Medical Hypotheses (1989) 29, 195-198 0 Longman Group UK Ltd 1989
Potential Human Health Risks Associated with Animal Retroviruses: Some Hypotheses G. DI GUARD0 Viale Pasteur, 77 -
00144 -
E.U.R., Rome, Italy.
Abstract - Several studies have demonstrated the existence of morphological, biological, genetic and antigenic correlations between human and animal retroviruses. Furthermore, some agents of bovine and feline origin can also be considered useful comparative models for the pathogenetic study of human diseases such as leukaemia, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and multiple sclerosis (MS). In spite of the existence of data suggesting a possible role of some animal retroviruses (e.g. the bovine leukosis virus, BLV) in the etiology and epidemiology of human leukaemia and MS, the true zoonotic potential of such agents remains unknown, but their genetic and antigenic linkages with some human lentiviruses (such as the human immunodeficiency virus-l, HIV1) can make them hypothetically responsible for a certain number of false-positive serological reactions in man, especially in those subjects who are professionally exposed to animal lentiviruses. In the present paper particular reference is made to this last hypothesis which, if confirmed, would suggest a larger scale-utilization of more specific diagnostic tests for HIV infection in man, such as the immunoblotting techniques.
Several animal lentiviruses have recently been proven to share a number of morphological, biological, genetic and antigenic features in common with the viral agent responsible for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in man, which is now named human immunodeficiency virus-l (HIV-l) (1). Such agents include the Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) (2), the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) (3), the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) (4) and, most recently, the so-called “bovine immunodeficiency-like virus” (BIV) (5), a Visna-like
syncytia-producing agent isolated from cattle with persistent lymphocytosis (6, 7, S), and the “feline T-lymphotropic lentivirus” (FTLV), which seems, however, to be more closely related to HIV-l in terms of morphology and disease pathogenesis (9). Furthermore, the multifocal granulomatous encephalitis which is induced by HIV-l in adult and pediatric patients (10, 11, 12, 13) and by the simian T-lymphotropic virus type III (STLV-III), or simian immunodeficiency virus-l (SW-l) in monkeys (14, 15, 16, 17), closely resembles that occurring in MVV-infected sheep and CAEV-
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196 infected goats, with the only difference that these latter are more demyelinating (18). Reliable serological tests, such as ELISA, are currently utilized in epidemiological surveys investigating the prevalence of specific antibodies to HIV-l and -2 in groups of human population at risk for AIDS (19, 20), but no evidence has been provided until now that all seropositive reactions of this type are exclusively associated with antigenic stimulation by HIV and not hypothetically, at least in a certain percentage of cases, with antigenic stimulation by MVV, CAEV, EIAV or BIV, especially in those patients exposed for professional or other reasons to prolonged contacts with animals infected by such lentiviruses (21). With regard to the possible health hazards arising from human exposure and/or contact with animal retroviruses, no definitive answer has been given until now about the true zoonotic potential of such agents, if any. However, it is worthy to be mentioned here that infection of human fibroblastoid cell cultures derived from leukaemic bone marrow has been successfully obtained with the recently characterized BIV (22), which was previously named bovine Visna-like virus (BVV) (7, 8). On the other hand, close morphological, genetic and antigenic similarities have been observed between human and animal oncoviruses, as in the case of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus types I and II (HTLV-I and -11, respectively) and the bovine leukosis for leukaemia) virus (BLV) (23, 24), while epidemiological linkages have been established between BLV-infected cattle herds and human leukaemia (25). Furthermore, strong geographic correlations have been documented between production and consumption of dairy products and multiple sclerosis (MS) (26), leading to the hypothesis that BLV could be transmitted in such foodstuffs and cause disease in humans (24). Finally, presence of serum antibodies cross-reacting with HTLV-I, -11 and -111 and in-situ hybridization of RNA from cerebrospinal fluid cells with HTLV-I have been reported in patients suffering from MS (27), leading also in this case to the hypothesis that the “fingerprints” found might be actually those of BLV (24), which is closely correlated - as already mentioned - with HTLV-I from both genetic and antigenic point of view (23).
On the basis of what above, in spite of the existence of works (28,29) disputing some of the data reported here (see reference 27), suffice it to say that full attention should be paid to the problem of exactly defining the real health hazards, if any, arising from human exposure and/or contact with animal retroviruses. In this direction, extensive research should be carried out on so-called “risk categories”, such as farmers, veterinarians, laboratory technicians, etc. ; as a consequence, a tight cooperation between human and animal health services would also be required to achieve this objective. Among others, a continuous exchange of bilateral informations between these two sectors would certainly help better understand the pathogenesis of some human retroviral infections such as those caused by HIV-l and -2, for which both the recently characterized BIV (5) and identified FTLV (9) can be considered useful comparative and speculative models. On the other hand, it is my opinion that this same form of cooperation will also be of great help in defining the true role of some HIV-lgenetically and antigenically related animal lentiviruses (MVV, CAEV, EIAV, BIV) as possible causative agents of false-positive serological reactions to HIV-l in man, especially in those subjects exposed for professional or other reasons to prolonged contacts with animals infected by such viruses (21). In this regard, though HIV-l differs considerably from animal lentiviruses in: a) its close association with the Td antigen, which is an essential part of the virus receptor on the T-cell surface (3, 30, 31), b) the pathogenetic behaviour of the infection, which is usually characterized by minimal or selective impairment of the immune system in animal lentiviroses (3), it should be firmely kept in mind that the identification of HIV-l as the viral agent responsible for human AIDS and other related syndromes (lymphadenopathy syndrome, LAS; AIDS-related complex, ARC; pre-AIDS) has recently occurred (32, 33, 34). Consequently, there are still important details and peculiarities of this infection that need further clarification. Among these, the possibility of obtaining false-positive serological reactions to HIV-l in man due to previous exposure and/or contact with HIV-l-genetically and antigenically related animal lentiviruses should be thoroughly investigated (21).
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