Pituitary Neuropeptides, Emotional Behavior and Cardiac Responses BELA BOHUS R u d o l f Magnus Institute f o r Pharmacology, Medical Faculty, University o f Utrecht, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
INTRODUCTION The organisms’ adaptation to environmental influences requires a chain of behavioral, autonomic, endocrine and metabolic responses in order t o preserve homeostasis. The integration of these adaptive functions is assured through central nervous control mechanisms. The pituitary gland and its target organ hormones serve an important modulatory function in the adaptive processes. It was recognized more than a quarter of a century ago that not only physical or chemical but also merely psychological stress activated the pituitary-adrenal axis (Selye, 1950). Since that time a large number of publications indicate that subtle psychological stimuli present during everyday life and provoking changes in emotionality (fear, anxiety, disappointment, etc.) are among the most potent stressors which elicit the release of ACTH (Mason, 1968), MSH (Sandman et al., 1973), and vasopressin (Thompson and De Wied, 1973). On the other hand, evidence collected during the last decade clearly indicates that the release of these pituitary hormones is not merely a concomitant of emotional behavior. It became increasingly clear that the brain serves as a target organ of pituitary peptide hormones and their central effects result in alterations of behavioral adaptation (see De Wied and Weijnen, 1970; Zimmermann et al., 1973; Gispen et al., 1975). The most prominent feature of the research on endocrine-behavioral interactions is the recognition that the behaviorally active entities of the hypothalamo-pituitary peptides related t o ACTH, MSH and vasopressin are practically devoid of target gland effects such as stimulation of the adrenal cortex, melanocyte-stimulating activity or antidiuretic and pressor action, and yet these pituitary gland peptides, designated as neuropeptides, are involved in the formation and maintenance of new behavior patterns subserving adaptation (De Wied, 1969). Recent observations demonstrating opiate-like peptides in the brain originating from pituitary P-LPH (Hughes et al., 1975; Bradbury et al., 1976; Guillemin et al., 1976) reinforce the neuropeptide hypothesis and further suggest that numerous, centrally controlled adaptive functions may be modulated by pituitary neuropeptides. Changes in cardiovascular function due t o psychic (emotional) stress are one of the most prominent reactions of the organism. The relationship between
278 behavior and cardiovascular responses has been the subject of continuing interest, although psychophysiological research on the cardiovascular system is a rather controversial area of neurobiology. Heart rate changes observed during emotional behavior have been viewed as reflections of arousal, motivation, attention or somatic activity related t o behavioral coping (Gantt, 1960; Malmo and Belanger, 1964; Black, 1965; Obrist et al., 1970). Our interest in cardiovascular changes related t o emotional behavior stems from the need to learn about the role and the mechanism of action of pituitary neuropeptides in centrally controlled adaptive processes. A psychophysiological approach provides the means to understand the physiology of the neuropeptides. Moreover, indications of the eventual pathological consequence of increased production or absence of neuropeptides on cardiovascular function may be obtained. PASSIVE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR AND HEART RATE CHANGES IN THE RAT To study cardiovascular and behavioral relationships demands a precise control of both behavioral and autonomic responses. Accordingly, our first effort was t o select a paradigm of emotional behavior in which behavior of the rats is highly predictable and the effect of the psychological stimulus (conditioned fear) can be studied separately from that of the physical stress which leads t o the emotional experience. A one-trial learning passive avoidance paradigm in a step-through type situation meets these criteria. This paradigm uses the innate preference of the rat for darkness rather than light (Ader e t al., 1972). From the elevated, illuminated platform of the apparatus the rat enters the dark, large compartment within a few seconds. After 4 pre-training trials the rat receives a single unavoidable electric footshock immediately after entering the dark compartment, Learning experience as tested 24 hr later is manifested by readily avoiding re-entering the dark compartment from