Wednesday June 28, 2000: Read by litle abstracts T:W24 Hormones and Cardiovascular Disease
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WeTg:W23 1 Development ofa peptide-based ELISA for the detection of antibodies against oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) Paulo Boschcov I , Luiz Juliano 1, Mafia Apararecida Juliano I , Magnus Gidlund 2. IINFAR_UNIFESP; 2LC-HC and IMTSP, FMUSP Sdo
Paulo, Brazil
Objective: To develop an ELISA that will allow the analysis of auto-antibodies directed against oxLDL. Method: Twenty-five 20025-mers were designed and synthesized from the apoB protein and tested with sera from patients with high or low antibody-reactivity against highly oxidized LDL (10 uM CuSO4, 18 Hrs) Results: We could defne four regions of the apoB molecule that were recognized by patients with a high anti-oxLDL antibody titer. Condusions: The role of anti-oxLDL in the pathogenesis remains unclear and both beneficial detrimental effects have been reported. This new ELISA presents a good tool to dissect the auto-antibody profile directed against oxLDL to evaluate their role in several disease conditions including atherosclerosis. (Supported by FAPESP, LIM38-HC-FMUSP)
referred to our primary prevention outpatient lipid clinic for metabolic and cardiovascular assessment. Method: full fasting serum lipid profile and thyroid function tests, were performed in 326 apparently healthy women aged 75 (4-15) by standard biochemical and immunochemical methods. Results: TSH was high (>3.20 miU/L) in 24 women (7.4%). Although by pooled analysis in these clinically hypothyroid women mean values of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-C, triglycerides (TG), lipoprotein (a) Lp(a) were higher compared with those of women with normal TSH (by 17 mg/dl or 6.2%, 14 mg/dl or 7.4%, 2 mg/dl or 3.5%, 17 mg/dl or 9.6% and 2.2 mg/dl or 8.8% respectively), none of these differences reached statistical significance. Significant elevations were observed only in the levels of TC and Lp(a) - both p < 0.025- in two groups of subclinically hypothyroid women: those aged 70°79 and 60-69. Conclusion: in older women attending a primary prevention outpatient lipid clinic, subclinical hypothyroidism is comparatively common, affecting however only modestly modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
WeT3:W24 J Postmenopausal hypercholesterolemia in women sent to a
lipid clinic J.A. Garrido, G. Pfa, A. Fdez-Rial, A. Blanco, C. Magaddn, P. Sesma. Lipid
Clinic. Internal Medicine. Hospital A. Marcide. Ferrol. Coruha, Spain
Objective: To study clinical and analytical findings of hypercholesterolemic [ WeT1 :W24 ] Higher estradiol concentrations are associated with elevated lipids in men with coronary artery disease J.K. Wranicz, I. Cygankiewicz, W. Zareba 1, K. Kula2. Department of
Cardiology; 2Clinical Andrology Unit, Medical University of Lodz, Poland," 1University of Rochester, Rochester NY, USA Elevated serum testosterone is known to be associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) in women. The role of sex steroids in the pathomechanism of CAD in men remains unknown. The aim of the study was to determine levels of testosterone and estradiol and to relate them to the blood lipid profile in 68 men with angiographically proven CAD. Methods and Results: In 68 stable CAD pts (untreated with lipid-lowering drugs), the blood levels of estradiol, total cholesterol (TCh), LDL-Ch, HDL-Ch and trigficerydes (TG) were measured. The men levels of lipids were compared between 17 patients with testosterone level <25th percentile (<14.6 nmol/1) and 51 pts with testosterone >= 25 percentile (>= 14.6 nmol/1). Seventeen pts with estradiol levels >75th percentile (> 117 pg/ml) were compared to 51 pts with estradiol levels <= 75th percentile (<= 117 pg/ml): Testosterone[nmol/l] Estradiol[pg/ml] r [mg/dl] >14.6 -514.6 _<117 >117 TCh 231 4-45 224 4- 51 223 4-47 251 5: 37* 0.34A LDL 159 4-40 152 ± 42 151 ± 41 179 4- 31" 0.33" HDL 424- 12 41 4- 11 434- 12 404-9 -0.05 TG 163 5:68 1645:61 147 4- 59 202 4-69* 0.37~ * p < 0.05. The r valuesrepresentcorrelationcoefficientsbetweencontinuouslevelsof estradioland respectivelipids; p < 0.01.
