A method for the determination of large polarized GTO/CGlO basis ssts for the cahlati~n of moIectdar prop&tis.is vay ac+ta tt SCF and CAS SCJTcaXculationsof the dipole and quadrupole moments of the LiH mokcuk Without any ojhnization of orbital urponcnts the GTO/CGTO HF SCF results are nearly the same as those rccemly nbtaincd by ~!ICnumerical _jx+graLionof HF equations The CAS Sq rcsulq. aft& roviimtional avcrz@+ &e in an :
procntd andFaustnted by
~. thoseparainetes. and those regions of- the electron density which make the largest contribution to the energy. lowering and the- resuhing ~wavefunction. Most computational methods which are curmay not be accurate enough for the caIcu+ion oLrently employed to study the~electronicstructure average values of operators which do not appear of many-ekctron atoms and molecuks * involve, directIy in the hat&o&n [8]. This is usuaUy. at least as an intermediate step, the concept of remedied by augmenting the given basis set with s&k-particle states [2]_ Their determination is additionai diffuse and polarization functions [83, usuaIIy achieved by what is known as the basis set. who&z orbi~talexpOnents are selected according to expansion method [3]. In principle the basis set the present computational experience+This proce: expansion techniques can provide solutions of dure has been to some- extent ~standardized by arbitrarily high accuracy_ However, for practical Werner and Meyer [9] who devised severaI rules reasons the number of basis set functions has to be for the determination of basis sets for. accurate made fiite, and-most fi=equentIy~ reIativeIyim&_ caI&Iations -of. &+eIation energies, dipole. mo- .~ Even with rather short expansions the accuraz+c. of merits, and dipole poIarizabi@ies_ An alternative .singI&particlestates can be improved by the optimethod has rec+tIy been proposkd [lo] for -the mization-of non-linear parameters with respect-to determination of gaussian basis sets. for. highlythe. total energy of the given syst&- This tech-, accurate cakulations of molecuIarquadrupolemo- _ nique has resuhed in a.variety of energy-optimized ments Ho&v&r, in both cases some opmtion basis sets of either Sk&r-type (SIO) [4] or gausof orbital exponents is i.uvoIved[9,10]. T-‘-. _. -... .’ siari-type (GTOj 15:81’ orbitak ‘which are, nowa-~ Any one-eIectron_operator whose expectation days used in atomic and molectdar calculations. value. is to be determined from the giveri~wave-. . : The ~energy-orientedoptimizaiion: of. basis set -- function can be reIat& though sometimes art.& functions-stresses obviousIy the:importance of. ,_ dally, to.some~externaiperturbation On the-other . . .. .. _ -. z hand, for severalphysicahy important~one-&ectron perturbations-one. can devise ‘an ez@Iicit,de@et$ : ; : F&r rcccnt rwi~ of &ffaa&kmp&aIi?naI mehock yt _&[ll_ <- r-1 ;_ _ .I- -,. .. _: :: iience of’ basis set functions on the ekt&aIpek.~ ~. . _-~. _ -. 0301-0104/85/$0330 0 Eh+er Science Pubhshers B-G:. 1z ‘_ -‘. ym T (North-HoBand Physi~_Pub&hiug Division) ---__:r :. ;_ _ .~_ AL -[‘ ‘~___. ;_ ‘. _:_‘. ~. -: 1,Introduction
turbation strength [11,12]_ Then, the form of basis set functions, which should bc included in the basis set in order to ensure that both the unperturbed energy and the property of interest are of similar quahty. can be determined throu$r the +en order of perturbation theory_ This method will be used in the present paper to obtain basis sets for ItighIy accurate cakulations of mokcular ekctric proper&s. The performance of a basis set determined from the power series expansion of what has been termed the electric-fiskI variant (EFV) GTOs [11,121 wiII be illustrated by cakulations of the dipole and quadrupole moment of LiH_
the corresponding properties, can be directly obtained without any additional optimization. The proposal concerning the form of the explicit dependence of ba&s set. functions on the extemai ekctric field strength .F, [l&12] follows from the consideration of the harmonic osciilator in the external ekctric field_~IL has been proposed [ll] that the initial se’ of GTOs, {x,[r.A,(O), a,]}, with orbital exponents aP and origins at Ap(0)_ is transformed in the presence of the external eketric field into the EFV GTO set {xJ(
of poIaiized basis sets for cakuIation of moIecuIar ektric properties