Post-transcriptional processes

Post-transcriptional processes

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end of this publicatio...

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of the current world literature

This bibliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st August 1992 and 31 st July 1993 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. l Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. 00 Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest.

The number

in square



a selected

paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number corresponding review.

in the annotated


of the

Contents Post-transcriptional Control

of RNA



Sex determination


of protein





068 073


folding cleavage




of intracellular



and splicing

of multisubunit


of proteins




and cell



in neural



and retinoids


Transcription and imprinting

on differentiation


091 093


in induction during

and differentiation


1096 1100







in vitro


The regulation of export nucleus to cytoplasm


for differentiation

of protein



and RNA

ABE T, MtSOSo KS: Protcolytic t%avagc d Atrid Naniumic Factor Receptor in &wine Adrenal Mcmbrana by Enda~cnorrs Mctatlomdopcptidasc - Fffccts on Guvlylatc Cyclasc Activity md l.ilpn&BindinR Soecif~ciw. Eur I .3la3k?m 1992. 209~717-724. AL&U J. BAG J: Al&r’ation of Tt-&ation and Stability of Mascnl(cr RNA for dtc Fdy(A)Bi”di”R Rotei” D”rinR Myogamic. E~rrJL?h~lh?n~ l’XJ2. 209zBO3-Bl2. AHARONT. SCHNEIDERRJ: Sckctiw lkstabitizatim d Short-lived Mcsscngcr RNAs with the Gnmdocyw Macmpha~ Cdony&timutatinR Factor Au-Rich 3 Nmcodinp RcRion is Mediated by a Cmramlational Mechanism. MO/ Cell Bid 1993, 13:1971-1980. AWTAS R. SHACILAKI, RADINOVICII E. H~t&tOVtCttJ. BARNUN 5%Dqxlation d Sccn!twy ImmunoglabulirrM in Lymphocyw+B Occws in a Pcetendoplasmic Reticulum Compartment and is Mediated by a Cystciw Qmteasc. J Blol C/.KW 1992. 26720694-20700. A~IIBUR M. MORAD 1, Cttmwstit~tstioNt 0. KAUPNANNG: HSD Rcsuic~ion-M~cation Roteins Fzmkc in latent Antkodon Nuckasc. EMBOJ 1992. ll:312%3134. APPLL,‘ARDCB. HlLt.tER K: (itabotii cf flatckt-AcdntinR Factor by Human colottk Mucos - Wcium kpMk”CC d Ihc 8”Z)‘““S. 8kXk’“l Pbamulcol1992,43:250~22503. ARKEGUINR. ARREGUINB. SORLANOCARWAht. HERNMDVAR&~A A, RODRICU~ZRO~IIUIOA: Matiort and Chatxtcrization da Protease from dtc Muinc Spon~c SphcciarponRi0csparia. FfXS /PM 1993. 320:235-2X STROM J. &‘ntO~ & VIRTANENA: Prqxrdcs d I HcLa . Cdl 3’Ex0m,clasc SpeCitiC for DC@=dinR WY(A)

8 Current





Related review: Poly(A) and translation: development control (pp 950-954)

