Polysiphenol, a new brominated 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene from the senegalese red alga polysyphonia ferulacea

Polysiphenol, a new brominated 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene from the senegalese red alga polysyphonia ferulacea

TcmhcdronLetters, Vol 33,No 4 pp 555558,1992 Prlntcd UIGrcm Br~tam 0040.4039/92 S3 00~ 00 PergamonPress plc Polysiphenol, a New Brominated 9,10-Dihy...

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TcmhcdronLetters, Vol 33,No 4 pp 555558,1992 Prlntcd UIGrcm Br~tam

0040.4039/92 S3 00~ 00 PergamonPress plc

Polysiphenol, a New Brominated 9,10-Dihydrophenanthrene from the Senegalese Red Alga Polysyphonia ferulacea

MaunLe AKNIN, Departement de Chlmle

Abdouldye SAME Chctkh Anta Dlop dc Dakar, Senegal


Joseph MIRAILLES Departement de Bmlogte Vegetalc, Umvcrw~ Chclkh Anna Dlop de Ddkar Scnegdl

Vdlena COSTANTINO, Ernesro FATTORLSSO,* and Alfonso MANGONI Dlpartlmento dl Chlmlca delle Sostanze Naturah, Untver~tra deglt Studt dt Napoh Federtco II, wa D Montesano 40, I-X0131 Napnh, Ik4y

Key Wards 9 l@dlhydrophenanuene




Poiystphoosn fcrulacea

Absl*aet Polysphenol (3), the ftrst met&4te wtlh d 9 lO-dth~droplren,trlthrcne qkclrton twldltd from the Senegale\e red alga Pnlpciphonia frrulrrl PC! Ir$ \tructttrc, mcludmp dbwluts wnftguwtlon, data, and 1IsCOnfOrmaltOn studted by nlok5LUldr meLhdllK5


mvebtlgatlonb of marme ndturdl ploduLt\from

theredalgaPo[yslphonrafevulurea some bromophenol



the Senegdlesecoait,

Lompounds’ 3 which dre common to several Rhodomelaceae


(3), which to our knowledge of P

with MeOWCHCl,

(2 1) dnd the crude extrdLt (1 35 g)

solvents ofmcreasmg


CO~UITZI (n-hexdne-ethyl


species 4

tn July 1990 Fresh nlgae were extracted


subrmtted to sihca gel ~olutnn chromatography

acetate 1 1) to give pule compound5

reported 5h Compound

by SLheuer


as d methanol


alcohol (2) have aftlfact





H Br


R = CH,


R = H



by HPLC on dn SQ ‘. Merck

1 (3 1 mg), 2 (2 I mg) and 3 (19 mg)

metyl ether (1) dnd 2 %dibromo-4 1 wds considered


Isolated from maIlne organisms

A fraLrlon eluted with benzene was Lhromntographed

2,3-dlbromo-4,5-dlhydroxybenzyl been previously


we have studled

of d new bromophenol

15the tu-\t 9 10 dlhydrophennnthrene

ferduceu were Lollected dt Jodl (100 km

from mdrtnC ?OtITCCWdb Isolated ws, deterrnmed by Spcctro~coPL

The genusPol> qhorz~~ 15known tocontam

The present paper deal5 wnh the lsoldtlon dnd strut rural determmatlon polyslphenol

red algae, tnolectllar meLhanlcs







Table 1. NMR Spectral Data for Compound 3 Pos

6, (mult)

1-8 2-7 3-6 4-5 4a-4b 10-9

Detected C-H couphngs


6 84 (s)

113 5 (CH) 143 2 (C, 1392 (C) 110 1 (C) 127 0 (C) 31 2 (CH,)

ax 2 SOb eq 2 tXIh


tn HZ)

Hl-8 (156 8 ), H,lO-9” Hl-8 (3 4), H,lR-9” Hl-8 (7 6) Hl-8 (1 7) Hl-8 (7 9), H,lO-9 (7 4,7 4) Hl-ga, H,10-9 (131 2)

135 59 (C)

H,lO-9 (6 5’)

’ Carbon srgnal sharpened by Irrddtatjon, but Louplrngconstant could not be evaluated ‘The couphng constant refen onl) to one of the methylene protons the other Lonstmt The opttcally


acttve (a, 25 = - 19 lo m MeOH) compound

b The stgnal are part of an AA’BB’ system smdll to be measured

IS too

3 showed m the mass spectrum a 1 2 1 trtplet for the

molecular ion at m/z 404,402 and 400, which suggests the presence of two bromine atoms m the molecule on the peak at m/z 400 mdrcated an exact mass of 399 8942, accountmg

resolutton measurement

formula C,,H,, 79Br 0 , which tmpltes 9 degrees of unsaturatton r3C NMR spectrum2(C4DC1,), whtch showed onI> 7 resonances re@on (1 CH and 5 C from DEPT spectrum), thus tllustratmg

lsee Table 1) Of these, 6 were locdted in the sp2

whtle only one methylene

srgnal nppeared tn the htgh field regron

The 5OOMHz ‘H NMR spectrum m CDCl, of 3 showed two D,O exchdngedbie to pherlohc hydroxyl


about the 9-10 bond IS slow compared

Chemrcai shtfts and couphng constants 250,JAa=JAa=-135Hz,JAB ofthe lmeshapes

of a 9, IO-drhydrophenanthrene,

tn whtch the rate

with the NMR scale of trme ’

of protons belongtng

= I,a=4Hz

stgnals at 65 58 (2H) dnd 5 49

an aromattc smglet at 6 6 84 (2H), and an AA’BB’ multlplet

centered at 6 2 56 (4H) The last system IS typlcdl of methyfenes


for the molecular

nature of 3 was tndtcated by the

The symmetrtcal

a trtcychc structure with two benzene rings

(2H), attrtbutable of inversion

A high


to the AA’BB’ system (6,= 6, = 2 62, 6, = 6,=

I,, = 2 5 Hz) were determtned

by computer analysis’

