Potential effects on grassland birds of converting marginal cropland to switchgrass biomass production

Potential effects on grassland birds of converting marginal cropland to switchgrass biomass production

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Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 167 – 175

Potential eects on grassland birds of converting marginal cropland to switchgrass biomass production Les D. Murraya;∗;1 , Louis B. Besta , Tyler J. Jacobsenb , Martin L. Brasterb a Department

of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, 124 Science II, Ames, IA 50011, USA b Rathbun Regional Water Association, 16166 Highway J29, Centerville, IA 52544, USA Received 14 March 2002; received in revised form 4 November 2002; accepted 4 November 2002

Abstract Habitat loss is a major reason for the decline of grassland birds in North America. Five habitats (pastures, hay2elds, rowcrop 2elds, small-grain 2elds, Conservation Reserve Program 2elds) compose most of the habitat used by grassland birds in the Midwest United States. Growing and harvesting switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) as a biomass fuel would create another habitat for grassland birds. Bird abundance information from studies conducted in Iowa and adjacent states and land-use data for the Rathbun Lake Watershed in southern Iowa were used in a Geographic Information System to model the potential eects on bird abundances of converting rowcrop 2elds to biomass production. Abundances of bird species that are management priorities increased in both biomass scenarios. Common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) abundance in the watershed also increased greatly in both scenarios. Other species (e.g., horned lark [Eremophila alpestris], killdeer [Charadrius vociferous]) were more abundant in the existing land use than in the biomass scenarios, and conversion of 2elds from rowcrop to biomass production could be detrimental to these species. In general, biomass 2elds will provide habitat for grassland birds that are management priorities, but future monitoring of birds in such 2elds is needed as conversion of rowcrop 2elds to biomass production continues. ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Biomass; Birds; Energy crops; Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum); Watershed; Wildlife

1. Introduction The Midwest region of the United States is highly dependent on fossil fuels from other areas of the country; 70% of the electricity in the Midwest is generated by coal-2red power plants [1]. Use of biomass fuels

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-608-263-7595. E-mail address: [email protected] (L.D. Murray). 1 Present address: USGS BRD Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

would reduce nonrenewable resources used in the region. Growing and harvesting switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), and burning the switchgrass biomass in combination with coal could decrease coal use by 5% in some areas of the Midwest [2]. Switchgrass is used as a biomass fuel because it yields more biomass per unit area than other herbaceous plants that have been tested [1], and it requires minimal maintenance once established in a 2eld. In the Rathbun Lake Watershed in southern Iowa, tests are underway to evaluate the use of switchgrass as a biomass fuel. The switchgrass 2elds used for the tests are currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve

0961-9534/03/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0961-9534(02)00187-3


L.D. Murray et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 167 – 175

Program (CRP). The CRP, established in 1985, reimburses farmers for removing highly erodible cropland from production and planting it to perennial cover, commonly grasses in the Midwest [3]. Future plans for biomass production in the area include converting rowcrop (corn, soybeans) 2elds and CRP 2elds planted to switchgrass to biomass 2elds. The conversion of rowcrop 2elds to biomass 2elds would improve water quality, help control soil erosion, and create habitat for grassland birds [4]. Grassland birds are declining faster than any other group of birds in North America [5,6], and habitat loss is considered a major reason for their decline [7]. Currently, 2ve habitats that occur as block cover (i.e., nonlinear patches) in southern Iowa are commonly used by grassland birds (pastures, hay2elds, rowcrop 2elds, small-grain 2elds, CRP 2elds). Bird communities in pastures and hay2elds vary greatly because of dierences in vegetation structure caused by dierent grazing and mowing regimes [8,9]. Mortality of adults, eggs, and nestlings and interruption of the nesting cycle from mowing and grazing also lower reproductive success in these habitats [10–12]. Rowcrop 2elds are used by grassland birds, but very few species nest there [13]. Some species, however (e.g., horned lark [most scienti2c names are given in Appendix A]), commonly nest in rowcrop 2elds [14] and bene2t from the large acreages of rowcrops in the Midwest. Small-grain 2elds (oats and wheat) are used by fewer species of grassland birds than other habitats, and most species are less abundant in small-grain 2elds [15]. Many bird species are more abundant in CRP 2elds than in rowcrop 2elds [14] and experience better nest success in CRP 2elds than in pastures and hay2elds because CRP 2elds usually are idle [8,16]. In southern Iowa, CRP 2elds commonly are planted to either switchgrass or smooth brome (Bromus inermis); the vegetation structure in switchgrass 2elds is taller and denser than that in brome 2elds. The dierences in vegetation structure result in dierences in the bird communities [17] because some species (e.g., grasshopper sparrows) prefer short, sparse vegetation, whereas others (e.g., sedge wren) prefer tall, dense vegetation [18]. Switchgrass biomass 2elds would provide yet another habitat for grassland birds. Grassland birds in biomass 2elds would not experience the low nest