ALON.KKAPLL~ FV. NENEKIPP ME, QIU Y. KRUG RM: .* Nuckoryloptasmk Tnnstxm: the ltdlucna Virus NS I Qmtcin R~~~ILcs & Transport of Spliced NS I mRNA md Ifs l’mcursor NSI mRNA. Ccnm .!Xv I992 6255-267. I351. K~AUSNERRD. ROUAULTTA. I LAittORDJu: RcpulatinR the Fate of Mcsscn~cr RNA . the Gmtml of Cellular lmn Metabolism. Cdl 1993.72:1%?8. MCDONALD D. I IOPETH. Pu(st.OW TG: Pc6ttnntiptional l * Rcpulation by Ihc Human Immtmodctickncy Vii Type I Rev and Human TCCII Leukemia Vti Type I Rex Pmtcins ThrouRh P Hctcmlqpcrr RNA R~I-I~~J-@ She. J I%‘d l992.66:7232-7238. [2R). PINOL-ROMA S. DRESFUSSG: Shutdinn of Fx-mRNA Bindinn . . F’m,cins ,irtwm, Nuckus a”d &+asm. NaIlwe .1992. 355:73+732. 131. .%tlWARl-L S, CAMPBELLM. NASIOUW ti, H,utuSON J. l * FEUW.R8. PAVw(IS CN: Mutational Iructivation of an Inhibitory Sequence in Human lmmunodchciolcy Virus Type I R&dts in Rcv.bxJcpcndcnt loag Emnwsion. I Vlrd 1992. 66:717&77182. 1331. TSIM K+r’K, GRE&ERG I, It& M. RANDALL&( SAl.PmR MM: Transcripts for dx Acctyichdinc Receptor and Acctylcholii Ltcrac Show Distribution DitTcrcnm in Cultuml chick Musck Cells. J &II Bid 1992, 118:1201-1212. VUYKA~AN S. GEICFT~ERCER SM. PARKH. HOLLM’D SM. l * NAM Y-s: Human lmmwmdctickw Virus TVDC I Rev Activation can be Achkvcd Without Rcv.R&&ntsivc 8kmcnt RNA If Rev is Ditwtcd to Ihc Ty~ct as a Rev/US2 Fusion Rotein which Tcthm the MS2 Opa-mx RNA. J Vfd 1992. 66:7469-7480. 1291.


1087 Plant

of RNA localization

Related review: of mRNA from (pp 944-949)

and transdetermination


Post-transcriptional Control



Cell differentiation Cell biology of early differentiation





and sexual

Ltd ISSN 0955-0674

Tails of Mammalii MRNA. J B/d Char 1992. 267:lBl54-18159. [291. BACHMMKA, BECKERF, SCttELLJ: Use of a Reporter Ttanqme to tkncntc h-abklqd Mutants in Ubiquidn-fkpmdcnt Raein Dqwadation. Pm Narl AcadScl USA I993,9B:41R-i21. BACHVAROVARF: A Maternal Tail d FdflA): Ihc L0”R and l the Short d It. [email protected]:R95-R97. 141. BAKERRT. Tottw JW, VARSHA~KY A: Ub4quiti~Specitic rcscnrvlriw _adng d Fmtdsacciluany tJBP2 and UBP3. and Functional Amlyds of the UBP Gmc Qamity. J Hlol Cl.wm 1992. 267:2336+23375. BAND V, DAIU. S. DUMOLINO 1 ANDROPHY EJ: Fnhawxd Dcpndation d P53 Protein in WV6 and BW-1 E& lmmortalizcd Human Mammary Epithclkd Gllr. &MB0 J 1973. 1231847-1852. BANEKIEEA. GKffiOlU I.. XU YP. C”AU V: The OaCtcriaBV Expre&Ymt&4&-nnU”& Atwubiqultimtion to Farm a Mtdtiubiqtddn Chrirr Linked Pmtcin. J Bid Clxm 1993.268:~5675. BAKAMKI TJ. cANFX AB, KORNFRD S: Lysosamal lhym Phosphorylation. I. Protein RecoRttition DctcmliNnm in Bodl l.abcs d FNJcathepsb D-Mrdiatc Its lntmcdon with UDffikNAc-Lyrownul Enzyme NAcaylplwasamineIPhosphc4ta~. J lifd Ck?l 1992. 26723342-23348. BARELUH. DIVE V, YIOTAKIS A, VINCENTJP, CHECLER F: Futcnt lnhibitiott of Endc+@dasc 24. I6 and Endopcptidasc 24. I5 by the Phosphommide Peptide N(phcnykchylphmphonyl~~L~L~~~C Add. Sfoclwm 11992. 287:621625. BECKERAD, Itant R% ;&tiRatiott oftiltttamatcl69 as the 3rd zinGBind” Residue i” Pr0tCi”uc-I I I, 1 Member d the Family d Insutit+Dc@adinR En-. Bloclwm J 1993.292:137-742. BEEFSEP, MORENO TN, CAL!& 1: Sttbccllulv LoCatintk.” d Ubiquidn and Ubiquitinrtcd Prutdns in AnMdopsLrlhlkuu JRlcd C&em l(n2.267:15432-15439.







