prior to fertilization. The diE-t of many mothers who gave birth to malformed children was fouml defective in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins. Tl1is is an important contribution. -R. T. Frank. Laforet 's monograph on the Early Diagnosis of Pregnancyl7 takes up the his· torieal aspects and the elinieal signs. The main portion, howewr, is devote11 to the biologic tests for pregnancy, particularly the Asehheim-Zondek test. The monograph contains a large bibliography, a goo.d synopsis of the ~ituation, but no new eontribution of any kind. -R. T. Franl.;. This monographlB deals with the statistirR on Italian mothers who have borne at least seven live children. It was found that the onset of their menarehe was normal, tl1at the climax occurred late, and hence their period of sex activity was prolonged. Various other observations dealing with the subject are contained in the many tables of this monograph whieh is basefl on the population of all portions of Italy. -R. T. Frank.
In his monogmph, Gntndlagen det Sch·wan{Je1·e·ne·m
Pi·ctori.al Midwifery'2o by Sir Comyns Berkeley carries the sub-title An Atla.s of Midtcifery for Pupil Mi.dwive.s. Though specifically designed ''for pupil midwives preparing for the state exaniination,'' this small volume might prove, in the reviewer's estimation, also of considerable practical value to the medical student. W11ile containing but few illustrations which eould not be found in every stan.dard textbook of obstetries, this atlas is characterized hy detailed description of each illustration in the appended legend. These legends represent the entire text matter and cover all important features in the anatomy, physiology and pathology of pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium. The drawings are well done and in each instance clearly present the particular points to be shown. -H1~go Ehrenfest. 'El Dlagnostico Preeoz Del Embarazo. Par Dr. Carlos Colmeiro Laforet. 244 Libreria "Galt," Santiago de Compostela, 1940. 1811 Cicio Sessuale delle Mad.rt delle Famiglle Nnmerose. A cura di Corrado Gin! 1
pages, illustrated.
e Pia de Orchl. Comltato Italiano per lo studio de! Probl>eml della Popolazlone, Roma, 1939. '"Grundlagen der Schwangerschaftcn-Ernaehrun&". Von Dr. Med. G. Gaehtgens. Universita.ets Frauenklln!k 7;u Leipzig. 142 seiten mit 9 abbildungen. Verlag von Th>eodor Stelnkopl'f, Dresden, 1940. ..Pictorial Midwifery. By Sir Comyns Berkeley, Chairman of the Central Midwives Board, Consulting Obstetric and Gynecological Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital, etc. Third edition, 166 pages. Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 191)0,