkyl­ated with NEM indi­cates that these two Cys res­i­dues were linked by a disul­fide bond before the partial reduc­tion/ alkyl­ation. We also can con­clude that Cys25 (C3) and Cys40 (C6) remain disul­fide linked, hold­ing pep­tides TD3 and TD4 together after the partial reduc­tion/alkyl­ation. The data from the MS/MS sequenc­ing of peak B (not shown) are com­ple­men­tary, show­ing that the NES groups in the later-elut­ing peak are at Cys25 (C3) and Cys40 (C6), so TD3 and TD4 must be disul­fide-linked through Cys28 (C4) and Cys37 (C5). In sum­mary, we have exper­i­men­tally deter­mined the disul­fide con­nec­tiv­ity of the Fn14 CRD to be C1C2, C3-C6, and C4-C5.


Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104

Anal­y­sis of the full-length murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc

Con­fir­ma­tion of disul­fide link­ages in the Fc portion of murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc

Murine TIM-1 IgV domain was expressed in CHO cells as a fusion pro­tein linked to the Fc portion of human IgG1, form­ing a sol­ u­ble dimer. The pre­dicted sequence of a sin­gle chain con­tains 337 res­i­dues with one potential N-linked gly­co­syl­a­tion site at Asn187 (Fig. 5). The expressed pro­tein was eval­u­ated by mea­sur­ing the molec­u­lar mass of N-degly­co­sy­lated pro­tein under reduc­ing con­di­ tions. The observed molec­u­lar mass (37,539 Da) agreed well with that pre­dicted for res­i­dues 2–336 (37,537.6 Da). The pro­tein was also ana­lyzed by tryp­tic pep­tide map­ping after reduc­tion (Table 2). About 90% of the pre­dicted sequence was con­firmed by pep­tide masses; sequence cov­er­age was lim­ited by the num­ber of small, hydro­philic pep­tides that were not retained on the reverse-phase HPLC col­umn. The primary struc­ture showed no het­er­o­ge­ne­ity that could con­found mass assign­ments dur­ing disul­fide map­ping. To deter­mine whether any Cys res­i­dues were in the free thiol form, native pro­tein was treated with the alkyl­at­ing reagent, NEM, under dena­tur­ing con­di­tions. The molec­u­lar mass of the NEMtreated native pro­tein, mea­sured after reduc­tion of disul­fides with DTT, is con­sis­tent with that of the N-degly­co­sy­lated, but non­al­ky­ lat­ed pro­tein, res­i­dues 2–336 (observed, 37,537 Da). This con­firms that all of the cys­teine res­i­dues in the pro­tein are involved in disul­ fide bonds.

Table 2 LC-MS anal­y­sis of pep­tides from a tryp­tic digest of N-degly­co­sy­lated and reduced murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc Tryp­tic pep­tidea

Res­i­due num­bers

Reten­tion time (min)

Observed molec­u­lar mass (Da)b

Cal­cu­lated molec­u­lar mass (Da)b

T19 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T119 T12 T13 T14 T15c T16d T17 T18c T19c T20c T21 T22c T23c T24c T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31c T32 T33

2–6 7–23 24–32 33–51 52–56 57–59 60–63 64–89 90–100 101–112 113–138 113–136 139–145 146–164 165–178 179–182 183–191 192–207 208–210 211–212 213–216 217–224 225–228 229–230 231–234 235–245 246–250 251–260 261–282 283–299 300–304 305–306 307–329 330–336

36.3 47.9 45.1 47.1 32.6 — 40.0 52.8 51.6 47.4 58.2 58.5 42.8 49.6 49.6 — 38.0 57.9 — — — 42.2 — — — 44.0 30.9 49.1 52.8 53.7 35.4 — 50.4 43.5

636.30 1848.89 993.42 2071.88 637.29 — 536.26 2769.22 1331.65 1359.77 2529.42 2504.26 834.37 2080.92 1676.72 — 1189.48 1806.92 — — — 837.43 — — — 1285.66 604.24 1103.57 2543.12 1872.96 574.25 — 2743.22 659.28