BEttcowcll2, KAI IANA c: 1”vdn”x”t d the MS ~aasomc in the DcRtadatiun of Dmithine Lkatboxylax. CsrrJ Hblcbm 1993. 213x2+210. Buumt ES, KASPEREK EM, tiRIt.L SI’, BttAtJx+CtlEt”EL JA. Gtwzt~..~ lo. P~CKARTCM: Inhibition d llblquitin. F-rain tigasc (Ej) by Mondtmctlrml md &functional Fhcn~xida . Evidence fat l%?xnw Vkinal . Thids and P Pmxbnal Nuckuphik. J Hhl Clam 1992. 267:1640+16411. BICKEL M. IWAI Y, I’uIzh’ut DH. Cotlw RB: of Scqrknrrspcdf~c hxdns to the Adcnari~ Rich Flus UtidineRkh Scquenm d the Mtuinc Gnin~acruphap Cdony-Stimukrin~ Facta MCSX”@CCRNA. pkx Nafl Acd Scl US A 1992. R9zloool-looo5. , BRACH MA. l3UIttUNG HJ. CRUSS HIJ.AS,,htw LK, LUDU1G WD. MOITEl5~LwN RI-I. HER~~&IANN F: Functiutul F.x& d C-kit by icute My&qcmus kukmnh Bkists is Enhancd by Ttmwr Necrosis Factaatpha Thmtgh F0sttmnsaiptional Mmnpa RNA Stabllt?ati~” by 1 Lbik Pmtci”. Hltxxi 1992. R&1224-1230. BUTTE DJ, SAKIATVNA J: Lywsu”al Cyaci”c Enduocudti Mediate Intcrkukin+StimuInnI Cwtii F’tvxdycan +&dun. Rlc&rnt J 1992, 2mtis7-561. CABREIIAHL, WO R. ARtuttAS c: Stmctw md Expnsiun d the Dtcwphila IJbiquitin+bAmiiczAcid F’uston.Fmtd” G”e. UloclmmrJ 1992.206:281-2&R. LIANTORAB. BARANsKl TJ, KORNFELDS: Lysommll Enzyme Phasphaylatim.2.FmIci"Rccol(nitialDncrmiNnrs in Either I&c d Pmmth+i”.D a Sutlicknt fur PhumhmWun d II& the Amino and Catboxvl I&c Oli&acc&ks. J Bid Ckm 1992,267:23349-&6. -R AB, KORNFELD5: Pharphoylation cd Asrrtinked Oll~-ted 11 Novel Sites on the Lyxsmnal Enzyntc GthcpshvD. J Rld Cixm 1992. 267~23357~233663. -DOZO C, VtmKY A. HIDALGO MC, MtQtAUD C. ORLOMI(I M: A 3.CDichlur&ocou”wiwRcsist~t Cmnpamt d the Multiatrlytic Pmtcinasc Canpla. BfK~twly 1992, 31:7373-73Ixl. CATASUSI, Vtt.lEc~S V. PASCUALR. AVlLB FX. ~M~SIPUNQUAKT c. PUIGS~RVERA: CDNA au”i”R and Scquenrc A”a&sis d Hunu” F~~tutk Pmc&oxypcptidaseAl Rlalxm J 1992, 287:2!XL303. CERDANC. MAttllN Y, COURCOUL M. BRAlUY tl. MAWAS C. BtttG F, OUVE D: Pmlon& IL2 Rcccptor~phr/tD25 rxprcarion rltn TGCII Actintion Vii-tbz A&e&n Mokcuks CD2 and cD2R. Dematstntion d Canbind %“sctiptiu”al md Post-Tnnscriptio”ti ttquhtion. J Immrmd 1992, 14%225+2261. CMCLER F, DAUM P. BAROU H. NAHON JL VINCEM JP: Hydmlysis d bt Melani~~tntin~ Hanmnc by Endopcptidasc 24.11 (Ncutml Endopcptidru). f3loclwm J 1992. 2#6:217-221. CHW CYA. YOU Y. SHYU AD: 2 Gllulv Roteins Rind spedfcally to !aFlmhdich ScqNecessary for the Dcstabolzalio” F”“cti0” of I c&l6 PmteinCudinp Rc~lrn Dclcnninrnt d Mcssmpcr RNA Inrtabilhy. Md Cell Bld 1992, 12~5748-5757. CHWG J. MAQUAT LE: NoCondom can Reduce the Abund Nucky Mawnpr RNA Without ~thcAbmdmccdFmMcsmpcrRNAarthc HaIf.& d Cymphsmk Messcnga RNA. Md G-II Hid 1993, lj:lR92-1902. cLu(pFT A. FJXAS M. CHADMT K. BRODYJS: InhIbition d lung E@hdhl Gil Fmliitia” by Hypemxh . Poaovucripaioml Rguhtion of PrdiitiorrRelrtcd Genes. JCh ltupJlI992, 90.1812-1818. CoOKJC,CttOCttPB:IsufmnsdMunmrlii LIMqulWAcdvati”~ En%ynu. J Bid C-hem 1992. 267:2431+24321. COOK WJ, JeFFnE-i’LC. CAPSONM. CHW ZJ. hCKART CM: Sda Diubiqtdtin Cmi~tc and a Mudcl for I”With h$&i”R F.“z,ll~ (n). J Bid Cbem 1992. 267:16467-36471. COOK WJ, JEFFREYL’?. SLNlVAN MI. VIRtStltA RD: 3



