Post-alpine crustal deformation of north Aegean region (Greece)

Post-alpine crustal deformation of north Aegean region (Greece)

752 D. SubmarineGeologyand Geophysics D210. Heat flow 85:5126 Chen, Moxiang, Gehsan Huang, Jian Wang, Xiao Deng and Jiyang Wang, 1984. A preliminary...

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D. SubmarineGeologyand Geophysics

D210. Heat flow 85:5126 Chen, Moxiang, Gehsan Huang, Jian Wang, Xiao Deng and Jiyang Wang, 1984. A preliminary research on the geothermal characteristics in the Bohal Sea.. Scientia geol. sin., 4:392-401. (In Chinese, English abstract.) Inst. of Geol., Acad. Sin., Beijing, People's Republic of China.

D240. Local or regional tectonics 85:5127 Doutsos, Th. and G. Ferentinos, 1984. Post-alpine crustal deformation of north Aegean region (Greece). Geologica balc., 14(6):37-46. Geol. Dept., Univ. of Patras, Greece. 85:5128 Ez, V.V., 1984. The structure of Iceland and sea-floor spreading. Geotectonics (a translation of Geotektonika), 18(3):263-272.

OLR (1985)32 (9)

85:5130 Li, Luling, 1985. Origin of the South China Sea and its tectonic relationship to the adjacent regions. Mar. Geol. Quat. Geol., 5(1):71-82. (In Chinese, English abstract.)

The presence of many symmetric magnetic anomalies in the central and northern South China Sea indicates that the sea 'was formed by multicenter microspreading induced by local mantle convection.' A basement uplift region joined the sea to the South China mainland during the Mesozoic. The Nan'aodao-Weizhoudao fault-fracture zone is the boundary between the South China mainland and the northern South China Sea shelf depression. Div. of Airborne Geophys. and Aerogeol., Min. of Geol. and Min. Res., People's Republic of China. (msg) 85:5131 Lonsdale, Peter, 1985. Nontransform offsets of the Pacific-Cocos plate boundary and their traces on the rise flank. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 96(3):313327.

A map of trends in the plateau-basalt sequence and a sketch of fault patterns are presented. It is concluded that the plicative structure resulted from unevenly distributed vertical movements associated with the deposition of the plateau-basalts; the apparent absence of transform faults within Iceland makes it impossible to explain the 'present-day disjunctive and plicative structure of the island' by the spreading hypothesis. O.Yu. Shmidt Inst. of Phys. of the Earth, USSR. (hbf)

A satellite-navigated, proton-precession magnetometer and Seabeam multi-beam echo-sounder survey of the East Pacific Rise between 7°N and 2.6°N identified strings of linear volcanoes along the axial ridge, separated by 4-13-km nontransform offsets, which appear to have been initiated by small changes in spreading direction at about 3.5 Ma. The offsets are interpreted as fast-spreading equivalents of small offset transforms. A thorough survey of the offset at 5.5°N permits a detailed description of its distinctive morphology. Scripps Inst. of Oceanogr., La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. (hbf)

85:5129 Lagios, E. and M. Wyss, 1983. Estimates of vertical crustal movements along the coast of Greece, based on mean sea level data. Pure appl. Geophys., 121(5-6):870-887.

85:5132 Storey, B.C. and S.W. Garrett, 1985. Crustal growth of the Antarctic Peninsula by accretion, magmatism and extension. Geol. Mag., 122(1):5-14.

Vertical crustal movements may be expected along the coast of Greece because of its tectonic setting in an area where N-S extension has caused graben formation. Careful examination of mean annual sea level (MASL) data for 25 stations over a 14-yr period suggests that crust movements :>5 cm can be detected from MASL. Crustal stability is reported for 10 of the 18 useful stations, including 6 located along the Hellenic Arc plate boundary. Subsidence was recorded for stations on Limnos (15 cm between 1975 and 1980), Volos (5 cm), and Kefalinia (10 cm); a trend of emergence was noted at Chios (5 cm). Geophys.-Geotherm. Div., Univ. of Athens, Panepistimiopolis-Ilissia, Athens 15701, Greece.


A new tectonic subduction-accretion model for the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula suggests that subduction-related processes have been virtually continuous since the Carboniferous or at least the Early Mesozoic. The crust here, which includes some sialic basement, is interpreted as a product of accretionary and magmatic processes, modified by thinning and extension in the course of development. British Antarctic Surv., NERC, High Cross, Madingley Rd., Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK. (hbf) 85:5133 Weijermars, Rudy, 1985. In search for a relationship between harmonic resolutions of the geoid, convective stress patterns and tectonics in the