636.35 1848.92 993.47 2071.93 637.34 348.18 536.30 2769.22 1331.65 1359.78 2729.41 2504.26 834.43 2081.00 1676.79 500.31 1189.49 1807.00 438.21 249.11 446.25 837.50 447.27 217.14 456.24 1285.67 604.31 1103.60 2543.12 1172.91 574.33 261.14 2743.24 659.35


T des­ig­na­tions denote pre­dicted tryp­tic pep­tides from the murine TIM-1 Ig mucin minus murine Fc sequence where T19 is the observed N-ter­mi­nal pep­tide and T33 is the C-ter­mi­nal pep­tide. Cys-con­tain­ing pep­tides are in bold­face. b Mono­i­so­topic masses. c Only the major com­po­nents are listed. Small hydro­philic pep­tides were not retained on the col­umn. d

The pre­dicted mass cor­re­sponds to the N-degly­co­sy­lated pep­tide T16.

Disul­fide-linked pep­tides from the murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc fusion pro­tein were iden­ti­fied by com­par­a­tive pep­tide map­ping of the reduced and non­re­duced tryp­tic digest. Autol­y­sis pep­tides derived from tryp­sin and endo-LysC were also iden­ti­fied on the maps (labeled “Enzyme” in Fig. 6) but none of these pep­tides inter­fered with iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of disul­fide-linked pep­tides or with deter­mi­na­ tion of disul­fide link­ages for murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc. The result­ing chro­mato­graphic pro­files are shown in Fig. 6: Fig. 6A shows the non­re­duced digest and Fig. 6B the reduced digest. Four peaks are unique to the map of the non­re­duced digest, and three of those con­ tain disul­fide-linked pep­tides from the Fc region. Pre­dicted disul­ fide-linked pep­tides from the hinge region (T119/T119; observed mass, 5004.52 Da; cal­cu­lated mass, 5004.49 Da), the CH2 region (T13/T19; observed mass, 2328.12 Da; cal­cu­lated mass, 2328.10 Da), and the CH3 domain (T27/T32; observed mass, 3844.79 Da; cal­cu­ lated mass, 3844.82 Da) were all observed. All of the detected link­ ages were as expected and no disul­fide scram­bling was observed. These results are sum­ma­rized in Table 3. Anal­y­sis of disul­fide link­ages in the IgV domain of murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc The IgV domain of TIM-1 con­tains six Cys res­i­dues. In the non­re­ duced tryp­tic map, the pep­tides com­pos­ing the IgV domain eluted as a disul­fide-linked pep­tide clus­ter in a peak at 51.5 min; the pep­ tide clus­ter con­tained the four pep­tides, T2 (res­i­dues 7–23), T3 (res­ i­dues 24–32), T4 (res­i­dues 33–51), and T8 (res­i­dues 64–89) linked by three disul­fide bonds (observed mass, 7682.40 Da; cal­cu­lated mass, 7682.52 Da; Fig. 6A, Table 3). The iden­tity of this pep­tide clus­ter was con­firmed by reduc­tion with DTT, which resulted in the appear­ance of the four con­stit­u­ent pep­tides, T2, T3, T4, and T8 (Fig. 6B). The pre­cise disul­fide link­ages could not be elu­ci­dated directly by map­ping because there are no enzymes that cleave between indi­vid­ual cys­teine res­i­dues in this region to gen­er­ate pep­tides con­tain­ing one cys­teine. To over­come this prob­lem, the disul­fide-linked IgV pep­tide clus­ter was col­lected and sub­jected to partial reduc­tion with TCEP and alkyl­ation with NEM fol­lowed by nano-LC-MS. The result­ing map is shown in Fig. 7. By suc­cess­fully opti­miz­ing the con­di­tions of partial reduc­tion, a bal­ance between the com­pletely non­re­duced form of disul­fide-linked IgV pep­tide clus­ter (T2/T3/T4/T8 at 52.5 min) and the com­pletely reduced and alkyl­ated forms of each of the pep­tides was struck . This was evi­ denced by two sig­nif­i­cant par­tially reduced, NEM-alkyl­ated, disul­ fide-linked clus­ters, each of which con­tained only two pep­tides. The first of these clus­ters (46 min) had a mass of 3188.48 Da which matches the pre­dicted mass of T3 linked to T4 with one NES group (cal­cu­lated mass, 3188.43 Da); the sec­ond par­tially reduced clus­ter (55 min) had a mass of 4741.23 Da which matches the pre­dicted mass of T2 linked to T8 with one NES group (cal­cu­lated mass, 4741.17 Da). These results show that Cys17 (C1) in T2 is linked to either Cys87 (C5) or Cys88 (C6) in T8 and that Cys29 (C2) in T3 is linked to either Cys35 (C3) or Cys40 (C4) in T4. To assign the exact disul­fide con­nec­tiv­ity within pep­tide clus­ters T2/T8 and T3/T4, there remained only the task of defin­ing the NEM alkyl­ation site in the con­stit­u­ent pep­tides con­tain­ing two cys­teine res­i­dues, i.e., T4 and T8. To iden­tify the alkyl­ation sites within tryp­tic pep­tides T4 and T8, the cor­re­spond­ing pep­tide clus­ters were col­lected and reduced with DTT. The reduced con­stit­u­ents were then sub­jected to mass spec­tro­met­ric anal­y­sis. MS/MS sequenc­ing of the reduced T4 with one NES group (T4-NES) from the T3/T4 clus­ter showed that the NES group is at Cys-35 (C3), not Cys40 (C4). In the MS/MS spec­ trum of T4-NES shown in Fig. 8, the b3 ion has an observed m/z