sttucnm da ubiq”Ri”a”~~~

Enzwttcm). IBfdCIwm 1992. 267:1511615121. CoolcsO;c l$ -FL&ttY AV, CtDt&Kl JA. in.& RJ: l”mltt”d@zI Dmecthn d DcRndatto” 1ntcnncd&ta d SckalMuick GIyc”#m Phasphutyhsc lnvitm and 1”vivo. BIochem I1992.28R:291-2%. COUX 0. CAMOIN 1 ~OTN~ANG HG. BW F, PWORA IS. KEITH G. SlRo5RERGAD, SClit?Iwze~K: ‘Ihe Pmtci” d Mr 21oaB cawitt”Im tbc Roumc-IikcRnickd Duck Eqembks is‘ii~ to Apohmltln. &urJ Blocbm 1992. 207:82H32. CIOSIO MP. JwlN J. JutlIar M: Gystd Rckh~ in 6 w Famw d hnaatic FUba”udase. J Md Bid 1992. 228:243-251. DNiMSP,MPNflEZtNR:Fwi6c&mdtheMzIn FnltaxsbantRua”dm sonutBd”S.TheLAC&“OiOthUNMCQ+kS,S”d Tbdrl&“~+r Endopcppldrrr24.15md 24.16. EurJ Bfacbem 1992, 20&14~154.