success associated with hay2elds because biomass 2elds are harvested in the fall and winter. The harvest of biomass 2elds, however, does alter the vegetation structure. Early in the season, total-harvest 2elds have shorter, sparser vegetation than nonharvest 2elds [19]. Harvesting biomass 2elds by alternating cut and uncut strips (strip-harvest) would provide both short and tall vegetation early in the season and may provide habitat for more species of birds than total-harvest 2elds. The objective of our study was to model the regional eects of converting rowcrop and CRP switchgrass 2elds to biomass production. A Geographic Information System (GIS) land-use coverage was created for the Rathbun Lake Watershed in southern Iowa. Bird abundance values for each habitat then were used to model bird abundances in the watershed before and after the conversions. Two scenarios, one with total-harvest biomass 2elds and one with strip-harvest biomass 2elds, were modeled. 2. Methods 2.1. GIS data A GIS model was used to identify areas of marginal cropland in the watershed to be targeted for conversion to biomass production. Land-use and soil data from the United States Geological Survey, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, United States Army Corps of Engineers, local soil conservation districts, and United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) were used to calculate the erosion [20,21] (J. Sutter, NRCS, Appanoose County, IA, personal communication) and leaching [22] indices for soils in the watershed. Rowcrop areas in the watershed with a leaching index of 2 or greater and/or an erosion index greater than 50 were targeted for conversion to biomass 2elds. The 1992 National Land Cover Data (United States Geological Survey) were then used to create a GIS land-use coverage for the Rathbun Lake Watershed. CRP 2elds planted to switchgrass were appended to the coverage by using information obtained from the United States Army Corps of Engineers; Iowa Department of Natural Resources; the Chariton Valley Resource Conservation and Development,

L.D. Murray et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 25 (2003) 167 – 175


Table 1 Descriptions and areas of the habitats used in the GIS models of bird abundance for the Rathbun Lake Watershed, IA, USA


Habitat description

Area (ha)

Rowcrop Cool-season grass

Corn and soybeans Ungrazed and unmowed cool-season grasses (predominantly CRP 2elds) Oats and wheat Continuously grazed pasture: 65%a Mixed hayb : 21%a Cool-season grass hay: 10%a Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay: 4%a ¿ 75% perennial herbaceous vegetation and periodically covered or saturated with water ¿ 25% woody cover Conservation Reserve Program switchgrass 2elds 60% harvested switchgrass 2elds 100% harvested switchgrass 2elds Lakes, ponds, and reservoirs Residential, industrial, bare rock, urban grasses, etc.

41,339 14,844

Small grains Pasture and Hay

Wetland Woodland Nonharvest switchgrass Strip-harvest biomass Total-harvest biomass Open water Other

2173 55,223

2248 17,982 1836 —c —c 5447 3008

a Percentage of the pasture/hay category in the Rathbun Lake Watershed (D. Bahl, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wayne County, IA, unpublished data). b Cool-season grasses and alfalfa planted in the same 2eld. c These habitats do not exist in the watershed but were modeled using the GIS land-use coverage.

Inc.; and conservation boards of Appanoose, Lucas, Monroe, and Wayne counties. The land use for the watershed was grouped into habitat categories (Table 1). Satellite imagery used to generate the land-use coverage could not separate pastures and hay2elds, therefore these categories were combined. To model the two scenarios, the land use for targeted rowcrop areas (21; 835 ha) and switchgrass 2elds currently enrolled in CRP (1836 ha) in the watershed were changed to total-harvest or strip-harvest biomass production. 2.2. Bird abundance values Bird abundance values for each habitat in our models were obtained from previous studies. We selected 13 bird species associated with grasslands (Table 3) that are management priorities [23], game species, and/or abundant in switchgrass or rowcrop 2elds in Iowa or Missouri [14,17,19]. Priority species were selected based on Partners in Flight priority scores for physiographic area 32 (Dissected Till Plains), which includes the Rathbun Lake Watershed [23]. Although 14 grassland or grassland–shrubland associated species that breed in the area are considered

