Possible electron-exciton (E-E) interaction and high Tc superconductivity in bulk semimetals

Possible electron-exciton (E-E) interaction and high Tc superconductivity in bulk semimetals

Solid State Communications,Vo1.63,No.7, pp.645-648, 1987. Printed in Great Britain. 0038-1098/87 $3.00 + .OO Pergamon Journals Ltd. Possible Electro...

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Solid State Communications,Vo1.63,No.7, pp.645-648, 1987. Printed in Great Britain.

0038-1098/87 $3.00 + .OO Pergamon Journals Ltd.

Possible Electron-Exciton (E-E)Interaction and High Tc.superconductivity in Bulk Semimetals Yin Daole, Hsn Hushan (Departmentof Physics,Peking University,Beijing) (China Center of AdvancedScience and Technology) (received1 May 1987 by W.Y. man.1 Abstract In relationto the high PC recentlyobservedin Y-Ba-Cu-Csystems,the post sibilityof formationof Cooper pairs by virtual excitonexchangein a single couplixg matrix elementsand possible phase is analysed. Electron-Exciton optimum conditionof superconducting Tc:and its upper limit are evaluated. It shows that this kind of superconductivity may displaysome differentfeatures comparedwith usual BCS superconducting phase. PACS mumbers: 74.20 Z 71.55+2

The mechanism of superconductivity with Tc much higher than 3OK observedin Y-Ba-Cu-C systems"12*3) is still an open question for discussion. Superconductivity of Ba (Pb,_xBix)03 system with Tc 13k were explaninedas electronphnnnn (E-P , i.e., usual BCS mechanism(415)and bipolaron(61 . However, the Tc of Y-Ba-Cu-0 seems much too high comparedwith the popular predicted limitationof E-P superconductivity about Tc'30-40k(7'8). E-E mechanismhas been proposed for some imaginarylow-dimensional compositesystems(gllO*ll).Nevertheless,some recent study shows that the high 'PCof Y-Ba-Cu-0 is likely singlephasesuperconductivity.Thus, a modelling estimationof B-E couplingwith its possible contributionto superconductivity in bulk semimetalshas to be carried out. In this letter we will begin with the considerationof the conditionfor the possible coexistenceof excitons and metallic conductivity in a single phase matter. A modelling electronicstructureof this type is shown in Fig 1. Similar multiminimumconductionband can be found frequentlyin realisticnonmetals, however. now we need a specificposition of Fermi level relative to the minimums of conduction band so to realize a peculiar semimetal. The occupancyof k space by the small Fermi seas (Fig 2 solid line sphere) with w of the order nne tenth for usual metals and the region for excitons near r are shown in Fig 2 (dottedline sphere). Momentum conservationof electron exciton interactionin such a system holds evidently.


or A


Fig 1 direct transitionexcitationenergy band model in semimetal

Fig 2

direct transitionexcitationand Fermi surfacemodel in semimetal

Both exciton and phonon are boson exoitations and can play role likewise in a general BCS form Hamiltonian

This is correspondingto direct exciton transiThere are other ways of E-E interaction Ition. 'via indirect excitons,e.g., Fig 3. 645



Fig 3



Vol. 63, No. 7

is the perturbing potential due to

indirect transition excitation energy


band model in semimetal

the jth mode of bosons. In the case of electron-phonon


and one finds

Where Cip- and Cz6 anihilation

denote the creation and

of electrons with 2 and spin r in


band. and Vi;? denotes the pairing



is the polarization vector; end Ua


is the crystal potential, so we have the parameter A

in (2) equ. as


(2) via any boson intermediate Superconducting

(phonon or exiton 1.

Tc of such a system is


(3) Considering

the strong coupling correction

and Coultirepulsive

psuedopotential /'we


for the electron-exciton




with the binding energy of exciton


f._&is a characteristic


energy of the (12)

bosons, and the parameter

which is usually much smaller than the energy Eg (specially for the case of Wannier gap exciton) and it can be neglected in the first (4)


We denote

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(13) and find


where we note that since <-c/and T-c'ere small,one may approximate

There are three main distinctions between At first, since the excitons e-e anaA e-p' are of electronic nature, A e-e is independent h

to the atomic mass M and one expects no isotope effect in E-E superconductivity.

2> in (9) eque, for Ae+ in (14) equ. the %h in the we have only first power of Wex 'v Eg denominator, so the priority of low energy excitations in contribution to )Cee

may be less

remarkable than in the E-P case. McMillan-Hopfiedly


Next. unlike

Finally, in the

type parameter

?e_e of (14)

the dielectric constant'14).


In comparison with the electron-phonon matrix element ISI

in (10) equ., we see the term in

square brackets of (18) equ. as


.vu a. up

is of the same order

(1) s(r)*



can be

ronghlg evaluated as

equ-, the square average of matrix elements(Zz> originates from the perturbing potential with no certain Pl (coso)


symmetry, so the

angular momentum hybridization

in electronic

wave functions will be less influential in E-B coupling strength (12). To make a further evaluation, the matrix element

(20) Thus, we can expect

Z;;/ can be expressed in the form:

(21') In viev of the formulae (3) (11) and (14). and assuming


we have


where the foot notes 1 and 2 distinguish electrons 1 and 2, c and v denote and valence band respectively.



the conduction

Me replaced the

for a given


the optimum E-B Tc appears


coulomb interaction in usual exciton problem by a screened coulomb potential vith screening length 1 due to the semimetallic nature of material so that

is Bohr radius. Follow a derivation a0 similar to that in ref. 13, we get


Thus, fcr a moderate have


U.u.ve may



Vol. 63, No. 7

The role of dex in E-E superconductivity is similar to Debye frequency dd in BC3 mechanism. However the former is much more changeful and susceptibledue to its eletronicnature.


Although this predictionmay be somewhat enccuraging, one should not overlookthe difficulties to realize the condition (22) equ., Because the limitationof p e_e (21) equ. here we need a very narrow gap with pg- 10 -‘ev Incoordinationbetveen fg and [e_e will cause drastic decreasein Tc as could be seen from Fig 4. l

Another very critical factor in E-E superconductivityis the Fermi level ff . Since we are dealing with a very narrow gapt a shift of ff in some lo-'ev may radicallychange the picture in Fig 1.2 and 3. Thus, if it were so, ve will expect a superconductorwith high Tc but very sensitiveto dopping. ln multi-phase systems, owing to the varied inhomogeneityeffects, the optimum condition of E-E superconductivity might be realized in some local region, say, in the vicinity of specific boundaries,then some percolationcharacter of this kind of superconductivity could be observed. Though the estimationof B-E superconduvtivity gives a much higher possible fc than that has been done for B-P mechanism(798)9 we should keep in mind that the latters were based, explicitlyor implicitly.on the usual cation Muffin-Tinapproximation. A very interestingquestionwould be whether an anion perturbingpotentialcontributionto E-P superconductivity in some specific semimetals is possible? A study along this line is going on and will be published elsewhere.

we.1 T)e-e Fig 4

superconductingTc vi.% exciton energy c3ex



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