832149 BERAVIOUR OF DARTMOUTH DAM DURING CONSTRUCTION Cole, B R; Ctm~ins, P J Proc 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founlation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, Vl, I~i-85. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981 Dartmouth Dam, a 180m earth amd rockfill dam located in Australia, was anslysed Irior to construction using finite element techniques. The embankment was extensively instrumented which enabled its behaviour to be studied in detail and the observed behavio~r to be compared with the predicted bahaviour. From the comparison, it is concluded that the behavlour of the embar~ment was largely controlled by the relatively stiff transition zones, a feature that was not allowed for in the aralysis. Auth.
induced liquefaction of the fill in the cofferdam cells. Design ground motions of 0.15g dictated that fill densities exceed 75 per cert density index. Deep c~npaction was achieved using a large vibratory probe. Inclinometer, strain gauge, and optical survey measurements on sheet piles, and extensive piezometric d~ta were obtained. 832153 S
~ S OF AN EMBANEME~Tf ON ORGANIC SOIL Sarac, D; Popovie, N Proc 10th International Conference on soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, V1, P233-238. Publ Rotterdam: ~. A. B~!k~na, 1981
An analysis of settlement and pore pressure dissipation for an embankment constructed on a layer of peat and organic clay is presented.
832150 TWO
ROAD EMBANKMENTS ON SOFT ALLUVIUM Cole, K W; Garrett, C Proc 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Fourrlation Er~Ineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, P87-9~. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981
Two new by-pass roads umder construction in Kent cross extensive areas of soft alluvium on embs_nkments rising up to 8m above the origir~l marsh surface. Initial design following site investigation over-estimated the drainage characteristics of the alluvlt~n with the result that neither embankment could be cmmpleted as planned. The soft alluvium has a very low value of the coefficient of consolidation when the vertical effective stress exceeds the preco:~solidation pressure. After extensive site trials, during which a recently developed method of determining the in situ drair~ge characteristics of soils at stresses well in excess of existing stresses was used, additional drainage was installed in the alluvium and the embankments completed. The results obtained from the in situ tests ani the observed embankment behaviot~ have been analysed using a new computerised method and have been shown to be in gocd agreement. 832151 PREDICTION OF DALESICE DAM PEHFORMANUE Dolezalova, M; Leitner, F Proc lOth International COnference on Soil Mechanics and Fottndatlon Engineering, StOCkholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, PIll-If4. PUbl Rotterdam: A. A. Balk~na, 1981 A mathmnatical model to predict the stressstrain behaviour of Dalesice dam has been developed. Knowledge of the stress and strain paths in embs_nMments was used to formulate constitutive laws and failure hypotheses far the finite element model. The input data set 1 ~ the model was verified by a parametric sttzly. The model results were compared with field measurements.
COFFERDAM FOR THE TRIDENT ~ I N E DRYDOCK Fc~Test, J B Proc lOth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, 1}123-126. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Ba3.ke~a, 1981 The dewaterlng cofferdam for the Trident nuclear submarine drydock at Bangor, Washlmgton presented mar~ challenges. These included water depths up to 25m, artesian pressures i0 to 13m above mean sea level, difficult pile driving conditions, and the potential for seismically
832154 PREDICTION OF HNBANEMENT FAILURE ON sOFT GROUND Shlbata, T; Seklguchi, H Proc 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, Vl, P247-250. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981 A method for observationally predicting the impending failure of embankments, in terms of a lateral deformabil2ty factor, is proposed and then verified from laboratory loading test results and collected case records. In addition, it is shown that the rate of loading during embanking exerts a profound influence on the ultimate bearing capacity of soft foundations with partial drair~ge. 832155 ASPECTS OF PIPING RESISTANCE TO SEEPAGE IN CLAYEY SOILS Hsu, S J C Proc 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Er~ineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, V1, I~21-428. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981 The phen~nenon of piping, particularly in embankment dams built of clay soils, is examined. A summary of proposed criteria for filter design to prevent piping and examples of the occurrence of piping in earth dams are presented. 79 refs. 832156 ASSESSING THE RISK OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURE IN DAM CORES Per~nan, A D M; Charles, J A Proc lOth Interrmtional Conference on Soil Mechanics stud Foundation Emgineerir~, StOckholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, P~57-462. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981 Some knowledge of the complex changes in total stress and pore water pressure that occur in the core of an embankment dam during the various stages of its useful llfe is necessary in order to assess the risk of hydraulic fracture. Total earth pressure cells and piezometers have been installed during construction in some modern embankment dams and stresses have been monitored. Recently a study has been made of the condition of the narrow puddled clay care of an 80 year old dam during a period in which the reservoir has been empty. Stresses have been measured with hydraulic piezometers, self-boring and push-in stress cells, and a self-boring pressuremeter. The implications of the measured stresses in both recently built and old embankment dams are considered in relation to the risk of hydraulic fracture.