Postgraduate Course Presented in Pittsburgh

Postgraduate Course Presented in Pittsburgh

464 AMERICAN Evening Cocktail Party, Courtesy of Dinner, Speaker: OF COLLEGE the Missouri Chapter, Alvis E. Greer, Houston, American College o...

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Cocktail Party, Courtesy of Dinner, Speaker:




Missouri Chapter,

Alvis E. Greer, Houston, American College of


10:00 a. m.: 2:00p.m.:





American Texas, Chest

X-Ray Conference, William Seaman, Assistant Director, Washington University School MONDAY,


College of



President Physicians.

Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri.


Tour through Semi-annual

Barnes Meeting,

Hospital Board

of St. Louis. of Regents.

All sessions will be held at the Hotel Sheraton. Reservations for the round table luncheon discussions may be made through the Executive Offices of the College in Chicago. Requests for reservations must be accompanied by remittance In the amount of $3.00 for each Please luncheon. indicate choice by number.






The Council on Pan American Affairs of the College will hold a meeting in conjunction with the Tenth Congress of the Union of Latin American Tuberculosis Societies (ULAST) to take place in Venezuela, Caracas, December 5 through 10, 1953. The meeting of the Council will be held at breakfast on Thursday, December 10, at 8:00 a.m. Regents and Governors of the College in the Latin American countries, as well as Council members, will gather to discussthe international activities of the College and the program of the College in their respective countries. The special theme for discussion at the Tenth Congress of ULAST will be “The Organization of Medical and Auxiliary Personnel for the Fight Against Tuberculosis” to which have been invited professors of tuberculosis from all of the Latin American universities and the heads of all the national anti-tuberculosis associations. The above subject will be discussed at a round table forum. In addition, the subject “Anatomic-Pathologic Aspects of Tuberculosis in Latin America” will be discussed by delegates from the various countries. President of the Tenth Congress of ULAST Is Dr. Jose Ignacio Baldo, Caracas, Venezuela, and Dr. Fernando D. Gomez, Montevideo, Uruguay, is SecretaryGeneral. Both Dr. Baldo and Dr. Gomez are Regents of the College. Members of the Organizational Committee are: Drs. Pedro Iturbe, Carlos Ortega G., Alejandro Principe M., R. Valladares G., Luis Gomez Lopez and Julio Criollo Rivas. Physicians desiring to participate in the program are requested to write to Dr. Jose Ignacio Baldo, Sanatorio Simon Bolivar, El Algodonal, Caracas, Venezuela, and send a copy of the letter Offices to the of the Executive College in Chicago.

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Council on Postgraduate Medical Education of the College, with the coof the Pennsylvania Chapter, and the American Academy of General of Western Pennsylvania, presented a Postgraduate Course on Diseases Chest, held at the Pittsburgher Hotel, Pittsburgh, on four successive Sunbeginning September 13. The course was approved for 16 hours of formal towards postgraduate education requirements of the Pennsylvania Chapter American Academy of General Practice. Officers of the course were Edward and C. Howard Marcy, Co-Chairmen; C. Richard Walmer and Daniel C. Assistant Secretaries.