Poultry Journals and Magazines*

Poultry Journals and Magazines*

1645 S A A S ABSTRACTS differ between lines. Egg weight was greater in the low line. Body temperature after chicks were subjected to 30 minutes of h...

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differ between lines. Egg weight was greater in the low line. Body temperature after chicks were subjected to 30 minutes of heat stress was significantly and negatively correlated (r = -0.454) to survival time. Body weight was negatively correlated (r = -0.325) with resistance to heat stress; however, loss of body weight during heat stress was positively correlated (r = +0.478) with resistance. There was no apparent difference between lines in respect to embryo resistance to heat stress at 16 days of incubation. THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS ON MAGNESIUM METABOLISM IN THE CHICK Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 The effect of dietary phosphorus level on the magnesium requirement of young chicks was stud-

Poultry Journals and Magazines* AUSTRALIA


Australasian Poultry World, 100 Orr Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, published monthly in English. Egg Marketing Board Bulletin, Queensland Egg Marketing Board, 23 Musgrave Road, Red Hill, Queensland 4059, published monthly in English. Egg and Fowl, 968 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, Western Australia 6100, published quarterly in English. Poultry and Pig, GPO Box 606, Sydney, N.S.W. 2001, published monthly in English. Poultry Farmer, N.S.W. Egg Marketing Board, Nyrang Street, Lidcombe, N.S.W. 2141, published weekly in English. South Australia Egg Board Bulletin, South Australian Egg Board, 49 Flinders Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, published monthly in English.

Canadian Poultry Review, Donovan Ltd., 129 Adelaide Street W., Suite 515, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1R6, published monthly in English. Canadian Poultryman (incorporating L'Aviculteur Canadien), Farm Papers Ltd., 605 Royal Avenue, New Westminister, British Columbia, published monthly in English, with French supplement. L'Aviculteur Quebecois, Les Couvoiers du Quebec Inc., B.P. 308, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, published monthly in French.

*Modified from World's Poultry Science Journal 29: 312-314, 1973; and from information supplied by the Secretaries of several branches of the World's Poultry Science Associations.

CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chov Hospodarskych Zvierat (Rearing of Domestic Animals). Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition of the Slovak Socialist Republic, Books and Journals Publishing House, Priroda, Bratislava, (has a poultry column), published monthly in Slovak. Hydinarsky Pokrok (Poultry Progress), Vyskumny ustav pre chov a slachtenie hydiny, Ivanka pri Dunaji, (Research Institute of Poultry Breeding), published periodically in Slovak. Hydinarsky Priemysel (Poultry Industry). Vyskumny ustav hydinarskeho priemyslu, (Research Institute of Poultry Industry) 813 13 Bratislava 13, Senecka

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C. L. Wu AND W. M. BRITTON, Department of

ied in two experiments. The first experiment used 3 levels of phosphorus (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2%) and 4 levels of magnesium (0, 100, 200 and 400 p.p.m.) in a factorial design. In the chicks fed the 0.4% phosphorus diet 200 p.p.m. Mg was adequate to prevent mortality but 400 p.p.m. was required in the diets with the higher phosphorus levels. The diet containing 400 p.p.m. Mg supported good growth at the lower levels of phosphorus but was not adequate when the diet contained 1.2% phosphorus. In the second experiment 4 levels of phosphorus (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2%) and 6 levels of Mg (100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 800 p.p.m.) were used in a factorial design. The levels of Mg which prevented excessive mortality at the 0.3, 0.6,0.9 and 1.2% phosphorus levels were 150, 250, 250 and 800 p.p.m., respectively. The levels of Mg required for maximal growth with increasing levels of phosphorus were 200, 250, 800 and 800 p.p.m., respectively.



1, published monthly in Slovak. Nas Chov (Our Breeding), Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition of the Czech Socialist Republic, State Agricu'tural Publishing House, Prague. Published monthly, contains a poultry column, in Czech. DENMARK Dansk Erhversfjerkrae, Stenl0svej 361, Skt. Clemens, 5260 Hjallese, published fortnightly in Danish. FINLAND

FRANCE La Revue Avicole, 34 rue de Lille, 75-Paris, published monthly in French. L'Aviculteur, 35 rue Carnot, 35-Rennes, published bimonthly in French. Le Courrier Avicole, Le Courrier Avicole, 105 rue Isambard, 27-Pacy-sur-Eure, published bimonthly in French. Nouwelles de 1'Aviculture, Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, 28 rue du Rocher, 75-Paris, published fortnightly in French. Selections Avicoles, Editions H. Artese, La Grande Muraille, B.P.M. 47-Agen, published monthly in French.