the platform. In these and subsequent experiments the electrocardiogram of free-moving rats was recorded from transcutaneous electrodes with the aid of radiotelemetry (Bohus, 1974). Electrocardiograms were recorded during the 4th pre-training trial and through the passive avoidance retention test 24 hr after the single learning trial. A PDPS/I computer was used for off-line analysis which consisted of the measurement of R-R intervals and computation of mean heart rate (HR), R-R interval distribution histogram and the trend of HR changes. Passive avoidance behavior of the rats depends upon the intensity of the aversive stimulus at the learning trial. The stronger the aversive stimulus, the more time the animal takes to re-enter the dark compartment (latency) at the retention test 24 hr later. This emotional behavior of the rats appears t o be accompanied by tonic and phasic changes in cardiac rhythm. Tonic changes are represented by a decrease in mean HR during avoidance behavior relative to pre-learning values. The degree of bradycardia again depends upon the intensity of the aversive stimulus; the more pronounced bradycardia occurs after the higher intensity shock punishment (Table I ) , A close correlation between
Passive avoidance latency (set) Tonic HR response (bpm)*
Phasic HR response (bpm)**
-0.5 k 0.9
Duration of phasic response***
* 2.660
-18,3 f 3.8?+ -13.8 k l.l? 25.2
_ ~
* 3.2 t t
-14.2 k 0.9+ 16.8
*Mean heart rate (HR) during passive avoidance behavior minus mean HR during the last pre-shock trial. **Mean H R during approaching shock compartment minus mean H R during non-approach periods of avoidance behavior. ***Relative duration of approaching shock compartment in % of total avoidance latency. Median. Mean f S.E.M. +P 0.05. + + P 0.01.
individual passive avoidance latencies used as the behavioral measure and mean HR change is, however, absent. Accordingly, tonic change in HR reflects the intensity of punishment leading t o emotional experience but in individual rats, it is unrelated to the actual behavioral performance. Analysis of beat-to-beat changes during passive avoidance behavior shows that phasic changes in HR occur in the form of abrupt bradycardia and arrhythmia which accompany approach-avoidance movements. This locomotor activity is typical of conflict situations. From time to time, the rat approaches or partially enters the dark compartment. Approach behavior regularly coincides with an immediate decrease in HR and sometimes arrhythmia is coupled with this behavior. Computing mean HR for approach and non-approach periods indicates that phasic bradycardia is only present after the aversive learning experience but its magnitude does not correlate with the intensity of punishment during the learning trial. That these abrupt changes in HR occur only after aversive experience indicates that phasic changes are rather specific signs of conditioned fear. This statement is further supported by the fact that the blocking of approach responses in non-punished rats by lowering the sliding door between the elevated platform and the dark compartment results in phasic increase rather than a decrease in HR. Phasic changes in HR in the form of arrhythmia occur independently from approach-avoidance movements as well. These changes are however rather infrequent and of short duration. The rat is always motionless in these periods. The appearance of these arrhythmic phases do not relate t o any parameters of the passive avoidance paradigm nor to behavioral activities during avoidance behavior.
Recent trends in psychophysiological research concerning the relations between the functioning of heart and behavioral processes claim the importance of cardiac-somatic coupling (Obrist et al., 1974). It is suggested that vagally mediated HR changes are only relevant t o behavioral processes t o the extent t o which these reflect the activity of the muscles. Since both phasic and tonic changes in HR during passive avoidance behavior appear in the form of bradycardia it seemed worthwhile t o analyze the somatic activity of the rats during passive avoidance and to compute mean HR for each gross bodily activity. Although somatic activities during passive avoidance behavior such as walking, sniffing, rearing and grooming slightly increase HR, the differences as compared t o the motionless state are not significant. In contrast, these somatic activities significantly increase HR when the rat has not had an aversive experience. Accordingly, conditioned emotionality attenuates the somatic influences on the functioning of the heart. These