Platelet plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Platelet plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Fw (1992) 6, Supp:3,89-91 @ Langman Croup UK IAd 1992 Platelet Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 (PAL1) in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus ...

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Fw (1992) 6, Supp:3,89-91 @ Langman Croup UK IAd 1992

Platelet Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 (PAL1) in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

B.J. Potter van Loon*, H.J.G. Bile**, C. Brumsen***, P. Meijer****, P.H.L.M. Geelhoed-Duijvesteijn***, Khlft****


SUMMARY. The major part of blood plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAL1) is present in platelets. Reduction of platelet PAL1 could promote lysis of (micro-)thrombi and thereby prevent the development of atherosclerotic vascular occlusion. We performed two pilot studies on platelet PAL1 in poorly-regulated insulindependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients. In study A, platelet PAL1 remained stable despite the administration of the platelet-modifying agents aspirin and yohimbine. In study B, improvement of glycaemic control did not alter platelet PAL1. KEYWORDS. Platelets. Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAL1). Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

effects of aspirin and of yohimbine on platelet PAIantigen. Yohimbine is an a2-adrenoceptor antagonist which decreases platelet catecholamine-uptake.61n study B we examined the effect of improvement of glycaemic control on platelet PAI- antigen.

INTRODUCTION In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is often already present at an early age. Increased platelet aggregability and a reduced fibrinolytic activity may contribute to the development of atherosclerotic disease in IDDM.’ In vivo platelet aggregability in IDDM is related to the degree of glycaemic control and can be reduced by aspirin.2 The mechanism resulting in increased aggregability is poorly understood. Increased platelet catecholamine-uptake has been suggested as a cause.3 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) accumulates in thrombi and inhibits spontaneous thrombolysis.4The accumulation of PAI- in thrombi is probably the result of the release of PAI- by platelets within the thrombus, as platelets contain SO-95% of total blood PAI- antigen.’ Drugs, or conditions, that decrease platelet PAIcontent could, therefore, possibly increase spontaneous fibrinolysis. The improvement of spontaneous librinolysis is probably of benefit in retarding premature atherosclerotic vascular occlusion in poorly-controlled IDDM. We therefore performed two pilot studies in poorlycontrolled IDDM patients. In study A we examined the

METHODS Study A 7 IDDM patients (4 male, 3 female, 32 + 9 yrs (mean & SD), duration of IDDM 13 + 11 yrs, body mass index 22.7 ? 1.2 kg/m’) with poor glycaemic control (HbA#.6 t 1.5%, normal values 4-6%) were studied before treatment (basal values). Thereafter, they were treated for 2 weeks with either placebo (plac), 40 mg aspirin (asp) daily or 5 mg yohimbine (yoh) daily in a latin-square design trial. Platelet pellet was made by centrifugation (20 min, 2500 x g, 4C) of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from CTAD-anticoagulated blood (13 min, 100 x g, 2O’C). Platelets were counted in PRP. Serum was made by adding 10 U of thrombin to 10 ml of fresh blood. PAI- antigen was measured in platelet pellet after freezing and thawing three times,‘and in serum (Monozyme, Charlottenlund, Denmark).

*Dept. Internal Medicine, St. Lucas Ziekenhuis, J. Tooropstraat 164, 1061 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands; *‘Dept. Internal Medicine, Ziekenhuis “De Weezenlanden”, Zwolle, The Netherlands; ***Dept. Internal Medicine, Westeinde Ziekenhuis, The Hague, The Netherlands; ?? ***Gaubius Laboratory IWO-TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands

Study B In 7 IDDM patients (2 male, 5 female, 30 + 10 yrs (mean t SD), duration of IDDM 14 + 7 yrs, weight 69


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Pibrinolysis 91

Differences in PAI- amounts recovered from platelet pellets may reflect differences in platelet count in PRP, as we and othersl’have found a significant correlation between platelet count in PRP and PAI- antigen recovered from the pellets. This may explain the differences found between PAI- antigen levels in PRP and in serum in our and other” studies. Obviously, the differences in centrifugation technique between our studies A and B and in platelet counting (in PRP vs. in blood) contributed to the differences in the PRP-pellet to serum ratio of PAI- antigen (0.66 vs. 0.86). These considerations may render it more practical to collect and measure serum for platelet PAI- determination, rather than to isolate platelets and measure PAI- in the platelet pellets.

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