Polymer sensor arrays for evaluation of human body odours

Polymer sensor arrays for evaluation of human body odours


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SUBACUTE CUTANEOUS LUPUS ERYTREMATOSUS: INTERIM ANALYSIS OF A LONGTERM PROSPECTIVE FOLLOW-UP STUDY. & O., Black EuooneZaooi. DianaNmwen and Richard D. Sontheimer. Dept. ofDermatology.U.T.Southwestem ModicalCooter,Dalla$ Texas. Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) consists of photosensitive psoriasifonnoranoular L&specif~cskinlesions. Theriskforpoteotial lifethrateoiog systemic LE disease activity in patients presenting with SCLE has been debated. We have initiated a prospective follow up study of SCLE patients who prosooted to our tertiary referral cliic from 1971-1995. 18 patients from a total of 130 patients seen during that time frame have beeo contacted and evaluated. 16 were female and 2 were male with ages ranging 6om 22-70 years. Mean duration of follow-up was 12.6 years k.s&: During symptoms. mearuremcn~ in the tots during symptoms revealed a mean temperatures (3-20 years). In additioh we are avaro of 3 patients who died of causes unrelated to increase of I1.6”C @lo.aaOl) cowxxnitwd with a laser flow increasc from “mean of 6.8 mVmin/100g SLB and thus wae unavailablefor follow-up evaluation. 39% had inactive skin disease ds”e to 76.5 mVmin/lWg tissue @
sympathetic fibers;in addition,targefiber neuropalhy Is oftenprrwnt. FutureStudio will attemptD betterdelineateandexplainthesevaxdar. neumphyriologic andsutonomtc abnormalitia


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Polymer s.snaor.mys


DERMATOEPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES. Philip D. Shenefelt, Division of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. ProaDective recordinq of suecific dermatoloaical diagnosis and the actuai ICD-~-CM codes assigned for each diagnosis were recorded for all patient visit. to my dermatology clinics for the month of October 1995. A total of 470 patient visits of 412 individual patients with 835 diagnoses were included. Diagnoses were then compared with ICD-9-CM codes. There were a total of 169 different diagnostic categories and a total of 89 associated ICD-9-a codes The average number of different diagnostic categories per ICD-g-CM code was 1.9, with a range of 1 to 16 diagnostic categories per ICD-9-m code. Fifty-three ICD-9-CM codes had only one diagnosis each associated with them, while 10 ICD-9-m codes had 2 diagnoses, lo had 3 diagnoses, 5 had 4 diagnoses, 1 had 5 diagnoses, 1 had 9 diagnoses, and 1 had 16 diagnoses associated with it. The lack of a one to one correspondence of ICD-9-CM codes with dermatological diagnostic categories creates a situation in which ICD-O-CM code. are not very useful for dermatoepidemiologic studies. This could be corrected by assigning additional five digit ICD-9-CM codes to cover all dermatologic diagnoses.


Assessment of cuta~mx~.

forevaluatton of human body odoun

C. Schrbder,I. MirbodxM.Keskin,G. Sawmann. U. Hoppe and F. Ww Dept. of Miaobiology. Paul Gerson Unna Skin R.saar.3 Center. Beiersdorf Unnastrasse48. D - 20245 Hamburg, Germany


Human skin ts cdonised by. lage var!ay of mainly gram-posit& bacteria, playing an important role in degradation of odourless pmcursomcontained in apocdne seaetnn into a highly complex mixture. of vol.Ulss. V.ri.tions h huma body c&as an be .ttrtbuted mainb to the wmpattkm of tlw cutaneous microftow however. mlaoecdogical factors conbulling adaneous wt~nIsaUon v& bacteria, thus lnnuendng tba armposittonof human tcdy odars. .r. oat very wall desatb.d. Ddours emanattnp from human sktn ts eithw evaluated on. subjeclive basis. or uq.ntit.ttv&y by headspace anaiyutt. However. no analylicar technique is prssentty avail.Me fxilitating r@d and reliable aquistUonof semiquantttlivs data on th. composition of human body cdwn

by dermatologtsts

and dinidans.

