proceeding with the laser treatment in spite of a short flap or an irregular flap. Dr. Probst goes on to show these videos, but clearly states the best management option for the given situation. Thus, LASIK surgeons who view this CD-ROM can learn by seeing examples of what to do and also what not to do. Section II deals with the management of postoperative complications such as flap striae, haze in a case with previous buttonhole, diffuse lamellar keratitis, epithelial ingrowth, flap dislocation, and flap laceration. Cases that demonstrate variations in the management strategies of complications such as striae and epithelial ingrowth by different surgeons are presented. Examples of flap dislocation and flap laceration are exceptionally illustrative as well. Overall, the editor achieves and exceeds his stated objective, which is to provide “a clear presentation of the occurrence and appearance of LASIK complications along with the procedures to combat these problems.” The material presented is useful both for the beginning and the experienced surgeon. The format is extremely user-friendly and hence this CDROM can be used as a ready reference to guide patient care.
LASIK Complications and Management CD-ROM, edited by Louis E. Probst, Thorofare, NJ, Slack Inc, 2002. Price: US$ 119.00. Complications of LASIK are potentially sightthreatening. However, with thorough preoperative planning and proper surgical technique, the incidence of complications is low and, if managed properly, eyes with complications can have excellent outcomes. Hence, it is important for surgeons performing LASIK to be well aware of the potential complications and their management. This CDROM presented by a very experienced refractive surgeon helps achieve precisely that. The presentation is organized into two sections. Section I is titled “Complications” and Section II “Complication Management.” Both sections address individual complications by providing video footage and by presenting a text outline mentioning aspects such as etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management, and prognosis. All video clips are of excellent quality, and use views from the surgical microscope, as well as from an external camera and slit-lamp microscope. Section I deals with intraoperative complications of LASIK such as flap complications and neovascular bleeding. The various flap complications addressed are buttonhole, irregularity and free wedge with second keratectomy, short flap, irregular flap with central defect, and free cap. Each of these is invaluable because the video clips demonstrate the actual occurrence of these complications. Dr. Probst provides the narration that accompanies all videos in a clear and cogent manner. He addresses the cause of each complication, potential methods of avoiding them, and the appropriate management. The CD-ROM includes contributions from Dr. Probst and from other refractive surgeons, some of whom have chosen to remain anonymous. Some of the videos show complication management that is controversial, such as
Surrendra Basti, MD Chicago, Illinois, USA PII S0039-6257(02)00464-2
Practical Advanced LASIK Skills and Advanced LASIK Technology CD-ROM, edited by Louis E. Probst, Thorofare, NJ, Slack Inc, 2002. Price: US$ 119.00. The editor’s objective in creating this CD-ROM is to offer “a new and cutting-edge learning tool that demonstrates LASIK in difficult and complex cases using the latest technology.” The material is presented in two sections. Section I addresses advanced
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Surv Ophthalmol 48 (2) March–April 2003
LASIK techniques, and Section II presents some emerging technologies and strategies in laser refractive surgery. Topics dealt with in each section are presented in a uniform style, with a video clip and pertinent text alongside. Throughout the video, Dr. Probst narrates the salient points. His commentary and the astute editing combine to result in an educational update for both the beginning and the advanced LASIK surgeon. Section I is titled “Advanced LASIK Techniques.” The topics discussed are enhancement after primary LASIK, enhancement after previous buttonhole and second keratectomy, performing LASIK after previous refractive lensectomy or cataract surgery, LASIK with a scanning spot laser, and performing LASIK without a speculum. The text that accompanies the video is organized into sections such as indications, inclusion and exclusion criteria, patient evaluation, and step-bystep instructions to performing each technique. The video footage is remarkably good throughout. Special mention must be made of the section that deals with second keratectomy after previous buttonhole. The case presented therein is extremely illustrative of the potential problems and their management. Section II is titled “Advanced LASIK Technology,” and provides insight into what may be on the anvil for
refractive surgeons in the immediate future. The initial two presentations allude to the Zypotix aberrometer and the Zyoptix Zylink software. These are somewhat disappointing since they are very brief and provide a rather superficial introduction to the technology. The subsequent topic is a fine illustration of performing Custom LASIK with the Zyoptix system from Bausch and Lomb. The next four presentations deal with the Intralase Pulsion Femtosecond laser. All of these videos are from Dr. Lee Nordan, and provide rare footage of a promising new technology for fashioning the flap for LASIK. The final topic discussed is a demonstration of using both LASIK and an intraocular contact lens to manage high myopia. In summary, this CD-ROM is a fine compilation of new technology and several advanced LASIK techniques that is masterfully assembled by Dr. Probst, who has made a mark in teaching LASIK. The videos and the narration reinforce and compliment the text. The CD-ROM commendably fulfills its intent and would be valuable to any surgeon interested in LASIK. Surrendra Basti, MD Chicago, Illinois, USA PII S0039-6257(02)00465-4