management priorities, only four priority species (bobolink, dickcissel, 2eld sparrow, grasshopper sparrow) were observed frequently enough in switchgrass or rowcrop 2elds to be included in the models. The sedge wren is not considered a management priority but is of management concern and was grouped with priority species. Species that spend much of their time Lying (i.e., swallows, raptors) were excluded because some studies only recorded birds that landed in the habitat. We also removed species not active in the morning (e.g., owls), when most surveys are conducted. Brown-headed cowbird abundance also was modeled because this species lays its eggs in nests of other species and is considered a conservation threat to some species of management concern [24]. Bird use of total-harvest, strip-harvest, and nonharvest switchgrass 2elds in southern Iowa was evaluated in 1999 and 2000 [19]. Strip-harvest 2elds consisted of alternating cut and uncut strips of dierent widths (four 2elds: 60 m cut, 40 m uncut; three 2elds: 30 m cut, 20 m uncut), with 60% of the 2eld being harvested. Strip width did not aect bird abundance in strip-harvest 2elds, thus estimates of bird abundance were combined across strip widths.


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Table 2 CoeMcients of variation (standard error of the mean divided by the mean) for bird abundances in rowcrop and switchgrass 2elds calculated from [19,27,28]



Bobolink Brown-headed cowbird Common yellowthroat Dickcissel Field sparrow Grasshopper sparrow Horned lark Killdeer Meadowlark Red-winged blackbird Ring-necked pheasant Sedge wren Vesper sparrow


0.4 0.8 1.3 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.5 — 0.1

Switchgrassb Nonharvest



0.6 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.6 — — 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.7

0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.4 — 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 —

0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 — 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6

a Average

of coeMcients of variation calculated from [27] and [28]. of variation calculated from [19]. c Species not observed in that habitat. b CoeMcients

Abundance values for other habitats were taken from journal publications, theses, and dissertations derived from studies conducted in Iowa and adjacent states that reported bird abundance values for the habitats of interest. Bird abundance values were averaged for each habitat from the two studies closest to the Rathbun Lake Watershed that used transect surveys and presented abundance values such that the number of birds per hectare could be calculated (Appendix A). Only bird abundances from [25] were used for wetlands. Other studies of bird use of wetlands in Iowa were not included because the zone of emergent vegetation was sampled disproportionate to other areas of the wetland. Graber and Graber [25] reported bird abundance for three regions of Illinois, but abundance values from the central region were used in our study because that region is closest to the Rathbun Lake Watershed. The exception was values for wetlands, because wetlands were surveyed only in the northern region. In [14], the bird abundance values reported for dierent states were considered to be derived from independent studies because the data were collected by independent research teams. Iowa and Missouri bird abundance values were used for rowcrop 2elds, but only Iowa values

from [14] were used for cool-season grass CRP 2elds because abundance values for Missouri CRP 2elds were for warm-season and cool-season grass 2elds combined. Thus, abundance estimates in cool-season CRP 2elds from [17] were averaged with the Iowa values. Bird abundance values for mixed hay were used to represent all three types of hay because mixed hay composes most of the hay in the area and no bird abundance data were available for cool-season grass hay. Most of the pasture in the area is continuously grazed (D. Bahl, NRCS, Wayne County, IA, personal communication), so bird abundance values were taken from [9], because it was the only study in the region that reported bird abundances in continuously grazed pasture. Bird abundances for the pasture/hay category were then calculated by using a weighted average based on the amounts of pasture and hay in the watershed. Average bird abundance values for each habitat (Appendix A) were used in the GIS models. Abundances of each species were calculated for the entire watershed for the current land-use coverage as well as the scenarios with targeted rowcrop areas and CRP switchgrass 2elds converted to total-harvest or strip-harvest biomass 2elds.