Polymer sensor anap

are increasingly

used in wfurwy for controllingthe quality of ptimes. thus hating a p&ntiil for ov~luatton of headspaces emanating from huma skin. Using an array of twaivo d#feront p+pyrrole polymer son.ca w were sbto to cl.sstt human body odour in categwies and mrr.l.t. them with odour scar.6 .a ti using rwuai nelwMk analysis. Gocd armlation behveen rowlts obtained wah the ..nsor army and by sub@ttv. evalualion of body odoursvi.s obtairmdwith high reprodudbtttty.Taking the potential for .utom.tis.tkm Into xcmmt. polymers sensor arrays BR highly reliable twls ti objedive evaluationof human body odours

penptntion by tm.g. .n.tysts

M. Keskm.3A. Braml. C. Sciv6dw. A Taker.. ft7. Knieter.‘H. PM&, ‘A. Herpens. G. Sauemwm. Lt. ltapp and F. Wolp; *Bods-ChemtoGmbH h Co. Melanohtistraure 27. D - 22525 Hamburg. Germany; l D.pt. of 6lophysicsand Dept. of Miombiology.Pal Gwson Unna Skin Rereati Center. BeiersdorfAG. Unnastmsse48. D 20246 Hamburg, Germany Ewporetion of water from human skin, b&g th. largestorgan of the body, plays. m.pr role in controlling body t.mpemture. However.. number of cutanews diseases ars dtlw dtmctly atlectjng the release of moisture by w&m, and apoaine svmatglands (e.g. hype and hp hidrosts.anhits. mtliaria and hiiradenitk). cf have an inW6d intIusnce on tranra&wcus water evapon(ion. Presently the assessmen( of such dlseaaet. rssuttingin soroattm.3 ImbBI.mxs of artaneous wtw tranpmt. is b&g don.3on UI. baris of sdf-sment d patients. dintcal examirmttow by dermatologists and biopbysicd wltw6oi1 of ttw tmnswiderma w.t.r. Hw.v.5 only . wry f.w obJ.c&e toola (or qu.nttt.Uv. gland activity have been developped in the pd. most of them being !nboutis and timecomsuming. In order to owcmn. these limitatkxs WB focussad on image-analytical evaluation of imprintsof physiologicallyactive swat glands in silicone polymers.Valld.ticm of the imageanatytkxl imprint method against gtimetdc evaluationof secreted sweat revealed linearity and strongmrr.t.tton of results ov.r . wide range. Addkionalty,agents effidsnttycon. trolling cutaneous pwspiration wire incorporatedinto 610s. imestigauom3,aiming at. fullher vslidatkmof the imagaanaiytial imprint method. It could be demonstmtedMat gravim&y and image analysis rewaled . htghly signiRcantredudlon of the number of adive swa.t glands. H-r. image analysisturn& out to be superiorto gmvimeby in d&.ctlcg minute nlterations in swat gland xttvity, rendering it the method ot choice fw noninvasively assessing cutaneous propiration

rho damire to conceive or are ~remnant. A cohort 56 -en (14.5 ~rw’aanciaa) “a‘ studiad by selfrexwrt*d Quo~tiOrnlair* ana Lollor-up t.1.lac.n. PIN

measunment of ot


and imbalances in cutaneous water transport in humans.

*u-y. Th. incia..c. Of mi.c.rr1.g. w.. 11%. and .tillbirth 12. V.gln.1 b1.wX.g occ.rr.d in N/145 DI.g’...oi.., 8 dUrioQ tb. fi,Xt tTim8t.T ..8 4 po.t-D.=tua. a..cric h.morrh.u. ..d wor...i.o or &In l..ian. accurr.a in 3 a+-nci.. .a*. EylmrterA*ton during DrsgnamcY wa. r.Dort9a bY 1aa r.~pondmtm. x0 0cul.r or throabo~olic c.mvlic.tio.. “r. +.wrt.d. Of 56 t..no.d..t., 7112.1 r.nort.d h."in. b... .dvi.ti b” +h.it phymiciaa mot to b.cam. pr.m..nt b.c.u.. of PXE.

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l'h. r.l.t..*colmlic.rlo.. in Dr.**.BoY