of protein

and RNA


DAS B. SAU~~A.~ IZl KILttoURw EJ. I~tttCKERLD: ltcpulation d CuboxypcptitiP-E by Membnnc Dcpulviation in PC1 2 FhcochmmaMoma Cells - Commrlson with Mcssnpr RNAs E~&J~I~ Other Rpti&Biary”thetic and Catechda”dwBiosy”thctk Enxy”tcs. J ,Vmtrmclm~ 1992.59:226+2270. II,,UVOtS S, DANIEIJAS PS. WIttTE R. PARKERMG: Antkstlclla” IO 164.3R4 lkd”m Cellular Ewqtc” Rccepta Cuntcnt by I”c%wi”R Its l’ltmowr. /‘I%’ Null ACadScl USA I592.HW0j7-ml. DELI’INO IMI: PACECN. ICtww E: Tmtpenturr and Cuanidine Hydmcl~lotiJc Dcpcndcnre d the Structural Stability d Ribunuckru-TI Hluc6cmL~1~ 1992. 31:111~11202. DtCtt LR. MOO~IAW CR. PttANANtK BC. DEht~llN0 CN. SI.AUCIITEKCA: ldc”d6catiun md tiizxion d a Cystcinyl Residue G-iticzl fur the Trypsirrtikc Catalytic Activity of dw I&tewmc. nlclc~lL~~ 1992. 31:7347-7j55. DIPAOLO DR. I’lti~OLo RJ. Ctustw~~o VJ: Ovcraprcssion d the IChin Form d Odmpshll in Scncsccnt WI% Cells. E\y> Cd/ Hs 1992. 201:5L&505. DJA”A”.At t I I. I l~tt~w JA, SAVORYl’J. RIVOT AJ: Use d SniwPmtcasc Inhibiton as Robes for the IXffcrcnt Pmtedytic Activitks uf the tit Liver Multintal~ic Rotci”a.w Compkx. EurJ Hloclm~ 1992.209a9-634. I%ACSON E, MKRlZttIAN S. INGU~IAMUNDUER~~M: HomxnwRc~tdatcd md Substntc-Rc~ulated l”tr~ccllullr Dcrpldation d Cyvxhmnx-PJSO (2El) InvdvinR MRAtiActintcd F&id Pmtedysis in the Enduplvmic Reticulum Mcmbmnes. J Bid Ckm 1992. 267:1576+15769. EPS-ITINDM. ABELrr RI-l: Ruk d Scrine214 a”d Tyrc&e 171. Compunents of the S2 Subsite d AlphaLyric Pmtu. in Canlysis. Ri0clwml.s/~ 1992. 31:11216-11223. IS-TAN E. ARMON T, HEUER tl. BECK S. HEtL%HKOrz: UblquitincTcrtninal Hydmlue Activity Assacinted widl me MS RolclW Canlplu. J /aI/ ClJml1993. 268:466lM674. FARRELLWE, CLARK AJL, STEWARTMF, CROSRYSR. WIItw A: Ikunmcriptinc Inhibits PmOpiomelmoconi” Mesum RNA and AClH Ptrcursor Sccrrtion in SmU CL%11 ,.““R Ch”ca GO l.i”ds. J C/h /?lltW 1992. 