INDIAf Indian Journal of Poultry Science, 233 Krisni Bhavan, New Delhi-1, published quarterly in English. Indian Poultry Gazette, Indian Poultry Club, Division of Poultry Research, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (U.P.), published quarterly in English. Indian Poultry Review, 14-1 A, Beltala Road, Calcutta26, published fortnightly in English. Poultry, 50A Suri Lane, Calcutta-14, published quarterly in Bengali. Poultry Adviser, 97 St. John Church Road, Bangalore5, published monthly in English. Poultry Guide, 20 Thyagaraja Nagar Market, New Delhi-3, published monthly, one edition in English, a second edition in Hindi. Poultry Patrika, PB No. 4804, New Delhi-23, published monthly in English. Poultry Today, 4 Rainkanai Adhikory Lane, Calcutta12, published monthly in English. ITALY

GERMANY (D.D.R.) Archiv fur Geflugelzucht und Kleintierkunde, Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschafts wissenschaften, published bimonthly in German, with summaries in English and Russian. Rassegeflugelzuchter, Deutscher Bauernverlag, published fortnightly in German.

Avicoltura, Gruppo Giornalistico "Edagricole," Via Emilia Levante 3 1/2, 40100 Bologna, published monthly in Italian. Selezione Pzr l'Avicoltore, Via Giosue Borsi 21, 50124-Firenze (Galluzzo), published weekly in Italian. UNA, Unione Nazionale dell'Avicoltura, Via Pasubio 4, 00195-Roma, published monthly in Italian.

GERMANY (F.R.) JAPAN Archiv fur Geflugelkunde, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 7 Stuttgart 1, Gerokstr. 19, published bimonthly in German with summaries in English, French and Russian. Deutsche Gefliigelwirtschaft und Schweineproduktion, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 7 Stuttgart 1, Gerokstr. 19, published weekly in German. Deutscher Kleintierziichter (Ausgabe Geflugel), Verlag Oertel u. Sporer, 7410 Reutlingen, Postfach 35, published every two weeks in German. Fachdigest Geflugel, Diether Marbold, 4559 Gronloh,

Japanese Poultry Science, Japan Publications Trading Co. Ltd., Central P.O. Box 722, Tokyo, Japan, and P.O. Box 469, Rutland, Vermont, U.S.A., published bimonthly in Japanese with English abstract, or in English with Japanese extract. Keimei-Shinbun, Keimei-Sha, 1-2 Kanda-Sierugadai,

tlndian Poultry Industry Yearbook, 2C/34 New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-15.

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Kanatalous, Vientikunta Muna Ltd., 20520Turku, PI. 59., published bimonthly in Finnish. Siipikarja, Finnish Poultry Breeders Association, 13100 Hameenlinna 10, Kanakouluntie 1-3, published monthly in Finnish.

published monthly in German. Gefliigel-Borse, Verlag Jurgens, KG, 8 Munchen 23, Kurwenalstr. 7, published every two weeks in German. Huhn und Ei, Verlag Hermann Kamlage, 45 Osnabruck, Johannisstr. 65, published monthly in German. Meister-Hybriden-Post, Landwirtschaftliche Bildberatung, 8 Munchen, 2, Haydnstr. 11, published monthly in German.



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, published every 10 days in Japanese. Keiyu, Keiyu-Sha, Yagotamachida, Tenpaku-cho, Shawa-ku, Nagoya, published monthly in Japanese. Niwatori-no-Kenkyu, Niwatori-no-Kenkyu-Sha, 623 Marunouchi Building, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, published monthly in Japanese. Yokei-no-Nihon, Yokei-no-Nihon-Sha, 3-19 Takegocho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, published monthly in Japanese. Yokei-Shinbun, Yokei-Syunju-Sha, 535 Kamotsukicho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, published monthly in Japanese. Yokeiseka, Yokeisekai-Sha, 229 Nichiki-cho, Toyohashi-shi, published monthly in Japanese. KOREA

LEBANON Poultry Magazine, Anis Khoury, Ed., Poultry Magazine, P.O. Box 41—Zahle, published monthly in Arabic. THE NETHERLANDS Avicultura/De Konijnenhouder, C. Misset B.V., Ijsselkade 32, Doetinchem, published monthly in Dutch. Cijfers en feiten uit de Pluimveehouderij, Produktschap voor Pluimvee en Eiren, Utrechtseweg 31, Zeist, published monthly in Dutch. De Pluimveehouderij, C. Misset B.V., Ijsselkade 32, Doetinchem, published weekly in Dutch. Uit de Pluimveepers (a reference journal), Documentation Department, Spelderholt Institute for Poultry Research, Beekbergen, published monthly, titles in original language, abstracts in Dutch. NEW ZEALAND Poultry World, Britannica Publications, P.O. Box 9567, C. P. Wellington, published monthly in English.