Conclusions: Increased levels of estradiol are associated with elevated levels of atherogenic lipids in male CAD patients whereas total testosterone does not seem to influence lipid levels. This indicates that estrogen may contribute to atherosclerotic process in males.
(HC) postmenopausal women (POST) sent to a Lipid Clinic, focusing in comparing polygenic HC (PHC) in POST and premenopausal women (PRE). Methods: Observational study. Review of medical records from patients sent to the Lipid Clinic. Setting: 400-bed community hospital attending 250.000 habitants. Data were compared with other hypercholesterolemic cohorts sent to the same clinic. LDL-C were calculated by Friedwald formulation. Only were evaluated data obteined from patients who weren't on hypolipidemic drug therapy. Results: Data from 807 patients were anlyzed: 340 women, mean age 52.6 4- 15.7 years old, 221 POST, and 467 men, 50.5 4- 13.3 y. PHC was the more frequent primary dysLipidemia in POST, getting significative difference with premenopausal women (PRE). Sex distribution of patients sent to the clinic changes in the cohort aged more than 50, increasing percent of women (48.65% versus 34.44% in younger, p < 0.001). Serum Lp(a) level was higher in POST (48.8 + 43.1 vs 26.2 -1- 26.9 mg/dl, p < 0.05) and considering Lp(a) > 25 like cardiovascular risk threshold significative difference was found too. Fibrinogen level was higher in POST (418.7 + 105.5 vs 282.0 + 14.1 mg/dl, p < 0.001). In comparison with that, fibrinogen level was similar in men at every age. HDL-C in PHC was lower in POST (52.1 + 13.7 vs 61.2 + 15.0 mg/dl, p < 0.01) and within the POST the lowest level was present in the cohort of women aged >60 years (48.4 4- 12.5 vs 57.4 + 13.8, p < 0.01). Ratio LDL-C/apoB was higher in PHC women than PHC men, at every age. However POST had a non significative tendency to decrease this ratio comparing with PRE (1.23 :k 0.13 vs 1.31 :l: 0.80, p = 0.055). Conclusions: Postmenopausal PHC is a frequent cause to sent patients to study in the Lipid Clinic. POST with PHC, comparing with PHC in PRE, has higher Lp(a) and fibrinogen levels, lower HDL-C and a tendency to decrease the LDL-C/apoB ratio. All these findings may contribute to the increase of coronary heart disease rates in this women age group and configure a worse coronary risk profile comparing with PHC in PRE, and not only opposite PRE non-dyslipidemic women.
Menopausal effect on the relation between haemostatic IWeT4:W241factors and lipoprotein levels i
WeT2:W24 1 Thyroid function and lipid abnormalities in older cretan women E. Ganotakis 1, K. Mandalaki I , M. Tampakaki 2, N. Malliaraki 3 , E. Mandalakis I , G. Vrentzos I , E. Castanas2, D. Emmanouel1. lDeptartments
of Internal Medicine; 2Experimental Endocrinology; 3Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital, Crete University School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece Objective: Dyslipidemia and thyroid abnormalities are both common disorders in older women. The effect of subclinical hypothyroidism, an asymptomatic state associated with abnormally elevated serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a normal serum free thyroxine (T4) concentration, on serum lipoproteins remains controversial. Moreover the relationship between high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and thyroid function in older women is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and to determine the lipid disorders of subclinical hypothyroidism in older women who were
N. Sarraf-Zadegan, A. Poorshams, A. Jalali, S. Mostafavi, Gh. Naderi, S. Asgary. lsfahan Cardiovascular Rsearch Center, Isfahan, lran
Objectives: Beside higher cholesterol or blood pressure levels among postmenopausal women, clotting factors and their relationship with serum lipoproteins may be another possible mechanism or risk factors for the higher incidence of IHD among post menopausal women. This hypotesis was tested in this study. Methods: The study includes 220 women aged 18--65 years without cardiovascular or any other disease. Niether premenopausal women were using oral contraceptives nor postmenopausal women were using estrogen replacement therapy. Women who missed three consequent menstruation periods were classified as postmenopausal women. Participants were asked to be in a fasting state for 14 hours, then their blood samples were sent to the central laboratory of the research center. Plasma lipoproteins were measured by
Xllth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Stockholm, Sweden, June 25-29, 2000