9oz71)wlo. FINGEKHUTIl. VANDFXHORVTGTJ. VERttElJM FW, CON%EL~~&NN E: Dc~ndatiun of CanlJicskks by the Lysosmnal Sialiti Rcquims zi” Activrta Pmtcin. Etdrr J Rloclwm 1992.208:62+629. FOMINAYAJM. HOmmGE J: lnrctintion of Riinucl~ Inhibitor by ThidDisuItidc Exchulp. J Sld C&m 1992.267:24655-24660. FOSANGAJJ.NFAhtE PJ. L&w K. HARD~NGHAMTE, MURPllY G, I-IAUIL~N JA: The lntcrglcbulu Dmmi” d t%tilap Awcan is Clcawd by PUMP. Gdninucs. and Cathcpsin-Il. J Hid Ckm 1992. 267:1947&19474. Fox CA, SttEm MD, WAHLE E. WICKWs M: Polyxknyllion l * d Maternal MRNAs IhtrinR WC MaNnlion: Puly(A) Addition I” Vlhu Rcquims a Rqwlrtcd RNA BiidinR Activity and a tbly(A) Poly”m~~. FMHOJ W?2. 11:5021-5032. [MI. FUSEK ht. BAUDYSM. MtP: Puriticrtion uld GystaIliz~tion d Human Cathcpsin D. J Md Bid 1992. 226:555-557. GALLIRMM DW, ZEtHERCA, HARKINS KR. AFONSOCL: Biosynchcsk. l’mccsh~ yId Tyaetinp of the GPrcwin d Vcsiculu Stomathis vina in Tobacco Protwlaw. Planta 1332. l&324-336. GAKCIAMARTINFZC, ACEIL N. LLOVERAM, LoPw~Ottt~piO FJ, ARGILD: IM: %“our Nccmsis hctor.ti”ha lnthe Ubi&iti”intion d bt Sk&ml M&k Pmtcins t’EBS.W/1993,323:211-214. GUIM BD. Kw Wl.. PERU&&NRK. RO~NFJ~MR: Mutations in a Zinc-BindinR Donui” d Human I~ullw~nR Fhqn~ Ehiiate CItalydc Activity But not insulii B4ndinn. I f3fd Ckm 1993.26&7943-7948. GERDC~K. NIELSENA, TttORmD P, WAGNER EGH: Medta”ts”~ d Kilb Gcnc Activation. Ant&me RNADependent RNlg 111&was Enaucs bpid lltm Over d the Stabk Huk. SmB and PndA Etiector hksmqta tINAs. J Md Bid 1992, 226:637-649. Gncww JSC. WANG KKW. KATZ S. BUCM~RO AN: wd”nl-Acttvatcd Ncuu-al Fmteasc FlTccts upon Skcktal Musdc Sucoplvmic Rctkulum Fmtdn SWUM and t3Jdun1 lkkase. J Bid Cl&m 19922. 267r20857-20965. GtttOD PA, VIERSt’RARD: A Major Ubiquitin Conjuprtion sy%tc”ti”WhntGamExtnctsl”v”Ivcsa1~ ubiq”itin.Cml~“@“R Enzyme (E2) Ho”l0lo@us to the YrutuBc4~ccncRod"ns.I6lolcbenrl(n3. 268955450. GLYNNE R. KERRIA. Mocxtu~~~ I. BECK S. KEUY A, TltOW%DALEI: The Mliw HLnoranmliWifv Candcx-