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104


Fig. 6. Tryp­tic pep­tide maps of murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc. Digests were sep­a­rated by HPLC on a Vy­dac C18 col­umn and ana­lyzed on-line with an LCT mass spec­trom­e­ter. (A) Non­ re­duced digest; (B) reduced digest. Iden­ti­fied peak char­ac­ter­is­tics are sum­ma­rized in Table 1. “E” des­ig­nates an enzyme-derived pep­tide.

Table 3 Major disul­fide-linked pep­tides detected in a tryp­tic pep­tide map of the non­re­ duced digest of pyri­dyle­thy­lat­ed murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc Disul­fide-linked tryp­tic pep­tidea

Res­i­due num­bers

Reten­tion time (min)

Observed molec­u­lar mass (Da)

Cal­cu­lated molec­u­lar mass (Da)

T2/T3/T4/T8 with   three disul­fide   bonds

7–23 24–32 33–51 64–89 113–136 inter­chain







146–164 211–212 251–260 307–329







T119/T119 with   two disul­fide   bonds T13/T19 with one   disul­fide bond T27/T32 with one   disul­fide bond

T8-NES was gen­er­ated from full reduc­tion of the par­tially reduced T2/T8 clus­ter, Cys17 (C1) in T2 must be linked to (the unmod­i­fied) Cys88 (C6) in T8 and, con­se­quently, the only two NES-mod­i­fied Cys res­i­dues in the IgV domain, Cys35 (C3) in T4 and Cys87 (C5) in T8, must form a disul­fide bond. In sum­mary, we have exper­i­men­tally deter­mined that the disul­fide con­nec­tiv­ity in the IgV domain of TIM-1 is C1-C6, C2-C4, and C3-C5. Dis­cus­sion


T des­ig­na­tions denote pre­dicted tryp­tic pep­tides from the murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc sequence where T119 is a non­spe­cific tryp­tic pep­tide, res­i­dues 113–136. b Aver­age mass.

