enne$== Camac communications links, to overcome possible interference problems from the high electrical powers (typically about 500 MW) being switched during experimental 'pulses'. The main and auxiliary control consoles will have computergenerated graphics, including touch sensitive screens using colour graphics. All control devices in the consoles will be connected to a computer, and not directly to the equipment to be controlled, so that the method of control may be modified by software, with no need for hardware changes. Other functions provided by the system will include a central timing system (CTS) and a computer-
independent central interlock and safety system (CISS). The Nord Sintran operating system will be used to give a multiuser capability. The HDLC serial-transmission standard will allow links to be extended to 300 m. Networking software is available and an existing package will be adapted to give a block transfer mode of 50 kbytes. Jet needed wherever possible to be able to use existing languages and programs. FORTRAN, NODAL, NORD PL, PASCAL, BASIC can all be used. (Nodal is used for accelerator control by CE RN).
(Richard Norton (NORD) Limited, Nord House, Balfe Street, London NI 9EB, UK. Tel: 01-278 5501) []
on the Infos operating system, provides speculative search facilities. 22 Lynwood VDUs will be sited in police stations in the South Yorkshire area, and will be used by police officers and civilian employees. Access to the system will be operated by passwords. Each authorized officer will be able to see all information contained within the files, but only selected users who are currently administering the manual criminal record system will be able to create, amend or delete records. Communications from the remote sites to the computer at the police headquarters will be via leased lines with dial-up fallback. The configuration includes eight medium-speed printers, one fast line printer, a magnetic-tape system and 600 Mbyte of disc storage. (Data Logic Ltd,
29 Marylebone Road, London NWI, UK. Teh 01-486 7288) []
29 Mary&bone Road, London NW1, UK. Tel." 01-486 7288) []
The Amdahl 470 series of computers is designed to be compatible with the IBM 370 and 303X series. The university system will comprise an Amdahl 6 Mbyte 470/V6-11 processor and ten 317 Mbyte discs on two controllers, four 6250 bit/in tapes on two controllers, a 96-port Memorex communications controller and Coldata unit record equipment.
(University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Tel." 0532 31751)
Police record retrieval A record retrieval system is being implemented by Data Logic for the South Yorkshire Police in the UK. Based on the use of an Eclipse C350 computer and VDUs, it is believed to be one of the first systems of its type to be installed on a minicomputer. There are two main applications. Details will be provided or previous convictions in a computer-generated printout for use by the courts, and records of convicted persons will be searched to identify possible suspects from descriptive information received from witnesses. When the system is fully implemented, it is hoped that it will be possible to identigy and link convicted persons who are jointly engaged in crime. The system is claimed to be entirely dedicated to the South Yorkshire Police and to have no links to any other computer. The software, based
vol 2 no 5 october 1979
Rating and housing A network management system, the Intertel EMS-One, is to be installed by North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council in the UK, for its datacommunications network. MCS 4 800 bit/s modems will also be installed on all sites covered by the authority, which covers an area of over 32 miles2 , and serves a population of 201 000 people. The test modules within the remote modems will constantly be polled by the EMS-One system at the central site at speedsfaster than those possible using line-by-line, drop-by-drop methods. Status changes will be reported to the system, which will interpret the changes, make the necessary diagnosis, sound an alarm, and report the condition in natural English. At present, North Tyneside has 16 Data Logic Unitel terminals in 12 rates and housing offices. These are linked to an ICL 1903T computer and an ICL 7903 front-end processor. Data Logic line-sharing units, which enable up to eight erminals to share a communication link, are also used to reduce the number of BPO lines required. In addition to rating and housing applications, the terminals are also being used for financial modelling, auditing and for data control. Future plans may be made to link schools, libraries and social services into the online system. (Data Logic Ltd,
X.25 c a m p u s network A campus network based on X.25 is to be set up at Leeds University, UK. An Amdahl mainframe will in due course be joined by a number of smaller satellite machines to be used primarily for interactive computing, linked on a communications network. The network will allow any terminal device to access any computer in the system. The U K Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils has agreed to provide the first satellite.
Terminals used in rates and housing offices