S. L.,
L. A.:
Disease or Hypertension.
Reexamination .T. A.
of Veterans
A. 130:
Because of Heart
Five hundred \vtrrld \\‘ar II veterans WIIII 1~~~1 lre~bu (lir~~lmrgr~l fr~ni 1111%.\I.IIWI~ %xrvi~,<~because of diagnoses wft~rable to the cardiovascular systeu~, \vcrr rtwsaniinrd an11 thcair ru(‘dil.:il records were reviewed. In 11 1 c:\scs, the diagnosis of cnr~li~rvascular diiww f’or nhi~~lr I hr: In tlllb r~~tnnining XW patient received his certificate of disability ~lischarge was not confirmecl. rhc~urnati~~ heart, ~liscase had tllr: highr*st frrquen~~\ patients whose diagnoses were confirmed, with an incidence of 169 cases (43.4 lwr wnt‘l, 0 f lhis group the mitral valve was involved in 82.6 per cent, the aortic wlvc was involvwl in 40.8 per cent, and mitral stenosis was present in 47.3 per cent. :Yrterial hypertension 1, as tlrc se~~ond most, wmmon diagnosis and occurred Thirt,y-three patients 1~1 been discharged because of in 86 (27.5 per cent) of the patients. coronary disease and of thcw, 2 1 patients ha1 arut(~ n~,vocar~li:rl infarction. (‘ongenital an11 . syphtbtic cardrovascular drscasc~ Jverct raw. In 46 of the patients who hat1 car~liornscul:~r Iliseusr, no lIefinite etiological factor could be established. The authors noted a conspiwous tendvnvy fur the signs of nwrwirculatory asthenia and hypertensiun to tlisappear following wturn tu civilian environment, indicating t,hat poor psychologi(~ acljustnwnt to ruilitary life hat1 been responsible for tlte transient clin ical manifestations. ln about 1-O per I‘r’nt of this series there was a history of an ctiologicai factor, or symptoms referable to the heart, or abnormal physical findings, whicah antedatei It, is llointell out that a mow (lawful Ilistory and examination might entry into the service. TIETJ.F:‘I’. have eliminated this group 11cf11rc indu~l ion.
Logue, R. B., and Mullins, P.: Polyarteritis Recent Literature. AIIII. 111t. Rlrcl. 24:
Nodosa: 11
Report of 11 Cases With Review of l!ll~i.
The authors report 11 bales of polyarterit is nodosa diagnwe~l lluriny life and reviw 177 cases reported in the Englirh litcwlnr~~ up to 11142. Pulyarteritis nwlosa aff~~~+s men mow were 16 men and I woman. The ages frequently than women: in th l~rrwnt in cwry patient al some tinw (luring thts Lewocytosis occurred in all patients and rosinophilia was present in course of the disease. five patients. In three cases tho diagnosis was made by laparotomy. One pntirnt ,levelul,e(l a perirenal hemorrhage, and ric~phrecl trrny was perforrwcl bemuse of a suspectelI neoplasm. Four patients had clinical and pathol~+$~~ marlifest:ltions IIf involvement of thcl roronar:, arteries with progressive clrctr~lc:trdiogr:lplli~ tvi(lrme of coronary insufficiency. Three patients showed clinical or pathologic rJvi(lcnc~~~ of involrcnrent of the testicular arteries. NAIIW
Russi, S., Blumenthal, H. T., and Gray, S. H.: Small Adenomas of the Adrenal Hypertension and Diabetes. .\wh. 1111. Meal. 76: ‘78-I (Sov-1)ec.j ll14.5.
Cortex in
The incidence of benign adenomas of the adrenal cortcsx in S,t166 routine autopsitsn The incidence was :! per writ in women was found to be at least 1.45 per cent. and 1.2 per cent in men. Hypertension and diabetes occurwd five times as frequently in persons with cortical adenomas as in the general autopsy group, and both Iliseases were frequently present, in association with such a tumor in a single person. The authors discuss the relation of the adrenal hormones lo diabetes and hypertension. Tn relation to hypertension the authors believe that there is a tlirect effect of tile r-art i(aal hormones on vascular tone, the hormonw rendering a lwrsou 11101’0 smsitivc to reniu. N.tlnr:.