of 414.14, the y12 ion of 1442.66, and the y16 ion of 1784.87, which matches very well to the cal­cu­lated m/z val­ues if Cys-35 (C3) is alkyl­ated with NEM (the cal­cu­lated m/z for b3 is 414.14, that for y12 is 1442.70, and that for y16 is 1784.85). If Cys40 (C4) is alkyl­ated, b3 should be 289.10, y12 should be 1567.74, and y16 should be 1909.82. There are no traces of any of these ions in the MS/MS spec­trum of T4-NES; there­fore, Cys40 (C4) is not alkyl­ated and, because T4NES was gen­er­ated from the pep­tide clus­ter T3/T4, Cys40 (C4) in T4 must be linked to Cys29 (C2) in T3. MS/MS sequenc­ing of T8 with one NES group (T8-NES) did not gen­er­ate suf­fi­cient ions to iden­tify the alkyl­ation site, so the peak was treated with en­do­pro­ tease AspN to pro­duce the shorter, alkyl­ated pep­tide DSGLYCCR (T8’-NES, cal­cu­lated mass, 1041.41 Da). MS/MS sequenc­ing of this pep­tide showed that the NES group is located at Cys87 (C5). In the MS/MS spec­trum shown in Fig. 9, the y2 ion has an observed m/z of 278.10, which could be gen­er­ated only if Cys87 is alkyl­ated with NEM (cal­cu­lated m/z for y2 is 278.13). If Cys88 had been alkyl­ated with NEM, y2 would have an m/z of 403.18. Addi­tion­ally, there are two inter­nal frag­ments at m/z of 364.11 and 392.11, which match the cal­cu­lated m/z of Tyr­Cys(NES) (YC5), with and with­out the loss of water (cal­cu­lated m/z is 364.15 and 392.13, respec­tively). Because

We have suc­cess­fully dem­on­strated the appli­ca­tion of highsen­si­tiv­ity disul­fide map­ping meth­ods using two recombinant pro­teins, one a fusion pro­tein of »40 kDa which con­tains the IgV domain of murine TIM-1 linked to human Fc and the other, a sol­u­ble ver­sion of the CRD of human Fn14 which has a molec­ u­lar weight of »8 kDa. TIM-1 IgV domain cor­re­sponds to the N-ter­mi­nal domain of a type 1 trans­mem­brane pro­tein orig­i­nally iden­ti­fied in ische­mic kid­ney mod­els (as KIM-1 [16]) and later ascribed impor­tant func­tions in immu­no­mod­u­la­tion [17–20]. Potential ligands have been pro­posed but none has been iden­ti­ fied unam­big­u­ously [11,19,21]. Our original goal was to advance the inves­ti­ga­tions into struc­ture–func­tion rela­tion­ships by bet­ter defin­ing the ligand bind­ing site, the IgV domain [11,14]. At the out­set of our work, the avail­able infor­ma­tion assign­ing the TIM-1 IgV domain to the IgSF was based solely on sequence homol­ogy; and the six cys­teine res­i­dues with the potential for three disul­fide bonds rep­re­sented a sig­nif­i­cant depar­ture from the typ­i­cal IgSF struc­ture. We approached this with no pre­con­cep­tions, except that the region of sequence assigned to IgV was a dis­tinct domain, i.e., with no in­ter­do­main disul­fide bonds. Because ours was an Fc fusion pro­tein, we could use the Fc disul­fides essen­tially as an inter­nal con­trol. Our results clearly defined three disul­fide bonds in the IgV region as Cys1-Cys6, Cys2-Cys4, and Cys3-Cys5 and the Fc bonds were as expected with no appar­ent scram­bling. These results have now been con­firmed by the recently pub­lished crys­ tal struc­ture of mu­TIM-1 [11]. Our suc­cess also high­lights the sen­ si­tiv­ity of the method. Disul­fide map­ping of the extra­cel­lu­lar CRD of Fn14 pro­vides another exam­ple of the gen­eral util­ity of our approach. Fn14 is the recep­tor for TWEAK [8] and plays impor­tant roles in inflam­ ma­tion and tu­moro­gen­e­sis [9,12]. Like TIM-1, Fn14 is a type 1


Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104

Fig. 7. C18 reversed-phase HPLC pro­file of par­tially reduced, NEM-alkyl­ated, disul­fide-linked pep­tide clus­ters from murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc. Iden­ti­ties of com­po­nents in each peak are shown.