.. _




la Exuns md I%st-Tnnslatiunal lmmund 1993. 23%%0%56.



CULVlK S. BALDWN ET, T~twovA ?1.ERICKSON1: Humln liver Gthcpstn D. Putiticatiun. Cxywdlindon md l%elimi”uy X-Ray Diffnnio” Analysis uf I Ly-al Enxyrnc. J Md MM 1992. 227:26%270. lL4tLE DJ. ROUAULT TA. IWUxXtU JB, KWxEDI’ MC. ~ILOSDIN GA. BEINBRTH. KLAUSNERRD: Cellular RcRuIaio” 3 the lmn&spcwivc Ekntcnt BindInR F&in - Diswcmbly d the Cutnnc Iron-SuUur duster Results in Hi&lrmnitv RNA Rindinn. Pnx Null Acarl sclUS.4 l9&.R~ll;jcrll7j9. .. I Irll?lELD PM, VIEPSTRARU: Multipk Ponds of Ubiquitiw Activatinp Enzynx El fmnt Wheat. ldentffiation of ul Fsrnttal Cwtdnc bv Invitro Mutapnesis. I tlld C%cm 1992. 267:i47Wl&j. HEATON B. DECKERC. MUtlLttAD D. DONAHUEJ. JACO~%ON A. PARKERR: Analysis of Chinwic MRNAs Dctivcd fran the STEj MRNA Idcntitks Multipk Rc~iuns within ~JS M~AS that kt0d~iak ~~RNA Dmy. Ndeic ActiRes 1992. 20:5365-5371 HON~EYER W, CRUltlER A. MOHRLEV, MAltE Y, W0l.P Dtl: PREZ. Highly HanoIopws to the Human Ma@ HiaucuntpatibiIity Canpkx-Linked RING10 Gcnc. caks for a Yeast RotSubunit Necessary for Chynmuyptic Activity and DeRcxJation of Ubiquitinatcd Rotcins. J Hid CY.wm1993, 26%511~5120. IlEttZYK DJ. ALLENJN. MARSI, CD. WtWuIs MD: Macmphape and Mawcytc ILlbeta Rc$tulation DitTcrs at Multipk Sites. Mcsscnpr RNA F.xpnxion. Translation. and h~t.Tn”sIational PmccssinR. J In~mtr?rd 1992. 149:3052-3058. 11”~. CP, JOtt~isroS NL. COllW RE: Gyxtal Struck of I I%iquiti*Dcpendmt Dqtndatirm Substrate - 13 Disultidc Fotm d Lysow. I% Nut/ Acud SC/ II S A 199j. w:41%-ll40. HIRAl%ULII K. TAVORhllNAPA, M~lltB KD: Cknctic and Envimnmcn~al Etkts on the ~pttssiion d Rptidascs and Luvll Viability in Drosophila Mdanolpner. Gmc~lcs 1992. 131:62+642. HlROl Y, RI!~ISTEINER M: Ubiquitin Metabdism in Hcb Glls Starved d Amino Acids. I& 1992. 307:IM161. lh~sut Ill-l. SCIIIFFFRlltl. WOLF DII: Riqtmcsis of the Yczst Vacuok (Lvuaan e) - Fmtcinue Yscll Contributes Mukc&ly md Kinctinlly to Vxuolu HydmIru-Prccw Matuntiun. EfrrJ 1992. 207S67-876. HWIS~~ASSE~ M: Ubiquitin md l”tnccllulu Prutein Dclpldation. Ctrrr Q1n Cell Bid lm2. 410261031. IIOODER IK. HUCttFS Ml: PwiRcation and Clxvrctuintiun d ~~Mcmbranell&d ROtcase fmm Chlunydmnonrs Rcinhudtii. Plan/ Plqsld 1992. 99~932-937. tl0WEt.L S. KWNY AJ. TURNERAl: A Survcv d Membnne Pcptidascs in 2~Hu~n C&tic Gil &es. Gce2 and m-29. Hloclwn,ll992. 2lW595-601. HUA J. GARNERR. PAE~XAUv: A” RNuirrRaistant R~~uclrru Sckctivc for lntcrkukirrl Mcsscn~cr RNA. N~rclelc AC/.& Ra 1993. 21:15+162. IIUARTEJ. Sm A. 0’~NNEl.t ML. GUItLER I: BO.tN .D. DARROW AL. STRICKLANDS. VASSAW J-D: Tnnsiolt Tnn$l~tional SiicinR by Rcwrsibk MRNA I~adc”ylntiu”. cdl 1992.6931021-1030. [IZ]. IUAN MA, FottsBERC NE: Gene Exptcssion of Wpains uld Their SpcciIk Endqxnola Inhibitor, Wpastatin. in Skektd Musck d Pcd and Flacd Rabbits. Hluclwnr J 1992. 287:16+171. INICUW. MA. RODRICUV.PENAA. I%wtot~ N. D&SCOILw GM. BFRNM I: Adult Rat Bnin is Scmitivc to Tlwdd Hanxmc . R-zRulation d RCj/NcumRmN ‘n Mcsscm RNA. J C/In Ituesl 1992, w:554-558. INOKUCHl N. KOI’AMA T. SAWADA F. lwe M: Purilicacion.




