VACUUM Classified Abstracts
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General Science and Engineering _ VACUUM
Progress of Vacuum Technology
in the Years 1949 and rgso
The article consists essentially of a bibliography covering recent publications Germany. The information presented is classified under seven headings as follows :engineering. (1) General (2) Production of Vacuum (3) Measurement of Vacuum
Abstract No. and References
related to vacuum
(4) Technical Data and -4ccessories (5) Physics (6) Chemistry and Biology (7) Methods of Applications
In his concluding remarks the author points to two developments in particular, the progress of research on vacuum polarisation and the establishment of new techniques for the measurement of radiation at high altitudes, Some instruments used for the latter purpose are no longer exhausted by ’ artificial ’ means on the ground. Their evacuation is effected ’ naturally ’ as they ascend to the required height. Sommaire : Une bibliographie classee en 7 chapitres.
en deux parties, qui cite les publications
recentes reliees & la technique du vide,
A.&kb~ Glastech. Berkhte tq, .Jumsl& July L52-157$177-178
0 The Technical Use of High Vacuum
Rotary An account is given of the development of vacuum engineering in the last 30 years. United Kingdom. and diffusion pumps are discussed and the steadily increasing demands placed on their capacity due to the The author then turns to industrial applications progress made in the field of electronics and atomic energy. and gives an analysis of the advantages associated with processing ira z)acuo, generally. Sommaire : Revue industrielles.
des derniers dcveloppements
de la technique
du vide et ses applications
Power from the Sea’s Temperature See Abstract
The United States. This is a review of the uses and benefits vacuum has to offer to industry as a whole. following processes are discussed in, some detail : food processing (in particular milk and coffee), drying of blood plasma, purification of penicilhn, molecular distillation, vacuum refrigeration, all kinds of vacuum coating procedures, extrusion methods used in metallurgy, the separation of metals, the etching of metals, vacuum impregnation and, finally, experimental methods employed in the field of ballistics simulating conditions at high 12 illustrations and two tables are given. altitudes.
: 97/I
Vacuum - The Magic Hat of Industry
Brticle by E. W. da C. Sndrade The Tinres (Scienc? Suppl.) .4$rn\951
: Compte rendu des pro&d& a vide rccemment introduits dans I’industrie.
On the Initial Decay of Oxide-Coated Cathodes See Abstract No. : 66/IV Efficiency and Mechanism of Barium Getters at Low Pressures The experiments reported here were carried out in a small tubular vessel evacuated to U&ted Kingdom. All measurements were taken with an ionisation gauge of the type recently approximately 10-6mm. Hg. Barium was employed described by Metson and incorporating a suppressor shield for the elimination of X-rays. as the gettering material and its performance studied with respect to the following gases : oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water vapour. The first series of experiments was designed It was found that the gettering rate in an oxygen atmosphere was very high, to determine the gettering rates. Nitrogen on the approximately 700 cm3/sec., and largely independent of pressure for an appreciable period. other hand, was taken up at a lower rate, approximately 300 cms/sec. In this case the rate decreased w&h time Both these values were found to be typical for the remainder of the gases investigated. and rising pressure. The getter performance in oxygen was representative for the performance in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water vapour atmospheres and conditions applying to nitrogen were typical for hydrogen. All measurements were taken with the manifold at a constant pressure and with the ionisation gauge operating all the time. Whenever theionisation gauge was switched off,,amarked influence on the gettering activity could be noticed. The author’s observations very largely comcided with those of Haze who employed a Knudsen gauge in his experiments and established that no gas at all WAS taken up by a barium getter in the pressure region of 168 to 10_6mm. Hg, if the getter was evaporated and used under normal conditions. Thus, it must be assumed that the high gettering rates, recorded with the ionisation gauge ’ on,’ are essentially due to the taking up of products of interaction between the gas molecules and the electrons passing from one electrode of the gauge to the other;
Article by Anon. 2ompr. _4ir hfag. se, lJu&951