Fig. 8. MS/MS spec­trum of tryp­tic pep­tide T4 con­tain­ing a NES group from murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc. (T4 was released from the pep­tide clus­ter T3/T4 by reduc­tion of “T3/T4 with 1 NES” shown in Fig. 7). The sequence of the pep­tide, the frag­men­ta­tion pattern, and the detected frag­ment ions are shown at the top. Des­ig­na­tion of “y”and “b” ions is as described in Fig. 3. Cal­cu­lated masses for some crit­i­cal ions are as fol­lows: y3 = 369.20, y4 = 483.24, y5 = 584.29, y6 = 770.37, y7 = 883.45, y8 = 996.54, y9 = 1097.59, y10 = 1211.63, y12 = 1442.70, y16 = 1784.85, y17 = 2012.91, b2 = 186.09, and b3 = 414.14.

trans­mem­brane pro­tein, but it belongs to a sub­set of recently rec­ og­nized atyp­i­cal TNFR super­fam­ily (TNFRSF) mem­bers because it

con­tains only a sin­gle CRD, whereas tra­di­tional TNFRSF mem­bers con­tain three or more CRDs [13,22]. A typ­i­cal CRD in the TNFRSF

Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104


Fig. 9. MS/MS spec­trum of AspN/tryp­tic pep­tide, res­i­dues 82-89 con­tain­ing a NES group from murine TIM-1-IgV-Fc. This pep­tide was gen­er­ated from T8 that was released from the “T2/T8 with 1 NES” pep­tide clus­ter shown in Fig. 7 by reduc­tion. The sequence of the pep­tide, the frag­men­ta­tion pattern, and detected frag­ment ions are shown at the top. Des­ig­na­tion of “y”and “b” ions is as described in Fig. 3. Cal­cu­lated masses for some crit­i­cal ions are as fol­lows: y2 = 278.13, y3 = 506.19, y4 = 669.25, y5 = 782.33, y6 = 839.35, inter­nal frag­ment ions YC(NES) (a) = 364.15 and (b) = 392.13, and ions C(NES)C(a) = 304.08, and b3 = 260.09.

has six con­served cys­teine res­i­dues which form three disul­fide bonds. Each CRD is com­posed of two struc­tural mod­ules from a list includ­ing A1, A2, B1, B2, C2, D2, etc., where the let­ter refers to a mod­ule of char­ac­ter­is­tic con­sen­sus sequence and ter­tiary fold and the num­ber indi­cates the num­ber of disul­fide bonds within the mod­ule. The two mod­ules in a CRD are linked in tan­dem in var­i­ous com­bi­na­tions, e.g., A1!B2 (an A1 mod­ule fol­lowed by a B2 mod­ ule), A2!B1, A1!C2, or A1!D2 [13,23]. Based on sequence align­ ment, it was orig­i­nally pre­dicted that the atyp­i­cal TNFRSF mem­ bers, such as TACI, BCMA, and Fn14, would likely have the A1!C2 mod­ule struc­ture like the fourth (and last) CRD in TNF-R1 [22]. How­ever, recently avail­able crys­tal struc­tures of BCMA and TACI show that the CRDs in both pro­teins have an A1!D2 mod­ule struc­ ture [24]. A major dif­fer­ence between C2 and D2 mod­ules is the con­nec­tiv­ity of the four Cys res­i­dues in the mod­ule, which results in dif­fer­ent ter­tiary struc­tures, even though their sec­ond­ary struc­ tures are sim­i­lar [23]. In a C2 mod­ule, the four cys­teine res­i­dues (C3, C4, C5, and C6) are linked as C3-C6 and C4-C5, whereas in the D2 mod­ule, the link­ages are C3-C5 and C4-C6. With no avail­able crys­tal struc­ture for Fn14, Brown et al. [12] recently devel­oped a three-dimen­sional struc­ture model of the pro­tein based on the crys­tal struc­ture of BCMA, namely a model hav­ing an A1!D2 mod­ule struc­ture with C1-C2, C3-C5, and C4-C6 disul­fide link­ages. The model was used as the basis for eval­u­at­ing the results from site muta­gen­e­sis stud­ies [12]. Our exper­i­men­tal deter­mi­na­tion of the disul­fide struc­ture for Fn14 reveals that the disul­fide link­ages in the Fn14 CRD are C1-C2, C3-C6, and C4-C5. In other words, Fn14 CRD has an A1!C2 mod­ule pair struc­ture, not an A1!D2 one. Our find­ing sup­ports the A1!C2 struc­ture orig­i­nally pre­dicted for Fn14 by Bod­mer et al. [22] and indi­cates that the model pro­posed [12] based on the struc­ture of BCMA is incor­rect. The disul­fide link­ age pattern can have a sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence on the over­all ter­tiary struc­ture of a pro­tein. In the case of TACI and BCMA, the A1!D2 mod­u­lar struc­ture pro­vides a “sad­dle-like” bind­ing site for the ligand Tall-1 [23,24]. In con­trast, the fourth CRD of TNFR-1, com­