Fjorfe, Norsk Fjorfeavlslag, Sandakerveien 104B, Oslo 4, published monthly in Norwegian. PHILIPPINES Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Journal, Paencor Inc., Scout Reyes, Quezon City, P.O. Box 1295 Manila, published monthly in English. Better Poultry & Livestock, Better Poultry Inc., 748 Aurora Blvd., Quezon City, D-502, published monthly in English. Livestock & Poultry Research News, N.F.A.C. and U.P.C.A., College, Laguna, published quarterly in English. Philippine Journal of Animal Science, The Philippine Society of Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, U.P.L.B., College, Laguna, published semestrally in English. The Philippine Agriculturist, U.P. College of Agriculture, College, Laguna, published quarterly in English. SOUTH AFRICA South African Poultry Bulletin, South African Poultry Association (address not given), published monthly in English and Afrikaans. SPAIN Avicultura, Cooperativa Avicola, Almagro 4, Madrid4, published monthly in Spanish. Avicultura Tecnica, Union Catalana de Avicultores y Cunicultores, Rambla Estudios 126, Barcelona 2, published monthly in Spanish. Selecciones Avicolas, Real Escuela de Avicultura, Arenys de Mar, (Barcelona), published monthly in Spanish. SRI LANKA The Poultry Journal, Printing House (1st Floor), 167 Olcott Mawatha, Colombo-11, published quarterly in English. SWEDEN Fjaderfa, Svensk Fjaderfaskotsel, Gamla Brogatan 29, 111 20 Stockholm, published monthly in Swedish. UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Poultry, M.N. Bogdanov Ed., Publishing House Kolos, 107807 Moscow, GSP, B-53 SadovayaSpasskaya ul., 18, published monthly in Russian. Poultry (Abstract journal), V.G. Stroganova Ed., All-

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Korea Branch Journal of World's Poultry Science Association, Korea Branch, W.P.S.A., c / o College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suwon 170, published quarterly in Korean. Korean Poultry Journal, Korean Poultry Association, 44-28, Yang-Dong, Jung-Ku, Seoul 100, published monthly in Korean. Modern Poultry Industry, Modern Poultry Journal Publishing Co., 93-33, Bukchang-Dong, Jung-Ku, Seoul 100, published monthly in Korean. Poultry Management Journal, Poultry Management Publishing Co., 423-8 Sindaebgng-Dong, Youngdeung Po-Ku, Seoul, published monthly in Korean.




Union Research Institute of Information and Technical Economic Studies in Agriculture, U.S.S.R. Ministry of Agriculture, Moscow 107139, Orlikov per. 3 korpus "A", published monthly in Russian. Progressive Scientific and Production Methods in Poultry Industry, V.I. Fisinin Ed., All-Union Poultry Research and Technological Institute, 141300 Zagorsk 11, Moscow region, published monthly in Russian. UNITED KINGDOM

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Avian Diseases, Dr. C. F. Hall, The American Association of Avian Pathologists, Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas 77843, published quarterly in English. Broiler Industry, Garden State Publishing Co., 4411 Landis Avenue, Sea Isle City, New Jersey 08243, published monthly in English. Egg Industry, Garden State Publishing Co., 4411 Landis Avenue, Sea Isle City, New Jersey 08243,

INTERNATIONAL World's Poultry Science Journal, Miss M. C. French, B.O.C.M. Silcock, Poultry Development Farm, Risborough Road, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Bucks, England, published quarterly in English, with summaries in French.

Nunc Dimittis Charles F. Smith

Dr. Charles F. Smith, retired Director of Technical Services for the world headquarters staff of H.J. Heinz Company, died on January 20, at his home in Sanford, North Carolina, in his fourty-eighth year. As Director of Technical Services from 1967 until his retirement for health reasons in January, 1973, he was responsible for coordinating Heinz's research and development objectives, and for interchange of technical assistance among the food company's worldwide subsidiaries. Dr. Smith came to Heinz from the Frito-Lay Division

of Pepsico, Dallas, Texas, where he served first as Manager—New Product Development, and subsequently as Manager—Research Information. Prior to this, he was associated with National Dairy Products Corporation and Swift and Company in technical and research management positions. A native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dr. Smith received A.B. and M. A. degrees from the University of Kansas, majoring in zoology. He received a Ph.D. degree at the University of Nebraska in 1953, majoring in zoology and bacteriology. He did post-doctoral work at Ohio State University and Southern Methodist University. In addition to the Poultry Science Association, he was a member of the Institute of Food Technologists,

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British Poultry Science, Longman Group Ltd., Journals Division, 33 Montgomery Street, Edinburgh EH7 5JX, Scotland, published bimonthly in English. Poultry Industry, Agricultural Press Ltd., 161 Fleet Street, London EC4P 4AA, England, published monthly in English. Poultry World, Agricultural Press Ltd., 161 Fleet Street, London EC4P 4AA, England, published weekly in English.

published monthly in English. Industria Avicola, Watt Publishing Co., Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054, published monthly in Spanish. Poultry and Egg Marketing, Poultry and Egg News Inc., 345 Green St. N.W., Gainesville, Georgia 30501, published biweekly in English. Poultry Digest, Garden State Publishing Co., Garden State Bldg., Sea Isle City, New Jersey 08243, published monthly in English. Poultry International, Watt Publishing Co., Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054 or Korte Jansstraat 7, Utrecht, Netherlands (European address), published monthly in English, French, German and Italian. Poultry Meat, Watt Publishing Co., Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054, published monthly in English. Poultry Science, Dr. C. B. Ryan, The Poultry Science Association, Inc., Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas 77843, published bimonthly in English. Poultry Times, Poultry & Egg News Inc., Box 1378, 345 Green St. N.W., Gainesville, Georgia 30501, published weekly in English. Poultry Tribune, Watt Publishing Co., Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054, published monthly in English. Turkey World, Watt Publishing Co., Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054, published monthly in English.