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Translation Related reviews: Translation factors as effecters of cell growth and tumorigenesis (pp 955-960), and Internal initiation of translation (pp 961-965)t A,WIElhl HC. AASENGDA, DECCERML A, BIOLIItOFF IIK. FuNDEWUDS. SNPtiND ED: Gil-Spcdhc Exp,rssi”n d Human Bc&Galactc&k Alpha-2.6Siabvansfcn.u Transcripts DiffCrinR in the 5”Untnnslat;d Rqtion. IhrJ Hlockm 1993, 213~467175. ADAhlOUJ. BAGJ: Altention d Translation and Stability uf Mazscnw RNA fur the uOl&A>BindinR Frutein During MyuRcncsis. IhrrrJ Hloch~ 1592. ~RO3-Rl2. AIM, T. YAMADA T. MAROOKA y: Nuckuddc Scaucncr and Sec”m,ary Structure d 5.RS RRNA frum th; Unirrllutv Green NRa. Chlunzlla Ellipsoidca. Nuc& Aclrlc Ues 1992.20.6008. AUW ML, M’az AM, TIMME” HT. RllOADS RE. ,htOWWlNG KS: Is&don and Scqucncc d the CDNAs FncodinR the Subunits ol the Isuzymc Form of Wheat Pmtcin Synthais Initiation Factor-IF: J Blol Cbm 1992. 267123232-23236. AWORCII PH. FAKMEGGIANIA, JONAK J: Site-Dbrctcd Muupncsis d Elunlption Factor ~II. the Functional and Structural Rok uf Residue C@ll. IhrJ tlldmr lm2, 2oR:251-257. APUYA NR. ZIMUEKMANJL: Heat Shuck Gnc Exptiion is Controlled Primarily at the Tnnslatiorul Level in Carrot Cells and Somatic Embryos. /‘~NI Cdl 1992. 4:65-i-665. ARCAl" I’, GAUO M. lAsNtClEUO G. DULORUS!+OA. BOCCHINIV: Rimarv Structure of the Flonuation Factor-l-alpha in Suifolubrrr-sOlfatarkus. N;&?Ic Acfh Ha 1993, 21:164x. BAGNI C. MARJOTIINI P, TERRWATO L. AMALDI p: Individual Variability in Ihc Tnnsllatiunal Rep&dun of RibosomJ Protein Synthesis in Xenopu.+Lacvis. Mel Cm Gmcl 1992. 23460-64. BAUY M. BAU G. LAZDUNSKIA: A New Ouslcr of Three TltNA Cam in Pscudumonas Aaupinau. Nuc& Ackis Ha 1992.20:3779. HNtBERGN. WMlOKll M. WONG ML, DEYERTE. tlINNEBUSCIIAC. KATZE MG: Translational Rc@&rtiun by the Intcrfemn.Induccd D”“bkS”xnd&RNAAcdvated 6BkDa Pmtein Kinasc. /‘nx Nail Acarl SC/ USA 1993, 9ik4621-4625. BARLUW L, FERRERAS JM, BARR&M A. RtCCl I’, SllRPE F: SW Riboscmc~nactivatinR Prutcins fkpulinrtc Riial RNA at Multivk Sites. Bloc~111992. 2%1-l. BARON C. HUDERJ. BOCK A: lntmction of Translation Factor SELB wilh Ihe Formate Dchvdmmnlcc-H SeknqmlypcptiJc Mcsscn@zr RNA: I& Nail Awd Scl USA 1993,90:4181-t(185. BARNO It. DUU~CO A, CABRERAH. ARRlBAsC: Ouninp and Analysis d dtc S2 Ribosumd Rotdn CDNA fmm hmophilz Nucldc Ad& Rs 1993, 21:351. BA’NYBURCJJ. ELRUNC RH: PreTnnsladonnl Rcl(ulrtion by Glucoccrticoid d Patty Acid and Fhosphatidykhdinc Synthesis in Type-II Cells from Fetal bt Luqt. FF& lptr1992.307:164-168. BELGRADUIP, CI~MC J. MAQUAT Le: Evidence to Implicate Trmsllrticm by lBbosoma in the Mcchmism by Whkh Nonxnsc Codons Reduce dx Nuckar Level of Human

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Protein Related Drotein

folding review-The role of pro foldina (DD 966-970)



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processes Protein


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