observations further indicate that both the phasic and tonic changes in WR during passive avoidance behavior are due t o psychic rather than somatic influences on cardiac rhythm regulation. Because of the primary importance of psychic mechanisms underlying passive avoidance behavior in the functioning of the heart, regulation of the cardiac rhythm during this emotional behavior has been analyzed by computing R-R interval distribution histograms. In the rat R-R intervals fall in the range of 90-210 msec (270-660 bpm). A class-width of 5 msec was used for the distribution analysis and the proportion of R-R intervals falling within a class is expressed in percentage of the total intervals recorded during the entire avoidance period. Histograms taken from ECG records during the retention test from nonpunished rats or from those receiving low or high shock intensity punishmect 24 hr before are depicted in Fig. 1. Aversive experience during the single learning trial results in a shift of the dominant R-R frequency t o the right, i.e., the highest percent of the R-R intervals in the rats receiving aversive experience falls into a longer R-R interval class than in the non-punished controls. Although the dominant R-R frequency falls in the same interval class independent of the intensity of shock punishment, the percentage of R-R intervals within this range is lower in rats which had been exposed t o a stronger aversive stimulus and a high percentage of intervals appear in the longer interval classes. This indicates that the more pronounced bradycardia after high intensity shock punishment is mainly due to a less regular heart rhythm and the incidence of long R-R intervals is markedly increased. Taken together, analysis of HR changes in the step-through one-trial learning passive avoidance situation indicates that this conditioned emotional behavior is accompanied by tonic and phasic changes in cardiac rhythm. Tonic changes as represented by a decrease in mean HR are primarily due t o a shift of the dominant R-R frequency t o the direction of longer R-R intervals and the irregularity of cardiac rhythm is increased with the intensity of punishment. Phasic changes appear as abrupt decrease in HR or arrhythmia and are related t o approach-avoidance movements which are relevant behavioral activities in a conflict situation. The rate of phasic changes is independent of the intensity of aversive experience. Accordingly, tonic HR changes reflect conditioned emotionality changes dependent upon the intensity of aversive experience
281 mean percent of totul R - R intervals
Fig. 1. The effect of the intensity of aversive stimulus at the learning trial on t h e distribution pattern of R-R intervals during the retention test.
while phasic changes are probably correlates of a more specific discriminative function and reflect the conditioned fear response. PITUITARY NEUROPEPTIDES AND CARDIAC RESPONSES ACCOMPANYING 'PASSIVE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR Pituitary neuropeptides related t o ACTH or vasopressin influence motivational, learning and memory processes. Behavioral observations indicate that peptides related to ACTH affect motivational processes while vasopressin and its analogs improve consolidation and/or retrieval of memory (De Wied et al., 1975a). Behavioral effect of these peptides is not distinguishable when treatment is given prior t o the retention test 24 hr after the single learning trial in the passive avoidance situation. Both ACTh4 - and desglycinamide-lysine vasopressin (DG-LVP), which are practically devoid of classical endocrine activities (De Wied, 1969; De Wied e t al., 1972), increase the time the rat takes t o re-enter the former shock compartment. Cardiac responses accompanying passive avoidance behavior of peptide-treated rats are, however, different (Bohus, 1975; Bohus et al., 1976). Enhanced passive avoidance in rats treated with ACTH4+, is accompanied by an increase in mean HR relative t o pre-learning values. Tonic HR response in rats receiving DG-LVP is bradycardia. The degree of HR decrease is however more pronounced in the peptide treated rats than in controls which received the same punishment during the learning trial (Table 11).
Treatment* Passive avoidance latency (sec)
Tonic HR response (bpm)
Phasic HR response (bpm)
-13.8 5 1.1
Duration of phasic response
DG-LVP 43.0**
+20.0 5 8.8***
-32.3 5 5.4**
-28.6 5 1.3""
? 2.1
*Treatment was given subcutaneously 1 hr prior t o the retention test in doses of 15 pg of ACTH4- 10 and 0.5 pg of DG-LVP (desglycinamide-lysine vasopressin). **P 0.05. **UP< 0.01.
