Poster session abstracts / A therosclerosis 115 (Suppl.) (1995) $45-$129 P14 Haemostasis
C H A N G E S IN T H E LIPIDS. R H E O L O G Y A N D FIBR1NOLYS A F T E R T R E A T M E N T W I T H S I M V A S T A T I N A N D PRAVAS T A T I N IN P A T I E N T S W I T H D Y S L I P O P R O T E I N E M I A N.I. Doncheva ~, F. Kerekovska ~, K. Nikolov 2, D. Vassileva ~ ~National Centre of Hygiene, :Department of Dermatology and 3National Centre of Clinical and transfusional Hematology, Sofia, Bulgaria
TIIE WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT; RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACIORS IN HEALTHY MEN M. Cigolini, G. Targher, M. Tonoli, G. Agostino, F. Filippi, G. De Sandre Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Verona, Italy
The ability of statins to lower plasma lipid levels and the possible changes in the blood rheology and fibrinolysis were studied in 29 patients with type II A hypercholesterolemia. Fourteen patients received Simvastatin (Zocor, MSD) and 15- Pravastatin (Elisor, Squibb) both by 20 mg with the evening meal. T C and T g were measured with enzyme methods, H D L - C - after precipitation with dextran-sulfate magnesium and L D L - C was calculated. Apo AI and apoB were determined with inmunoturbidimetric method. Plasminogen, ~2AP and FXIII were measured with RID. Fibrinogin was assesed with chronometric "Multifibren" kits. Plasma viscosity was measured with capillary viscosimeter. After 8 weeks TC and L D L - C decreased significantly in both groups. Hct was significantly lower after treatment with Simvastatin and plasmioogen, apoAI and FXlllafter treatment with Pravastatin. Plasma viscosity was lower after Simvastatin, but not after Pravastatin. Fibrinogen and ~ : A p were not altered. W e found a positive correlation between plasma viscosity/TC(p < 0,1) and plasma viscosity/ LDL-C(p < 0, l). Simvastatin and Pravastatin showed a good lipid-lowering effect even in a short treatment course (8 weeks). Pravastatin has additional beneficial effect on the coagulation and fibrinolysis.
The peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count is an indicator of cardiovascular risk. Little is known about relationships between peripheral leukocyte count and main risk factors for cardiovascular disease in healthy subjects. In a random population sample of 38 yr-old apparently healthy men (n=90) with normal glucose tolerance, the relationships of total and differential WBC count to several parameters, including anthropometric measurements, serum lipids, blood pressure, fasting and 2h insulin and glucose concentrations after oral glucose challenge were analyzed. Peripheral WBC count was significantly associated with fasting plasma insulin (r=0.26; p<0.01), 2h plasma glucose (r=0.38; p<0.001) and 2h plasma insulin (r=0.31; p<0.O05) concentrations. Furthermore, WBC count correlated to body mass index (r=0.27; p<0.01), plasma fibrinogen (r=0.37; p<0.001), Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAl-I) plasma activity (r=0.29; p
EFFECTS OF LOVASTATIN AND FILICOL (A MICROPOROUS CHOLESTYRAMINE) ON PLATELETS AGGREGABILITY OF HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC PATIENTS J..A. G6mez Gerique, L.A. Alvarez-Sala, A. Porres, L. Lopez Cubero, F. Diaz', P. Cancelas, P. Perez Cayuela', T. Montoya Fundaci6n Jim6nez Diaz, "CAP Sahara-Rosales, Madrid, SPAIN
PLASMA FACTOR VII LEVELS: RELATIONSHIPS TO FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF ADIPOSE TISSUE IN HEALTHY MEN M. Cigolini, G. Targher', J.C. Seidell 2, M. Tonoli, F. Filippi, G. Agostino, M. Mugged ~, G. De Sandre Institute of Clinical Medicine and :Department of Metabolic Diseases, University of Verona, Italy, 2Departmant of Chronic Diseases and Environmental Epidemiology RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Hypercholesterolemic patients have an increased platelet sensitivity to aggregate with different agents. The effect of hypocholesterolemic agents on platelet hyperaggregability has been scarcely investigated. Some data indicate that simvastatin reduces platelets aggregability but lovastatin does not. However, information related to the latter drug has been obtained using only ADP as proaggregating agent, but nol with other frequently used aggregating agents. Forty asymptomatic type IlA HLP patients and 24 normal control were initially recruited. After 8 weeks of a low saturated-fat diet, without any hypolipidemic or platelel aggregating drug, palients were randomly assigned to either 20 mg of lovastin or 6 g of filicol. Doses were doubled in any control if a reduction of total or LDL cholesterol of > 20 % did not occur. Controls were performed at 0, 6, 12 and 24 weeks. Lipoproteins and platelets aggregation were studied at each control. Maximal platelets aggregation was meassured after 5 minutes by' an AGGRECORDER 3210 aggregometer, using 2 different final dose concentrations ADP -0.5 and 1 ,aM, collagen -1 and 2 ,ag/ml, adrenalin -5 and l0 ,aM- and thrombin -0.0125 and 0.025 IU/L-. Significant reductions were observed in apolipoprotein B and in semm total and LDL cholesterol in lovastatin treated patients when compared to baseline, and when compared to filicol treated group at the 12th week. At baseline, a not significant trend was seen in platelet aggregation when using ADP at the two different concentrations between hypercholesterolemic patients and their controls. A higher proaggregating response was observed with thrombin 0.025 UI/L, in all controls of lovastatin treated periods, but not in the resins-receiving group. No other significant changes were observed in both treatment groups in comparison to baseline, when looking to the other proaggregating agents used.
To study the relations of plasma F-VII levels to the quality of dietary fat, the fatty acid composition of adipose tissue, F-VII clotting activity using bovine thromboplastin (F-Vllbt) and F-VII antigen (FVIIAg), metabolic and anthropometric and behavioural variables were determined in a random population sample of 94 apparently healthy men aged 38 yrs. The total amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in subcutaneous biopsies correlated positively with F-VIIAg (r=0.26, p<0.05), but not with F-VIlbt activity. Significant inverse relations were found between the total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and F-Vllbt, F-VIIAg (r=-0.26 and r=-0.25; p<0.05, respectively) as well as plasma triglyceride level (r=-0.26; p <0.051, which was the only one blood variable positively and consistently associated with FVII both activity and antigen (r-values ranging from 0.27 to 0.30). Significant positive relations were also observed between plasma F-VII and BMI, abdominal fat distribution (waist/thigh ratio), fasting insulin concentration and smoking habits. Stearic acid and, mainly a-linolenic acid were the only two individual fatty acids, whose (negative) association with FVII levels was maintained after adjustment for plasma triglycerides ( r = 0.28; p<0.05 for stearic acid and r=-0.43; p<0.001 for a-linolenic acid). When BMI. waist/thigh ratio and plasma triglycerides were included in a multivariate regression model, only adipose-tissue a-linolenic acid (but not stearic acid) was still negatively and independently correlated with F-VIIAg (p<0.005). This study suggest that high polyunsaturated fatty acid intake (especially ~-linolenic acid) may reduce plasma triglyceride levels and, concomitantly, lower plasma F-VII both activity and antigen.