posed of an A1!C2 mod­u­lar sub­struc­ture, is partly “dis­or­dered” and may be impor­tant for its dimer for­ma­tion [25]. Con­clu­sions about func­tion based on incor­rect pro­tein struc­tures can have lim­ ited valid­ity at best. This new infor­ma­tion on the disul­fide link­ ages of Fn14 should be help­ful in reeval­u­at­ing the results of in vitro stud­ies of sur­face topog­ra­phy and the mech­a­nism of ligand bind­ing. The two pro­teins described herein, both suc­cess­fully char­ac­ ter­ized by high sen­si­tiv­ity disul­fide map­ping, are typ­i­cal of the ana­lytes tar­geted in struc­ture–func­tion stud­ies. We have shown that disul­fide link­ages of pro­teins hav­ing high molec­u­lar weight, multiple domains, and gly­cans can be suc­cess­fully ana­lyzed with­ out large amounts of pro­tein and that a sin­gle exper­i­men­tal strat­ egy can be applied to many oth­ers with­out lengthy opti­mi­za­tion. The phys­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics of these pro­teins are rou­tinely encoun­ tered and nor­mally inter­fere with crys­tal­li­za­tion. Disul­fide map­ ping can be valu­able even when the crys­tal struc­ture is avail­able. In cases where the X-ray data are low res­o­lu­tion, disul­fide bonds may be un­as­sign­able with­out disul­fide map­ping. If a pro­tein domain is trun­cated in the inter­est of crys­tal­li­za­tion, cau­tion has to be taken not to design away cys­teine res­i­dues that are crit­i­cal to the struc­ tural integ­rity, as was the case for a trun­cated ver­sion of human NoGo-66 recep­tor, No­GoR1(310) (res­i­dues 1–310), [26]. Our disul­ fide map­ping anal­y­sis of full-length human NoGo-66 recep­tor 1, a large (»55-kDa), mul­ti­do­main, cys­teine-rich gly­co­pro­tein, showed that the con­clu­sions drawn from crys­tal­log­ra­phy of the trun­cated No­GoR1(310) were in error due to the elim­i­na­tion of two cys­teine res­i­dues, Cys-334 and Cys-346, from the recombinant con­struct [27]. In sum­mary, disul­fide struc­tures of pro­teins with com­plex char­ ac­ter­is­tics can be deter­mined using the method described here. The method is very sen­si­tive and effi­cient com­pared to other meth­ ods. The infor­ma­tion of disul­fide link­ages of pro­teins is not only impor­tant for struc­ture–func­tion stud­ies and resolv­ing ambi­gu­ity in crys­tal or NMR struc­tures or struc­ture mod­el­ing but also invalu­