Distribution pattern of R-R intervals, as it is depicted in Fig. 2, is also differently affected by these neuropeptides. ACTH4 - I increases the incidence of shorter R-R intervals but does not cause a shift in the dominant frequency. In contrast, DG-LVP treatment results in a shift in the dominant R-R interval in the direction of a longer interval class and the right-hand tail of the histogram slopes far more gradually, indicating a higher incidence of longer R-R intervals. Accordingly, ACTH4 - I and DG-LVP differentially affect tonic mean percent of tatol R- R intervals
Fig, 2. Distribution pattern of R-R intervals during passive avoidance behavior in rats treated with ACTH4- 0 or desglycinamide-lysine vasopressin( DG-LVP)
283 changes in HR accompanying seemingly identical passive avoidance behavior. Phasic changes in HR are, however, qualitatively the same in the two groups. Approaching the dark compartment is accompanied by abrupt bradycardia as in the controls. The degree of bradycardia, however, is more pronounced in DG-LVP treated rats than in controls or those which received ACTH, - o . These observations indicate that tonic HR responses may differentiate brain mechanisms which are involved in the behavioral effect of peptides related t o ACTH or vasopressin. High incidence of short R-R intervals, as observed in rats receiving ACTH4 - o , suggests that sympathetic influences on HR which are normally minimal are facilitated by this neuropeptide. This suggestion is supported by the observation showing that neonatal chemical sympathectomy prevents the appearance of shorter R-R intervals during passive avoidance behavior in rats treated with ACTH, (Bohus et al., 1976). Contemporary psychophysiological research maintains that HR does not provide a simple, unidimensional measure of brain processes underlying behavior such as motivational or affective states. Moreover, it seems that the vagally mediated HR in a mildly stressful behavioral paradigm is related t o attentional and expectancy processes while sympathetic influences are evoked by more intense stress in which the organism is actively engaged in the preparation or execution of activities that will cope with the stress (Obrist et al., 1974; Pribram and McGuiness, 1975). Accordingly, increased sympathetic activity in ACTH, treated rats may reflect a facilitated arousal state which increases the probability of a given behavioral performance in emotional situations. That the phasic HR response of ACTFI, treated rats is in the same direction as in the controls (bradycardia) suggests that increased arousal increases the probability of the specific behavioral response which is accompanied by specific phasic HR response. Facilitated arousal by ACTH,has also been indicated by electrophysiological studies (Urban and De Wied, 1976) and by observations on HR changes during classical fear conditioning (Bohus, 1973, 1975). The more pronounced tonic and phasic bradycardiac changes in HR relative t o controls in rats receiving DG-LVP suggest that this vasopressin related peptide facilitates memory processes, and these processes exert their cardiac control through vagal innervation. That both the tonic and phasic bradycardia result from a central vagal influence rather than a baroreceptor mediated adjustment of cardiac rhythm, is suggested by observations in neonatally sympathectomized rats. Neonatal chemical sympathectomy attenuates blood pressure increase during classical emotional conditioning (Pappas and DiCara, 1973) and blocks the pressor response t o electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus (Provoost e t al., 1974), but fails to affect the direction of tonic and phasic changes in HR during passive avoidance behavior (Bohus et al., 1976). BEHAVIORAL AND CARDIAC CONSEQUENCES OF THE GENETICAL ABSENCE OF VASOPRESSIN The observations on rats treated with pituitary neuropeptides indicate that the same form of behavioral expression of emotion need not necessarily be
accompanied by the same tonic cardiac reaction. One of the alternatives is that the same behavioral expression may occur under different emotional impact. However, it is not unlikely that the behavioral and autonomic changes are under parallel but separate control by the same environmental stimulus events which evoke alterations in emotionality. This alternative may be of primary importance in psychosomatic disorders. Pituitary peptides which are released during the re-appearance of specific environmental cues associated with aversive, “stressful” experience may act as chemical messengers t o modify both the expression of behavior and autonomic responses. Parallel but separate control of behavioral and tonic but not of phasic cardiac response during passive avoidance behavior is indicated by observations on rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (Bohus et al., 1975a). That vasopressin is physiologically involved in memory processes, has been demonstrated in rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (De Wied et al., 197513; Bohus et al., 197513). Homozygous diabetes insipidus (HO-DI) rats lack the ability t o synthetize vasopressin while their heterozygous littermates (HE) have a relatively normal water metabolism (Valtin and Schroeder, 1964). Severe memory impairment was observed in HO-DI rats in a one-trial learning passive avoidance test. Heterozygous rats exhibited full avoidance behavior. Memory impairment of HO-DI rats can be restored by the administration of either arginine vasopressin (AVP) or DG-LVP immediately after the learning trial, Impairment of passive avoidance behavior in HO-DI rats 24 hr after the learning trial is, however, not associated with an impairment of tonic HR changes. Decrease in mean HR relative to pre-learning values during the passive avoidance test is in the same order of magnitude as in the HE rats in spite of the marked behavioral difference. Phasic changes in HR are however absent in HODI rats (Table 111). Administration of AVP or DG-LVP immediately after the learning trial or prior t o the retention test normalizes behavior and phasic TABLE 111 PASSIVE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR AND CARDIAC RESPONSES IN RATS WITH HEREDITARY DIABETES INSIPIDUS; EFFECTS O F VASOPRESSIN TREATMENT Strain Heterozygous Homozygous
Trealmenl * -
Arginine VP after learning before retention DG-LVP after. learning before retention
Passive avoidance latency (sec)
Tonic HR** response
* 4.7
-21.2 f 12.5
Phasic H R * * response -22.6 f 4.1 --2.8 t 4.1
300.0 300.0
-70.6 4.5 -65.7 f 4.1
-29.2 ?; 3 . 5 -28.1 ?L 6.2
300.0 227.0
-50.2 f 8.6 -30.6 f 3.5
-31.9 f 4.9 -29.4 2 6 . 5
*Bolh peptides were given subcutaneously i n a dose of 1 bg/rat either immediately after the learning trial of 1 hr prior to the retention test. **In bpm.