(see Ftgure I), and are m good agreement with values prevtously reported for stmtlar compound? constants were used tocalculate

by agenerahzed

Karplus equation lothe totston angle C8a_C%ClO-

ClOa, whtch resulted to be 56” The overall stgnals of the mass spectrum nnd the r3C and ‘H NMR spectra delineated 3 as d hexasubstttuted

9- lo-dthydrophendnthrene,

located on each benzene nng expenments, coupling



C-1/8 Thrs assumptton methylene


of thcsc groups wds accomphched

wtch allowed the measutemrnt


by extensrvc

of mo,t long-rnnge

‘Hmr3C couphng constants

dnd the methane dd 6 113 5 allowed

to locate the unsubstttuted

was corroborated

by the ‘H NOE enhancement

‘Hmr3C decouphng Detectton

of SC&U

aromattc posttlon at

(4%) of the AA’ (6 2 62) part of the

by rrradratton on the methme proton From this result also followed that the signal at 6 2 50

could be atmbuted to the pseudodxial protons, closer thdn the pseudoequatortal t0 the aromattc proton m the conformatton The large coupling respectively)

therefore polystphenol

vrtth one bromme atom and two hydroxyl groups symmetrtcally



for 3 (\ee below)

of H- l/8 wnh the cdrhons resonatmg

mdrcated their mm relatronshrp

ones (2 44and 3 28 A, respectrvely)

at 6 139 2 and 127 0 (7 6 and 7 9 Hz

” Snrce the ldtter clgnal was also coupled with methylene


It must be assigned to the 4b/4a posmon, while the former IS due to C-3/6, which must be Imked to n hydroxyl group


”i 2 65

LJ-.. I.

2 60


2 50


2 60

2 65

Fqpre 1. Observed (left) and calculnted (right) 500 MHz NMR spectraof

on the basis of ns chemical shift The other hydroxyl-beanng


2 50

the methylene protons of polyslphenol3

aromatlc carbon (6 143 2) was located at the 2fl

posmon, rather than at 315, because of Its 3 4 HZ couplmg wuh H l/g, a value appropriate too large for a 4JcH ” Consequently,

the bromine dtom must be Imked nt C-4/5

The presence of bulky sub\utuents of themolecule

It IS mterestmg

IS stall symmetnc that the energy

In posItIon 4 and 5 fully agrees with the observed conformational

to note that such a molecule, even afconformatlonally

around a C, rotanonal hamer


for an aromatic ‘JcH, but

axls In addlnon,

the two conformer\

the optlcal dctlvlty exhlblted

I\ high enough


blocked and thereforechnal,

to prevent

from compound

then equmbrauon

3 shows at room

temperature The mtngumg phenanthrene



the conformation

among the 9-10.dlhydro-

usrng the MM2 force fieldI

The nnmmum energy conformation 9, IO-dlhydrophenanthrene”


effects of the bulky bromme atom\ m posltlon\ 4 and 5, whose repulsion tends to enlarge the angle bndge, whn.h tends to prevent this This results m shghtly folded rings,,

by the dlfferenLe between the C4-C4&‘4b-CS

and C IOa-C4aC4b-CXa

torsion angles (54” and 39”,

with a dihedral angle of 47” between the ring average planes The torsion angle CXa-C9 Cl&ClOa

1s 60” m the calculated Lonformatlon The absolute conflgurdtlon posmve

which are unprecedented

devlatlon from planarity (RMS devlatlon from the mean plane IS 0 05 A) due to

between the rmgs, and ot the dlmethylemc



behdvlor has been studied prompted us to exdmme m more det;ill

different from that reported for the unsubstuuted

benzene rings show slgrufuauve

as evidenced

of compound

of 3 by molecular mechanics,

(Figure 2) resulted conslderably the anthagomstu.


whose conformanonal

rather close to that of 56’ detemnned

of 3 W‘ISe\tdbll\hed

second Cotton effect (MeOH, ~~~~~~ = -444, Ae,,,

dmhenyl chromophore, et &I4 when consldered

dnd therefore nn R contlgurntlon, thdt

from methylene

from IP, CD spectrum = t145)

coupling constants

It dlspldyed d negdtive first and

Thns suggested

a neganve


of the

aLcordIng to the CD exclton couplmg method by Mason

the angle between the dromdt:c planes IS less than 90”



2. Drawmg along the C, rotational axls of the mmlmum energy conformatlon polyslphenol3

rn the force field MM2


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The chermcal work was supported by C N R oProgetto Pmallzzdto Clnrnica ~me II, and hy M U R S T (Itdy) Mass spectral data were provided by “Servl?io dl Spettrometna assistance

of the staff 1s gratefully

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