Picomole-level mapping of protein disulfides / S.F. Fo­ley et al. / Anal. Biochem. 377 (2008) 95–104

able for ensur­ing cor­rect pro­tein fold­ing and batch-to-batch con­sis­ tency in the man­u­fac­ture of ther­a­peu­tic pro­teins. Acknowl­edg­ments We thank Vero­nique Ba­il­ly, Paul Renn­ert, Al­ex­ey Lu­gov­skoy, Den­nis Krus­hins­kie, and Kathy Strauch for their con­tri­bu­tions. Ref­er­ences [1] J.H. Pre­ste­gard, H. Vala­far, J. Glu­shka, F. Tian, Nuclear mag­netic res­o­nance in the era of struc­tural genom­ics, Bio­chem­is­try 40 (2001) 8677–8685. [2] J. Rous­seaux, R. Rous­seaux-Pre­vost, H. Ba­zin, Opti­mal con­di­tions for the prep­ a­ra­tion of Fab and F(ab’)2 frag­ments from mono­clo­nal IgG of dif­fer­ent rat IgG sub­class­es, J. Immu­nol. Meth­ods 64 (1983) 141–146. [3] J.L. Gall­egos-Perez, L. Ran­gel-Ordo­nez, S.R. Bow­man, C.O. Ngowe, J.T. Wat­son, Study of primary amines for nucle­o­philic cleav­age of cy­any­lat­ed cys­tinyl pro­ teins in disul­fide mass map­ping meth­od­ol­ogy, Anal. Bio­chem. 346 (2005) 311–319. [4] J. Wu, J.T. Wat­son, A novel meth­od­ol­ogy for assign­ment of disul­fide bond pair­ ings in pro­teins, Pro­tein Sci. 6 (1997) 391–398. [5] C.G. Schu­tte, T. Lemm, G.J. Glom­bitza, K. Sand­hoff, Com­plete local­i­za­tion of disul­fide bonds in GM2 acti­va­tor pro­tein, Pro­tein Sci. 7 (1998) 1039–1045. [6] J. Qi, J. Wu, G.A. Somk­uti, J.T. Wat­son, Deter­mi­na­tion of the disul­fide struc­ture of sil­lu­cin, a highly knot­ted, cys­teine-rich pep­tide, by cy­any­la­tion/cleav­age mass map­ping, Bio­chem­is­try 40 (2001) 4531–4538. [7] U. Go­rans­son, D.J. Craik, Disul­fide map­ping of the cycl­o­tide ka­la­ta B1. Chem­i­cal proof of the cys­tic cys­tine knot motif, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 48188–48196. [8] S.R. Wiley, L. Cas­si­ano, T. Lof­ton, T. Davis-Smith, J.A. Win­kles, V. Lind­ner, H. Liu, T.O. Dan­iel, C.A. Smith, W.C. Fan­slow, A novel TNF recep­tor fam­ily mem­ber binds TWEAK and is impli­cated in angi­o­gen­e­sis, Immu­nity 15 (2001) 837– 846. [9] J.A. Win­kles, N.L. Tran, M.E. Be­rens, TWEAK and Fn14: new molec­u­lar tar­gets for can­cer ther­apy?, Can­cer Lett. 235 (2006) 11–17. [10] V.K. Ku­ch­roo, D.T. Ume­tsu, R.H. De­Kruyff, G.J. Free­man, The TIM gene fam­ily: emerg­ing roles in immu­nity and dis­ease, Nat. Rev. Immu­nol. 3 (2003) 454– 462. [11] C. San­ti­ago, A. Bal­lest­er­os, C. Tami, L. Mar­ti­nez-Munoz, G.G. Kap­lan, J.M. Ca­sas­ no­vas, Struc­tures of T cell immu­no­glob­u­lin mucin recep­tors 1 and 2 reveal mech­a­nisms for reg­u­la­tion of immune responses by the TIM recep­tor fam­ily, Immu­nity 26 (2007) 299–310. [12] S.A. Brown, H.N. Hans­com, H. Vu, S.A. Brew, J.A. Win­kles, TWEAK bind­ing to the Fn14 cys­teine-rich domain depends on charged res­i­dues located in both the A1 and D2 mod­ules, Bio­chem. J. 397 (2006) 297–304. [13] J.H. Nai­smith, S.R. Sprang, Mod­u­lar­ity in the TNF-recep­tor fam­ily, Trends Bio­ chem. Sci. 23 (1998) 74–79.

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