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2.3. Variation in bird abundances Although average bird abundance values for each habitat are the best point estimates of abundance in the habitats, abundances do vary among 2elds. To estimate variation in bird abundances, we calculated coeMcients of variation (standard error of the mean divided by the mean) for rowcrop and switchgrass 2elds because the coeMcients are standardized and can be compared among habitats and species [26]. Coef2cients of variation for Iowa and Missouri rowcrop 2elds were calculated separately from [27,28], and averaged because standard errors were not provided in [14]. Calculations of coeMcients for other habitats were not made because changes in abundance in these models were dependent only on changes in the amount of rowcrop and switchgrass in the watershed and bird abundances in those habitats. 3. Results Bird abundances in rowcrop and switchgrass 2elds were highly variable within habitats (Table 2). Coef2cients of variation for most species were greater than 0.5 in at least one habitat. Abundance estimates for some species (e.g., common yellowthroat), however, were precise for some habitats. Total abundance of management priority species increased in both biomass scenarios compared with the current land use (Table 3). Abundances of each priority species also increased in both scenarios, except for 2eld sparrows, which were less abundant in the total-harvest scenario. Estimated grasshopper sparrow abundance was greater in the total-harvest scenario than in the strip-harvest scenario. Compared with the current land use, the number of grasshopper sparrows in the watershed increased by 19% in the total-harvest scenario but by only 4% in the strip-harvest scenario. As a whole, abundances of other species increased by 12% in the strip-harvest scenario but decreased in the total-harvest scenario. Combined abundances of four species (brown-headed cowbird, horned lark, killdeer, and vesper sparrow) decreased by more than 11,000 birds in each biomass scenario, but large increases in common yellowthroat numbers compensated for decreases in these other species. The number


Table 3 Estimated bird numbers in thousands and the percent change in numbers (in parentheses) in the Rathbun Lake Watershed, IA, USA for the current land-use coverage, and for two scenarios with 21; 835 ha of rowcrops and 1836 ha of CRP switchgrass 2elds converted to biomass production Speciesa

Existing Strip-harvest Total-harvest land use biomass biomass

Management prioritiesb Bobolink Dickcissel Field sparrow Grasshopper sparrow Sedge wren Total

61.8 55.9 3.3 42.3 6.8 170.1

63.3 56.6 3.5 43.8 8.8 176.0

(2) (1) (6) (4) (29) (3)

Other Brown-headed cowbirdc Common yellowthroat Horned lark Killdeer Meadowlark Red-winged blackbird Ring-necked pheasantd Vesper sparrow Total

8.1 10.9 11.0 17.5 21.4 162.0 2.1 9.3 242.4

7.2 33.7 6.2 13.1 21.2 178.9 2.5 7.8 270.6

(−11) 7.3 (−10) (209) 25.3 (132) (−44) 6.2 (−44) (−25) 13.2 (−25) (−1) 21.5 (0) (10) 175.6 (8) (19) 2.4 (14) (−16) 8.0 (−14) (12) 259.7 (−7)

62.3 57.2 3.0 50.3 8.0 180.9

(1) (2) (−9) (19) (18) (6)

a Species of management priority or concern, game species, and/or species that are abundant in rowcrop or switchgrass 2elds. Scienti2c names are given in Appendix A. b Based on Partners in Flight priority scores for the Dissected Till Plains [23]. The sedge wren is not listed as a management priority but is a species of management concern. c A brood parasite in that it lays eggs in nests of other species and thus decreases nest success of host species. d Game species.

of ring-necked pheasants, an important upland game species, also increased in both scenarios compared with the current condition. 4. Discussion and conclusions Converting rowcrop and CRP land to switchgrass biomass production would create additional habitat for some bird species of management concern. Abundance of species that are management priorities increased in both scenarios. Species that are not management priorities also increased as a group, but horned lark and killdeer abundances were lower in the biomass scenarios than in the existing land use and


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may be negatively impacted by switchgrass biomass production. Some species not included in this model also should be considered in land-management decisions. For example, abundances of the northern harrier (Circus cyaneus), an endangered species in Iowa [29], could not be modeled because usually it is seen Lying and was not recorded in some studies. Harriers use a variety of habitats to meet their needs but often nest in areas of dense grassland vegetation [30]. Murray [19] found harrier nests in uncut strips of strip-harvest switchgrass 2elds but no nests in total-harvest 2elds. Thus, strip harvesting of biomass 2elds may be more bene2cial to harrier populations than total harvesting of the 2elds. Strip-harvest 2elds provide habitat both for species that prefer tall vegetation (e.g., sedge wren, northern harrier) and those that prefer short, sparse vegetation (i.e., grasshopper sparrow). But grasshopper sparrows were most abundant in total-harvest 2elds, and sedge wrens and harriers were most abundant in nonharvest CRP switchgrass 2elds [19]. Thus, a mixture of total-harvest 2elds and nonharvest 2elds may be more bene2cial to the entire suite of priority species than totally harvesting or strip harvesting all the 2elds. A mixture of total-harvest and nonharvest 2elds in a region could be accomplished by selection of some 2elds to remain idle or through a rotational harvest regime. The intervals between harvests in a rotational regime should be suMcient to allow the buildup of residual vegetation to provide nesting cover for harriers and pheasants that begin nesting early in the season [31,32]. Conversion of rowcrops to biomass in the watershed also could aect aspects of avian biology other than availability of breeding habitats. For example, replacing rowcrop 2elds with switchgrass may initially increase pheasant abundance in the watershed by providing more nesting cover. But corn is an important food for pheasants during winter [33], and a decline in the amount of rowcrops in the watershed could lower winter survival rates. Other bird species and wildlife also feed on rowcrop grains and could be aected by a reduction in this food source [34]. The establishment of food plots (areas of rowcrop grown to produce food for wildlife) in biomass 2elds is a feasible management option that would provide food for pheasants and other species.