changes in HR which accompany passive avoidance behavior. R-R interval distribution histograms indicate that the HR of HO-DI rats is quite irregular. A dominant R-R frequency is almost absent and R-R intervals are distributed in a rather wide range. Administration of AVP but only prior t o the retention test partially normalizes the distribution pattern. This suggests that parallel t o the neuropeptide function at least, the full vasopressin molecule may play some role in the cardiovascular regulation during emotiona1 stress. The observations indicate that in the absence of vasopressin and related peptides emotional experience is preserved as indicated by tonic changes in HR, but due t o memory deficit, the rat is not able to cope adequately with his behavior t o environmental stimuli. The absence of phasic HR changes accompanying inadequate coping behavior and its reappearance during normalised behavior reinforces the notion that phasic changes in HR specifically reflect conditioned fear in this emotional situation. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS Subtle aversive experience which only slightly affects cardiovascular function acts as a powerful psychic stressor whenever the specific environmental cues reappear. While tonic changes in HR during emotional behavior in the passive avoidance situation are correlates of a generalized conditioned behavioral change, phasic responses may be viewed as specific signs of a highly discriminative fear response. Pituitary neuropeptides related to ACTH or vasopressin affect emotional behavior and influence HR changes accompanying behavioral adaptation. Tonic changes in HR during emotional behavior differentiate between central nervous mechanisms responsible for the behavioral effects of neuropeptides. Our research does not yet allow conclusions as t o whether neuropeptides are involved in the development of pathological cardiovascular changes due to psychic stressor stimuli. It may be noted, however, that both exogenous administration of neuropeptides and the genetic absence of vasopressin appear to increase the irregularity of cardiac rhythm during emotional behavior. Furthermore, psychological stress, which is followed by pituitary peptide release, increases the probability of ventricular fibrillation in the dog (Lown et al., 1973). Removal of the pituitary, on the other hand, which results in learning deficit (De Wied, 1964) prevents the development of sound-withdrawal hypertension in the rat (Marwood et al., 1973). Accordingly, further research on the relation of neuropeptides and psychosomatic disorders has promising perspectives. SUMMARY Pituitary neuropeptides related t o ACTH or vasopressin affect brain functions and modify behavioral adaptation. The effect of these peptides on cardiac responses accompanying emotional behavior has been studied in the rat in a passive avoidance situation. Passive avoidance behavior is accompanied by tonic and phasic changes in cardiac rhythm. Tonic changes appear as a decrease
in mean heart rate as a consequence of emotional experience. Phasic changes are related t o approach-avoidance movements in the conflict situation and appear as an abrupt decrease in heart rate or arrhythmias. Pituitary peptides related t o ACTH facilitate emotional behavior and tonic H R response appears as tachycardia. Analysis of R-R interval distribution histograms indicate increased arousal and consequent sympathetic activation. Neuropeptides related t o vasopressin also facilitate passive avoidance behavior but a more pronounced deceleration of H R accompanies behavior and the irregularity of cardiac rhythm increases. Genetic absence of vasopressin in rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus leads to a deficit in behavioral expression of emotional experience, phasic HR changes are absent but tonic response is present. Vasopressin and related peptides normalise behavioral and cardiac deficits. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
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