In addition to examining the eects of biomass production on winter survival of pheasants, future studies should include long-term monitoring of bird populations in the watershed as biomass production is continued to ensure that species not currently of management concern do not become so. Also, conversion of rowcrop to switchgrass production would not always create instantaneous changes in bird abundances in the watershed. First, populations of birds would have to discover and colonize the new habitat before their abundance in the habitat would begin to increase. Although discovery of the new habitat may be quick, colonization could be delayed because of site 2delity in breeding birds [35]. Second, several years could be required to produce enough birds to occupy all available habitats in the watershed because of limitations in population biology (e.g., mortality rates, reproductive success). Therefore, it could take many years for changes in bird abundance in the watershed to approach our estimates. CoeMcients of variation for estimates of bird abundance in rowcrop and switchgrass 2elds were high for most species. Therefore, although our estimates of changes in abundance in the watershed are the best available, lack of precision in the estimates should be considered in interpreting the results of our study. High variability in the abundance estimates for rowcrop and switchgrass suggest that the estimates for abundance in the watershed are not very precise for some species. Con2dence in these estimates, however, is greater for species with relatively low coeMcients of variation (e.g., common yellowthroat, red-winged blackbirds) than for those with large coeMcients (e.g., 2eld sparrow, killdeer). The high variability in abundances also suggests that other factors besides habitat type may aect bird abundance in the watershed. Some factors (e.g., habitat patch size and shape, juxtaposition of habitat patches) known to aect bird abundance [36,37] were not included in this model because of the resolution of the GIS land-use coverage and incomplete understanding of how these factors aect bird abundance. A better understanding of the eects of 2eld size and shape as well as adjacent habitats on bird occurrence in biomass 2elds would allow land managers to maximize bene2ts of biomass production for grassland birds by choosing potential

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Table 4


Rowcrops Cool-season Small Pasture Wetland Woodland Switchgrass [19] [14] grass grains and hay [25] [38,39] [14,17] [15,25] [9,15,25] Nonharvest Strip-harvest Total-harvest

Bobolink 0.0 (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) Brown-headed cowbird 0.8 (Molothrus ater) Common yellowthroat 1.0 (Geothlypis trichas) Dickcissel 1.7 (Spiza americana) Field sparrow 0.9 (Spizella pusilla) Grasshopper sparrow 1.4 (Ammodramus savannarum) Killdeer 21.3 (Charadrius vociferous) Meadowlark 3.4 (Sturnella spp.) Red-winged blackbird 47.4 (Agelaius phoeniceus) Ring-necked pheasant 1.0 (Phasianus colchicus) Sedge wren 0.0 (Cistothorus platensis) Vesper sparrow 2.3 (Pooecetes gramineus)

































































































biomass 2elds based on how these factors aect bird abundance. In addition, the response of bird species that primarily occupy habitats adjacent to switchgrass 2elds should be examined because changes in the food supply and the landscape context could aect birds in adjacent habitats. The feasibility of a mixture of total-harvest and nonharvest 2elds in the watershed also should be examined because this management option may be bene2cial to more species (e.g., grasshopper sparrows, northern harriers) than totally harvesting or strip harvesting all biomass 2elds. Acknowledgements We thank P. Dixon, W. Hohman, and R. Koford for comments on the GIS models and previous versions of this manuscript. Financial support was provided by a grant from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Funds through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

and an award, No. DE-FC36-96GO10148, from the US Department of Energy’s Biomass Power for Rural Development Program. Any opinions, 2ndings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reLect the view of the US Department of Energy or the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This is Journal Paper J-19770 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Project 3300.

Appendix A Bird abundances per 100 ha and sources for each habitat type used in GIS models of changes in bird abundance associated with the conversion of marginal cropland to switchgrass biomass production in the Rathbun Lake Watershed in southern Iowa, USA are given in Table 4.


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